The Coin Toss Paradox


Alice and Bob are two fictional characters who love to play games with a mathematical bent. Here, for example, is one game they play: They toss coins and figure their odds of winning. What are their chances, for example, if Bob tosses a coin and Alice has to guess which side is up, and then Alice flips a coin and Bob has to guess, and they play as a team, so that both must be correct to win?

Prof. Irit Dinur
“There are many variations on this game,” says Prof. Irit Dinur of the Weizmann Institute's Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department. “The different versions and their mathematical solutions give us insight into how information is shared in the real world, in computing, in different branches of mathematics and even in the world of quantum mechanics and quantum communication.” Dinur and her colleagues recently used one variation on this game to reveal how it might be played under “quantum” rules.These rules are very relevant to those who hope to use the strange properties of quantum mechanics to construct new ways of using information – for example in quantum communication, a technology that is already under development today.

In the coin-toss game, says Dinur, one might think that after both had flipped and guessed they would have a 25% chance of winning the game, since each had a 50% chance of guessing correctly. But there is a clever strategy that Bob and Alice can use: If each guesses that the other has flipped exactly the same as their own coin flip, they raise their odds to 50%.  

Now imagine Bob and Alice continue playing the game – they must guess correctly every time to win. Are there more clever tricks they can use to increase their chances of winning? The answer, sadly, is no. As they continue to flip coins, their odds decrease round by round: Mathematical calculations reveal that in all cases, as the game is repeated, the chance of winning quickly approaches zero.  

Changing the rules

When Dinur and her colleagues changed the rules yet again, entering the world of quantum mechanics, things become more complicated.

Alice and Bob’s information was now in the shape of quantum particles; to understand the game, one must understand a few basic principles of quantum mechanics. First, there is superposition: A quantum particle can be in more than one state at a time. But when it is observed or measured, it “collapses” into a single state. So the possible information held by each superimposed particle can be much greater than “yes” or “no.”

Alice and Bob’s particles were also entangled: When two particles are entangled in a quantum setup, they can be placed at a distance from each other, but their states remain in perfect sync, so that any change in the state of one results in an instantaneous change in the state of the other.

Both of these ideas were proposed in the early 20th century, and Einstein was famously opposed to the concept of entanglement, calling it “spooky action at a distance.” A paper he coauthored in 1935 presented the “EPR paradox,” which suggested that, because information cannot travel between the particles faster than the speed of light, there must either be some hidden variables controlling the process, or else the outcome is already “known” before the measurement is performed. Today, entanglement has been proven experimentally, and Einstein’s hidden variables did not pan out. But the paradox remains: How do two particles “share information,” coordinating their states with no time lag?  
Game plans
In the entanglement game, if Alice measures her superimposed quantum bit, collapsing it into a particular state, then Bob’s entangled particle must immediately assume a corresponding state. So entangling bits of information could be seen as cheating. Would Alice and Bob win every time, the results seemingly predetermined, or would the game still be subject to other, less spooky, laws of play? In other words, how would the conditions of the EPR paradox apply to the game?

Dinur and her colleagues showed, mathematically, that a game based on entangled bits of information will eventually follow the pattern of the other games: As the rounds are repeated, the chances of winning will drop significantly. Entanglement may give them some advantage in the beginning, as Bob now has a piece of information about Alice’s knowledge. But, like the coin toss, Alice’s information will still be random: Measuring will collapse her quantum system to a particular state, but she will not be able to control or predict what that state will be. Thus while the odds for each individual round will be better, the pattern will remain the same, moving toward zero as rounds are added to the game. In other words, entanglement would only be a partial cheat, at best, and the EPR paradox is not quite the paradox it seemed.  

If quantum communication becomes a reality, Alice and Bob will be able to use it to ensure encryption – for example, to detect any interference in messages sent from one to the other. Although the technology is still far in the future, it will rely on today’s mathematics to set the rules and the limits on its operation.  


Game plans
Math & Computer Science

The 16th Problem


David Hilbert, probably the most prominent mathematician around the turn of the previous century, gave a talk at the 1900 International Mathematicians Congress in Paris in which he presented a list of outstanding math challenges for the new era. His full list included 23 problems. He explained to those in attendance: “For the close of a great epoch not only invites us to look back into the past but also directs our thoughts to the unknown future.” Hilbert expected that his 23 problems would be solved by the end of the 20th century. Indeed, most have been solved, but a few have resisted all efforts to find solutions.

Under number 16 on Hilbert’s list appears the “problem of the topology of algebraic curves and surfaces.” This is really a two-part problem: The first involves closed ovals defined by algebraic equations and the second planar problem concerns closed trajectories of differential equations.
(l-r) Profs. Dmitry Novikov and Sergei Yakovenko, and Dr. Gal Binyamini. Illustration: Gil Gibli


The solutions to planar differential equations are expressed as curved lines in a plane that do not intersect themselves. When such a line comes back around to its starting point, thus “closing,” it is called a cycle. Often the other solutions close to such a cycle spiral gradually inward toward it; the cycle is then called a “limit cycle,” and it becomes the limit of all the solutions around it. Such limit cycles are considered important not just for what they reveal about their own solutions, but because they can be used to reveal all the solutions adjoining them.
The second part of the problem had essentially been put forward earlier by Henri Poincaré, yet even today it is far from being solved. Despite the difficulty in resolving it, one can state the problem in somewhat simple terms: How many limit cycles can there be in a planar polynomial differential equation of a given order?”
A number of attempts to solve the Hilbert 16th problem had been proposed over the years, but these were eventually found to contain fatal flaws. The most significant progress was made by the mathematicians Yulij Ilyashenko and Jean Ecalle, who had each independently proved in the early 1990s that for every planar differential equation there is a finite number of limit cycles. Though it was a tremendous breakthrough, this finding was still far from a complete solution of the problem. At some point, the mathematical community realized that the problem, in its entirety, was resisting their best efforts to solve it; and they turned to intermediate, “weakened” problems in hopes of gaining insight through dealing with these simpler cases.
One such relaxed problem, put forward by Ilyashenko, was to focus on equations that are small perturbations of a particular case known as Hamiltonian equations. Hamiltonian equations, among other things, are often used to describe the physics of mechanical systems. They have been used to show, for instance, that when such a system is in perfect energetic balance, it contains no limit cycles.
But following a small change in the system, that perfect energy balance can be broken; when this happens, limit cycles arise in the system as if appearing out of nowhere. Ilyashenko proposed to investigate the question of how many cycles can be created this way from a Hamiltonian system and thus to determine the upper limit to this number. Though this problem has been known under a number of different names, today it is most commonly referred to as the “infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem.”

The sounds of cracking

Prof. Sergei Yakovenko, today head of the Weizmann Institute’s Mathematics Department, focused on a particular case of the infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem in his Masters’ thesis work under Ilyashenko at Moscow University. “Since then,” he says, “I have returned to the question again and again. It is, for me, a sort of beacon pointing me in the most intriguing direction.” Years later, together with his then student Dmitry Novikov – now, himself, a professor in the Institute’s Mathematics Department – Yakovenko succeeded in obtaining several intermediate results. But a comprehensive solution remained elusive.
Fast forward eight years: A visitor poking his head into Yakovenko’s office would have encountered the silence of deep thought – and three pairs of feet propped up on the low table in the middle of the room. These feet belonged to Yakovenko, Novikov and research student Gal Binyamini. Or, as Yakovenko describes this scene: “We were banging our heads against a solid brick wall, and suddenly we heard the sounds of cracks appearing. It was an exciting period in my career, and one of the most turbulent.”
Binyamini says: “One day, as I was taking my usual walk around campus, I thought of the work of another of Prof. Yakovenko’s students, Dr. Alexei Grigoriev. Incidentally, it occurred to me that it might be possible to ‘rescale’ or ‘stretch’ the arguments he put forward in his thesis in various and different ways.”
Rounds of rescaling enabled the team to uncover new properties of a very classical object – linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients – which had previously gone unnoticed. As they built on the information they obtained, the three Institute mathematicians were able to determine an upper limit that represents a full solution to the infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem.   
“That,” says Yakovenko, “is still a far cry from the complete solution to Hilbert’s 16th problem. But then, even the infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem had stood open for 50 years, until we managed to find an explicit upper bound for the number of newborn limit cycles and thus solve the infinitesimal version. It appears to be one of the most significant advances in this field in the past few decades.”  

Prof. Sergei Yakovenko is the incumbent of the Gershon Kekst Professorial Chair.







(l-r) Profs. Dmitry Novikov and Sergei Yakovenko, and Dr. Gal Binyamini. Illustration: Gil Gibli
Math & Computer Science

Life Begins at 80



Prof. Victor Zalgaller at 90


In the spring of 2000, Prof. Victor Zalgaller had an extraordinary dream: It revealed to him the proof of a geometrical theorem. The revelation was not entirely out of the blue; Zalgaller had spent an entire year thinking about that theorem day and night. Armed with Zalgaller’s proof, a colleague of his managed to solve a 50-year-old mathematical problem. Their joint success, its results published later in the prestigious Annals of Mathematics, was one of the best presents Zalgaller received for his 80th birthday.
A more formal celebration, a mathematical meeting in honor of his 80th birthday, was held at the Weizmann Institute of Science in December 2000. When Zalgaller had immigrated to Israel from Russia a year earlier, he had been appointed a Consultant in the Institute’s Department of Mathematics.
Zalgaller’s ties with some of Weizmann’s mathematicians go back a long way: Back in 1946, Prof. Michael Solomyak had decided to become a mathematician after studying in a mathematics class for ninth-graders taught by Zalgaller at the Leningrad Pioneer Palace. Other faculty members and students at Weizmann know Zalgaller through his contributions to various areas of mathematics, including convex polyhedra, linear and dynamic programming, differential geometry and isoperimetry. He is perhaps best known for the 1980 book Geometric Inequalities that he co-authored with a former student, considered a classic and translated into English.
With his father Abram, 1955


Victor Abramovich Zalgaller’s lengthy journey to geometry reflects the many tribulations Soviet mathematics went through in the 20th century. As a youngster, he had joined one of the evening mathematics classes created in Russia in the mid-1930s to remedy the abysmal state of higher education, including mathematics, resulting from the Bolshevik policy of admitting students to university on the basis of ideology and class origins rather than ability. In 1936, he was among the winners of one of the first Leningrad Mathematics Olympiads for high school students.
His studies at Leningrad State University were interrupted by World War II. In early July 1941, after the Nazis invaded the USSR, he volunteered for the Red Army and spent the next four years in the artillery on the front line, sustaining a severe injury and earning five military decorations for bravery. In his memoirs Wartime Life, published in the United States in 1972, he documents his experiences in chilling detail, from the 1941 defense of the Leningrad District to the 1945 march through defeated Germany.
During the defense of Leningrad, 1942


Upon return to university, Zalgaller’s status as a war veteran helped to make up for the two major obstacles he faced in his career as a mathematician in the Soviet Union: being Jewish and being the son of a father who in 1931, on trumped-up charges of propaganda for Poland, had been sent to the Gulag and had never been allowed to return to Leningrad. These “shortcomings” notwithstanding, in 1948 Zalgaller joined the Leningrad branch of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, affiliated with the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he was to work for more than 50 years. From the 1970s, he also served as a professor at Leningrad University, where he was one of the most popular lecturers.
Early in his career, he worked under the guidance of famous mathematician Leonid Kantorovich, who was later to win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. In 1951, they co-authored Economic Cutting of Industrial Stocks, one of the first books in the world on this topic. “I’m proud that upon receiving the Nobel Prize, Kantorovich named me among those who had helped him,” Zalgaller recalls.
Zalgaller (right) with his mother and brother Lev, killed on the front in WWII
He also considers himself fortunate to have worked closely with yet another famous Soviet mathematician, Alexander Danilovich Alexandrov. In 1962, they co-authored a book in Zalgaller’s main area of research, geometry: Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces.
In addition to co-writing the three books, Zalgaller has translated another three and served as scientific editor of twelve more; his small book, Theory of Envelopes, is still widely used by engineers. He has authored more than 100 research papers; five of these papers were published after he turned 80.

Since making Aliya, Zalgaller lives in Rehovot. His wife Sofia-Maia is also a mathematician; in 1980, they co-authored a paper, later translated into French, in which they proposed the first algorithm for solving the Rubik’s cube puzzle from any initial position. They have a daughter, Tatiana, a computer specialist in the hi-tech industry, as well as a grandson and four great-grandchildren.  


Prof. Victor Zalgaller (front row, second from right) and other participants of the meeting marking his 90th birthday at the Weizmann Institute
Zalgaller’s 90th birthday was marked at the Weizmann Institute by a mathematical meeting that focused on his contributions to research. But on the same occasion, his colleagues also praised his qualities as a human being, particularly his exceptional honesty and his generosity in sharing his knowledge with others. Says Solomyak, now a Professor Emeritus in the Mathematics Department: “Mathematicians are judged not only by their own research, but by the benefit they bring to the scientific community, by the kinds of problems one can discuss with them. Zalgaller is exceptional in that you can fruitfully discuss with him a huge portion of mathematics.”
Prof. Victor Zalgaller
Math & Computer Science

Relating to Relationships



Hilary Finucane and Yakir Reshef. Tying the knot
Relationships can be a messy business. Fortunately for Yakir Reshef, identifying meaningful relationships is his forte. Born in Israel in 1987, Yakir found himself moving with his family to Kenya at age 3 and, shortly thereafter, immigrating to America. In high school he began dating Hilary Finucane, and since then they have taken the meaning of relationships to a whole new level. They both attended Harvard University, both in the Department of Mathematics. They are now both at the Weizmann Institute of Science and both in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science: Yakir – a visiting Fulbright scholar hosted by Prof. Moni Naor;* and Hilary – a Ph.D. student in the group of Prof. Itai Benjamini.*
So the fact that Yakir and Hilary are joint authors of a recently published paper in Science on the subject of relationships seems quite appropriate: The paper reports a new data analysis tool that is able to search complex data sets for interesting relationships and trends that are invisible in other types of statistical analysis. And in another twist on relationships, the other first author of the paper, in addition to Yakir, is David Reshef – a computer scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Yakir’s brother.

“While I was an undergraduate at Harvard, David asked me to help him create a program for visualizing and analyzing large public health data sets. But when we started, we realized that to visualize and analyze relationships in a data set, you first have to know what relationships you need to consider,” says Yakir. This sounds simple, but it can get very complicated when dealing with large data sets. Take, for example, bacterial species that colonize the gut of humans and other mammals: There are trillions of bacteria; even narrowing down the data set to just seven thousand yields over 22 million potential relationships between assorted pairs of bacteria. How can microbiologists keep themselves from drowning in such a huge sea of data, and know in advance what kinds of patterns to look for? Challenges like this are faced not only by microbiologists: Large, complex data sets with thousands of variables are increasingly common in fields as diverse as genomics, physics, political science, economics and more, and there is thus an increasing need for data-analysis tools to make sense of them.
Sign of status? (image: iStock)
The two brothers decided they needed an algorithm that could uncover new and important, yet unexpected, relationships that would otherwise go unnoticed.

The tool they developed – under the guidance of advisers Michael Mitzenmacher of the Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Pardis Sabeti of the Broad Institute – is called the maximal information coefficient, or MIC for short. It is based on the idea that if two variables are related to each other, there should be a way to draw a grid on a scatterplot of the two variables in a way that captures the relationship between them. The algorithm that calculates the MIC searches through many such grids and uses the one best able to quantify how strong the relationship is. Researchers can calculate the MIC on each pair of variables in their data set, rank the pairs by their scores (the higher the score, the more related the pair) and then examine the top-scoring pairs – that is, the pairs that affect each other the most.
To test how well the algorithm works, Yakir, David and Hilary applied the MIC to data sets in a variety of fields – global health, gene expression, human gut microbiota and even major-league baseball – and compared the MIC results to those of current methods.
How did they fare? With regard to the microbiota data, the MIC was able to narrow down 22 million variable pairs to just a few hundred interesting relationships, many of which had not been observed before. For instance, it identified examples of “non-coexistent” species in which if one bacterium is abundant, the other is not, and vice versa. Some of the non-coexistent relationships identified were familiar – known to be caused by differences in host diet – while others were novel. This finding raises the possibility of the existence of additional factors that, like diet, affect the make-up of the human microbiome.
Netting a raise? (image: iStock)
In another example, the team examined a data set from the World Health Organization covering 200 countries and containing 357 variables per country. One of the identified relationships was between female obesity and household income in the Pacific Islands, in which obesity increases with income, in contrast with other countries. It turned out that obesity, rather than being an anomaly, is considered a sign of status in the Pacific Islands. Most methods would treat this separate trend as “noise,” but the MIC is able to identify relationships, such as this one, that include more than one trend.

And major-league baseball? According to the MIC, hits, total bases and how many runs a player generates for a team are the most influential factors determining a player’s salary. A more traditional statistic had placed walks, intentional walks and runs batted in as the three strongest factors. So, which of the statistics is correct? The researchers are wisely leaving it to baseball enthusiasts to decide which set of variables is – or at least should be – more strongly tied to salary.

“What sets the MIC apart from other data analysis tools is twofold,” says Hilary. “Unlike other methods, the MIC assigns high scores to a wide variety of relationship types hidden in large data sets, while it can also provide similar scores for relationships with comparable amounts of noise.” Yakir: “In other words, the MIC has a “sweet spot” – it finds cool things going on that you might not have expected and that are difficult to find with other types of analyses.”

As for Hilary and Yakir, while working on the MIC together they discovered the top-scoring relationship of all: marriage. “It’s really great for us that we share the same passion for mathematics.” Not stopping at that, they also share hobbies, including classical piano, jogging and cooking.
Associations between bacterial species in the gut microbiota of “humanized” mice. A spring graph in which nodes correspond to significant relationships between “species”-level, and edges correspond to the top 300 nonlinear relationships. Node size is proportional to the number of these relationships between species relationships, black edges represent relationships explained by diet, and node glow color is proportional to the fraction of adjacent edges that are black (100% is red, 0% is blue)
*Profs. Itai Benjamini and Moni Naor had no involvement in this research.

Prof. Itai Benjamini is the incumbent of the Renee and Jay Weiss Professorial Chair.
Prof. Moni Naor's resaearch is supported by Citi Foundation and Walmart.

Associations between bacterial species in the gut microbiota of “humanized” mice. A spring graph in which nodes correspond to significant relationships between “species”-level, and edges correspond to the top 300 nonlinear relationships. Node size is proportional to the number of these relationships between species relationships, black edges represent relationships explained by diet, and node glow color is proportional to the fraction of adjacent edges that are black (100% is red, 0% is blue)
Math & Computer Science

View from the Top


Drs. Anna and Dmitry Gourevitch. Love and math



Even as a child, Dr. Dmitry Gourevitch knew he was going to study the exact sciences. But when he embarked on university studies at age 15, after immigrating to Israel from Russia, he wasn’t sure he was going to opt for an academic career. All doubts disappeared when he encountered representation theory, a highly abstract area of mathematics. “It felt as if I’d climbed a mountain peak and could observe parts of the Earth I’d never seen before,” recalls Gourevitch, who recently joined the Weizmann Institute’s Mathematics Department. “The joy of discovery was tremendous; I suddenly realized how various concepts were interconnected in ways I had no idea existed.”

Gourevitch has been seriously engaged in mathematics for more than half of his 29 years, thanks in large part to the school he attended in St. Petersburg (then known as Leningrad). The legendary school No. 30 was known to be a breeding ground for mathematical geniuses: Its students won a disproportionate number of prizes at local and national mathematics Olympiads, many of them later becoming professional mathematicians.

After “making aliya” with his parents in 1995, Gourevitch entered a “special status” program allowing him to study towards a degree in mathematics at Tel Aviv University in parallel with high school. It was in a university course taught by Prof. Joseph Bernstein that he was struck by the explanatory power of algebra, particularly representation theory. He was ultimately to make this theory the focus of his research – but only after earning his B.Sc. with honors at age 18, completing his compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces and, at 22, enrolling in graduate studies at the Weizmann Institute. He earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institute under the guidance of Bernstein and Weizmann’s Prof. Stephen Gelbart. After conducting postdoctoral research at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at Rutgers, New Jersey, Gourevitch now works on representation theory in his position of Senior Scientist at Weizmann.

Representation theory, which studies the symmetries of linear spaces, is so powerful because it combines two of the most fundamental concepts in mathematics: the technique of linearization and the notion of symmetry, which appears in multiple problems in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. The theory has a wide variety of applications – in other areas in mathematics, in quantum mechanics, in engineering and in computer science. Translating basic research into practice, however, takes time. Many decades passed, for instance, before certain concepts of representation theory, developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, found their application in computer tomography (CT) – the medical imaging technique. Similarly, it took decades before other concepts helped to speed computation or provide solutions to major problems in computer science, such as the expander problem, whose solution allows one to connect multiple users into a single communications network in an optimal manner.

It’s impossible to predict what applications might one day arise from Gourevitch’s current research. Together with colleagues, he has already managed to prove the so-called multiplicity one conjectures, which had remained unproven for 20 years. He has also made several other contributions to his field and is hoping to make more. The one thing that’s certain is that the mountain peak he is climbing in his studies is particularly high – he is working on representations of the so-called non-compact groups, notorious for their complexity – and that it is bound to help reveal new landscapes that are presently hidden from the scientists’ view.

Mathematical romance

Dmitry and his wife Anna met at a lecture in algebraic topology at Tel Aviv University. Their romance was fostered by a shared interest in algebraic geometry. Shortly after getting married, the couple published a joint paper in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. They now live in Rehovot with their children. Anna is a teaching associate in mathematics at Tel Aviv University, from which she earned her Ph.D.
Drs. Anna and Dmitry Gourevitch. Love and math
Math & Computer Science

Smooth Turbulence


Prof. Edriss Titi. Real-world problems


Water rushing through pipes, currents in the ocean, weather patterns, airplanes taking off, blood running in veins, chemicals churning in a mixer, even milk being stirred into coffee: all are governed by a single phenomenon – turbulence. Scientists and mathematicians have been studying turbulence since the legendary 18th-century mathematician Leonhard Euler formulated the first mathematical equations for describing liquid flow in non-linear patterns. This formula was refined in the next century by Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes, who noted that viscosity, even when minimal, influences fluid motion and incorporated terms to reflect its effect. The Navier-Stokes equations, as well as a number of equations derived from them, are still used today in scientific fields ranging from chemical and aerospace engineering to climate modeling.
Nonetheless, these useful equations still hold some puzzles for mathematicians, and the prestigious Clay Institute in Cambridge, Mass., has included the Navier-Stokes equations in a short list of the seven most challenging mathematical problems for the new millenium. Whoever solves any one of them is promised a $1 million prize. The burning question for the Navier-Stokes equations is whether the solutions to them “break” or “blow up” within a finite time period or whether they remain “smooth” ad infinitum. By “breaking,” mathematicians mean that as the solutions progress in time, some of the quantities might become infinite and the mathematical equation would no longer be a valid model for the physical process. In fact, some mathematicians believe that turbulence is linked to an infinite number of solution breaks, which can occur at any moment. However, proof for Navier-Stokes solutions breaking or remaining smooth has never been established – hence the challenge.
Prof. Edriss Titi of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department is fascinated by the ways in which mathematics contributes to solving real-world problems: “Physicists ask: ‘What are the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon?’ Engineers ask: ‘How can I control this phenomenon?’ But it is mathematicians who study the observations of the other two, develop a proper mathematical framework (and once in a while a completely new theory) and apply rigorous methods, to simplify and answer the others’ questions.”
Titi has shown that several equations, variations on Navier-Stokes that apply to specific patterns of turbulent flow, are able to produce smooth solutions at all times, with no breaks. The first, which he proved while at Cornell University, was for helical flows. As the name implies, in helical flows symmetrical lines of flow swirl around a central vortex. But this kind of flow, says Titi, is not truly three-dimensional. One can treat the flow lines as though they lie on two-dimensional surfaces, and this reduces the complexity of the problem. Titi and his colleagues proved that helical flows are invariant – once they start they’ll go on forever without breaking, according to the formula.
The second set of equations is truly three-dimensional, making it more complex, and Titi’s proof for smoothness at all times in these equations settles a major open problem in the mathematical theory of geophysical fluid dynamics and adds significantly to the under-standing of the field.
The equations were originally formulated in the 1920s, for weather prediction, by Lewis Fry Richardson – one of the first to try modeling the complex movement of air around the globe. In doing so, he had to deal with movement along an enormously wide, thin curving layer of fluid. (If the earth were a very large apple, the atmosphere would be the thin peel.) Taking advantage of the shallow atmosphere, Richardson distorted the Navier-Stokes equations, replacing the equation for vertical motion with the so-called “hydrostatic balance” equation, which is based on a simplified balance between the rate of change in pressure with respect to depth and the buoyancy forces. 
“Richardson’s ‘Primitive Equations of Large-Scale Ocean and Atmosphere Dynamics’ ruined the elegant symmetry of Navier-Stokes,” says Titi. Mathematically, these equations appear to be more difficult to approach than the original Navier-Stokes, and it was only last year that mathematicians succeeded in proving they possess smooth solutions for even a short period. So it was quite a surprise when Titi and his student were able to prove that these equations are eternally smooth.
Titi: “The charm of challenging mathematical problems such as Navier-Stokes is that they can be simply formulated and explained, yet they keep us busy trying to solve them for decades, centuries – sometimes millennia.” 

From Akko to Rehovot

Prof. Edriss S. Titi was born and raised in an Arab family in the Old City of Akko. His parents barely finished grade school, but they insisted on providing their four children with the best education available, at Akko’s private Franciscan Terra Sancta school. There, with the help of teachers he’s in touch with to this day, Titi excelled in mathematics and physics. In 1974, he began studies at the Technion, in Haifa. 
After receiving an M.Sc. in theoretical mathematics from the Technion, Titi switched to applied mathematics, completing his Ph.D. at Indiana University and postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago. He was a lecturer for two years at Cornell University, then moved to the University of California at Irvine, where he became a full professor in 1989. Titi first came to the Weizmann Institute as a visiting scientist in 1999; he joined the Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty in 2003.
Prof. Edriss Titi. Unbroken solutions
Math & Computer Science

Like Human, Like Octopus

Prof. Tamar Flash. Octopus arm movement
The freedom to choose between many possibilities doesn’t always make life easier. For example, deciding which fruit to buy is simple if you’ve stopped by a roadside strawberry stand, but it can be confusing and time-consuming when shopping in an upscale supermarket that sells twenty varieties of apples, alone. Having too wide a choice between possible modes of action turns out to be taxing, demanding of large amounts of the brain’s resources.
The octopus has a similar problem in deciding how to move its eight tentacles. Each is completely flexible, allowing movement in any direction from any point along its length. In addition, the tentacle can be extended or retracted, further complicating the choice of movements. In contrast, the human arm moves from a limited number of joints, and movement at each is restricted to a fixed number of planes, or “degrees of freedom.”
A joint study by scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has revealed how the octopus copes with the generous freedom of choice in limb movement nature has granted it.
Movements must be planned and coordinated if they’re to be efficient. In humans, the brain calculates and selects the best joint angles and combinations of muscle contractions for each movement. With its relatively small brain and nearly limitless possibilities for movement, how does the octopus manage? Prof. Tamar Flash of the Weizmann Institute’s Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department and Dr. Benny Hochner of the Hebrew University’s Neurobiology Department and Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation have been on a quest for the last 11 years to understand how the octopus nervous system oversees the control of its unique physiology.
They have found that octopi, from all the possibilities open to them, stick to a more or less narrow repertoire of tentacle movement patterns. Each of these patterns, which in combination allow the octopus a wide range of movement, is circumscribed in its degrees of freedom. For example, to reach for an object, the tentacle bends in a kink that advances whip-like down its length - a movement based on only three degrees of freedom. This restriction reduces the number of variables the octopus brain must deal with to calculate the most efficient movement. The results of an earlier study by this research team, which appeared in the journal Science, showed the octopus brain does not bear the full brunt of planning and control in this complicated undertaking. Rather, the brain passes at least part of the task over to smaller “local brains,” fitted on each tentacle, that specifically deal with movement.
The most recent study, carried out in the framework of Dr. German Sumbre’s doctoral research in Hochner’s lab and published in Nature, adds another piece to the puzzle. To their surprise, the scientists noted that a specific movement, again carried out within limited degrees of freedom, is repeated each time an octopus brings a piece of food to its mouth. What’s more, this movement looks intriguingly like the movement of a human arm performing the same task.
Flexible food grab
Sophisticated computer analysis helped reveal that the tentacle, as it manipulates the captured food toward the mouth, becomes divided into three rigid segments and bends at the joints between them. The first segment, farthest from the body, functions much like a hand, while the other two appear to act as forearm and upper arm. These last two are always of equal length. The scientists think the tentacle’s “local brain” calculates the midpoint and divides the limb into segments. It then passes responsibility over to the central brain, which synchronizes the movements of the segments. It would appear, they say, that evolution has arrived at similar models of efficient, economic movement for both humans and octopi, the one through a rigid skeleton and the other through limiting the choice of movement patterns.
The researchers aim to apply what they have learned about tentacle movement to the world of robotics. Soft, flexible, yet easily controllable robotic arms might be advantageous in many situations for which robots are now being developed. Octopus-like limbs, for example, might allow a robot working in a disaster area to cover un-certain terrain; these robots would also be able to extend their appen-dages around corners, or reach into spaces where other types of tools or machine can’t fit. Such robots would be handy in a number of tasks, including helping out in rescue missions, neutralizing explosives, repairing ships underwater and even performing surgery - thin, flexible tentacles might one day be designed to navigate twisting intes-tines or blood vessels, or to probe small spaces and delicate tissues.
Prof. Tamar Flash’s research is supported by the Manfred D. Moross Laboratory for Vision Research and Robotics. Prof. Flash is the incumbent of the Dr. Hymie Moross Professorial Chair.
Prof. Tamar Flash. Calculated move
Math & Computer Science

Billiard Ball Math


Your average billiards player down at the local hall might not be aware that the table he’s playing on represents a complex mathematical problem. Imagine a frictionless (and pocketless) billiard table on which a ball bounces endlessly from wall to wall. Though a seasoned billiards player or mathematician might be able to predict where the ball will hit the side once, possibly twice, soon even tiny differences in angle at each strike will add up and become magnified. Thus the further the time from the original bounce, the more impossible it becomes to predict how the ball will continue to move.

Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar of the Institute’s Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department is one of a group of mathematicians who study the theoretical properties of billiards. More than just an interesting thought problem, billiard mathematics can describe the physics of everyday systems. It had its beginnings in the theories of such scientists as Ludwig Bolzmann, who in the late 19th century suggested that the molecules of gas in a closed container are similar to hard spheres in motion. Like the balls on a table, their constant bouncing off each other and the container walls results in pnpredictable, erratic trajectories. This insight led him to formulate his basic law of gases, which roughly states that gas molecules, on average, will scatter evenly throughout a space.


Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar. islands of stability

In a highly chaotic system such as Bolzmann’s gas, one cannot foresee where any one “ball” will go, but it’s possible to predict the average outcome for a large number of balls. On the other hand, on a perfectly round table with one ball bouncing off its circular boundary, one can predict the ball’s endlessly repeating course with precision. But what can be said about systems that have elements of both?

Rom-Kedar and Prof. Dmitry Turaev of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev investigate so-called “mixed systems,” in which “islands of stability” (areas of predictable, repeating orbits) can coexist with chaotic movement. They begin with the shape of the table, which strongly influences movement. The two work with a fancifully shaped group of tables that have inward-curving sides, making them look something like fat cartoon stars. Called Sinai or dispersing tables, these are variations on a well-studied model composed of two moving disks in a rectangle and they were proved to be inevitably chaotic. Rom-Kedar and Turaev have been demonstrating how, with the slightest of modifications, these highly chaotic systems can give way to mixed ones.


Painting by Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar. billiard balls


They suggest mixed systems might arise, for instance, if the balls resemble electrons or ions more than billiard balls. Unlike hard balls, these particles do not bang into one another because they carry repellent charges – the particles are deflected before they can make contact. Another way to think of the problem, says Rom-Kedar, is as a system with one ball and elastic walls. As opposed to a sharp impact, which not only changes a ball’s direction but jolts its energy potential, the potential energy of a deflected electron, or of a ball rebounding from an elastic wall, will change in an even, unbroken curve, termed “smooth” or “soft” potential.

Rom-Kedar and Turaev proved that smooth potential allows islands of stability to be created on dispersing tables; they found, furthermore, how the relative hardness or softness of the wall affects the island’s size. Islands of stability come into being, in this case, if a part of the ball’s path forms a tangent to one of the concave boundaries. In another collaborative paper, the two proved that hitting corners – as long as those corners have set, finite angles – can also send the ball on a non-chaotic, stable, repeating path.

The published billiards research relates to two-dimensional tables. Now, with graduate student Anna Rappaport, the mathematicians are working on a theory for smooth, billiard-type systems of higher dimensions. “If we accomplish that,” says Rom-Kedar, “we’ll be closing in on a mathematical understanding of Bolzmann’s hypothesis.”


Atomic Billiards

Prof. Nir Davidson of the Physics of Complex Systems Department has been working for the last few years on trapping atoms in what are arguably the world’s smallest “billiard tables.” These are so-called dark optical traps – a small number of atoms held in a dark space surrounded by a thin wall of laser beam light.  He and his team were working on refining the walls of their traps, changing the shapes and trying to thin down the width of the beams.


But the atoms bouncing off the experimental walls were behaving unpredictably. The laser walls were “spongy” – the atoms sank into them a little way before bouncing back, and the walls’ slopes, never exactly 90°, seemed to affect the way the atoms moved.


At this point Prof. Uzy Smilansky of the same department suggested that Rom-Kedar and Turaev’s work on soft-sided tables and islands of stability might hold answers to some of the physicists’ questions. Indeed, the billiards formulas were able to predict how changes in the thickness and slope of the laser enclosure would affect the motions of the entrapped atoms, giving Davidson’s group a solid mathematical basis for its observations.


Later, Davidson’s group noticed that atoms hitting the corners of the traps tended to come back to their starting points, and mentioned this to Rom-Kedar. This observation led her and Turaev to their mathematical study of the conditions needed to create islands of stability for corners.


Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar. Stability in chaos
Math & Computer Science