Blue Planet, a curriculum package for middle school students on the link between man and the environment, written by Weizmann Institute scientists, has won recognition by UNESCO as a worldwide model in environmental studies. This international organization is promoting and financing the translation of the program into various languages, as well as its distribution in schools worldwide.
The book Blue Planet was launched by UNESCO's Deputy Assistant Prof. Andras Szollosi-Nagy, Director of the Division of Water Sciences; Weizmann Institute Vice President for Resource Development Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph; Prof. Nir Orion of the Science Teaching Department, who developed the program together with his former student Dr. Orit Ben-Zvi Assaraf; and the Weizmann Institute's Prof. Dan Yakir, Head of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department.
The program focuses particularly on the water cycle in the Earth's ecosystems, and is intended to be an effective learning tool through its wide and systematic approach, including various activities, experiments and field work that will help develop students' thinking skills and understanding.