A new era is dawning in the battle against cancer. In the more than 30 years that have elapsed since U.S. President Richard Nixon &ldquo;declared war&rdquo; on cancer in 1971, scientists have made gigantic strides in charting the course of this affliction. We now know that cancer is a disease of damaged genes. We also know that it develops in multiple stages and takes many years, even decades, to unfold. We have learned moreover that there are hundreds of different cancers, each caused by a specific set of genetic defects, which is one of the major reasons that malignancy is so difficult to treat.</p>
Thanks to this new understanding, the entire management of cancer promises to change. Genetic testing will make it possible to identify groups of people who are most prone to develop cancer and who must therefore take preventive measures. Non-invasive DNA analysis and improved imaging techniques will allow physicians to detect and diagnose cancer earlier. Finally, therapies will become more selective and precise. Rather than destroying tissues in bulldozer fashion as do the traditional chemotherapy and radiation treatments, they will serve as finer tools, carving out the tumor while sparing healthy tissues. It may even become possible to design tailor-made treatments to suit the patient&rsquo;s individual traits and genetic profile.</p>
Weizmann scientists were the first to clone p53, a gene involved in more than half of all human cancers; basic research conducted at the Institute provided the foundation for the development of Glivec&reg;, the first in the upcoming generation of molecular drugs; and a number of cancer therapies developed at Weizmann are currently being tested in clinical trials.</p>

Research on a Potential Cancer Vaccine


A synthetic vaccine produced at the Weizmann Institute stopped lung cancer from spreading in mice and offers hope as a potential treatment form human cancers.

One of the major problems in cancer is that the immune system does not react to tumors with sufficient vigor, eventually enabling the cancer to overrun the body. With this research, the scientists appear to have found a way to prompt a stronger response from the immune system.

Prof. Lea Eisenbach and her colleagues in the Institute's Immunology Department discovered that connexin-37, a protein normally present in lung cells, contains a mutation in cancerous cells. When they injected mice with the mutant protein, the animals' immune systems produced white blood cells known as cytotoxic T lymphocytes that attacked and killed the cancerous cells.

The scientists developed a synthetic vaccine from this compound and found that it not only protected mice with cancer from the further spread of tumors but reduced the number of existing tumors. In experiments, some of the vaccinated mice were still alive more than a year later, while untreated mice died after a month.

If developed for human cancer therapy in the future, such vaccines could be particularly useful for mopping up the tiny tumors that often remain after surgeons have removed the main growth.
Life Sciences

Multifaceted Attack on Ovarian and Breast Cancer


Ovarian and breast cancer, which strike hundreds of thousands of women throughout the world each year, are under intense study at the Weizmann Institute.

Prof. Ruth Arnon and Dr. Bilha Schechter of the Department of Chemical Immunology, together with Prof. Meir Wilchek of the Department of Membrane Research and Biophysics, have developed an experimental immunotherapy that would treat ovarian cancer more effectively while sparing women the devastating side effects of present treatments. The scientists are trying to decrease the toxicity of cisplatin, a common ovarian cancer drug, by supplying it as part of a much larger molecule. Using immunotargeting, a method in which antibodies guide drug molecules towards malignant cells, they prompt the drug to zero in on the tumor and circumvent healthy tissues.

The approach consists of a two-step treatment involving the avidin-biotin binding complex, a field in which Prof. Wilchek has been working for over two decades. A patient would first receive an injection of monoclonal antibodies modified with biotin that home in on an ovarian tumor, and then a dose of a cisplatin sugar-avidin complex. Because of the high chemical affinity of avidin for biotin, the cisplatin complex is picked up specifically where it is needed by the biotinylated antibodies present in the tumor tissue.

Another researcher in the Department of Chemical Immunology, Prof. Benjamin Geiger, is developing an improved diagnostic classification of the various types of ovarian cancer based on the use of monoclonal antibodies. While people tend to think of ovarian cancer as a single entity, the ovaries can in fact be affected by various malignancies that require different treatments. Prof. Geiger's system may eventually allow physicians to select optimal therapies for different kinds of ovarian cancer. The work is conducted in close collaboration with Prof. Bernard Chernobilsky of the Kaplan Medical Center.

A third ovarian cancer study is being carried out by Dr. Michal Neeman of the Department of Hormone Research, who is using magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, to investigate factors that control the spread of ovarian tumors. The focus of her research, conducted in collaboration with Prof. Eli Keshet of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, is a growth factor that appears to call upon blood vessels to invade a tumor, a process that allows the cancer to grow explosively. This process is simulated by the use of multicellular spheroids about half a millimeter to a millimeter in size, which are composed of human ovarian cancer cells.

MRI may also help evaluate the effectiveness of hormone therapy for breast cancer, allowing doctors to identify women who may best benefit from such treatment. Taking advantage of her earlier work with laboratory animals, Prof. Hadassa Degani of the Department of Chemical Physics is now using MRI to monitor the response of breast tumors to therapeutic hormones in human patients.

The various MRI methods and magnetic resonance of carbon and phosphorous molecules make it possible to measure processes in breast tissues and characterize changes in the composition, perfusion, vitality and metabolic activity of the tumor cells.

This research is conducted in collaboration with Prof. Raphael Catane and Prof. John M. Gomori and their colleagues at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School.
Prof. Wilchek holds the Marc B. Gutwirth Chair of Molecular Biology; Prof. Arnon, the Paul Ehrlich Chair of Immunology; and Prof. Geiger, the Erwin Neter Chair of Tumor Biology.
Life Sciences