Cooperating for a Clean Future

Profs. Sabrina Sartori and Reshef Tenne



“Imagine filling up your tank with metal powders and hydrogen. Or maybe lighting your house with batteries that were charged earlier in the day by wind and solar power. I believe this is the future of energy storage.” says Sabrina Sartori, a visiting professor who is working with Prof. Reshef Tenne in the Materials and Interfaces Department of the Weizmann Institute. Their collaboration was made possible by a Feinberg Foundation visiting faculty program fellowship.
Among other things, Sartori, who is based in Norway, investigates materials that can be used for batteries that will be able to efficiently store energy produced during the daytime in solar cells. When she was considering the possibility of working with an Institute scientist through the visiting faculty program fellowship, the work of Tenne and his group caught her attention. Sartori was particularly interested in new methods he was developing for producing inorganic nanotubes, while Tenne saw that the collaboration could take the work of his group in new and fruitful directions.  
“The concept is to develop a stationary storage method to facilitate the integration of intermittent wind and solar power sources into the grid,” says Sartori. “For this application, lithium-ion batteries are not considered to be the best option, due to high costs and a shortage of lithium. Sodium, unlike lithium, is relatively cheap and readily available worldwide.” There is, however, a drawback: Existing sodium-based batteries operate at high temperatures (250°C and higher) and require sophisticated engineering that drives up costs considerably. Thus there is a huge incentive to develop new types of sodium-based batteries. One of the major scientific challenges in this area is the synthesis of high performance electrodes.
The negative electrode material currently utilized in these batteries is graphite, but researchers are searching for replacement materials that might improve performance. “With the help of Prof. Tenne and his PhD student Gal Radovsky, we are trying to synthesize a new family of inorganic nanotubes as innovative anodes,” explains Sartori. Tenne and his group are pioneers in the field of inorganic compounds that form fullerene-like nanostructures or nanotubes. One way they have been creating these inorganic nanostructures is via so-called “misfit layered” compounds. These consist of stacks of layers alternated with different chemical compositions and structures. Because the interactions between the layers are weak, sodium can be introduced between the layers, creating a sort of shuttle for transferring electricity.
Prof. Sabrina Sartori

The goal, says Sartori, is to create a nano-composite with extraordinarily high capacity and reasonably good charge-discharge cycles. “The synthesis is challenging, but we believe such inorganic nanostructures could offer many applications, particularly in the field of energy and electronics. This work could open a new field of research and strengthen the collaboration between Israel and Norway in the years to come, joining forces for a clean energy future,” she says.


Energy to Spare

In another research track, Sartori investigates nanoscale and porous materials that could be used to store hydrogen in future hydrogen-fueled vehicles or batteries. She moved from her native Italy to Norway in 2006, where she was recently appointed associate professor at the University of Oslo and University Graduate Center UNIK. There, she is taking part in an international effort to engineer special crystalline powders that are able to store hydrogen at greater densities than the ones obtained with current methods of compressed or liquid hydrogen storage. The goal, she says, is smaller fuel tanks, lower pressures and improved safety. Working on solid state hydrogen materials called hydrides, she is attempting to understand their structure, in particular the exact positions of the hydrogen atoms on the molecule – a challenge, as hydrogen is the lightest of the atoms. Sartori has a joint researcher position in the JEEP II nuclear reactor at the Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology, where she uses neutrons for her scattering experiments.
Sartori’s absorption into the Weizmann Institute has been a notable success. In addition to her work with Tenne’s group, she has mentored the postdoctoral women’s forum on the Weizmann campus – a biweekly group – giving a workshop on advancing one’s career and helping guide discussions on various topics. She received a prize given by the Energy & Environmental Science Journal during the annual conference of the Israel Chemical Society. In her spare time, she has been writing a chapter for an upcoming book on nuclear characterization techniques for the investigation of hydrogen in materials.
Prof. Reshef Tenne's research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science, which he heads; the Irving and Azelle Waltcher Endowed Research Fund in honor of Prof. Moshe Levy; and the European Research Council. Prof. Tenne is the incumbent of the Drake Family Professorial Chair in Nanotechnology.

Profs. Sabrina Sartori and Reshef Tenne

Interview: Sivan Refaely-Abramson – Mother, Major, Materials Science Student

PhD student Sivan Rafaeli-Abramson
Sivan Refaely-Abramson is a PhD student in the lab of Prof. Leeor Kronik, Head of the Materials and Interfaces Department. She is 32 years old, married and mother of two. Refaely-Abramson is also a major in an army reserve operations unit.

Q: What does your research entail?

A: The field of our group’s research is the quantum calculation of chemical systems. More specifically, I deal with developing and applying efficient methods of calculating the electronic structure of organic materials, with an emphasis on materials that are used to make organic solar cells. Solar cells based on organic materials are expected to be inexpensive, easy to manufacture and flexible, allowing for a potentially large assortment of applications. Our calculations aid, for example, in predicting which organic materials will be better suited to particular solar devices and which will be less appropriate.

Q: How did you decide to become a scientist?

A: For as long as I can remember, the exact sciences were what interested me. A visit to the Weizmann Institute during high school led me to the book Conceptual Physics for Everyone by Paul G. Hewitt, and from there to an interest in quantum mechanics. This, in turn, led me to study for a BSc at the Hebrew University, with a double major in chemistry and physics. Then, as now, I was interested in the intersection between the theoretical understanding of particles in quantum mechanics and the ability to apply this understanding in the real world. That is how I got to Prof. Kronik’s lab, where the theory that comes from the world of physics and the fascinating applications in the world of chemistry are beautifully intertwined.   

Q: Who is your role model?

A: My father, who in his profession as a farmer used his great skills as an inventor and his passion for science. And he enjoyed every minute of it. From him, I learned that when choosing a profession, you have to follow your heart. Everything else will sort itself out.

Q: How do you cope as a woman and a mother in the academic world?

A: At this stage, I can only tell you about being a mother and working on my doctorate. It is an interesting mix of two very different worlds; each, alone, demands my full attention. This mix is a balancing act that requires precise time management; and it demands a lot of support, both at home and from my adviser. Fortunately, I am blessed with that support on both sides: My husband is a full partner in running the house and the family, alongside his own full-time career; my doctoral adviser views me as a senior researcher and has faith in my dedication to the research, so he completely lets me manage my own time. The flexibility he gives me means I don’t have to compromise – either on the research or on motherhood.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: I would like to continue the life of a researcher, and to be a part of the Israeli, scientific and academic world, but that is in the future. In the meantime, there are many fields of research I would like to learn more about.

Prof.  Leeor Kronik's research is supported by the Carolito Stiftung; the European Research Council; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research; and Antonio and Noga Villalon, Winnetka, IL.
PhD student Sivan Rafaeli-Abramson

Weizmann Scientists Honored for Research Achievements


Prof. Sharon shakes hands with the President of Israel, Mr. Ezer Weizman at the Israel Prize Ceremony. To Weizman's left are Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Minister of Science and the Arts Shulamit Aloni

Institute Prof. Nathan Sharon, world famous for his research on sugars and the sugar-binding proteins known as lectins, was awarded the 1994 Israel Prize in the Life Sciences at a festive Independence Day ceremony in Jerusalem.

Sharon, the sixteenth Institute scientist to receive an Israel Prize, has played a crucial role in showing that sugar-lectin interactions are instrumental in allowing cells to recognize one another. Such interactions take place when disease-causing bacteria adhere to tissues or when immune cells destroy infectious organisms. An understanding of these processes may assist in the development of novel antimicrobial drugs, which would work by preventing infectious organisms from adhering to body tissues.

Prof. Sharon has also helped achieve major advances in bone marrow transplantation.

Sharon was honored not only for his scientific achievements, but also for the key role he has played in the popularization of science in Israel and elsewhere.

Other Institute scientists honored of late include:
  • Prof. Mati Fridkin, together with Prof. Ilana Gozes of Tel Aviv University received the Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Prize for pioneering work on vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP);
  • Prof. Harry (Zvi) Lipkin was given a Weizmann Prize of the City of Tel Aviv for his life work in diverse areas of physics, including the physics of elementary particles, nuclear physics, and condensed-matter physics;
  • Prof. David Mirelman was presented with Prof. Israel Sarov Prize of the Israel Society of Microbiology for his contributions to research on the virulence mechanisms of parasitic amoebas;
  • Profs. Moshe Oren and Varda Rotter received the Feher Prize in Medicine for their research on the p53 tumor suppresor gene;
  • Prof. Shmuel Shaltiel was awarded the Rothschild Prize for his pioneering work in the development of hydrophobic chromatography, for his contributions to the elucidation of the molecular basis of enzyme-driven covalent control by kinases and proteinases, and for his original contribution to understanding the role of enzymes in the control of plasminogen activation during the dissolution of blood clots;
  • Prof. Adi Shamir received the Rothschild Prize for his outstanding achievements and contributions to the mathematical theory of cryptography and cryptanalysis; and
  • Prof. Izchak Steinberg was awarded a Weizmann Prize of the City of Tel Aviv for his contributions to the development of sophisticated physicochemical techniques for studying the structure and mode of operation of biomolecules and for quantitatively solving basic neurobiological processes.
Prof. Sharon shakes hands with the President of Israel, Mr. Ezer Weizman at the Israel Prize Ceremony. To Weizman's left are Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Minister of Science and the Arts Shulamit Aloni