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Nir Gov

Feeling Their Way: How Migrating Cell Clusters Choose a Path

Migrating embryonic cell groups sprout “fingers” that pull the rest of the cluster through tight junctures in the developing body

All the Buzz about Pairing Up

A physical model explains a peculiar pairing of tiny midges inside a swarm

moving cells

A model of collective movement that makes some members more ready to move than others helps explain how cells migrate in the body

Fluorescently labeled actin in a cell exhibiting circular ruffled membrane structures

A new model for the formation of crucial membrane structures revises the picture of cell dynamics 

Midge swarm and star cluster

A new theory developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science and Stanford University uses a gravitational model to explain the collective...

Longhorn crazy ants cooperating to transfer an item much too heavy for one to move alone.

A physics-based model can explain how ants cooperate in steering food to their nest

Distribution of skeletal proteins in an artificial membrane resembling a long bacteria: The spontaneous curvature of the proteins (purple) drives them to move together to form rings that coalesce, increasingly constricting the membrane
"Multidisciplinary research" takes on new meaning in one student's work
Dr. Nir Gov. The physics of fingers, hair and spines
Physics helps explain the formation of spines and bumps on specialized cells 
Dr. Nir Gov. Moving models

Red blood cells must be flexible yet tough. A physics-based model shows how.