New Solar Technology to be Implemented Under a U.S.-Israeli Agreement

REHOVOT, Israel - March 10, 1997 - McDonnell Douglas and Israel's Ormat Industries Ltd., Rotem Industries Ltd. and the Weizmann Institute of Science, through its commercial arm, Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., have been awarded $5.3 million by the U.S.-Israel Science and Technology Commission (USISTC) to jointly demonstrate the commercial feasibility of an advanced solar-power plant capable of generating from hundreds of kilowatts to tens of megawatts of power.

The novel U.S.-Israeli system uses special optics and an innovative air receiver developed by the Weizmann Institute. These reflect, concentrate, and convert sunlight to provide the high temperatures necessary to directly power gas and steam turbines in a combined cycle and thus generate electricity. The flexibility to operate on either solar, gas, or a combination of solar and gas will provide operational flexibility and guarantee electricity even during inclement weather. The application of combined cycles assures very high efficiency in all modes of operation. Recent market assessments indicate that this new technology has the potential of wide international applications.
The signing of the agreement was announced today at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

A Unique Combination of Technologies

In less than three years, the U.S.-Israeli team will develop an operational 200-300 kilowatt system to be located at the Weizmann Institute's solar research facility, the Canadian Institute for the Energies and Applied Research. This system will be equipped with highly reflective mirrors (heliostats), which track the sun in two axes and reflect sunlight up to another reflector atop a central tower. This reflector will then redirect the sunlight back down to a matrix of optical concentrators, capable of concentrating the light 5,000 to 10,000 times, compared to natural sunlight reaching the earth. The concentrated radiation will then enter a unique group of solar receivers, located on the ground, which will heat up compressed air to be used for driving the turbogenerator that produces electricity.The pilot system's advantages stem from a unique combination of technologies. Firstly, the production facilities, including the concentrators, receivers and turbogenerator, are located on the ground rather than at the top of the tower (as they were in previous systems). This innovation will make construction of the tower, whose sole function will be to support the reflecting mirror, significantly simpler and cheaper.
Secondly, the sophisticated design of the concentrators, based on pioneering research at the Weizmann Institute, will make it possible to concentrate sunlight sufficiently in order to heat the air to the temperature needed for driving advanced gas turbines. A third innovation is the use of the Weizmann Institute-designed solar receiver (nicknamed "Porcupine") that contains hundreds of ceramic pins arranged in a geometric pattern that maximizes the collection and use of sunlight. Compressed air that flows across the pins is heated and channeled to the gas turbines. Sunlight enters the device through a special cone-shaped quartz window that can withstand higher pressure than can a similarly designed steel cone.

From Research to Industry

As stated, many of the technologies to be implemented in the new solar power station originated at the Weizmann Institute. Following initial stages of the research, the Institute scientists were joined by researchers from Rotem Industries, who collaborated with Weizmann on design and construction of the first prototype of the "Porcupine" receiver, as well as on consolidating the design of its optical components.
Most of the research conducted up to this stage was supported by the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Energy (now the Ministry of National Infrastructures). The transfer of Weizmann Institute technology to industry has taken place through Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd.When the research reached a relatively advanced stage, the Consolar Ltd. consortium of Israeli companies and academic institutions was set up. It is supported by the Chief Scientist of Israel's Ministry of Industry and Trade, under the Ministry's Magnet program, whose aim is to promote the application of new, emerging technologies. Its members are Rotem Industries, Ormat Industries, Silver Arrow, the Israel Aircraft Industries, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
In 1994, President Clinton and the late Prime Minister Rabin announced the creation of the USISTC to enhance cooperation and create technology-based jobs for the 21st Century.Initially, each nation committed $15 million over the next three years to fund technologically innovative projects that will produce significant economic benefits. Efforts of the USISTC are coordinated by the U.S. Department of Commerce and Israel's Ministry of Industry and Trade.The McDonnell Douglas-Rotem-Ormat collaboration was initiated within the framework of the USISTC to promote binational undertakings in order to implement the technologies developed by Consolar Ltd. The collaboration's ultimate goal is to develop an industrial product, that is, to build solar power stations that will produce electricity at competitive prices compared with those of existing power stations.
The signing of the collaboration agreement, as stated above, was announced today in Huntsville, Alabama. The pilot power station at the Weizmann Institute, whose construction represents the first stage of that collaboration, will use solar energy to drive a 200-300-kilowatt turbine generating electricity.

Solar Power stations to be Marketed Throughout the World


Based on technologies to be tested and developed in this project, larger-scale commercial power stations, capable of generating hundreds of kilowatts to tens of megawatts of power, will be set up in the future.These stations will be sold as "complete products" to various countries and organizations. In the course of the development, McDonnell Douglas is the team leader and is responsible for system engineering and integration, heliostat field, master control system, tower and tower reflector.

McDonnell Douglas previously developed the 10 megawatt Solar One solar power generation demonstration plant using a heliostat field to reflect sunlight to a receiver mounted on a central tower to produce steam for a steam turbine in the Mojave Desert during the 1980s. Ormat is responsible for the power conversion system and the fluid loop integration. Ormat specializes in the design, manufacture and world-wide installation of innovative power systems and plants, including 350 MW of renewable energy (geothermal and solar).Rotem is responsible for the air receiver and its associated optics which transforms the concentrated solar energy into high pressure, high temperature air. Rotem brings to the project many years of experience in optical design, high temperature materials and engineering.
The Weizmann Institute and its commercial arm, Yeda, are responsible for the transfer of their unique solar technologies to industry and will host the prototype system at their solar test facility. Since the construction of that facility some 10 years ago, Weizmann has accumulated significant experience in the development and utilization of highly concentrated solar energy.

The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel. Its 2,400 scientists, students and support staff are engaged in more than 850 research projects across the spectrum of contemporary science.

System Also Used to Explain the Saltiness of the Sea of Galilee

REHOVOT, Israel -- October 31, 1996 -- A Weizmann Institute of Science groundwater sampling system, recently recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency as useful sampling technology, tracks down microscopic particles that act as vehicles for the spread of groundwater pollutants, as reported in the current issue of Environmental Science and Technology.

The system, known as the multilayer sampler or MLS, has also been recently used to identify contaminated groundwater layers that can be effectively cleaned up by bacteria. Moreover, in an application that may be significant for Israel's water supply, MLS is now being employed to study salty fluxes in the fabled Sea of Galilee ("Kinneret" in Hebrew).

While many other water samplers are based on pumping, which distorts the natural flow and layering of the water, MLS leaves the natural conditions in the water intact. It is simply lowered into a lake, aquifer or water-filled sediment, where water -- together with contaminants and other microscopic particles -- seeps by diffusion into its membrane-covered cylindrical chambers.

"This makes MLS particularly suitable for mapping the precise distribution and flow of pollutants and other substances in the water," says Dr. Daniel Ronen of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, who invented the sampler together with the late Prof. Mordeckai Magaritz.

One of the system's first applications was to provide early warning of contaminants trickling down into the groundwater surface, before they sink to deeper levels of the aquifer where they become much harder to eliminate.

No More Free Rides

In the study reported in the October issue of Environmental Science and Technology, MLS has proved effective in sampling microscopic particles called colloids, such as clay minerals and various oxides, that facilitate the spread of pollution.

Hazardous materials such as organic contaminants, toxic metals and radioactive nuclides readily attach themselves to colloids, which are highly mobile, and get "free rides" over long distances, wreaking havoc on the environment.

"Monitoring colloids is therefore vital for effective pollution assessment, control and remediation. Contaminants attached to colloids significantly increase the concern about rapid pollution spread," says Ronen, who conducted this study with Ph.D. student Noam Weisbrod and Dr. Ronit Nativ of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In experiments carried out in the Coastal Plain aquifer of Israel, the membranes covering the MLS chambers were provided with large pores allowing colloids to enter. After several days, the chambers were removed from the well, and the concentration and chemical composition of the trapped colloids and attached pollutants were analyzed.

In contrast, when water samples are obtained through an active process such as pumping, particles from the aquifer walls are sucked into the water, producing colloids that are not naturally present in the groundwater.

Are the Bacteria Doing Their Job?

In another study, reported in the August issue of Environmental Science and Technology, Ronen, his M.Sc. student Miri Rietti Shati, and Dr. Raphi Mandelbaum (of Israel's Volcani Research Institute) used MLS to determine the field conditions conducive to bacterial clean-up of contaminated groundwater.

For this purpose, bacteria were confined in the sampler's chambers, which were lowered into groundwater polluted with the widely used herbicide atrazine. The study, conducted in Israel's Coastal Plain aquifer, showed that the bacteria caused atrazine to degrade in particular layers of the aquifer. This will allow researchers to pinpoint the groundwater strata where bacteria are most likely to do their job.

In this and other studies, MLS furnished an accurate picture of distinct layers of water simultaneously because it consists of a rod outfitted with sampling chambers at different levels.

Salty Rain in the Sea of Galilee?

Israel's Sea of Galilee is a major tourist attraction. But many people who visit its historical sites and marvel at its beauty are unaware that this fabled lake also provides about a fourth of the country's water supply.

However, its waters are relatively salty, and in an effort to tackle this problem, the government has diverted nearby salty springs away from the lake. Yet the Sea of Galilee s chloride content remains relatively high -- about 220 parts per million -- and the source of this saltiness is yet to be clarified.

According to one theory, salt makes its way up from mineral deposits buried deep below the lake's bottom. If this is indeed the case, such reverse salty rain will be very difficult to control. Weizmann Institute scientists, in collaboration with a team headed by Dr. Ami Nishri from the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, are now applying MLS to try and resolve this question. For this purpose, divers insert samplers at different sites into the lake's floor.

When the samplers fill up with the water from the surrounding sediment, they are removed and subjected to chemical analysis, which -- in combination with temperature measurements and hydraulic studies -- will make it possible to detect any upward salty streams and measure their flow. The Weizmann team in the Sea of Galilee study consists of Ronen, M.Sc. student Gil Dror, and consultant Dr. Mariana Stiller.

The sampler is manufactured under the brand name DMLS by Margan M.L.S. (1994) Ltd., Netanya, Israel, recently set up specifically for the system's production and worldwide commercialization. An exclusive marketing agreement for North America has been recently signed between Margan and Wheelabrator Clean Water Technologies Inc., New Brighton, Minnesota, and distribution may soon begin in Europe and the Far East.

Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., Weizmann Institute's technology transfer organization, has an agreement with Margan for the worldwide commercialization of the system.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently recognized DMLS as useful for a variety of groundwater sampling applications, including determination of vertical distribution of chemical components and sampling in turbid water environments.

The EPA's groundwater monitoring guidance document that will include information on DMLS is expected to be posted soon in the Federal Register. Photos illustrating the use of MLS at the Sea of Galilee are available.

The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel.

Solutions Based on Polymer Technology to be Discussed at International Conference

REHOVOT, Israel -- May 7, 1996 -- New ways to combat pollution in Mediterranean countries with the aid of polymers will be discussed at the MEDNET International Conference on Environmental Impact of Polymeric Materials, opening next Sunday, May 12, at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

The conference is the first major international attempt to tackle the pressing pollution problems in the area on a regional basis through the use of polymer technology.

"This meeting will give scientists a chance to foster joint efforts in approaching environmental issues," said Prof. Abraham Warshawsky of the Weizmann Institute, co-chairman of the meeting's organizing committee.

Polymers can be used to clean up the environment because these giant carbon-containing molecules are hollow in structure and can therefore absorb various pollutants. On the other hand, because many polymers, such as plastics and nylons, are not biodegradable, they constitute a major environmental problem. Ways to reduce pollution caused by these materials will also be reported on.

Nearly a hundred scientists from France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and seven other European nations, as well as the United States, Jordan, the People's Republic of China, Guatemala and Israel, will be participating. While the Mediterranean region will be a major focus, many of the approaches are relevant to other parts of the world. Besides the environmental impact of polymers, the meeting will address their applications in agriculture and medicine.

Some of the specific topics to be discussed during the sessions on polymers and the environment will include:

    * Filtering pollutants out of drinking water with the help of polymeric membranes -- report from an experimental project in France

    * Extracting toxic metals, such as mercury and zinc, from the sea off the coasts of Italy and Spain;
    * Developing biodegradable plastics as a possible approach to reducing the amounts of solid waste;

    * Reducing pesticide use thanks to transparent polyethylene sheets that eradicate pests in the soil by harnessing solar radiation.

Highlights of the sessions on medicine and agriculture include:

    * Pharmacologically active polymers for healing tendons and ligaments;

    * Biological substitutes for damaged tissue;

    * Controlled delivery of biomolecules for cancer therapy;

    * Polymeric particles for oral delivery of insulin;

    * New packaging materials to keep agricultural products fresher.
MEDNET, the Mediterranean Network of Polymer Science and Technology, founded in 1991, promotes cooperation between research institutions in Mediterranean countries, and provides a framework for dealing with problems common to the region.
Co-chairing the Organizing Committee together with Prof. Warshawsky is Prof. David Vofsi of the Weizmann Institute.

The gathering is also the 23rd Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Conference, held in memory of the noted Weizmann Institute scientist who was killed in 1972 in a terrorist attack. The opening address will be delivered by the late professor's brother, Weizmann Institute Professor Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir, a former President of Israel.
In addition to MEDNET, the conference is being sponsored by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe, the Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger Conference Foundation at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Israel Ministry of Science and the Arts, Iscar New Line Ltd., the Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Center at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Plastics Manufacturers Association.

Prof. Katchalski-Katzir holds the Theodore R. Racoosin Chair of Biophysics, and Prof. Warshawsky the Rebecca and Israel Sieff Chair of Organic Chemistry.

      The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel.

Special Issue: Solar Energy

The Weizmann Institute's solar research complex, known as the Canadian Institute for the Energies and Applied Research, is one of the world's most advanced facilities for designing methods to exploit concentrated solar energy.

Several technologies developed at the complex are now ready to be scaled up for industrial applications. Technology transfer is already being implemented within the framework of Consolar Ltd., a consortium of Israeli companies and academic institutions created for this purpose, together with Israel's Ministry of Industry and Trade.

At a symposium entitled "From Basic Research to Industry" held at the Weizmann Institute on April 15, 1996, scientists, industrialists and government officials heard reports from four teams working at Weizmann's solar research facilities. Highlights of the symposium are presented below.

Patents on the technologies described have been registered by Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., which deals with the commercialization of Weizmann Institute research.

The "Porcupine" Receiver

The process of harnessing concentrated solar energy begins with a receiver - a device that collects concentrated sunlight in order to heat a gas which can then drive a turbine to generate electricity or be converted into energy-rich chemical fuel.

However, the efficiency of systems based on standard solar receivers has been low because these receivers are unable to operate at the high temperature and pressure required by modern power generation equipment.

A dramatic increase in efficiency has now been attained with a new receiver developed by Weizmann Institute's Dr. Jacob Karni, Dr. Abraham Kribus and Rahamim Rubin, in cooperation with a team headed by Dan Sagie of Rotem Industries Ltd.

Sunlight enters the device -- referred to as the directly-irradiated annular pressurized receiver (DIAPR) -- through a special cone-shaped window made of quartz that can withstand five times more pressure than steel. The rays are absorbed by hundreds of ceramic pins which line the receiver's inner walls, pointing towards the incoming light.

This light-absorbing matrix -- nicknamed "kippod," the Hebrew word for porcupine -- is designed in a sophisticated manner to absorb maximum sunlight while preventing cracks resulting from expansion and contraction caused by extreme changes in temperature. Gas, which fills the entire device, flows across the pins and removes the heat at around ten times the rate achieved in existing receivers.

The unique elements of the new receiver's design, which now make it possible to reach extremely high temperature and pressure, open the way to major industrial applications.

Solar Lasers


In photochemical reactions, solar energy is converted directly into chemical energy without intermediate conversion to heat - much like in photosynthesis, the process underlying plant life. However, each such photochemical reaction uses a different fraction of the solar spectrum with a precisely defined wavelength, or color.

To adapt the photochemical methods for efficient industrial applications, Weizmann Institute Prof. Amnon Yogev and his team have developed a technology that converts sunlight into laser light, which can then be selectively tuned to various colors.

Their system now achieves the maximum feasible sunlight concentration -- about half the density of light on the surface of thesun itself. A portion of this concentrated beam is then transformed into laser light.
Such solar-powered lasers may serve as a source of energy for various chemical processes. They may also be used by sensory and communications devices in outer space. For example, small satellites in a polar orbit may use the Weizmann method for converting sunlight to laser light that can be transmitted to the atmosphere as communications signals.

Prof. Yogev holds the Stephen and Mary Meadow Chair of Laser Photochemistry.

Sunlit Chemicals for Heat and Energy


A major obstacle to the exploitation of solar energy on the industrial scale is the need to store and transport it over long distances. These goals may be best accomplished by converting the sun's radiation into energy-rich chemicals in a closed-loop, environmentally-friendly system developed at the Weizmann Institute.

Known as the chemical heat pipe, the system has three stages: (1) sunlight collected in desert areas is concentrated and used to drive chemical processes that run only at high temperatures; (2) the gases formed during this processing are cooled and then stored or transported to areas where the energy is needed; (3) once these gases reach their destination, the chemical processes are reversed, releasing heat that can be used to produce steam for industry or to power electricity-generating turbines.

This approach, pioneered by Weizmann Institute Profs. Israel Dostrovsky and Moshe Levy, is currently being implemented by a team headed by Engineer Michael Epstein. Recently, the concept was advanced with the construction of a chemical heat pipe that has the ability to absorb about 500 kilowatts of power. The first stage of the system, known as reforming technology, is currently being considered for scaling up to suit various industrial applications.

Epstein's team is also working on solar-powered conversion of solid organic materials such as coal and wood into liquid or gas fuels. Lab experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of this process, and an expanded conversion facility is now being designed.

Another application of solar energy explored by Prof. Yogev Epstein, and colleagues is based on using heat from the sun to extract metals from oxides, such as zinc from zinc oxide. Zinc can be used in batteries that store electrical energy while generating zinc oxide, which can again be processed by the sun's heat.

This process has been proven successful in preliminary lab experiments, and a joint research project by the Weizmann Institute and Israel's Ministry of Energy is to be launched in the coming year.

A Ten-Thousand-Fold Increase In Solar Concentration

Most turbines used today to produce electricity run on steam. Seeking to improve efficiency, electrical companies have recently started replacing steam with gas. However, state-of-the-art gas turbines require high-pressure air at temperatures exceeding 1,000° C.
Heating air to such temperatures with solar energy -- rather than by burning fossil fuels -- demands a ten-thousand-fold increase in the concentration of sunlight reaching the earth.

To achieve such concentrations, Weizmann Institute researchers have developed optical "funnels" with a unique geometrical structure. These funnels collect the sunlight and concentrate it to levels approaching the feasible maximum.

With the transition to industrial development, Dr. Abraham Kribus and colleagues have also begun to test the optical devices involved at all stages of solar collection and concentration systems with the goal of increasing the overall efficiency of such systems.

Work on optimization of optical and thermal systems is currently funded by Israel's Ministries of Energy and of Science and the Arts.

The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel.


Between the Lines


Old newsprint /Shironeko Euro. History behind the print



Some of the history preserved in old tomes and newspapers may be hiding in between the lines of print. A Weizmann Institute scientist has found that the paper in such collections contains a record of atmospheric conditions at the time the trees that went into making it were growing. By analyzing the carbon isotopes in bits of paper clipped from old magazines, Prof. Dan Yakir of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department in the Faculty of Chemistry has traced the rising effects of atmospheric pollution from burning fossil fuel going back to the beginnings of the industrial revolution.

Scientists generally reconstruct the record of past climate change from such sources as ice cores or tree rings. But a reliable tree ring history, says Yakir, requires an analysis of quite a few trees. “Rather than going to forests all over the world to sample trees,” says Yakir, “we went to the local library.” In the Weizmann library’s archives, Yakir found issues of three scientific journals, Science, Nature and the Journal of the Royal Chemical Society going back over a hundred years, to the late 19th century. After removing small samples from the margins of successive volumes, he took them back to the lab for analysis.
Prof. Dan Yakir. Paper records
The analysis was based on a finding that the proportion of a carbon isotope – carbon 13 (13C) – to its lighter counterpart – carbon 12 (12C) – could provide information on the CO2 added to the atmosphere from burning fossil fuel. This is based on a cycle that begins with plants taking up CO2 in photosynthesis. All plants prefer to use CO2 made with the more common version of carbon, 12C, rather than the slightly heavier 13C. Every summer, when photosynthesis is intensive, many tons of 13C-poor biomass is formed. Millions of years ago, similar biomass was transformed into reservoirs of oil, gas and coal, and these are naturally low in 13C as well. When we started to burn those reservoirs following the industrial revolution, we began returning the 13C-poor CO2 to the atmosphere. Now, the atmospheric 13C content has become increasingly diluted, and many of the trees that absorbed this diluted CO2 over the past 150 years have been milled for pulp and paper. Thus the paper that eventually ends up in library archives exhibits varying levels of 13C dilution. Yakir’s work shows that this continuing dilution is indeed clearly recorded in the archival paper and, plotted over time, it demonstrates the increasing intensity of our fossil fuel burning in the past 150 years.
This project has been ongoing for about 14 years, with figures from new issues added over time. In the process, says Yakir, he has had to learn something about the paper industry. Some early issues, for instance, had been printed on rag paper (made of cotton, flax, etc.) rather than wood pulp, while blips in the data around the time of WWII led Yakir to suspect that the paper was either recycled or again supplemented with rag content to make up for wartime shortages.

Anomalies aside, 13C levels in the paper, especially for two of the journals, were a good match for existing atmospheric records and even revealed some local phenomena, including differences between American and European records. In addition to alerting climate scientists to a very well organized, untapped source of global change records, says Yakir, the technique could be used to authenticate samples of supposedly antique paper.
Prof. Dan Yakir’s research is supported by the Cathy Wills and Robert Lewis Program in Environmental Science; and the estate of Sanford Kaplan.
Prof. Dan Yakir and his team recently dedicated a new mobile research lab. Read about it here.


Old newsprint /Shironeko Euro. History behind the print

Balancing the Budget


Dr. Eyal Roteberg and Prof. Dan Yakir. Hot forest












The simple formula we’ve learned in recent years – forests remove the greenhouse gas CO from the atmosphere, therefore forests prevent global warming – may not be quite as simple as we thought. In research recently published in Science, Weizmann Institute scientists have shown that forests can directly absorb and retain heat, and in at least one type of forest these effects may be strong enough to cancel out a good part of the benefit of lowered CO2.

Semiarid forests cover more than 17% of the earth’s land surface. Over the past 10 years, the Yatir research station at the edge of the Negev Desert has provided a comprehensive picture of the processes taking place in them. Forests counteract the “greenhouse effect” by removing heat-trapping CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in living trees. Prof. Dan Yakir of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department of the Institute’s Faculty of Chemistry has found that semiarid forests, though not as luxuriant as the temperate forests farther north, are surprisingly good carbon sinks – better than most European pine forests and about on a par with the global average.

But forests do more than just store CO2, and Yakir, together with Dr. Eyal Rotenberg, decided to look at the “total energy budget” of a semiarid forest. The first hint that other processes might be counter-acting the cooling effect of CO2 uptake came when they compared the forest’s albedo – how much sunlight is reflected from its surface back into space – with that of the nearby open shrubland. They found that the dark-colored forest canopy had a much lower albedo, absorbing quite a bit more of the sun’s energy than the pale, reflective surface of surrounding areas.

Next the researchers looked at the mechanisms for “air conditioning” within the forest itself. To cool down, trees in wetter areas use water-cooling systems: They open pores in their leaves and simply let some of the water evaporate. But the semiarid pine forest is not built for evaporation. The scientists found that it uses an efficient alternative air-cooling system. Here, the air in the open spaces between the trees comes into contact with a large surface area, and heat can be easily transferred from the leaves to the air currents. But this efficient, semiarid air-cooling system leads to a reduction in infrared (thermal) radiation out into space. In other words, while the semiarid forest can cool itself well enough, it both absorbs more solar energy (through the albedo effect) and retains more of this energy (by suppressing the emission of infrared radiation). Together, these effects turned out to be stronger than the scientists had expected. “Although the numbers vary with location and conditions,” says Yakir, “we now know it will take decades of forest growth before the ‘cooling’ CO2 sequestration can overtake these opposing warming processes.”

Yakir and Rotenberg asked one more question: If planting semiarid forests can initially lead to warming, what happens when the opposite process – desertification – takes place? By applying what they had learned to existing data, they found that desertification, instead of hastening global warming as is commonly thought, actually mitigates it, at least in the short term. By reflecting sunlight and releasing infrared radiation, the desertification of semiarid lands over the past 35 years has slowed global warming by as much as 20%, compared with the expected effect of the CO2 rise. And in a world in which desertification is continuing at a rate of about 6 million hectares a year, that news might have a significant effect on how we estimate the rate and magnitude of climate change.

Yakir: “Overall, forests remain hugely important climate stabilizers (not to mention the other ecological services they provide), but there are tradeoffs, such as those between carbon sequestration and surface radiation budgets, and we need to take these into consideration when predicting the future.”

Prof. Dan Yakir’s research is supported by the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis; the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences; the Cathy Wills and Robert Lewis Program in Environmental Science; and the estate of Sanford Kaplan.

Exchange Rates

FLUXNET tower in the Yatir forest
Ten years ago, the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department received a grant to erect a research station in the Yatir Forest to be part of FLUXNET – an international chain of such stations that gathers information on carbon dioxide, water and energy exchange in forests around the world.
“Once we got the approval,” says Prof. Dan Yakir, “We had to erect a 20-meter-tall tower, on a shoestring budget. We went to a junkyard in Tel Aviv and salvaged old steel supports, which we then loaded onto a truck and drove down to the Dead Sea, where a welder straightened and painted the sections. Despite its origins, our tower and its measurement systems met all the European standards, and it’s still standing strong after 10 years.”
The Yatir site is FLUXNET’s oldest functioning station in a semiarid forest. About one hundred sensors take measurements 10 times a second, around the clock; six doctoral theses, seven postdoctoral papers and 27 scientific papers based on the data have been produced so far. The station will soon expand both its area and its research capabilities with a new mobile lab.
(l-r) Dr. Eyal Rotenberg and Prof. Dan Yakir. Staying cool

Scientists Reveal Soot’s Role in Climate Change


Scientists' findings may cause climatologists to rethink soot’s role in shaping the Earth’s climate. The scientists believe their findings may help both climate modelers and policy-makers to understand the true climatic consequences of burning trees or sooty industrial fuels.


Rehovot, Israel - August 14, 2008


Tons of soot are released into the air annually as forest fires rage from California to the Amazon to Siberia and Indonesia. Climate scientists have generally assumed that the main effect of smoke on climate is cooling, as the floating particles can reflect some solar energy back to space as well as increasing cloud size and lifespan. But new research by scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and NASA may cause them to rethink soot’s role in shaping the Earth’s climate.

Air-borne particles such as soot – known collectively as aerosols – rise into the atmosphere where they interact with clouds. Understanding what happens when the two meet is extremely complicated, in part because clouds are highly dynamic systems that both reflect the sun’s energy back into space, cooling the upper atmosphere, and trap heat underneath, warming the lower atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Aerosols, in turn, can have both heating and cooling effects on clouds. On the one hand, water droplets form around the aerosol particles and these may extend the cloud cover. On the other hand, particles, especially soot, absorb the sun’s radiation, stabilizing the atmosphere and thus reducing cloud formation.

Dr. Ilan Koren and Hila Afargan of the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, together with colleagues from UMBC and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, have, for the first time, developed an analytical model that puts all of these factors together to show when aerosols rising into the clouds will heat things up and when they’ll cool them off. They tested their model on data from the Amazon, finding it reflected the true situation on the ground so accurately they could rule out the possibility that random changes in cloud cover – rather than aerosols from burning forests – were at work.

Their findings, which appear in the August 15, 2008, issue of Science, reveal that adding small quantities of aerosols into a clean environment can indeed, produce a net cooling effect. As more and more particles enter the cloud layer, however, the effect progressively switches from cooling to heating mode. The researchers also found that the extent of the original cloud cover is important. A completely overcast sky prevents the sun’s rays from reaching the aerosols, so the result may be additional cooling of the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. But the larger the ratio of open sky to clouds, the more aerosol particles absorb radiation, hastening the heating of the remaining cloud cover, reducing cloud cover and heating the system.

An accurate model of the intricate relationship between clouds and aerosols has been a key missing piece in the picture of human-induced climate change. The scientists believe their findings may help both climate modelers and policy-makers to understand the true climatic consequences of burning trees or sooty industrial fuels.

Dr. Ilan Koren’s research is supported by the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences; the Fusfeld Research Fund; and the Samuel M. Soref and Helene K. Soref Foundation.




The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.

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