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Climate record

A satellite image of Olympus Mons, Mars, the largest volcano in the solar system at about three times the height of Mount Everest. Around 3.5 to 4.0 billion years ago, the release of volcanic gases, especially the greenhouse gas sulfur-dioxide, may have warmed the surface of Mars episodically, thereby explaining the presence of geomorphological features indicative of the flow of water on the planet's ancient surface

A new model suggests volcanic activity in Mars’ distant past spewed enough greenhouse gases to warm the atmosphere and melt the ice

Memories from Africa

Oxygen levels in 2000-year-old lake sediments from Mt. Kenya hint at previous episodes of climate change

Ancient Stalactites Have A Tale To Tell
The stalactites and stalagmites of Israel's Soreq Cave - a well-known local tourist attraction - now have another claim to...
El Niňo Is Good News For Israel

World media report: Destructive storms in South America may spell needed rain for the Middle East

Mysterious Account of Agriculture in Masada Clarified by Institute Study

Samples of 2000-year-old wood reveal a cooler, wetter climate in Roman times

Future Rainfall Changes may be Far Greater than Now Predicted

Rainfall evidence for the past 7000 years suggests wider variation in climate patterns than models predict