Full Lunar Eclipse at the Clore Garden of Science



This Wednesday evening, June 15, the Clore Garden of Science will be open from 21:00 for a viewing of the lunar eclipse. The event will include telescope sightings, a lecture and activities, as well as a large-screen viewing of the eclipse transmitted from the Martin Kraar Observatory atop the Koffler Accelerator.

The telescopic view of the eclipse will also be broadcast online, with a lecture and explanation, on the Davison Institute of Science Education website:http://davidson.weizmann.ac.il/


For more (in Hebrew) go to our Hebrew site


Space & Physics

Weizmann Institute Observatory Captures Images of a New Supernova


M51 supernova. Photo: Ilan Manulis, Martin Kraar Observatory

Exploding stars are the "factories" that produce all the heavy elements found, among other places, in our bodies. In this sense, we are all stardust. These exploding stars – supernovae – are highly energetic events that can occasionally light up the night sky. Such an explosion generally involves disruption in the balance between gravity – which pulls the star's material inward – and the thermonuclear reaction at the star's core – which heats it and pushes it outward.

Certain types of stars that go in this way have a much bigger mass (10-100 times) and are much younger than our sun. In them, the nuclear reaction begins like that of our sun – fusing hydrogen into helium – but the fusion then continues, producing heavier and heavier elements. The nuclear reaction eventually stops with iron, as there is no energy benefit to the star to fuse the heavier atoms, and the balance between gravity and thermonuclear activity comes to a halt. Gravity then takes over, and the mass of the star collapses quickly, releasing so much energy in the process that the explosion ensues. The star hurls its outer layers into space, and a new "bright star" appears in the night sky where none was seen before. Just such a new star was observed in the night sky between May 31 and June 1 in a spiral arm of our galaxy's close neighbor, M51.

The first to identify the supernova were amateur astronomers in France, and soon after it was detected by the PTF Sky Survey, in which Weizmann Institute scientists participate. The phenomenon was also photographed in the new Martin Kraar Observatory at the Weizmann Institute, as well as in Tel Aviv University's Wise Observatory in Mitzpe Ramon. Israel's place on the globe enables its scientists to follow supernova events when it is daytime for many other observers, and thus to add significantly to the data collection.

The new supernova is being studied by an international team of researchers, including Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam and his research team, Drs. Ofer Yaron, David Polishook and Dong Xu, research students Iair Arcavi and Sagi Ben Ami and Director of the Kraar Observatory, Ilan Manulis, all of the Weizmann Institute's Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department, as well as scientists from the US, England, Canada and other countries. They have already noted that the material thrown into space in the explosion contains a wide variety of elements. The mix they observed is atypical of supernova events at such an early stage of the explosion, and they plan to investigate this phenomenon.

The last supernova observed in M51 (which is a mere 26 million light years away) occurred in 2005. Supernovae are thought to appear about once in 100 years in any given galaxy. The high occurrence in M51 can be explained by its interaction with another, very close galaxy, which causes the process of massive star formation to accelerate, thus increasing the rate of collapse and explosion, as well.

Gal-Yam: "We invite any amateur astronomers who may have viewed the event to send us their time-dated photos. Collaboration with amateurs is very important to us and, in this case, it might help us pinpoint the exact time of the explosion."

Any photos of the M51 galaxy taken between May 30 and June 2 can be sent to ptf11eon@gmail.com. If the image is used in scientific publications, contributors will receive credit.
M51 supernova. Photo: Ilan Manulis, Martin Kraar Observatory
Space & Physics

The Big Blow-Up


The first observations of the explosion of a star around 200 times the size of our sun reveals a new type of supernova

What happens when a really gargantuan star – one hundreds of times bigger than our sun – blows up?  Although a theory developed years ago describes what the explosion of such an enormous star should look like, no one had actually observed one – until now. An international team, led by scientists in Israel, and including researchers from Germany, the US, UK and China, tracked a supernova – an exploding star – for over a year and a half, and found that it neatly fits the predictions for the explosion of a star of over 150 times the sun’s mass. Their findings, which could influence our understanding of everything from natural limits on star size to the evolution of the universe, appeared recently in Nature.
‘It’s all about balance,’ says team leader Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department. ‘During a star’s lifetime, there’s a balance between the gravity that pulls its material inward and the heat produced in the nuclear reaction at its core, pushing it out. In a supernova we’re familiar with, of a star 10 -100 times the size of the sun, the nuclear reaction begins with the fusion of hydrogen into helium, as in our sun. But the fusion keeps going, producing heavier and heavier elements, until the core turns to iron. Since iron doesn’t fuse easily, the reaction burns out, and the balance is lost. Gravity takes over and the star collapses inward, throwing off its outer layers in the ensuing shockwaves.’
The balance in a super-giant star is different. Here, the photons (light particles) are so hot and energetic, they interact to produce pairs of particles: electrons and their opposites, positrons. In the process, particles with mass are created from the mass-less photons, and this consumes the star’s energy. Again, things are thrown out of balance, but this time, when the star collapses, it falls in on a core of volatile oxygen, rather than iron. The hot, compressed oxygen explodes in a runaway thermonuclear reaction that obliterates the star’s core, leaving behind little but glowing stardust. ‘Models of ‘pair supernovae’ had been calculated decades ago,’ says Gal-Yam, ‘but no one was sure these huge explosions really occur in nature. The new supernova we discovered fits these models very well.’
An analysis of the new supernova data led the scientists to estimate the star’s size at around 200 times the mass of the sun. This in itself is unusual, as observers had noted that the stars in our part of the universe seem to have a size limit of about 150 suns; some had even wondered if there was some sort of physical constraint on a star’s girth. The new findings suggest that hyper-giant stars, while rare, do exist, and that even larger stars, up to 1000 times the size of the sun, may have existed in the early universe. ‘This is the first time we’ve been able to analyze observations of such a massive exploding star,’ says Dr. Paolo Mazzali of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany, who led the theoretical study of this object. ‘We were able to measure the amounts of new elements created in this explosion, including approximately five times the mass of our sun in highly radioactive, freshly synthesized nickel. Such explosions may be important factories for heavy metals in the Universe.’
This massive supernova was found in a tiny galaxy – only a hundredth the size of our own, and the scientists think that such dwarf galaxies could be natural harbors for the giant stars, somehow enabling them to surpass the 150 sun limit.
‘Our discovery and analysis of this unique explosion has given us new insights into just how massive stars can get and how these stellar giants contribute to the makeup of our Universe’, says Dr. Gal-Yam.  ‘We hope to understand even more when we find additional examples from new surveys that we have recently begun to carry out, covering large, previously unexplored areas of the Universe.’
Dr. Avishai Gal-Yam’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Astrophysics; the Peter and Patricia Gruber Awards;  William Z. & Eda Bess Novick New Scientists Fund; the Legacy Heritage Fund Program of the Israel Science Foundation; and Miel de Botton Aynsley, UK.
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.
Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il, and are also available at http://www.eurekalert.org.
Space & Physics

A Star’s Life


Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam. First view


In the first observation of its kind, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and San Diego State University succeeded in following the evolution of a star the size of 50 suns. As they watched, it exploded and then vanished from view to become a large black hole.
A star’s end is predetermined from birth by its size and by the “power plant” that keeps it shining during its lifetime. Stars are fueled by hydrogen nuclei fusing together into helium in the intense heat and pressure of their inner core. When stars like our sun use up all their hydrogen fuel, they burn out relatively quietly in a puff of expansion. But a star that’s eight or more times larger than our sun makes a much more dramatic exit. Nuclear fusion continues after the hydrogen is exhausted, producing heavier elements in the star’s different layers. When this process progresses to the point that the core of the star has turned to iron, another phenomenon takes over: The enormous heat and pressure in the star’s center cause the iron nuclei to split apart into their component protons and neutrons, and at some point the star’s core collapses inward, firing the rest of the star’s material rapidly out into space in an explosion known as a supernova.
A supernova releases more energy in a few days than our sun will release over its entire lifetime. While a supernova’s outer layers are lighting up the universe with dazzling fireworks, the star’s core is collapsing further and further inward. The gravity created in this collapse becomes so strong that the protons and electrons are squeezed together to form neutrons, and the star’s core is reduced from a sphere 10,000 kilometers around to one with a mere 10-kilometer circumference. But if the exploding star is 20 times or more the mass of our sun, its gravitational pull becomes stronger still: Even light waves are held in place. Such a star – a black hole – is, to all intents and purposes, invisible.
Supernovae have been observed with the naked eye since antiquity, and many more have been observed in recent years through ground and space telescopes and via research satellites. Yet until now, none of the exploding stars that scientists have managed to measure had exceeded a mass of 20 suns.
Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam of the Weizmann Institute’s Faculty of Physics and Prof. Douglas Leonard of San Diego State University were recently the first to directly observe the process by which a really huge star becomes a black hole. They were looking at a certain region in space using the Keck Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii and the Hubble Space Telescope. The scientists were able to locate a star on the verge of exploding and to measure its mass before the blast. They found that this star’s size was equal to 50 – 100 suns. Continued observation revealed that only a small part of the star’s mass was flung off in the explosion. Most of the material, says Gal-Yam, was drawn into the collapsing core as its gravitational pull increased. Indeed, in subsequent telescope images of that section of the sky, the star seemed to have disappeared. It has now likely become a black hole so dense that even light can’t escape the pull of its immense gravity.

Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Astrophysics; the Peter and Patricia Gruber Award; the Legacy Heritage Fund Program of the Israel Science Foundation; the William Z. and Eda Bess Novick Young Scientist Fund; and Miel de Botton Aynsley, UK.

Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam. Intense gravity
Space & Physics

Watch for Exploding Stars

Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam. Dwarves explode with the help of giants


When dwarves explode, they do so with the help of giants – at least when the dwarves and giants are stars. Exploding white dwarf stars leave behind a rapidly expanding cloud of “stardust” known as a Type Ia supernova. These events, which shine billions of times brighter than our sun, are all presumed to be extremely similar and thus have been used extensively as cosmological reference beacons to trace distance and the evolution of the universe.
Astronomers have now – for the first time ever – provided a unique set of observations, enabling them to find traces of the material that had surrounded a white dwarf star before it exploded. No Type Ia supernova event has ever before been observed at this level of detail over a several-month-long period following the explosion. 
These results were recently published in the journal Science. The data were collected from the ESO Very Large Telescope in Chile and the 10-meter Keck telescope in Hawaii by two teams of researchers: The one at ESO was headed by Dr. Ferdinando Patat, and the Keck team, based at the California Institute of Technology, USA, was led by Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam. Gal-Yam recently joined the Weizmann Institute’s Condensed Matter Physics Department.
The data the scientists collected provided evidence to support a widely accepted model for Type Ia supernovae, one in which a white dwarf star interacts with a companion star – a red giant. The white dwarf is small but extremely dense; and because of its strong gravitational pull, it continually feeds on gases from its giant companion. When the mass of the white dwarf grows past a critical value, it explodes.
Combining their observations, which took place over the course of four months, with archival data, the astronomers detected the presence of a number of expanding shells surrounding a Type Ia supernova event. The makeup of these shells suggests they are the remnants of the red giant star that fed the white dwarf.   
Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Astrophysics.

Physicist to the Stars

Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam was born in Jerusalem and, after serving as an officer in the IDF, received his Ph.D. in physics and astronomy from Tel Aviv University. From Tel Aviv, he moved to California to conduct postgraduate research at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). He was drawn to astrophysics, he says, because “many of the fundamental parameters of physics can be measured through astrophysical studies. Astrophysics is a window on the makeup of the universe.”
Beginning with his Ph.D. research, Gal-Yam has searched for supernovae in massive galaxy clusters. His calculations of the lifespan of these stars – from their formation to the final, brilliant explosion – have provided evidence as to the type of star system that ends its days as a supernova. While at Caltech, Gal-Yam assembled a large group of scientists to observe fifty instances of so-called core-collapse supernovae, and the scientists are now using these data to understand the physical processes involved in core collapse. 
Gal-Yam joined the Weizmann Institute in 2007. He is married and the father of three children. He enjoys playing sports, and he and his family like to travel and hike together.
Dr. Avishay Gal-Yam
Space & Physics

Star Bright

Prof. Eli Waxman. Early supernova observation


Stars may lead long, luminous lives, but for some, it’s in death that they really shine. These stars finish up as black holes but, a moment before the end, they explode, slinging material in all directions and shining with a light that can be seen throughout the universe. This end only comes to the heavies of the neighborhood, those that weigh 30 times as much as our sun or more. When it happens, their dazzling light can be seen at much greater distances than before. Thus, early observers of the heavens saw bright points of light appear in the sky where none had existed the night before, and they dubbed them “supernovae” or “new stars.” 
Until now, scientists had only been able to spot supernovae several days after stars in the throes of  an explosion had begun to brighten. But the scientists who investigate this phenomenon needed to be able to observe what happens to these stars in real time. That’s precisely what NASA scientists have managed to do, for the first time, and their achievement has confirmed theoretical research carried out by astrophysicist Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute. 
Aided by NASA’s advanced research satellite, “Swift,” the scientists succeeded in detecting the supernova just 160 seconds after the event began. Seeing the supernova so early in the game allowed the scientists to observe, in addition to the material flying out in all directions, jets of gamma rays and X rays shooting out from the vicinity of the explosion. This confirmed Waxman and others’ theory that supernovae are the source of gamma ray bursts that have been measured in the past. They also found that the star was composed mainly of oxygen and carbon, signs that the star was, indeed, very heavy. For the first time, scientists were able to identify shock waves emanating from the center of the star and moving toward the surface. These shock waves give rise to the gamma and x-ray radiation. The “Swift” observations have bolstered the theoretical model of such supernova explosions proposed by Waxman several years ago.      
Prof. Eli Waxman’s research is supported by the Rosa and Emilio Segre Fund.


"swift" image of a nearby supernova a few days after it exploded, July 2006

Prof. Eli Waxman.
Space & Physics

Peeking Back in Time


May God bless and keep you always

May your wishes all come true

May you always do for others

And let others do for you.

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young.

-- Forever Young.  Music and lyrics: Bob Dylan


Prof. Shaul Hanany. Research balloons

Will the universe - born, according to the widely accepted theory, some 15 billion years ago in the Big Bang - end with a whimper? Prof. Shaul Hanany, currently of the University of Minnesota and soon to join Weizmann’s Particle Physics Department, hopes to shed light on this question by measuring cosmic microwave background radiation, a relic from the Big Bang.

According to the Big Bang theory, the entire visible universe, including all its matter and energy, once occupied a tiny, extremely hot and dense region. At some stage, and for a yet unknown reason, this region began to expand - voila: the Big Bang. During this expansion, matter dispersed in all directions and resembled a thick primordial soup.

But how, ask cosmologists, did the current structure of the universe emerge from this primordial soup? Had the original soup been entirely uniform, clumps of matter such as the galaxies would not have formed; today’s universe would still be a continuous, uniform soup, with no galaxies, stars or, of course, humans probing its nature.

The existence of distinct clumps of matter has led cosmologists to hypothesize that different areas of the primordial soup were indeed distinguished from one another by minute variations in density, much like ripples or wrinkles. With time, and under the influence of gravity, these wrinkles intensified, causing the denser areas to give rise to the galaxies and stars known today, while the less dense areas gave rise to enormous empty spaces.

This hypothesis was confirmed in April 1992, when NASA’s satellite COBE succeeded in peeking back in time to when the universe was only 300,000 years old. COBE found tiny variations in the microwave radiation arriving from different locations in the universe - providing support for the notion of differences in the density of ancient matter. The song of these ripples is that of a forever young universe. “In the very young universe, radiation was tied to matter; the two were separated only when matter dispersed and cooled down,” explains Hanany. “However, because of their common past, the differences in radiation measured today still accurately portray density differences in matter and energy way back in time.”

Some of the most precise mappings of cosmic background radiation were obtained in two experiments co-led by Hanany. The results from one of them were subsequently selected as one of the ten most important scientific discoveries of the year 2000 by the editors of Science magazine. Both experiments used research balloons - one was launched in Texas and landed there; the other was launched in Sweden and landed in Siberia.

Analyzing the data from these experiments, Hanany and his colleagues inferred the total density of matter and energy in the universe with unprecedented accuracy - a finding that led to the conclusion that space is flat. Einstein’s equations allow for both flat and curved geometries for our space. Now we know which of those is realized in nature.

Drawing on additional astrophysical data the team also calculated the densities of different types of matter and energy, showing that the “regular” matter with which we are all familiar and from which we are all made - that is, stuff made of protons, neutrons and electrons - constitutes only 5 percent of the entire matter and energy in the universe. The nature of the other 95 percent remains unclear. What we do know is that it consists of two distinct types: “dark matter” and “dark energy.” Although we can’t see the dark matter, we are able to accurately measure its gravitational pull on regular visible matter, which slows down the expansion of the universe. Dark energy, in contrast - which constitutes roughly 65 percent of the stuff in the universe - also can’t be seen, but its gravitational effect is opposite to that of both dark and regular matter. It exerts a negative, or repulsive, force of gravity, thereby speeding up the expansion of the universe.

“The large amount of dark energy tends to accelerate the universe’s rate of expansion,” Hanany says, “thereby widening the distances between galaxies at an ever-increasing rate. If this process continues for several billions of years, Earth and our galaxy, the Milky Way, will be isolated in the expanse of the universe, while all other galaxies will have flown away to enormous distances, completely disappearing from view. The universe will seem dark and bleak.”

Hanany and his colleagues are currently focusing on the polarization of cosmic background radiation, hoping to obtain more information about the universe as it was a split second after the Big Bang. “It will be a fantastic sight - viewing the universe so close to its birth,” he says.


A montage image of the cosmic microwave background radiation obtained in 2003 by NASA’s WMAP satellite and from two earlier experiments co-led by Prof. Hanany: Maxima, performed in 2000 (square) and Archeops, 2002 (region above upper black line). The WMAP results agree with both the Maxima and Archeops findings


Prof. Shaul Hanany. The end of the world as we know it
Space & Physics

Riding a Black Hole

The center of our galaxy may well consist of a supermassive black hole – the name given to black holes whose mass is more than one million times that of the sun. Reported in Nature, this finding heralds a new epoch of high-precision black-hole astronomy and might help us better understand how galaxies are born and evolve.
Supermassive black holes can be found at the center of many galaxies. The pioneering study, which traced a racing star as it journeyed through the Milky Way, suggests that this may also be true of our galaxy.
The massive black holes are thought to develop when many smaller black holes merge at the center of a galaxy and start swallowing everything that comes their way. Such a black hole is a remnant of an exploded sun much bigger than our own. The explosion is a rare celestial phenomenon, called a supernova, which happens when suns use up all their nuclear fuel. The process results in one of the most powerful explosions in nature. Lacking the fuel to maintain the huge pressure required to counter gravity, the star first implodes, and then its outer layers rebound against its core and are violently ejected into space. Simultaneously, the massive core continues to collapse rapidly into itself, forming a black hole.
The pull of this dark mass is so great that even light can’t escape it, rendering it invisible. “Invisible _ but not powerless,” says theoretical astrophysicist Dr. Tal Alexander of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Physics faculty, who participated in the study together with scientists from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and several institutions in France. “The black hole’s presence is felt by its immense gravitational pull. A star that happens to be close to a supermassive black hole will orbit very rapidly around a point of seemingly empty space. Another clue is the radiation emitted by gas heated up just before it is swallowed forever by the black hole.” In a 10-year study, Alexander and his colleagues succeeded in tracking a star known as S2 as it orbited around a known unusual source of radiation (a black-hole candidate called Sagittarius A*) located at the center of our galaxy.
The team found that the S2 star does indeed orbit Sagittarius A*; moreover, it picks up speed as it gets closer and closer to its maw, reaching a peak velocity as it whizzes past at 5,000 kilometers (around 3,000 miles) per second. 
Some astrophysicists had previously suggested that the dark mass at the center of the Milky Way is not a black hole but, rather, a dense cluster of compact stars or even a giant blob of mysterious subatomic particles.
It now appears that these hypotheses are not viable. The new detailed analysis of the orbit, made possible by the techniques developed by the present team, is fully consistent with the view that the dark mass is a supermassive black hole.
The observations were made with the new European Very Large Telescope in Chile, whose detectors were developed by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, the Observatoire de Paris, the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales and the Observatoire de Grenoble. American scientists participated in the observations.
The new techniques allow for precise observation of the center of the galaxy, overcoming the problem of interstellar dust that pervades space. “Such sightings could provide information on a point we know surprisingly little about: our own place in the universe,” Alexander concluded. “We currently do not even know the earth’s exact distance from the center of our own galaxy. Understanding stellar orbits of this kind might tell us where we are.”


What a black hole might look like



White dwarf -- red giant collision near a black hole


Dr. Tal Alexander’s research is supported by Sir Harry Djanogly, CBE, London, UK.


Stars pulled into the crowded perimeter of a supermassive black hole sometimes collide. Simulation of a collision between two stars.
Space & Physics

A Window of Opportunity in the Sky


Prof. Eli Waxman. A boundary for neutrinos



One needs a good reason to go to the South Pole. The night there lasts six months, and the annual temperature averages -50°C. The Pole has long been a prized goal of Arctic explorers, but why would a scientist interested in outer space, like Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute, want to travel to this forbidding frosty desert? Surprisingly enough, Waxman and a handful of astrophysicists in other countries believe the South Pole may become the next frontier in space exploration. They consider turning the 3,000-meter-thick plateau of ice hugging the Pole into a giant trap for elusive cosmic particles called neutrinos that may help reveal the secrets of the universe.

From time immemorial people have sought to understand the universe by gazing at the sky - first with the naked eye, then through optic telescopes. Next came more advanced telescopes, which examined celestial bodies by capturing the electromagnetic radiation they emit - from radio and infrared waves to ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma radiation. More information about celestial objects, such as black holes and galactic nuclei, can be gleaned from cosmic radiation - the rays of elementary particles, including protons, neutrons, electrons, alpha particles, and neutrinos - emitted by celestial bodies. However, because most of these particles have an electric charge, their path toward the

Earth is affected by various magnetic and electric fields whose magnitude and location in the universe is unknown. This makes it very difficult to trace these particles back to their sources, which in turn significantly reduces the amount of information they can provide about the universe.

Neutrinos may offer a solution. Lacking an electrical charge and with only a tiny mass, neutrinos behave in an 'unsociable' manner: they hardly interact with other particles of matter and travel to Earth in a straight line. Therefore, by observing the universe as it emerges from the rays of neutrinos one can perhaps gain valuable insights into the location and physical properties of the celestial bodies emitting the neutrinos. Physicists believe that these sources, such as active nuclei of galaxies affected by a black hole, could become enormous 'physics laboratories.' But realizing this fantastic prospect won't come easy.

Tracking down a loner


Physicist Wolfgang Pauli was the first to propose the existence of a particle later to be called the neutrino, back in the 1930s. Pauli was examining the law of energy conservation, which seemed to be violated by certain radioactive processes. However, many years passed before neutrinos were discovered - once again, mainly because these particles interact so sparsely with their surroundings. In fact, they interact with matter only via the weak force, which governs various radioactive processes such as the splitting of the neutron. But so weak is this force that the neutrinos hardly leave any tracks. For example, a neutrino can travel through the Earth in a split second without slowing down. During this journey very few neutrinos will forge any traceable 'connections' with other particles.

To spot neutrinos and learn about the celestial bodies that emitted them, physicists build giant detectors, each containing thousands of tons of matter, with which one out of the trillions of neutrinos is likely to collide, leaving a tiny flash of detectable light.

In this way scientists, including the Weizmann Institute's Prof. Israel Dostrovsky, have succeeded in detecting neutrinos spewed out by the sun - an observation that confirmed the theory about the way in which stars produce the energy they release. Other experiments led to the observation of additional neutrinos originating in the relatively close supernova of the Magellanic Cloud - a satellite galaxy of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. With these successes in hand, the appetite for neutrino sightings grew. Astrophysicists started observing the universe via detectors that can spot high-energy neutrinos emitted by the most distant and energetic sources. Equipment based on the absorption of electromagnetic radiation is unsuitable for studying these sources, since it does not allow the passage of photons - which is why physicists believe that the neutrino telescope may offer the best opportunity for exploring the universe.

Yet how realistic is it to build such a system? To answer this question, it's necessary to know how many neutrinos reach the Earth from different sources during a given period of time. This is where Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute's Physics Faculty enters the picture. Together with Prof. John Bahcall of Princeton University, he performed calculations showing that there is an upper boundary to the neutrino flux. Existence of the so-called Waxman-Bahcall bound means that detecting high-energy neutrinos would require a transparent detector containing at least a trillion tons of liquid.

This transparent detector would have to be surrounded by an array of light detectors, which would register the tiny flashes of light produced by the collisions of cosmic neutrinos with particles on Earth.

Waxman is a member of an international committee of scientists examining the possibility of building such a giant detector in Antarctica, inside the entirely transparent ice cap covering the South Pole. Another possibility is to set up a detector for high-energy neutrinos on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, whose waters at great depth are also transparent. In any event, the project's cost is estimated at some $100 million - a sum that, astronomical as it may sound, is far lower than the cost of building the advanced particle accelerators needed to study elementary particles.

What can be learned with the help of giant neutrino detectors? 'When a proton of cosmic radiation hits a photon, a neutrino particle is emitted,' explains Waxman. 'If we could detect these neutrinos, we would be able to chart the sites of these collisions and use them to trace cosmic radiation back to its source - today one of the greatest mysteries of astrophysics.

'Another mystery that may be solved with the help of high-energy neutrino astronomy is the source of gamma-ray bursts occasionally occurring in the universe. Waxman and Bahcall, together with Prof. Peter Meszaros of the University of Pennsylvania have shown in theoretical studies that these gamma-ray bursts may originate in streams of matter bursting out when a black hole sucks in the remains of matter from a star that initially gave rise to it during the collapse of its core. High-energy neutrinos are emitted during this process, and the ability to detect them may lead scientists to the sources of gamma-ray bursts.

Neutrino relativity

Giant neutrino detectors may also make it possible to examine several underlying principles of the general relativity theory, by comparing the speed of the energetic neutrinos with the speed of photons coming from the same source. In this manner it will be possible to identify, among other things, the slowing of particles passing through gravitational fields. A neutrino detector that allows scientists to study this phenomenon was built recently near the South Pole. Sunk deep in the Antarctic ice, the installation is about twice the height of the Eiffel Tower. But according to Waxman's calculations, astrophysical studies of high-energy neutrinos would require an installation a hundred times larger. Hopefully, says Waxman, the international committee studying the feasibility of such a detector will reach a decision to open this new window of opportunity for astrophysics.

Prof. Waxman's research is supported by the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.

Prof. Eli Waxman
Space & Physics

Message In a Bottle


The new ring is desktop sized

When it comes to do-it-yourself, some people aren't content with merely assembling bookshelves or twisting a coathanger to provide a quick-and-dirty solution.

It all started when Professor Daniel Zajfman of the Weizmann Institute's Particle Physics Department consulted with his German colleagues at the Max Planck Institute. He and his team were using an enormous ring in Heidelberg for storing molecular ions and cooling them to their ground state.

"Two years ago, I came back from a trip to Germany thinking 'Wouldn't it be terrific to have our own machine?'" says Zajfman, who was made associate professor last year. So with his sights set on the 56-meter ion storage ring, he returned to the Institute and created his own version ­ that fits on a desktop.

The research into molecular ion collisions carried out by Zajfman provides vital information about the birth and composition of stars. Zajfman's job: to return ions to their ground state, i.e., the lowest energy and least vibrating state in which a particle can exist. This greatly enhances Zajfman's data on the structure and dynamics of molecular ions, and is of particular interest to astro-, plasma and planetary physicists.

However, with only one week's use of the German ring every few months, there was tremendous pressure to perform only those experiments whose success was practically guaranteed. Being in possession of some kind of device in Israel to which he could have unlimited access would greatly ease the strain.

It took Zajfman-as-problemsolver three months to determine the parameters of how and exactly what to build, given that his small lab could not accommodate a huge 56-meter ring. And what of cost? Ouch: in the region of millions of dollars. What he eventually designed turned out to be a brand new type of ion storage device, the 50-centimeter-long electrostatic bottle.

The bottle, whose price tag is tens of thousands of dollars ­ rather than millions ­ is comprised of two mirrors which bounce the molecular ions back and forth. "It doesn't perform in the same way as the large ring," explains Zajfman, "but it stores molecular ions so that you can cool them."

There is only one such device in existence today, and Zajfman has just begun his first experiments using it. This bottle could also be a boon for others who wait months for beam time on the storage ring at Heidelberg or the only other such rings in the world, in Japan, the U.S., Sweden and Denmark.

Having his own ion storage bottle has not actually meant that the Belgian-born Zajfman (who made aliyah in 1979) has stopped his regular pan-European flights. His collaboration with German physicists is very valuable, and certain experiments, e.g., involving collisions between molecular ions and electrons, still require the large and expensive devices found only at the Max Planck facility. But with equipment "at home" in the lab, he can now attempt, freely, procedures whose results are less predictable.

"If you have a big machine and you only have one beam time every few months, you're not really going to try crazy ideas because of the price and the great effort," he says. "On a small machine you can try crazy stuff. For physicists, crazy things are what make things happen."
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