Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights The past year, 1997/98, was the third consecutive year ending in a surplus after the preceding financial crisis. It can thus be said that the plan for recovery has succeeded, and has even surpassed our expectations. We are firmly positioned on a track that will allow us to provide our scientists with needed resources while maintaining a balanced budget.

As in previous years, the accumulated historic deficit again decreased, and we are closer than ever before to its elimination. In this context, particular mention should be made of a special contribution to the reduction of the deficit this year by the European Committee for the Weizmann Institute.

We hope to reach the goals that we have set for ourselves in the Jubilee Endowment Drive. A significant increase in endowments would result in the financial independence of the Weizmann Institute. This would give Weizmann Institute scientists the tools to realize the fool potential of their creativity.


Sources of Income%Financial Highlights
Government of Israel53.4
Donations and bequests15.3
Research grants26.6
Financial and other revenues4.7


Principal Expenditures%Financial Highlights
Salaries and fellowships70.5
Research, teaching, supplies and equipment20.0
Financial expenses0.2
Operating expenses9.3
