Tap Water Truths


Prof. Brian Berkowitz. chemical cocktail

When you open a water tap, chances are good that the water is being pumped from underground reserves called aquifers. Like a giant sponge, spaces in the porous rock or sand beneath the surface hold water that soaks in from above ground. Many aquifers, especially those near heavily populated coastlines, are threatened by overpumping, which causes the nearby seawater to be sucked in as fresh water is removed. Weizmann scientists have now revealed that this meeting of salt and fresh waters might negatively affect underground water quality even before it becomes too salty to drink.

The study was performed by Prof. Brian Berkowitz, postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ishai Dror and Tal Amitay, all of the Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, and Dr. Bruno Yaron of the Agricultural Research Organization - Volcani Center.

The team found that certain chemicals typical of those in industrial and agricultural waste are capable of mixing into seawater.

“Most scientists had assumed that these pollutants would behave either like oil slicks, floating on the seawater, or like sludge, sinking to the bottom,” says Berkowitz. “But we found that a mixing process similar to wave action shakes up the water and chemicals like oil and vinegar in a bottle, forming micro-emulsions - tiny drops of one liquid suspended in another. The implication was that relatively large amounts of these chemicals could be distributed throughout seawater, which theoretically could then be carried into the groundwater.”

But the story does not end there. In the experiments, chemicals added to the salt water refused to stick around with the salt, rushing into the freshwater like salmon in mating season.

In these experiments, glass tanks were divided in half, horizontally, by a sand barrier. In some tanks, freshwater containing a cocktail of five chemicals was placed on one side and clean freshwater on the other, while in other tanks the chemical mix was added to saltwater, with clean freshwater placed on the other side. When the water on the “clean” side of the barriers was analyzed after a period of time, the scientists found that the contamination levels in water that bordered on saltwater were many times higher that those from the all-freshwater tanks. One particular chemical compound did not cross the barrier at all in the freshwater trials, but did so in the salty ones. Though some straying to the other side was to be expected, clearly another process was at work.

A phenomenon known as salting out is to blame. The salt ions fill in the spaces between the water molecules, shutting out all other molecules and thereby driving the droplets of pollutants into the fresh- water, where they can co-exist more easily.

“Aside from being a cool demonstration of a scientific principle, the experiment reveals only what happens in a glass tank in the lab, not in the far more complex underground systems,” Berkowitz emphasizes. He estimates that at least a year of additional lab work is required, testing different combinations of barriers, water flows, chemicals and minerals, before they can begin to check whether real-life aquifers might be under threat or how they could be protected.

Prof. Berkowitz’s research is supported by the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences; the Angel Faivovich Foundation for Ecological Studies; the Brita Fund for Scholarships Research and Education, the Feldman Foundation; the P. and A. Guggenheim-Ascarelli Foundation; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levine, Pinckney, NJ; and the late Mrs. Jeannette Salomons, the Netherlands. He is the incumbent of the Sam Zuckerberg Professorial Chair in Hydrology.

Prof. Brian Berkowitz. A matter of salt

Prince of Tides


Dr. Hezi Gildor. Connected cycles


Party planners may have one more thing to worry about in planning their event. To the list of volcanoes, sunspots and other phenomena known to affect the weather, scientists have now added another potential element: ocean plankton.

Though tiny, these ocean-floating organisms may influence weather patterns all over the world, particularly in the tropics. Dr. Hezi Gildor of the Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department revealed this potential link through computer models he designed to examine how nature’s complex web of interacting elements determines global climates.

Plankton drift with ocean currents. They range in size from the microscopic to the barely visible, but they are so abundant their populations can be tracked from orbiting satellites. NASA tracks plankton because they make up the bottommost levels of the marine food chain, and the health of the entire ocean may depend on them.

One of Gildor’s models involves two major groups of plankton: plant-like phytoplankton, which, like their rooted cousins, take up sunlight, carbon dioxide and nutrients and convert them into sugars using chlorophyll; and zooplankton, animal-like organisms that live off the phytoplankton. Under certain conditions, the predator population grows at the expense of its prey until the latter’s dwindling amounts can no longer sustain it. At this point, the zooplankton population drops and its prey (phytoplankton) bounces back, and so on. These repeating cycles, or predator-prey oscillations, can be described mathematically.

Oscillation patterns are seen in global climate systems as well. The western Pacific Ocean is a case in point. The amount of rainfall in this tropical region swings through a cycle every 40-50 days, and the temperature of the surface water beneath oscillates in a more or less corresponding cycle. (Interestingly, even small rises in this region’s oceanic surface temperature can affect weather all across the globe, leading, through a complicated set of interactions, to such far-flung climatic phenomena as rain in India or floods in South America.)

Gildor and colleagues at Columbia University in New York wondered whether these two cycles - of oceanic temperature levels and plankton populations - might somehow be connected.

Their key clue was the phytoplankton’s chlorophyll. Built to absorb light, chlorophyll can block a portion of the warming sunlight that penetrates the ocean’s surface. When conditions are right, plankton congregations can be so dense they effectively shade the water below. Therefore, changes in phytoplankton numbers could affect sea water temperatures.

To test their theory, the team put together a complex simulation based on existing models of three dynamic systems: the atmosphere, ocean water and plankton. They then ran the model to simulate ten months of weather over the tropical Pacific, alternately with and without the plankton component, to see if there were any differences between the two situations.

Their study suggested that the plankton cycle interacts with changing atmospheric conditions, such as cloud formation. Clouds disrupt the normal flow of energy from the sun into the water and from the water back out toward space. As a result, cloud formation affects weather stability along a simple scale: When the level of cloud interference in the atmosphere is low, weather patterns tend to be stable (characterized by un-changing rainfall levels), whereas a high level of cloud interference is characterized by increased instability, in which the system swings between periods of heavy rainfall and clear skies.

But put the phytoplankton into this equation and the scales shift even further. Gildor showed that at the mid-cloud range, where the weather is usually stable, the presence of phytoplankton (due to the natural “ups” of its population cycle) affects the system, driving it toward increased instability. Moreover, as the level of cloud interference rises into the realm of instability, the plankton further influence rainfall patterns, significantly cutting the transition period from clear skies to rain. “It turns out that not only the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas, but plankton in the Western Pacific can cause rain in India,” says Gildor.

Cracking the Ice Age

In other research, Gildor applies computer models to examine the history of ice ages on Earth. In the “Sea-Ice-Switch” model, developed together with Prof. Eli Tziperman of the same department, ice forming on the ocean’s surface was found to play a major role in regulating the switch from climatic heating to cooling and back.

Such models are judged by how well they explain existing climate records. Gildor and Tziperman have successfully used the model to explain the mechanism that makes ice sheets advance and retreat; why recent ice ages took place in cycles of 100,000 years, whereas over a million years ago the cycles lasted only 41,000 years; and why CO2 levels in the atmosphere decreased as the ice advanced.

Dr. Gildor’s research is supported by the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences and the Sir Charles Clore Prize - the Clore Foundation.

Dr. Hezi Gildor. Plankton predictions

Greenhouse Gas Might Green Up the Desert


Prof. Dan Yakir. On carbon dioxide's trail

Missing: around 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas charged with global warming.
Every year, industry releases about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And each year, when scientists measure the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it doesn't add up -  about half goes missing. Figuring in the amount that could be soaked up by oceans, some 5.5 billion tons still remain unaccounted for.
Now, a Weizmann study conducted at the edge of Israel's Negev Desert has come up with what might be a piece of the puzzle. A group of scientists headed by Prof. Dan Yakir of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department found that the Yatir forest, planted at the edge of the desert 36 years ago, is expanding at an unexpected rate. The findings, published in Global Change Biology, suggest that forests in other parts of the globe could also be expanding into arid lands, absorbing carbon dioxide in the process.
The Negev research station is the most arid site in a worldwide network (FluxNet) established by scientists to investigate carbon dioxide absorption by plants.
The Weizmann team found, to its surprise, that the Yatir forest is a substantial "sink" (CO2-absorbing site): Its absorbing efficiency is similar to that of many of its counterparts in more fertile lands. These results were puzzling since forests in dry regions are thought to develop very slowly, if at all, and thus are not expected to soak up much carbon dioxide. (The more slowly a forest develops the less carbon dioxide it needs, since carbon dioxide drives the production of sugars, the plants' source of energy.) Yet the Yatir forest was growing at a surprisingly quick pace.
Why would a forest grow so well on arid land, counter to all expectations? ("It wouldn't have even been planted there had scientists been consulted," says Yakir.) The answer, the team suggests, might be found in the way plants address one of their eternal dilemmas. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, which leads to the production of sugars. But to obtain it, they must open pores in their leaves and consequently lose large quantities of water to evaporation. The plant must decide which it needs more: water or carbon dioxide. Yakir suggests that the 30 percent increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the start of the industrial revolution eases the plant's dilemma. Under such conditions, the plant doesn't have to fully open its pores for carbon dioxide to seep in - a relatively small opening is sufficient. Consequently, less water escapes the plant's pores. This efficient water preservation technique keeps moisture in the ground, allowing forests to grow in areas that previously were too dry.
The scientists hope the study will help identify new arable lands and counter desertification trends in vulnerable regions.
The findings could provide insights into the "missing carbon dioxide" riddle, uncovering an unexpected type of sink. Tracking down such sinks could help scientists better assess how long such absorption might continue. It could also lead to the development of efficient methods for taking up carbon dioxide, possibly mitigating global warming trends.

Research in the forest


The Yatir forest was planted by the Jewish National Fund.
Prof. Yakir's research was supported by the Philip M. Klutznick Research Fund; the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis; the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H; the Estate of the late Jeannette Salomons, the Netherlands; and the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences.
Prof. Dan Yakir. On carbon dioxide's trail

Catalyzing Change


Profs. David Milstein and Ronny Neumann. Eco-friendly catalysts

One day industry might churn out water instead of waste. This vision -  one of the main goals of a relatively new field called "green chemistry"-  has recently been brought much closer to reality for two key industrial processes.

More than three billion tons of waste are released into the environment each year by the chemical industry in the United States alone. Billions of dollars are then spent every year to comply with laws for the treatment, control, and disposal of waste. Green chemistry, focusing on the prevention of pollutants from the outset, holds that the proverbial ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Its aim is to develop new industrial processes that do not generate hazardous substances.

Targeting a major environmental challenge, Profs. David Milstein and Ronny Neumann of the Weizmann Institute's Organic Chemistry Department have cleaned up two processes that work behind the scenes to generate innumerable products ranging from compact discs to pharmaceuticals. The scientists, each working on a different process, designed them so that the only "waste"product is water. Now they are working on adapting the lab-tested methods for industrial use.

Making contact

All around us, as well as within us, molecules interact with one another -  joining, sharing atoms, running off with each other's atoms, or breaking into smaller molecules. For instance, sugar is created when molecules of water and carbon dioxide join. But not all molecules are happy to react with each other -  some are fussy about whom they react with, and some just prefer to be left alone.

The trick behind the design of many products, including plastics and pharmaceuticals, is in causing molecules that normally would take no notice of one another to interact. Many industrial processes employ "mediators"-  mainly chlorine compounds -  that, after making the desired connections, end up as hazardous waste.

Milstein and Neumann, by designing two unique catalysts, have succeeded in causing such molecules to react directly with one another, without mediators.

One process, researched by Milstein's team, is the preparation of substances called aromatic alkenes, which are attractive candidates for the production of key non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen. Currently they are used for a variety of industrial materials, including plastics. To prepare them, two "unsociable"organic molecules must be merged. The metal catalyst tailored by the team causes the two organic molecules to react directly, without "middlemen,"producing the desired substance with water as the only byproduct (see "The psychol- ogy of atoms"below).

Neumann's team studied the preparation of a substance called propylene oxide (used for a wide range of plastic products), which has an annual market of $5 billion. It is generated by reacting oxygen with propylene, a compound derived from oil or natural gas. Since oxygen rarely reacts with organic materials under normal conditions (and at high temperatures can react with them explosively), Neumann designed a unique metal catalyst to couple oxygen with organic substances directly, cleaning up the process.

The scientists also hope to capitalize on another unique quality of catalysts -  the ability to selectively manipulate, or "reroute,"chemical reactions to produce a desired product. "People often view catalysts as compounds that scurry around in the cell, or in flasks along factory production lines, speeding up a range of chemical reactions. But they're also masters of diversion,"says Neumann. In another of his team's green projects, catalysts are used to stop certain reactions at critical spots, yielding the desired products before waste is generated.

In addition to being environment- friendly, the reactions designed by Milstein and Neumann are much simpler than those currently in use, since they omit many stages of the process. For industry, this could translate into lower production costs. For us, it could translate into safer surroundings and a welcome breath of fresh air.

The psychology of atoms

A stable metal is a happy metal. Certain metal atoms, like those of ruthenium, will go to great lengths to achieve happiness. This property is utilized by scientists in making efficient catalysts.

In ruthenium's world, achieving balance means attaining 18 electrons in its "outer shell."Thus it will attract unguarded molecules and bind to them, draining them of electrons. Some caught molecules form partnerships among themselves and take back their electrons, leaving ruthenium to seek out other molecules.

"The 'unhappier'a metal, the more reactive it becomes,"says Milstein. "Ruthenium belongs to a group called 'transition metals,'whose atoms lack electrons and will eagerly react with a variety of molecules to attain them. The metal's 'happiness'depends, however, not only on the number of electrons it gains, but also on whom it takes them from -  in other words, whom it binds with. By understanding what the metal 'wants,'we can design organic groups that induce it to seek out only specific molecules."

Milstein's team attached ruthenium to organic groups of atoms that make it "want"to bind to two specific organic molecules. It seeks each out and binds to it. The organic molecules are thus brought close to one another, in ruthenium's clutches. Displeased with their situation, they strike up a partnership and consequently unite, enabling them to escape ruthenium. The newly formed alliance between the two organic molecules is actually the desired industrial product, "catalyzed"by the tailored ruthenium complex. Later, ruthenium binds to an oxygen molecule that makes off with two hydrogen atoms, forming water.

Catalyst credits


From plastics to fuels and automobile exhaust systems, from blood clotting to food digestion -  catalysts are crucial to life as we know it. These "hardworking"substances speed up the rate of diverse industrial and biochemical reactions, providing a low-energy shortcut between the reactant and product stages. Essential for nearly all cellular processes, specialized biological catalysts known as enzymes fast-forward reactions that in their absence would occur far too slowly to sustain life. Other catalysts are playing a growing role in worldwide attempts to design greener transportation and streamline factory assembly lines to cut production costs and reduce pollution. Success stories include catalytic converters (based on a metal catalyst), now required in all new cars, which reduce gasoline emissions.
Prof. Milstein's research is supported by the Levine Institute of Applied Science and the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Molecular Design. He holds the Israel Matz Chair of Organic Chemistry.
Prof. Neumann's research is supported by Yad Hanadiv, Israel; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Molecular Design; the Fritz Haber Center for Physical Chemistry; and Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fur die Forschung m.b.H. He holds the Rebecca and Israel Sieff Chair of Organic Chemistry.
Profs. David Milstein (left) and Ronny Neumann. Chemistry goes green

Plants Tell It Like It Is


Prof. Dan Yakir. CO2 rising


About 6.5 billion tons of carbon are spewed into the Earth's atmosphere every year as carbon dioxide, or CO2 - the greenhouse gas believed to be largely responsible for global warming. Of this, some 1.5 billion tons dissolve in the ocean, but 2 billion additional tons are removed in an as yet mysterious way.


Evidence suggests that plants may be involved, but details of this vanishing act remain unclear. One scientist exploring this question is Prof. Dan Yakir of the Weizmann Institute's Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department.


Greenhouse gases, so called because they trap heat, are in fact essential to life. When the sun's radiation hits the earth's surface, it's reflected back as infrared radiation. This radiation is then partly trapped by greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. Without this natural effect, the Earth would be a pretty inhospitable place, with average temperatures nearing 0°F (18°C). The problem is one of balance. If too much heat is trapped, an increasingly warmer climate can have serious consequences, experts predict, including rising seas, severe weather patterns, and even a dramatic spread of infectious disease. And proof that this process may have begun is piling up. The Earth's surface temperature rose by about 1°F during the 20th century, accompanied by a 6-inch (15-centimeter) rise in sea levels, thinning arctic ice, and longer growing seasons.


Plants counteract this harmful build-up by converting part of the excess CO2 into glucose through photosynthesis. But how significant and sustainable is their impact? And to what extent is their beneficial effect offset by widespread deforestation, particularly in the world's rainforests? Solving these unknowns is essential for predicting climate changes and designing environmental strategies aimed at controlling the levels of greenhouse gases.


Prof. Yakir's past research led to a method for calculating the amount of carbon dioxide consumed globally by vegetation. It is well known that plants 'inhale' or absorb CO2; but Yakir zeroed in on their specific preferences. He found that they prefer carbon dioxide containing the light version of oxygen atoms, O16, rather than the heavier isotope O18, and that the amount of heavy oxygen left in the atmosphere reflects the extent of carbon dioxide consumption by plants.


But another angle needed to be addressed. Plants differ in the rate at which they consume carbon dioxide. For instance, most plants belonging to the C3 biochemical category, which includes tropical shrubs and trees, require high CO2 concentrations. However, savanna and prairie grasses belonging to the C4 biochemical category can thrive in relatively low CO2 levels. This explains why C4 plants accounted for roughly 40 percent of global vegetation activity during the last ice age, when atmospheric CO2 levels were about half of what they are today, whereas they now account for only 25 percent. In other words, the global activity of C4 plants can effectively indicate changes in atmospheric CO2 levels, offering a valuable addition to the limited arsenal of quantitative research tools available. Now a recent study by Yakir and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Jim Gillon suggests just how these indicators may be put to use.


As reported in Science, the researchers discovered surprising differences between C3 and C4 plants in the activity of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that is also important in human and animal breathing. Because these differences affect not only the quantity of atmospheric CO2 taken up by plants but also the amount of the O18 isotope left over, this discovery sets the stage for using O18 analyses in atmospheric CO2, as determined by a newly formed network of 50 research stations worldwide.


Based on these data, it is now possible to calculate the relative contribution of C3 and C4 plants to global vegetation activity. Initial calculations by Yakir's team show that C4 plants may today account for only 20 percent of this activity.


'The evidence of a significant change in global plant populations is consistent with predictions of climbing CO2 concentrations,' says Yakir. 'It's an important step toward a better understanding of the complex interactions between biological systems and the global climate.'


Prof. Dan Yakir's research is supported by the Sussman Family Environmental Research Center, the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H., and the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis.

Prof. Dan Yakir

On Shaky Ground


Dr. Einat Aharonov. Earthquake science


How do we know that the creations of worlds are not determined by falling grains of sand? - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

They're all around us - from dust, to sand dunes, to broken rocks in the earth's crust, and even to plant seeds or coffee. Known as granular materials, their definition is simple: a large collection of macroscopic particles. But understanding their behavior is anything but simple - it's strikingly different from any of the familiar forms of matter: solid, liquid, or gas. A better understanding of these minute particles could shed light on incredibly powerful and large-scale processes shaping the Earth, including landslides or even earthquakes.
When and where will the next earthquake strike? How big will it be? These and other questions loom in the minds of people who live in earthquake-prone zones. Focusing on granular materials, Dr. Einat Aharonov, a senior scientist in the Weizmann Institute's Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, is working to develop computer simulations to better understand the movement of tectonic plates and other geological processes. 'I was always interested in rocks, even as kid,' she recalls. 'I like going out into the field, splitting a rock open and seeing the crystals. It has a quietness to it, especially in places where you can see that there was once an ocean where now there is a mountain, or a river that is now desert.'
Aharonov's earthquake models focus on the behavior of granular material formed when two tectonic plates crush against each other. The initial inter-actions among the huge number of grains formed are essentially simple but give rise to complex dynamics. By constructing a mathematical model accounting for these processes, Aharonov, working with Dave Sparks of Texas University, succeeded in simulating the 'fault gouge' - the crushed-up granular region that forms at the heart of geological fault zones, where earthquakes strike.
'Our model is somewhat like traffic control modeling,' explains Aharonov. Granular material moves and rubs together, causing friction. The grains can't penetrate one another but neither are they mutually repellent. They 'want' to steer clear of one another but there's no place to go - much like cars in a traffic jam.'
Other models target an understanding of how the oceanic crust is formed, the ways in which rocks change and evolve over time, and what causes part of the earth's surface to suddenly undergo a phase transition, changing its behavior from that of a solid to a liquid, as in landslides or liquefaction. One of the most dreaded by-products of an earthquake, liquefaction occurs when the powerful seismic waves created during an earthquake travel through the soil, causing it to behave like a liquid. Often leaving a trail of devastation in its path, soil liquefaction can easily cause buildings and bridges to collapse, and poses a significant threat to underground pipelines. In the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, for instance, liquefaction-related damage to water supply pipelines severely hampered attempts to battle the fires that swept through the city, ultimately causing much of the overall damage. Aharonov and her colleagues hope to use mathematical modeling to further understand these phenomena, making it easier to identify zones prone to liquefaction or landslides.
But Aharonov cautions that mathematical modeling is not perfect: 'Simulation is just a crude approximation of nature. There are countless variables that can affect the outcome. Particle size and shape as well as chemical reactions all play an important role in grain-scale modeling. Time is another complicated variable, since the Earth's time scale ranges from less than a second to millions of years.'
Having begun with an interest in breaking up and looking inside rocks, today Aharonov develops mathematical models that help explain how rocks form and change over time. Enhanced understanding of such geophysical processes may facilitate engineering measures to better prepare us for the next time the earth suddenly fails beneath us - as it inevitably will.
Dr. Aharonov holds the Anna and Maurice M. Boukstein Career Development Chair. Her research is supported by the Samuel M. and Helene Soref Foundation, Studio City, CA.
Dr. Einat Aharonov.

Dust Is in the Air


Dr. Yinon Rudich. Particles link to rain patterns

The incurable nomad, dust travels enormous distances. Originating primarily in deserts, dust from Africa may end up in Florida, while dust from China can be found in California. Dust particles floating in the air absorb incoming solar radiation as well as radiation emitted by Earth's surface. In this sense, their environmental impact is similar to that of greenhouse gases. The temperature on Earth rises when the ground absorbs visible solar radiation and, in turn, radiates heat. This radiation is partly absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone and consequently does not dissipate into outer space. Known as the "greenhouse effect," this process occurs naturally and is essential for the existence of life on Earth.


In contrast, however, to the absorption of heat radiated from the ground by greenhouse gases, dust particles also absorb and disperse incoming solar radiation, so that their climatic impact is more complex. The chemical composition of dust particles affects various biological systems and environmental processes. For example, when dust particles contain iron, they absorb more solar radiation. Iron-rich dust particles are also an important nutrient for plankton. (Greek for "drifters," these microscopic oceanic organisms form the base of the aquatic food chain and are estimated to account for much of the atmospheric oxygen produced.) However, when these dust particles reach densely populated areas, the dust-borne iron can become a health hazard, causing the formation of free radicals that attack lung tissue.


Seeking to better understand how the chemical composition of dust particle affects atmospheric and environmental processes, Dr. Yinon Rudich and graduate student Alla Falkovich of the Weizmann Institute's Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department have conducted a series of studies using a novel approach. They focused on the impact of atmospheric aerosols and dust particles on clouds - one of today's greatest challenges in piecing together the factors affecting the climate on Earth.


Using an electron microscope and a system they developed based on mass spectroscopy, the research team set out with several ends in mind: to identify and analyze the chemical properties of dust particles originating in the Sahara desert, to characterize the organic materials attached to these dust particles, and to determine where a particular element is mainly concentrated - on the particle's surface or at its center. Studying particles collected during a severe dust storm in Israel in March 1998, the scientists found that these particles are covered with iron and sulphur (sulphur is usually found in acids and salts that dissolve in water). In these samples, the lack of sea salt particles and sulfate aerosols (which commonly influence cloud properties) led to the conclusion that the sulphur coating the dust particles had originated from the soil of the source region. In other words, the sulphur arrived in the atmosphere via a natural dust storm and not because of an interaction between dust particles and polluted air, as had been earlier believed.


The presence of a soluble material on the surface of particles is key to understanding the effect of dust on clouds. To probe this effect, the scientists collaborated with Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to analyze data from the same cloud and rain system obtained through research satellites and aircraft. By combining these data with the results of the chemical analysis, they found that clouds formed in a dust-rich area did not produce rain, whereas clouds outside the area influenced by dust did. Simply put, dust storms inhibit rain formation.


Dust Is in the Air

The researchers concluded that the coated dust particles serve as cloud-condensation nuclei around which water drops form. The presence of many cloud-condensation nuclei in the air leads to the formation of clouds with a large number of small drops of water. In such clouds, the coalescence of drops - essential for an increase in droplet size and the production of rain - is blocked. Thus a high concentration of atmospheric dust reduces rainfall; this in turn leads to parched soils, which then cause the formation of more dust, and so on. This feedback mechanism between dust and rainfall may explain the desertification process taking place in the Sahel (a region of Africa, south of the Sahara, from Senegal eastward to Sudan. In this respect, it resembles the effect of forest fires raging in Indonesia and in the Amazon basin on rainfall in these areas. The fires release into the atmosphere large quantities of aerosols, whose solid or liquid components function as cloud-condensation nuclei, reducing rainfall.


According to Rudich, the link between dust particles and cloud properties affects climatic phenomena in many additional ways. In the coming years, such links and their interpretation will be at the center of studies conducted by researchers at the Weizmann Institute and at other institutions in Israel and around the world.

Dr. Yinon Rudich

Atlas Shrugs


A slipped stone record an earthquake

At some point in its history, the keystone in the arch of the Byzantine church in the ancient city of Mamshit "slipped." This indicates that for a split second the arch was stretched open, causing the stone to drop: but then, a microsecond later, the arch was pressed back into position, trapping the stone in a slightly different position, as shown here. Only an earthquake is capable of causing such a shift. Hundreds of destruction patterns were identified and measured at Mamshit, indicating that the city underwent a devastating earthquake in the 7th century.

Earthquakes such as those that recently took place in Turkey and Greece demonstrate anew how powerless and insignificant man is in comparison to the forces of nature. This realization, and the attempts to avoid or reduce the damage caused by these forces may lead to regional cooperation in the Middle East. Initial steps in this direction are currently under way thanks to joint research by scientists form the Weizmann Institute, the Ramon Science Center, and the former Soviet Union.
Earthquakes can wipe whole cities off the map and change the course of history. Striking without warning and lasting only seconds, they leave a changed world in their wake. The ability to predict earthquakes could reduce the damage caused but, unfortunately, a reliable method of earthquake prediction has yet to be developed. The only certainty is that "As it once was, so shall it be again." That is to say, where earthquakes have occurred in the past, they may occur in the future. Therefore, accurate information about past earthquakes could help us plan for the future. For example, such information may dictate the need for safety regulations in the building codes of certain areas.
Modern geophysicists possess a fairly efficient database regarding quakes that have taken place since the beginning of the 20th century. However, reliable information about quakes occurring earlier is almost nonexistent. This may change soon, at least in the Negev region.
Prof. Emanuel Mazor of the Weizmann Institute's Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department and his colleagues from the Ramon Science Center have examined evidence suggesting the occurrence of earthquakes in several ancient cities in the Negev. During the project, Dr. Alexander Becker, a member of the research team, suggested that Dr. Andre Korzhankov of the Kirgistan Seismological Institute be invited to join the team. Dr. Korzhankov often travels to the site of a quake immediately after the event, in order to record the patterns of destruction caused by the quake. The destruction patterns are indicated by the direction in which rocks and other objects fall. These patterns are then combined with the seismic data (the epicenter, its direction and magnitude), enabling calibration of the damage caused by the quake in comparison to its physical attributes.
The Israeli scientists suggested utilizing the information gathered by Dr. Korzhankov in order to "calculate backwards" various historic seismic events. In particular, they wanted to calculate the magnitude and epicenter of the quakes according to the destruction patterns found in these ancient Negev cities.
During the initial phases, the researchers focused on the ancient Nabataean city of Ovdat. They discovered that the city was demolished by earthquakes not once, as previously thought, but twice: during the 4th century, and again in the 7th. Strong quakes took place in the vicinity during the 9th and 18th centuries as well. The research team was surprised to discover that the epicenter of the 7th-century quake was Negev Mountain, rather than the Dead Sea Valley as earlier assumed. (The other quakes had their epicenter in the Valley, which is a part of the Syrian-African Rift.) Further research pinpointed the epicenter with greater accuracy as being in the vicinity of the Nafha region. The fact that one quake had its epicenter at Negev Mountain while three others were in the Dead Sea Valley testifies to a tectonic divergence between the mountain and the valley: The Rift Valley's tectonic pressure is relieved through numerous relatively small earthquakes, whereas the pressure that develops in the Negev Highland tends to be relieved in a single, powerful eruption.
Mazor thinks this information may encourage the Negev's industrial and urban development planners to take into consideration the region's tectonic nature. Says Mazor: "All peoples of this region have a vested interest in uniting to oppose the forces of nature, cooperating in the attempt to reduce as far as possible the destruction and suffering caused by earthquakes."

Stone jumble indicate earthquake activity



Memories from Africa


Past weather patterns


If the earth of Africa could speak, specifically, sediments over 2,000 years old, what could they tell us about the state of our lives in this era? Weizmann Institute scientists scaled the snow-capped mountains and valleys of Kenya to listen to the earth "remember" its past and more importantly, to impart its wisdom to our present and future.

Prof. Aldo Shemesh, head of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, together with Prof. W. Karlan from Stockholm University, Sweden, literally hit the ground of Africa trekking, in search of answers to the past trends of global warming.

But what does the purity of an ancient African landscape have to do with today's car exhaust and industrial fumes being spewed into the atmosphere?

Just as global warming suddenly crept up on us in the late twentieth century, so too were the scientists trying to identify past periods of rapid, sudden warming in our planet's history. They've been studying the historic climatic changes which took place in equatorial regions, of great importance in our understanding of the world's current climate transformation.

They travelled thousands of miles in distance to Mount Kenya, thousands of feet above sea level (14,268 feet/4,350 meters) and thousands of years back in time to look for abrupt climate change in the past ­ without any relationship to contemporary human activity.

After a long and tiring climb by foot, the scientists, accompanied by local porters, reached the upper valleys of Mount Kenya. In breathtaking surroundings replete with dramatic peaks and valleys, there are lakes in whose depths are found siliceous algae. Using specialized equipment brought from Sweden, they drilled and removed sections of the sediments from the bottom of several of the lakes.

There were two major thrusts of their investigation: dating the sediments, and attempting to learn about the climate prevalent when the algae were alive. Back from the field, Shemesh, joined by research student Miri Rietti-Shati, evaluated the age of the sediments by accelerator mass spectroscopy according to the measurement of the quantity of the radioactive carbon 14 within them. These measurements indicated that the sections brought back from the Mount Kenya lakes contain sedimentation dating from between 2,250 BCE and 750 CE.

That would place its age during the era of the establishment of the Greek Bronze-age Minoan, as well as Mexican Olmec civilizations and the Chinese Chou dynasty.

The next stage of their research was based on the quantitative proportions between the isotopes of oxygen found in the siliceous algae's skeletons, which would make it possible to determine what climate was then in existence.

An isotope is a particular version of an atom of an element. Isotopes of the same element are almost identical to each other from the aspect of their chemical properties. They are different from each other only by their weight and other physical characteristics. One example: The most common isotope of oxygen is oxygen 16, but in nature the (heavier) oxygen 18 isotope also exists.

The quantitative relationship between the oxygen isotopes found in the siliceous algae skeletons depends on climatic conditions. Significantly, when the climate cools, the quantity of oxygen 18 isotope increases relative to the quantity of oxygen 16 isotope in the algae skeletons.

Therefore, when the quantitative relationship between these two isotopes is tested in a sample of the sediment composed of the siliceous algae skeletons, it's possible to infer what the climate was like at the time the sediments were formed.

This exploration, carried out using a unique technique developed by Prof. Shemesh, showed that in Central Africa between 350 BCE and 450 CE, there occurred a swift and significant climatic warming. Prof. Shemesh: "This finding offers evidence that sudden climatic warming has happened naturally, without any connection to human activity. The documenting of climatic changes which have occurred in the past in various areas on Earth is likely to help in more accurately forecasting the outcome of human activity since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution."

New Method Predicts Groundwater Levels

Drs. Brian Berkowiz and Daniel Ronen. Predicting underground levels
A new method for determining whether a decrease in the levels of lakes without outlets -- such as the Dead Sea -- is accompanied by a parallel drop in the groundwater level of nearby aquifers has been developed in a new Institute study. Such a drop would mean that less water is available for drinking and agriculture.

The model -- developed by Dr. Daniel Ronen, Dr. Brain Berkowitz and doctoral student Yosef Yechieli of the Institute's Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research -- is described in a recent issue of Water Resources Research, published by the American Geophysics Union. Although the research focused on the Dead Sea, it is applicable to similar closed-basin terminal lakes, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah, the Salton Sea in California and Lake Magadi in Chad.

The water level of the Dead Sea, the terminal lake of the Jordan River system and the lowest lake in the world, has decreased at an average of 0.5 meters per year since 1960. Water from several nearby aquifers seeps through the soil into this extremely saline body of water, adding groundwater of varying chemical compositions to the lake.
A wadi near the Dead Sea. Underground flow
The response of groundwater level to changes in the Dead Sea level was found to be rapid -- in fact, a matter of days. This finding, along with data yielded by the study of the structural and hydraulic properties of the aquifer, will now facilitate the forecasting of future correlations between the Dead Sea and its neighboring aquifers.

Measurements of the groundwater were taken via observation wells in Wadi Tze'elim and in Turiebe, while those of the Dead Sea were obtained from records of the Dead Sea Works. The model takes into account a wide variety of factors, such as the distance between the wells and the lake, the slope of the bottom of the lake, and density differences between the salty lakewater and the groundwater.

This work was supported by a grant from the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. Dr. Berkowitz holds the Barecha Foundation Career Development Chair. Yechieli, having completed his doctorate, is now employed by the Geological Survey of Israel.
