Weizmann Institute Scientists used Accelerated Evolution to Develop: Enzymes that Provide Protection Against Nerve Gas

Protection against nerve gas attack is a significant component of the defense system of many countries around the world. Nerve gases are used by armies and terrorist organizations, and constitute a threat to both the military and civilian populations, but existing drug solutions against them have limited efficiency.
A multidisciplinary team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science succeeded in developing an enzyme that breaks down such organophosphorus nerve agents efficiently before damage to nerves and muscles is caused. Their results have recently been published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology. Recent experiments performed in a U.S. military laboratory (USAMRICD) have shown that injecting a relatively small amount of this enzyme into animals provides protection against certain types of nerve agents, for which current treatments show limited efficacy.
Nerve agents disrupt the chemical messages sent between nerve and muscle cells, causing loss of muscle control, and ultimately leading to death by suffocation. Nerve agents interfere with the activity of acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of the chemical messenger – acetylcholine. As a result, acetylcholine continues to exert its effect, resulting in constant muscle contraction throughout the body.
Several drugs exist that are used to treat cases of nerve agent poisoning. Although these drugs are somewhat effective when exposed to small doses of the nerve agent, they do not provide protection against high-dose exposure; they are not effective against all types of nerve agents; or they cause serious side effects. Neither are they able to prevent nor repair cerebral and motor nerve damage caused by the nerve agent.
An ideal solution to the problem is to use enzymes – proteins that speed up chemical reactions – to capture and break down the nerve agent before it gets the chance to bind to the acetylcholinesterase, thereby preventing damage. The main obstacle facing the realization of this idea, however, is that nerve agents are man-made materials and therefore, evolution has not developed natural enzymes that are able to carry out this task.
Scientists worldwide have previously succeeded in identifying enzymes that are able to break down similar materials, but these enzymes were characterized by low efficiency. Large amounts of the enzyme were therefore required in order to break down the nerve agent, rendering their use impractical.
This is where Prof. Dan Tawfik of the Weizmann Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department enters the picture. Tawfik's group developed a special method to artificially induce “natural selection” of enzymes in a test tube, enabling them to engineer “tailor-made” enzymes.
The method is based on introducing many mutations to an enzyme, and scanning the variety of mutated versions that were created in order to identify those that exhibit improved efficiency. These improved enzymes then repeatedly undergo further rounds of mutations and selection for higher efficiency. In previous studies, Tawfik showed that this method can improve the efficiency of enzymes by factors of hundreds and even thousands.

For the current task, Tawfik selected an enzyme that has been extensively studied in his laboratory, known as PON1. The main role of this enzyme, found naturally in the human body, is to break down the products of oxidized fats that accumulate on blood vessel walls, thus preventing atherosclerosis. But PON1 seems to be a bit of a “moonlighter” as it has also been found to degrade compounds belonging to the family of nerve agents.
However, because this activity has not fully evolved and developed through natural selection, its efficiency in carrying out the task remains very low. But by using the directed evolution method, scientists hope that they will be able to evolve this random “moonlighting” activity into PON1’s main “day job,” which would be carried out more quickly and efficiently than before.
In the first phase, Tawfik and his team, including research fellow Dr. Moshe Goldsmith and postdoctoral student Dr. Rinkoo Devi Gupta, induced a number of mutations in PON1 – some random and others directed at key sites on the enzyme. To identify the most effective PON1 mutants, the scientists joined forces with Dr. Yaacov Ashani of the Structural Biology Department.
The method that the scientists developed closely mimics what happens in the body upon exposure to nerve agents: They put the acetylcholinesterase in a test tube together with a specific mutant PON1 enzyme that they wanted to test, and added a small amount of nerve agent to it. In cases where the acetylcholinesterase continued to function properly, it could be concluded that PON1 rapidly degraded the nerve agent before it was able to cause damage to the acetylcholinesterase.
After several rounds of scanning, the scientists succeeded in indentifying active mutant enzymes, which are able to break down the nerve agents soman and cyclosarin effectively before any damage is caused to the acetylcholinesterase. These mutant enzymes have been structurally analyzed by a team of scientists from the Structural Biology Department, which included Profs. Joel Sussman and Israel Silman, and research student Moshe Ben-David. Further experiments have shown that when these enzymes were given as a preventative treatment before exposure, they afforded animals near-complete protection against these two types of nerve agents, even when exposed to relatively high levels.
The scientists plan to further expand the scope and develop preventive treatment that provides protection against all types of existing nerve agents. They are also trying to develop enzymes with high enough efficiency to be able to very rapidly break down the nerve agent so they could be used to prevent the lethal effects of nerve agents by injection immediately after exposure.
Prof. Dan Tawfik’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Willner Family Leadership Institute for the Weizmann Institute of Science; the Sassoon and Marjorie Peress Philanthropic Fund; Miel de Botton Aynsley, UK; Samy Cohn, Brazil; Mario Fleck, Brazil; Yossie Hollander, Israel; and Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil.

Prof. Tawfik is the incumbent of the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Professorial Chair.

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,700 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.
Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/, and are also available at http://www.eurekalert.org/
Life Sciences

Darwin’s Finch and the Evolution of Smell


Darwin’s finches – some 14 related species of songbirds found on the Galapagos and Cocos Islands – will forever be enshrined in history for having planted the seeds of the theory of evolution through natural selection. Today, exactly 150 years after Darwin’s famous book, finches can still teach us a lesson about evolution. A large, international group of researchers, among them Prof. Doron Lancet and Dr. Tsviya Olender of the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, recently produced the full genome of the zebra finch and analyzed it in detail. The report of the zebra finch genome, which appeared April 6 in Nature, is especially significant for what it reveals about the learning processes of language and speech. For Lancet and Olender, however, the findings have provided an interesting twist on the evolution of the sense of smell.

Song birds – like humans and a small number of other animals – are capable of complex, rich communication through sounds. The similarity between bird song and human language makes birds a useful scientific model for probing how this ability developed, what neuronal mechanisms are required, and which genes encode them. Significantly, the scientific team found that a large percentage of the genes expressed in the finch brain are devoted to vocal communication. They also found that the expression levels of a number of genes, specifically those belonging to the important class of micro-RNAs, change after the bird is exposed to song. This implies that such genes might be involved in the birds’ ability to learn new tunes.

‘The senses are sophisticated means of interacting with the environment, and this is why they are so fascinating. In our lab, we are primarily interested in smell,’ says Olender, who joined the project along with Lancet in order to map the genes encoding smell receptors in the finch. In doing so, they were entering the fray on a long-standing debate over whether odor sensation is active and important for birds. Some positive evidence exists: Homing pigeons have been shown to use smell to help them navigate back to their coops. In contrast, a computer-aided analysis of the chicken genome had shown that out of 500 genes encoding smell receptors, a mere 70 produce active proteins. Lancet and Olender have now conducted a similar analysis of the zebra finch genome. Their findings revealed that while the finch has the same total number of smell genes, it possesses three times as many that are active: Around 200 of the finch’s genes can potentially produce functional smell receptors. This figure supports the claim that some birds do rely on the sense of smell.

A comparison of the zebra finch genome to those of other bird species sheds some light on how this sense evolved in the birds: Unlike mammals, in which all the different species share most of their smell receptor gene families, 95% of the receptors in the finches appeared to belong to families unique to them. In other words, it is possible that each bird species evolved its own array of smell receptors separately, rather than using ones passed down from a common ancestor. Lancet: ‘This finding suggests that smells may be involved in the unique communications among individuals within the species, on top of the messages they send through their songs.’  

Prof. Doron Lancet’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Molecular Design and the estate of Joe Gurwin. Prof. Lancet is the incumbent of the Ralph and Lois Silver Professorial Chair in Human Genomics.

Life Sciences

Bacteria can plan ahead

Bacteria can anticipate a future event and prepare for it, according to new research at the Weizmann Institute of Science. In a paper that appeared today in Nature, Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel, doctoral student Amir Mitchell and research associate Dr. Orna Dahan of the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, together with Prof. Martin Kupiec and Gal Romano of Tel Aviv University, examined microorganisms living in environments that change in predictable ways. Their findings show that these microorganisms’ genetic networks are hard-wired to ‘foresee’ what comes next in the sequence of events and begin responding to the new state of affairs before its onset. 
E. coli bacteria, for instance, which normally cruise harmlessly down the digestive tract, encounter a number of different environments on their way. In particular, they find that one type of sugar – lactose – is invariably followed by a second sugar – maltose – soon afterward. Pilpel and his team of the Molecular Genetics Department, checked the bacterium’s genetic response to lactose, and found that, in addition to the genes that enable it to digest lactose, the gene network for utilizing maltose was partially activated. When they switched the order of the sugars, giving the bacteria maltose first, there was no corresponding activation of lactose genes, implying that bacteria have naturally ‘learned’ to get ready for a serving of maltose after a lactose appetizer.
Another microorganism that experiences consistent changes is wine yeast. As fermentation progresses, sugar and acidity levels change, alcohol levels rise, and the yeast’s environment heats up. Although the system was somewhat more complicated than that of E. coli, the scientists found that when the wine yeast feel the heat, they begin activating genes for dealing with the stresses of the next stage. Further analysis showed that this anticipation and early response is an evolutionary adaptation that increases the organism’s chances of survival.
Ivan Pavlov first demonstrated this type of adaptive anticipation, known as a conditioned response, in dogs in the 1890s. He trained the dogs to salivate in response to a stimulus by repeatedly ringing a bell before giving them food. In the microorganisms, says Pilpel, ‘evolution over many generations replaces conditioned learning, but the end result is similar.’ ‘In both evolution and learning,’ says Mitchell, ‘the organism adapts its responses to environmental cues, improving its ability to survive.’ Romano: ‘This is not a generalized stress response, but one that is precisely geared to an anticipated event.’ To see whether the microorganisms were truly exhibiting a conditioned response, Pilpel and Mitchell devised a further test for the E. coli based on another of Pavlov’s experiments. When Pavlov stopped giving the dogs food after ringing the bell, the conditioned response faded until they eventually ceased salivating at its sound. The scientists did something similar, using bacteria grown by Dr. Erez Dekel, in the lab of Prof. Uri Alon of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, in an environment containing the first sugar, lactose, but not following it up with maltose. After several months, the bacteria had evolved to stop activating their maltose genes at the taste of lactose, only turning them on when maltose was actually available.
‘This showed us that there is a cost to advanced preparation, but that the benefits to the organism outweigh the costs in the right circumstances,’ says Pilpel. What are those circumstances? Based on the experimental evidence, the research team created a sort of cost/benefit model to predict the types of situations in which an organism could increase its chances of survival by evolving to anticipate future events. They are already planning a number of new tests for their model, as well as different avenues of experimentation based on the insights they have gained.
Pilpel and his team believe that genetic conditioned response may be a widespread means of evolutionary adaptation that enhances survival in many organisms – one that may also take place in the cells of higher organisms, including humans. These findings could have practical implications, as well. Genetically engineered microorganisms for fermenting plant materials to produce biofuels, for example, might work more efficiently if they gained the genetic ability to prepare themselves for the next step in the process.
Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel’s research is supported by the Ben May Charitable Trust and Madame Huguette Nazez, Paris, France.
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.
Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at

http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il, and are also available at http://www.eurekalert.org.


Life Sciences

Bacteria are Models of Efficiency

A mathematical model developed at the Weizmann Institute has revealed how single-celled organisms regulate their activities for maximum efficiency

The bacterium Escherichia coli, one of the best-studied single-celled organisms around, is a master of industrial efficiency. This bacterium can be thought of as a factory with just one product: itself. It exists to make copies of itself, and its business plan is to make them at the lowest possible cost, with the greatest possible efficiency.  Efficiency, in the case of a bacterium, can be defined by the energy and resources it uses to maintain its plant and produce new cells, versus the time it expends on the task.


Dr. Tsvi Tlusty and research student Arbel Tadmor of the Physics of Complex Systems Department developed a mathematical model for evaluating the efficiency of these microscopic production plants. Their model, which recently appeared in the online journal PLoS Computational Biology, uses only five remarkably simple equations to check the efficiency of these complex factory systems.


The equations look at two components of the protein production process: ribosomes – the machinery in which proteins are produced – and RNA polymerase – an enzyme that copies the genetic code for protein production onto strands of messenger RNA for further translation into proteins. RNA polymerase is thus a sort of work ‘supervisor’ that keeps protein production running smoothly, checks the specs and sets the pace. The first equation assesses the production rate of the ribosomes themselves; the second the protein output of the ribosomes; the third the production of RNA polymerase. The last two equations deal with how the cell assigns the available ribosomes and polymerases to the various tasks of creating other proteins, more ribosomes or more polymerases.


The theoretical model was tested in real bacteria. Do bacteria ‘weigh’ the costs of constructing and maintaining their protein production machinery against the gains to be had from being able to produce more proteins in less time? What happens when a critical piece of equipment is in short supply, say a main ribosome protein? Tlusty and Tadmor found that their model was able to accurately predict how an E. coli would change its production strategy to maximize efficiency following disruptions in the work flow caused by experimental changes to genes with important cellular functions.


What’s the optimum? The model predicts that a bacterium, for instance, should have seven genes for ribosome production. It turns out that that’s exactly the number an average E. coli cell has.  Bacteria having five or nine get a much lower efficiency rating. Evolution, in other words, is a master efficiency expert for living factories, meeting any challenges that arise as production conditions change.    
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics.

For the scientific paper, please see:  http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000038


The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.


Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at http://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/, and are also available at http://www.eurekalert.org/.

Life Sciences

Weizmann Institute Scientists Show how Proteins Beat the Evolutionary Stakes


A team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science has shown one way that evolving organisms beat the evolutionary stakes.

Evolution is something of a gamble: in order to stay a step ahead of a shifting environment, organisms must change or risk extinction. Yet the instrument of this change, mutation, carries a serious threat: mutations are hundreds of times more likely to be harmful to the organism than advantageous. Now, in a paper published online Nov. 28 in Nature Genetics, a team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science has shown one way that evolving organisms may be hedging their bets.

Dr. Dan Tawfik, who headed the team from the Biological Chemistry Department, believes that proteins with so-called promiscuous or moonlighting activities can provide nature with ready-made starting points for the evolution of new functions. Proteins that have evolved to perform a given function often have the ability to take on other, often completely unrelated tasks as well. For example, one of the enzymes studied by the group, PON1, is known to remove cholesterol from artery walls, as well as to break up a certain chemicals used as pesticides. Yet its main function is to act as a catalyst for the removal of a class of compounds called lactones that have no connection at all to the other two.

To investigate what kind of evolutionary advantage promiscuity offers, the team created a speeded-up version of evolution in the lab. Mutations were introduced into the genes coding for various proteins in a completely random manner. Evolutionary pressure was then simulated by selecting those mutants with higher levels of activity in one of the promiscuous traits.

After several rounds of mutation and selection, the scientists looked at their enzymes to see what had changed. As expected, they had managed to increase the activity they were selecting for, by as much as a hundredfold and more. But how did increasing one skill affect the others?

Interestingly, the levels of the other promiscuous activities also underwent drastic changes. In most cases, the levels dropped dramatically, though in some there was a significant increase. However, the primary function of the enzymes, the one for which they had originally evolved, changed hardly at all. “This is particularly surprising when you consider that all of these activities take place at the exact same site on the enzyme,” says Tawfik.

This phenomenon makes sense when viewed in evolutionary terms. “Two contradictory things are necessary for the survival of organisms,” he says. “First of all, an organism needs to be robust in the face of mutation - that is to undergo as little change as possible in its functioning in spite of mutations. But, evolutionary adaptation requires some mutations to induce new traits. It appears that the organism can have it both ways: the main function remains robust while the promiscuous functions are extremely responsive to mutation.”

The scientists believe that promiscuity may be an intermediate phase for some evolving proteins. In the face of further evolutionary pressure, the protein line could split, diverging into two distinct genes. This multi-tasking may also partly explain another phenomenon that has been puzzling biologists: rapidly emerging drug and antibiotic resistance, and enzymes that have adapted to break down man-made chemicals that have only been around for 50 years. Natural evolution, according to standard theory, should take thousands and hundreds of thousands of years to work. The key may be in promiscuous functions that have never been under selection pressure. These latent, “underground” skills may provide the evolutionary shortcut needed for rapid adaptation.

Dr. Dan Tawfik's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine, the Dolfi and Lola Ebner Center for Biomedical Research, the Estelle Funk Foundation, the Dr. Ernst Nathan Fund for Biomedical Research, the Henry S. and Anne Reich Family Foundation, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for Molecular Genetics of Cancer and the Eugene & Delores Zemsky Charitable Foundation Inc.

Dr. Tawfik is the incumbent of the Elaine Blond Career Development Chair.

Life Sciences

It Pays to Plan Ahead

 Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel, Dr. Orna Dahan and Amir Mitchell. Bacteria anticipate the future
We humans learn anticipation from a young age. For example, a baby may begin to calm down at the mere sight of its bottle; or a driver’s foot might twitch on the brake at a stoplight, ready to switch pedals as soon as the light turns green. It turns out that bacteria can also anticipate the future and even get ready to meet it. That’s the conclusion of research at the Weizmann Institute showing that, just as we’ve learned to expect that a red light will be followed by a green one, bacteria can “learn” to foresee certain regular changes in their environments and begin preparing for the next stage. This research recently appeared in Nature.
Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel, research student Amir Mitchell and Dr. Orna Dahan of the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, and their research team asked whether natural selection can act as a “teacher,” conditioning single-celled organisms to respond to a “predictable” sequence of events. For instance, E. coli, a type of normally harmless bacteria found in the digestive tract, experience such regular changes as they cruise harmlessly from one end to the other. In particular, they find that one type of sugar – lactose – is invariably followed by a second sugar – maltose – soon afterward. Pilpel, Mitchell and Dahan checked the bacterium’s genetic response to lactose and discovered that in addition to the genes that enable it to digest lactose, the gene network for utilizing maltose was simultaneously partially activated. When they switched the order of the sugars, giving the bacteria maltose first, there was no corresponding activation of lactose genes, implying that bacteria have naturally learned to get ready for a serving of maltose after a lactose appetizer.
Another microorganism that experiences consistent change is wine yeast. As fermentation progresses, sugar and acidity levels change, alcohol levels rise, and the yeast’s environment heats up. The scientists found that when the wine yeast feels the heat, it begins activating genes for dealing with the stresses of the next stage. Further analysis showed that this anticipation and early response is an evolutionary adaptation that increases the organism’s chances of survival.
So far, bacteria and yeast were demonstrating the classical “conditioned response” famously demonstrated by the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov in dogs. Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate in response to a stimulus by repeatedly ringing a bell before giving them food. In microorganisms, says Pilpel, “evolution over many generations replaces conditioned learning, but the end result is similar.” “In both evolution and learning,” says Mitchell, “the organism adapts its responses to environmental cues, improving its ability to survive.”
But Pavlov, in further experiments, demonstrated the learned nature of the dogs’ response: It could be unlearned, as well. When he stopped giving the dogs food after ringing the bell, the conditioned response faded until they eventually ceased salivating at its sound. Could bacteria “unlearn” the conditioning developed over many generations of evolution? To answer this question, the scientists conducted another Pavlovian experiment: They tested E. coli grown by Dr. Erez Dekel in the lab of Prof. Uri Alon of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, in an environment containing the first sugar, lactose, but lacking the maltose chaser. After several months, the bacteria evolved to stop activating their maltose genes at the taste of lactose, only turning them on when maltose was actually available.
Just as Pavlov’s dogs eventually stopped wasting their saliva in the absence of a reward, the bacteria appeared to learn that activating genes for no reason was counterproductive. “These findings showed us that there is a cost to advanced preparation, but that the benefits to the organism outweigh the costs in the right circumstances,” says Pilpel. What are those circum-stances? Based on the experimental evidence, the research team created a sort of cost/benefit model to predict the types of situations in which an organism could increase its chances of survival by evolving to anticipate future events. They are already planning a number of new tests for their model, as well as different avenues of experimentation based on the insights they have gained.
Pilpel and his team believe that the genetic conditioned response may be a widespread means of evolutionary adaptation that enhances survival in many organisms – one that may also take place in the cells of higher organisms, including humans. These findings could have practical implications, as well. Genetically engineered microorganisms for fermenting plant materials to produce biofuels, for example, might work more efficiently if they gained the genetic ability to prepare themselves for the next step in the process.
Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel’s research is supported by the Ben May Charitable Trust; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; and Huguette Nazez, France.
(l-r) Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel, Dr. Orna Dahan and Amir Mitchell. Lessons from evolution
Life Sciences

Optimum Performance

Dr. Tsvi Tlusty.Efficiency in the bacterial genome

















To increase profits, one should lower costs, raise prices and increase efficiency. Simple enough advice; but ask any business manager to what extent the cost of employee bonuses is offset by greater efficiency. Chances are the answer will be anything but simple.

The bacterium Escherichia coli, one of the best-studied single-cell organisms around, has its own formula for industrial efficiency – one that serves it well. This bacterium can be thought of as a factory with just one product: itself. It exists to make copies of itself, and its business plan is to make them at the lowest possible cost with the greatest possible efficiency. Efficiency, in the case of a bacterium, can be judged by the energy and resources it uses to maintain its plant and produce new cells, versus the time it expends on these tasks.

Dr. Tsvi Tlusty and research student Arbel Tadmor of the Physics of Complex Systems Department developed a mathematical model for evaluating the efficiency of these microscopic production plants. Their model, which recently appeared in the online journal PLoS Computational Biology, uses only five remarkably simple equations to check the efficiency of these complex factory systems.

The equations look at two components of the protein production process: ribosomes – the machinery by which proteins are produced – and RNA polymerase – the enzyme that copies the genetic information for protein production onto strands of messenger RNA for further translation into proteins. RNA polymerase is thus a sort of work "supervisor" that keeps protein production running smoothly by checking the specs and setting the pace. The first equation assesses the production rate of the ribosomes themselves; the second, the protein output of the ribosomes; the third, the production of RNA polymerase. The last two equations deal with how the cell assigns the available ribosomes and polymerases to the various tasks of creating other proteins, more ribosomes or more polymerases.

The theoretical model was tested in real bacteria. Do bacteria "weigh" the costs of constructing and maintaining their protein production machinery against the gains to be had from being able to produce more proteins in less time? What happens when a critical piece of equipment – say a main ribosome protein – is in short supply? When experimentally induced changes to genes having important cellular functions caused disruptions in the work flow, Tlusty and Tadmor found that their model was able to accurately predict how an E. coli would change its production strategy to maximize efficiency.

Bacteria are models of efficiency

What's the optimum? The model predicts that a bacterium, for instance, should have seven genes for ribosome production. It turns out that's exactly the number an average E. coli cell has. Bacteria having five or nine receive a much lower efficiency rating. Evolution, in other words, is a master efficiency expert for living factories, meeting any challenges that arise as production conditions change.   


Dr. Tzvi Tlusty's research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics.

Dr. Tsvi Tlusty. Evolved for efficiency
Math & Computer Science

A Code Is Born

Dr. Tsvi Tlusty. emerging forms
In the opening scene of the film Twin Peaks, directed by David Lynch, a black and white TV screen flickers painfully, intrusively, meaninglessly. When an ax falls on the screen, exploding it to the accompaniment of a bloodcurdling scream, it's a relief. This is because our brains prefer to see clearly outlined images that can be construed into meaningful objects.
The televised image is really a code – it's based on a table for matching the coordinates of a pixel with a particular color. This type of "conversion table" offers an analogy for the genetic code, which can be seen as a kind of spread sheet for matching codons (three-letter sequences of DNA) to corresponding amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). We find the flickering TV screen disturbing because it contains no code: There is no relation between the color of a pixel and its location, so our brains can't "make sense" of it. A code, therefore, is born at the exact instant in which such connections appear, allowing one type of information – location or DNA sequence – to be converted to another – color or amino acid.
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty of the Physics of Complex Systems Department imagines the primeval world was something like the flickering TV screen: Proteins were random assemblies of amino acids, with no genetic code to guide their construction. "If this is so," he says, "it should be possible to write a script – a mathematical model – to describe the birth of the genetic code from the meaningless 'flickering screen' of random proteins." What causes the clear forms encoded in the genes to emerge from the morass? Such a change, says Tlusty, takes place when the benefit is clear and the cost not too high. The genetic code gives an organism a significant advantage in that it allows the plans for a variety of proteins to be stored and reproduced as needed. The cost of the code is the investment in molecular machinery to decode the information and translate it into proteins. An economic-style analysis can identify the point at which cost and benefit reach a balance and it becomes advantageous to adopt a system of codes.
In his mathematical analysis, Tlusty found that the emergence of a code, whether it be an image on a TV screen or a molecular code in living cells, bears a strong resemblance to transitions in the world of materials. Thus, for instance, the changeover to encoded proteins can be likened to the transition of a material from a liquid to a gas. By this analogy, the young code was "smooth." On the screen, this means that abutting pixels are likely to have a similar color; in proteins, two similar codons will code for the same, or chemically similar, amino acids.
Tlusty's analysis showed that the picture shaped by the code as it comes into existence is tied to a mathematical problem known as the "four-color problem." This mathematical theorem describes, for instance, the upper limit in the number of amino acids. The mathematical "script" for the birth of a code appeared recently in the Journal of Theoretical Biology and will soon be published in Physical Review Letters.
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty's research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Asher and Jeannette Alhadeff Research Award; and the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research.

An Inexact Match

For a living cell to function, its molecules must, while swimming in the cell's thick, erratic molecular stew, pinpoint and then bind to specific counterparts – something like finding a friend in a Tokyo subway station during rush hour.
In the classical view of molecular recognition, the binding molecules fit each other like a lock and key. In reality, however, the key is often not an exact fit for the molecular lock, and such molecules need to deform in order to bind. Why would evolution choose such an inexact system?
The work of Dr. Tsvi Tlusty and research student Yonatan Savir of the Weizmann Institute's Physics of Complex Systems Department suggests a possible answer. They developed a simple biophysical model which indicates that in picking out the target molecule from a crowd of look-alikes, the recognizer has an advantage if the target is a slight mismatch. This may appear to be counterintuitive – why search for a key that does not match its lock exactly and then require that imperfect key to warp its shape to fit the lock?
The researchers' model shows that the key's deformation actually helps in discerning its locking counterpart. Although the energy required to deform the molecular key slightly lowers the probability of its binding to the right target, it also reduces by quite a bit the probability that it will bind to a wrong one. Thus the quality of recognition – i.e., the ratio of right to wrong binding probabilities – increases.
This so-called "conformational proofreading" may turn out to be a crucial factor affecting the evolution of biological systems, and it may also be useful in the design of artificial molecular recognition systems.
Life Sciences

Keeping Fit


(l-r) Dr. Erez Dekel and Prof. Uri Alon. Evolution in a test tube


In a world of stable populations where each individual must struggle to survive, those with the "best" characteristics will be more likely to survive, and those desirable traits will be passed to their offspring.


- Ernst Mayr, The Growth of Biological Thought


Was Darwin right, back in 1859, when he proposed what is arguably the most famous, and the most controversial, theory in the history of biology? Natural selection, or "survival of the fittest," despite the overwhelming scientific evidence in its support, remains just a theory. Direct proof of natural selection has been lacking because it's been difficult to test fitness quantitatively in the lab – until now.


To address the ongoing natural selection debate, post-doctoral fellow Erez Dekel, working under the supervision of Prof. Uri Alon of the Weizmann Institute of Science's Molecular Cell Biology and Physics of Complex Systems Departments, devised a set of experiments to measure, for the first time, the fitness of a simple organism and ascertain whether it is really the fittest organisms that survive into the next generation.


They studied a simple one-celled organism (the bacterium Escherichia coli) and its production of lactose protein, an enzyme that allows the bacterium to utilize lactose, the sugar in milk. The scientists asked themselves: Why does the E. coli cell make a specific number of lactose proteins – 60,000 – as opposed to, say, 50,000 or 70,000? And is this number really the optimum; that is, does this amount somehow make a better contribution to the organism's survival than any other?


Indeed, their results, recently published in Nature, showed that, like the baby bear's porridge – neither too hot nor too cold, but just right – there is a "just right" amount of protein that a bacterium should produce for maximum gain. "It is all a matter of weighing up the costs and benefits," explains Alon. For a bacterium living in a given lactose environment, produce too much protein, and the cost of production and maintenance becomes a burden. Produce too little protein, and the bacterium cannot reap all the benefits of the available sugar. But with just the right amount of protein, the bacterium thrives and produces offspring with the optimal potential.


After measuring the cost of manufacturing the lactose protein and the benefits gained by utilizing the sugar, Dekel decided to take the experiment one step further. He wanted to find out whether the level of protein production can actually change over evolutionary time scales. But how to test whether natural selection is really at work or whether the changes that occur are due to chance?


He approached this problem by growing E. coli in seven separate test tubes, each containing different amounts of lactose. Every day he took a sample of bacteria out of each tube and placed it in a fresh tube containing the same amount of lactose as the previous one. A few months and more than 550 generations of E. coli later, the time had come to analyze the results. Dekel found that not only did each line of bacteria evolve and adapt by altering the amount of the protein produced, but those amounts corresponded to the optimum levels he had predicted in his previous experiment. These heritable changes were seen to take effect after only 200-300 generations.


Some biologists have suggested that the details of various biological systems are just historical accidents that get handed down from generation to generation like Great-Grandma's old furniture. In this scenario, asking why a cell produces a specific number of proteins would be like wondering what advantage there is to having carved legs on the table - they just are. But the team's findings show that, just as you can replace the legs on Great-Grandma's table with ones that are easier to dust, simple organisms can rapidly and accurately evolve to reach an optimal state. "We have witnessed the survival of the fittest in a test tube," says Alon. Is this proof of natural selection "fit" enough to survive the scrutiny of the next generation of skeptics? Time, and further experiments, will tell. 


Prof. Uri Alon's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Yad Abraham Research Center for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy; the Leon and Gina Fromer Philanthropic Fund; the Kahn Family Foundation for Humanitarian Support; the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.; the James and Ilene Nathan Charitable Directed Fund; the Harry M. Ringel Memorial Foundation; the estate of Ernst and Anni Deutsch, Liechtenstein; and Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Segal, Israel.


Evolution's Building Blocks


In a series of related, ongoing projects, Alon uses computer simulations to study the theoretical basis of the mechanisms underlying evolution. His most recent work, done in collaboration with Ph.D. student Nadav Kashtan, offers an explanation as to why many biological systems seem to have evolved to be modular – made up of many separate building blocks that are able to perform independently.


For example, a cheetah and a giraffe both possess four limbs, which can be thought of as four modules. Evolution can make small adjustments to this template to meet the different needs of each animal. For the cheetah, the modules can be tweaked to result in limbs that run fast, whereas for the giraffe, the same basic modules can be tweaked slightly differently to create longer limbs. The study hints that modular systems may spontaneously arise with environmental changes that are themselves modular, thus allowing organisms to adapt more rapidly. Modular design might also help to speed up the process of evolution, allowing nature to tinker with the parts rather than redesigning the whole animal.



(l-r) Dr. Erez Dekel and Prof. Uri Alon. Evolution in a test tube
Life Sciences

Down to the Origins

A model for life's start


One of the greatest mysteries, and one that continues to fascinate scientists worldwide, concerns how life emerged on primeval earth. The accepted notion is that before the appearance of living organisms there was a stage of chemical evolution that involved selection within inanimate chemical mixtures. This stage is thought to have led eventually to the crucial moment when self-replicating molecules arose. As self-replication is a fundamental characteristic of living entities, such an event is often defined as the birth of life.

The self-replication of molecular systems is often viewed in the context of information content. Many scientists believe that life began with the spontaneous emergence of biopolymers, such as proteins or RNA, which store information in a sequence of chemical units. Experiments simulating the conditions on earth billions of years ago have shown how such chemical units -- some of the building blocks of proteins and RNA -- could appear spontaneously. Yet the emergence of proteins or self-replicating RNA molecules remained a mystery.

This puzzle started Prof. Doron Lancet of the Crown Human Genome Center in the Weizmann Institute and his students Daniel Segre and Dafna Ben-Eli on a journey in search of alternatives to proteins and RNA. They developed a model, suggesting a new route for the origin of life that is based on lipid molecules. This model is described in an article published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Lipids are oily substances, and the chief ingredients of cell membranes. Readily synthesized under simulated prebiological conditions, they have two different aspects -- hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling). Because of their dual nature, they have the tendency to spontaneously form supramolecular structures made up of thousands of molecular units. An example is lipid assemblies (micelles), which have even been shown capable of growing and splitting in a fashion reminiscent of cell replication. Yet a critical question was left unanswered: how could lipid assemblies propagate and carry information?

The model proposed by Lancet and his colleagues offers a solution. They surmise that, early on, lipid-like compounds existed in a great diversity of shapes and forms. They show mathematically that under such conditions lipid assemblies could contain almost as much information as an RNA strand or a protein chain. Information would be stored in the assembly's composition -- in the exact amount of each of its compounds, rather than in a sequence of molecular "beads" on a string. A useful analogy would be the way in which perfume is discerned by receptors in the nose. The information depends on each ingredient's proportion in the mixture, but the order in which aromas are added is unimportant.

Thus, the authors argue, heterogeneous lipid assemblies may be thought of as having a "compositional genome." Their computer simulations also show that a droplet-like lipid assembly, when growing and splitting, could be passed on to future generations with reasonable constancy. A crucial aspect of the model is how such molecular inheritance is made possible. In present-day cells, protein enzyme catalysts facilitate the replication of information-containing DNA. In the early, prebiological era, the same lipid-like substances carrying the information might have performed catalysis. Molecules already present inside a droplet would function as a molecular selection committee, enhancing the rate of entry for some and rejecting others.

Lancet, Segre, and Ben-Eli designed a simulation that shows, solely on the basis of physiochemical principles, how lipid droplets accrete, grow, split, self-replicate, accumulate compositional mutations, and become involved in a complex evolutionary game. Significantly, it is entire assemblies, with their complex mixtures of relatively small molecules that are replicated. This differs from older models, in which it is a single, long RNA polymer that is copied. The scientists' model makes very few chemical assumptions and involves a rich molecular behavior reminiscent of life processes. It therefore has the potential of constituting the long-sought bridge leading from the inanimate world to that of living organisms.
This research has already attracted considerable interest and was quoted in the recently published new edition of the classic Origins of Life by Freeman Dyson of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. The next important question to be answered: How could lipid droplets undergo the numerous transitions needed to lead to living cells as we now know them? The study marks the first footfall in a long journey to come.
Lipids droplets accrete, grow and split
The origin of life, as shown by a simulated model based on lipid evolution
Life Sciences