Of Mice and Humans
Weizmann Institute research into mouse social behavior finds signs of leadership and reveals “autistic” mouse society
Read full story: http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/mice-in-a-big-brother-setup-develop-social-structures#.VA1Xyfm1bYg
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Ice Bucket Challenge, Fainzilber, Chen and Peles
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Ice Bucket Challenge, Dr. Eran Hornstein
*Click "See More" for English*
כשד"ר ערן הורנשטיין, חוקר במחלקה לגנטיקה מולקולרית במכון ויצמן למדע שבין תחומי מחקרו גם חקר מחלת ה-ALS מבצע את #אתגר_דלי_הקרח, אתם יכולים להיות בטוחים שיהיה לזה טוויסט מדעי.
ד"ר הורנשטיין איתגר שלושה חוקרים נוספים ממכון ויצמן למדע, שעוסקים בתחומי חקר מחלת ה-ALS :
פרופ' מיכאל פיינזילבר מהמחלקה לכימיה ביולוגית, פרופ' אלון חן מהמחלקה לנוירוביולוגיה, ופרופ' אליאור פלס מהמחלקה לביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא.
מלבד האתגר, תורם ערן 100$ לחקר המחלה. אנחנו מזמינים גם אתכם לתרום בכתובת israls.org.il .
האם שלושת החוקרים יעמדו באתגר? מבטיחים לעדכן.
When Dr. Eran Hornstein, a researcher in the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department who, among other things, investigates the molecular basis of ALS, takes up the ice bucket challenge, you can be sure there will be a scientific twist. Hornstein challenged another three Institute scientists, each of whom conducts research that is connected to ALS – Profs. Michael Fainzilber of the Biological Chemistry Department, Alon Chen of the Neurobiology Department and Elior Peles of the Molecular Cell Biology Department.
Hornstein, even though he accepted the challenge, donated $100 to the ALS research. You can follow his lead and donate: israls.org.il.
Will the other three scientists do the same? Keep posted.
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Probing Radiation
A team at the Weizmann Institute headed by Prof. Amos Breskin use the Institute's particle accelerator to explore the effects of radiation on living cells, hoping that the research will lead to ways of determining the exact dose of radiation needed to kill cancer cells, without harming healthy cells at the same time.
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A Trillion Computers
A group of scientists headed by Prof. Ehud Shapiro at the Weizmann Institute of Science has used biological molecules to create a tiny computer - a programmable two-state, two-symbol finite automaton - in a test tube. This biological nanocomputer is so small that a trillion (1,000,000,000,000) such computers co-exist and compute in parallel, in a drop the size of 1/10 of a milliliter of watery solution held at room temperature. Collectively, the computers perform a billion operations per second with greater than 99.8% accuracy per operation while requiring less than a billionth of a Watt of power. This study may lead to future computers that can operate within the human body, interacting with its biochemical environment to yield far-reaching biological and pharmaceutical applications.
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Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Resulting from the pioneering research of Prof. Michel Revel of the Weizmann Institute, scientists there have created an effective multiple sclerosis treatment - one of two to emerge from the Weizmann Institute.
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Bone Marrow Transplantation
One of the very first "Bubble Children" born without an immune system to benefit from a bone marrow transplant technique developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
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A Gift From Mother Nature
A pioneering research project of Weizmann Institute Profs. Meir Wilchek and Ed Bayer has shown the potential of a powerful and unexplained affinity between two molecular substances, avidin and biotin, which can be put to practical use for medical, research and industrial purposes.
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Everything is Possible
A visit of the late Christopher Reeve to to the Weizmann Institute of Science on July 29, 2003, where he meets Prof. Michal Schwartz of the Institute, whose research may have future implications in spinal cord injuries.
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New Stem Cells Go Back Further
A team at the Weizmann Institute has created iPS cells that are completely "reset" to the earliest possible state and maintained them in that state.
In the video: Human naive iPS-derived cells (yellow/green) integrating into different tissues of a developing host mouse embryo (red cells).
For full story: http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/new-stem-cells-go-back-further#.Umy6T_mnrux
מדעני מכון ויצמן למדע יצרו לראשונה תאי גזע אנושיים "ניטרליים" לחלוטין, שהתפתחו לרקמות בתוך עובר
ההישג עשוי, בין היתר, לסלול את הדרך לייצור איברים להשתלה
http://ow.ly/qsKWP קראו עוד:
סרטון המציג את השתלבותם של תאי גזע מושרים אנושיים נייטראליים, שיוצרו בשיטתו של ד"ר חנא (בירוק וצהוב) ברקמות של עובר עכבר (באדום)
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How a Breast Cancer Cell Moves
The discovery of a new breast cancer gene holds hope for treatment:
A breast cancer cell forms invasive extensions called podia that enable it to move. An indispensable step, which precedes the formation of the podia by several seconds, is the accumulation of proteins encoded by the SYNJ2 gene (bright-green dots).
To read full article: http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/victory-numbers
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Cytoplasmic Bridge Connecting Senescent Cell and NK Cell
When our cells get old or worn out from too much stress they may enter a state known as senescence – they stop dividing, completely and permanently. Senescent cells may be elderly, but they can still make themselves heard. Recent research in the lab of Dr. Valery Krizhanovsky of the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Cell Biology Department reveals that these cells have a special way of communicating, in which they build bridges enabling some cells to pass on urgent messages. The group’s findings recently appeared in Genes & Development. Among other things, this mode of sharing may help clear unwanted senescent cells from the body. Click on link for full story: http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/cells-that-share-everything
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Biology of the Blues: Prof. Alon Chen Studies Stress
Prof. Alon Chen of the Department of Neurobiology of the Weizmann Institute of Science explains the mechanism of stress and what happens when the system goes awry.
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