Student in a lab
Young people from Beersheba, Baltimore and Berlin will benefit from the Institute's recently established Martha, Bram, Philippe and Michael Laub International Science Youth Village.
The first to use the new Village -- a handsome complex encompassing an administrative center, clubhouse, village square, plaza and dormitory facilities -- were 80 outstanding high school graduates from the Americas, Europe, Israel, Japan and Singapore, who took part in the Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence International Summer Science Institute. They engaged in one month of intensive laboratory work under the guidance of Weizmann staff.
The Village also accommodated a number of additional programs for Israeli youth over the summer: the Amos de-Shalit Summer Science Workshop, an intensive two-week program for 30 talented high school students; the Science and Music Summer Camp, where 40 gifted eighth grade students gained a better understanding of the interrelationship between science and music; and the annual Amos de-Shalit Summer School in Physics and Chemistry, a two-week workshop for outstanding second-year university students.
Throughout the school year, the new facility is being utilized for programs that allow high school classes to delve into fields of research that cannot be covered in depth in their schools. These include diverse areas such as the sun as a source of energy, chaos theory in physics, hematopoietic systems, polymers as supermolecules and the quality of the environment.
The international flavor of the Youth Village is also reflected in the countries of donors of individual buildings: Austria, Dr. Davys Becker; Canada, Dorothy Hendeles, Sam Feigenbaum, and Sharon and George Zuckerman; France, an anonymous donor; Germany, the Axel Springer Foundation and the Estate of Ida Wolff; Italy, Joseph and Jeanne Nissim; Switzerland, the Estate of Georges and Jenny Block; the UK, John Ritblat and Peter Wolff; and the USA, William Frankel, Martin and Adam Kimmmel, Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence, Max and Ann Wiczer and E. Honey Kugler. Six Israeli donors contributed a residence unit: Indigo Ltd., ECI Telecom Ltd., IBM Israel Ltd., Tadiran Ltd., Marcos Katz and Scitex Corp. Ltd.