“This year has seen a conspicuous increase in the quantity, and even more importantly the quality, of the student applications to the Feinberg Graduate School M.Sc. program for next year,” says Graduate School Dean
Prof. Lia Addadi.
She attributes this, in great part, to a number of programs aimed at exposing excellent undergraduate students to Institute life. These are made possible by the support of the research schools: the Solo Dwek and Maurizio Dwek School of Chemical Science, the Ekard School of Biological Science, the Lorry I. Lokey School of Biochemical Science, the Moross School of Mathematics and Computer Science, and the Research School of Physics.
The current number of M.Sc. students is 298; 51% are in the life sciences, 17% in chemistry, 17% in physics, 13% in math and computer science and 2% in science teaching. Just over 50% are women. Last year, 132 M.Sc. degrees were awarded: 26 in physics, 21 in chemistry, 66 in the life sciences, 17 in math and computer science, and 2 in science teaching. An additional 64 students are enrolled in the Rothschild-Weizmann Program for Excellence in Science Teaching.
There are 712 Ph.D. students, around 54% of them in the early stages of their studies, 33% in the middle and 13% who are in the process of submitting or defending their thesis. Five percent of the Ph.D. students are foreign; 45% are women; and 53% are continuing students either from the M.Sc. program or in the direct Ph.D. track.

Rothschild-Weizmann Degrees
In 2012, 60 degrees were awarded to graduates of the second and third cycles of participants in the Rothschild-Weizmann Master’s Degree in Science Teaching Program for High School Teachers in Israel. Some 60% of these degrees went to women and 27% to teachers in the Arab sector. This program, now in its fifth year, was launched with support from the Caesarea Rothschild Foundation, and its impact on the country’s science education is already beginning to be felt.
Additional Feinberg Graduate School Activities
Visiting students from other institutions spend from one month to one year conducting research at the Weizmann Institute. The year 2011 was a landmark year: 200 visiting students, 144 of them from outside Israel.
In 2012, students organized five international workshops under the auspices of the research schools.
A long-term project involving all the research schools, in collaboration with schools of art, architecture and design, is aimed at exploring the interactions between the natural sciences and the humanities. The first workshop, held in collaboration with WIZO Haifa School of Design and the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, was attended by about 180 people.
Renovations on the Charles Clore International House should be finished soon, providing housing for around 90 students.
In addition to graduate studies, the School administers a number of short programs for undergraduate students. The Young Weizmann Scholars program for outstanding Israeli undergraduates enables them to conduct individual research in Weizmann labs. This year’s Ulpana de Shalit, a two-week-long summer program for science undergraduates, hosted 63 students in the various faculties. Participants from 11 different countries attended the monthlong Kupcinet-Getz International Summer School, and another 15 Israeli students attended a second session of the Summer School.