Coming from America

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A group of 40 high school students from the Solomon Schechter Day School in New York recently visited the Weizmann Institute. This visit came about following the participation of high school science teachers from North America, Canada and Israel in the Sheila Schwartz Family International Leading Science Teacher Seminar that took place last summer at the Institute. This seminar – which was the initiative of the Davidson Institute of Science Education – was an intensive ten-day-long program designed to serve as a platform for introducing Weizmann Institute science education programs to leading high school science educators and developing collaborative initiatives among them.
Dr. Zahava Scherz of the Weizmann Institute's Science Teaching Department and Director of Science and Education Communication of the Davidson Institute, together with Miri Oren, decided to develop the Investigation into Science and Technology program, allowing high school students to experience "real" science. Students got to interview scientists about their research, participate in experiments in a real lab – ranging in subjects from optics to bone marrow transplant techniques – and learn how to analyze data and present their findings.
"The opportunity to visit the Institute, meet with scientists and conduct experiments strengthened our appreciation for science, especially the importance of basic science," said the students.


Students from New York on a visit to the Institute

