REHOVOT, Israel -- October 31, 1996 -- A Weizmann Institute of Science groundwater sampling system, recently recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency as useful sampling technology, tracks down microscopic particles that act as vehicles for the spread of groundwater pollutants, as reported in the current issue of Environmental Science and Technology.
The system, known as the multilayer sampler or MLS, has also been recently used to identify contaminated groundwater layers that can be effectively cleaned up by bacteria. Moreover, in an application that may be significant for Israel's water supply, MLS is now being employed to study salty fluxes in the fabled Sea of Galilee ("Kinneret" in Hebrew).
While many other water samplers are based on pumping, which distorts the natural flow and layering of the water, MLS leaves the natural conditions in the water intact. It is simply lowered into a lake, aquifer or water-filled sediment, where water -- together with contaminants and other microscopic particles -- seeps by diffusion into its membrane-covered cylindrical chambers.
"This makes MLS particularly suitable for mapping the precise distribution and flow of pollutants and other substances in the water," says Dr. Daniel Ronen of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, who invented the sampler together with the late Prof. Mordeckai Magaritz.
One of the system's first applications was to provide early warning of contaminants trickling down into the groundwater surface, before they sink to deeper levels of the aquifer where they become much harder to eliminate.
No More Free Rides
In the study reported in the October issue of Environmental Science and Technology, MLS has proved effective in sampling microscopic particles called colloids, such as clay minerals and various oxides, that facilitate the spread of pollution.
Hazardous materials such as organic contaminants, toxic metals and radioactive nuclides readily attach themselves to colloids, which are highly mobile, and get "free rides" over long distances, wreaking havoc on the environment.
"Monitoring colloids is therefore vital for effective pollution assessment, control and remediation. Contaminants attached to colloids significantly increase the concern about rapid pollution spread," says Ronen, who conducted this study with Ph.D. student Noam Weisbrod and Dr. Ronit Nativ of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In experiments carried out in the Coastal Plain aquifer of Israel, the membranes covering the MLS chambers were provided with large pores allowing colloids to enter. After several days, the chambers were removed from the well, and the concentration and chemical composition of the trapped colloids and attached pollutants were analyzed.
In contrast, when water samples are obtained through an active process such as pumping, particles from the aquifer walls are sucked into the water, producing colloids that are not naturally present in the groundwater.
Are the Bacteria Doing Their Job?
In another study, reported in the August issue of Environmental Science and Technology, Ronen, his M.Sc. student Miri Rietti Shati, and Dr. Raphi Mandelbaum (of Israel's Volcani Research Institute) used MLS to determine the field conditions conducive to bacterial clean-up of contaminated groundwater.
For this purpose, bacteria were confined in the sampler's chambers, which were lowered into groundwater polluted with the widely used herbicide atrazine. The study, conducted in Israel's Coastal Plain aquifer, showed that the bacteria caused atrazine to degrade in particular layers of the aquifer. This will allow researchers to pinpoint the groundwater strata where bacteria are most likely to do their job.
In this and other studies, MLS furnished an accurate picture of distinct layers of water simultaneously because it consists of a rod outfitted with sampling chambers at different levels.
Salty Rain in the Sea of Galilee?
Israel's Sea of Galilee is a major tourist attraction. But many people who visit its historical sites and marvel at its beauty are unaware that this fabled lake also provides about a fourth of the country's water supply.
However, its waters are relatively salty, and in an effort to tackle this problem, the government has diverted nearby salty springs away from the lake. Yet the Sea of Galilee s chloride content remains relatively high -- about 220 parts per million -- and the source of this saltiness is yet to be clarified.
According to one theory, salt makes its way up from mineral deposits buried deep below the lake's bottom. If this is indeed the case, such reverse salty rain will be very difficult to control. Weizmann Institute scientists, in collaboration with a team headed by Dr. Ami Nishri from the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, are now applying MLS to try and resolve this question. For this purpose, divers insert samplers at different sites into the lake's floor.
When the samplers fill up with the water from the surrounding sediment, they are removed and subjected to chemical analysis, which -- in combination with temperature measurements and hydraulic studies -- will make it possible to detect any upward salty streams and measure their flow. The Weizmann team in the Sea of Galilee study consists of Ronen, M.Sc. student Gil Dror, and consultant Dr. Mariana Stiller.
The sampler is manufactured under the brand name DMLS by Margan M.L.S. (1994) Ltd., Netanya, Israel, recently set up specifically for the system's production and worldwide commercialization. An exclusive marketing agreement for North America has been recently signed between Margan and Wheelabrator Clean Water Technologies Inc., New Brighton, Minnesota, and distribution may soon begin in Europe and the Far East.
Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., Weizmann Institute's technology transfer organization, has an agreement with Margan for the worldwide commercialization of the system.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently recognized DMLS as useful for a variety of groundwater sampling applications, including determination of vertical distribution of chemical components and sampling in turbid water environments.
The EPA's groundwater monitoring guidance document that will include information on DMLS is expected to be posted soon in the Federal Register. Photos illustrating the use of MLS at the Sea of Galilee are available.
The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel.
New Solar Technology to be Implemented Under a U.S.-Israeli Agreement
The novel U.S.-Israeli system uses special optics and an innovative air receiver developed by the Weizmann Institute. These reflect, concentrate, and convert sunlight to provide the high temperatures necessary to directly power gas and steam turbines in a combined cycle and thus generate electricity. The flexibility to operate on either solar, gas, or a combination of solar and gas will provide operational flexibility and guarantee electricity even during inclement weather. The application of combined cycles assures very high efficiency in all modes of operation. Recent market assessments indicate that this new technology has the potential of wide international applications.
A Unique Combination of Technologies
In less than three years, the U.S.-Israeli team will develop an operational 200-300 kilowatt system to be located at the Weizmann Institute's solar research facility, the Canadian Institute for the Energies and Applied Research. This system will be equipped with highly reflective mirrors (heliostats), which track the sun in two axes and reflect sunlight up to another reflector atop a central tower. This reflector will then redirect the sunlight back down to a matrix of optical concentrators, capable of concentrating the light 5,000 to 10,000 times, compared to natural sunlight reaching the earth. The concentrated radiation will then enter a unique group of solar receivers, located on the ground, which will heat up compressed air to be used for driving the turbogenerator that produces electricity.The pilot system's advantages stem from a unique combination of technologies. Firstly, the production facilities, including the concentrators, receivers and turbogenerator, are located on the ground rather than at the top of the tower (as they were in previous systems). This innovation will make construction of the tower, whose sole function will be to support the reflecting mirror, significantly simpler and cheaper.
From Research to Industry
As stated, many of the technologies to be implemented in the new solar power station originated at the Weizmann Institute. Following initial stages of the research, the Institute scientists were joined by researchers from Rotem Industries, who collaborated with Weizmann on design and construction of the first prototype of the "Porcupine" receiver, as well as on consolidating the design of its optical components.
Solar Power stations to be Marketed Throughout the World
McDonnell Douglas previously developed the 10 megawatt Solar One solar power generation demonstration plant using a heliostat field to reflect sunlight to a receiver mounted on a central tower to produce steam for a steam turbine in the Mojave Desert during the 1980s. Ormat is responsible for the power conversion system and the fluid loop integration. Ormat specializes in the design, manufacture and world-wide installation of innovative power systems and plants, including 350 MW of renewable energy (geothermal and solar).Rotem is responsible for the air receiver and its associated optics which transforms the concentrated solar energy into high pressure, high temperature air. Rotem brings to the project many years of experience in optical design, high temperature materials and engineering.
The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel. Its 2,400 scientists, students and support staff are engaged in more than 850 research projects across the spectrum of contemporary science.