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An opening ceremony was recently held by the Weizmann Institute of Science to commemorate the inauguration of the Rothschild-Weizmann Program for Excellence in Science Teaching. The program, made possible by the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation, is intended for outstanding high school and middle school science and math teachers. It offers two tracks: a 3-year track leading to a master's degree in science teaching, and a 2-year track for those already in possession of higher degrees to promote unique initiatives within the education system.

This year, 27 teachers commenced their M.Sc. studies at the Feinberg Graduate School – the curriculum having been prepared by Weizmann Institute scientists together with scientists from the Science Teaching Department. A further 22 teachers began the second track.

Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph, Dean for Educational Activities, opened the ceremony, together with Prof. Lia Addadi, Dean of the Feinberg Graduate School, and David Efrati, Deputy Chairman of the Caesarea Foundation. A detailed outline of the program was then presented by the scientific head of the program, Prof. Shimon Levit of the Condensed Matter Physics Department and Prof. Bat-Sheva Eylon, head of the Science Teaching Department and pedagogical head of the program.
