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(left) Field photograph of two skeletons (adult on left, adolescent on right) during excavation. Photo: E. Gerstein, Haifa University (right) Reconstruction of the double burial at the time of inhumation. The bright veneer inside the grave on the right is partially covered by green plants

Radiocarbon dating at the Weizmann Institute determines the age of flowery graves.  A new accelerator will help solve long-standing...

 Dr. Elisabetta Boaretto and Prof. Stephen Weiner

A new Israel-German center combines hi-tech science with archaeology

Prof. Stephen Weiner (sitting, second from left) and Dr. Elisabetta Boaretto (standing, fourth from left) with the international team of researchers
Institute scientists identify the world's oldest pottery


Excavation site of the Natufian cemetery in a cave overlooking Nahal Hilazon in western Galilee
12,000-year-old grave uncovered in the western Galilee
Prof. Uzy Smilansky. Piecing the puzzle

Institute physicists are digging up ancient secrets

Yaba-Daba-Glue! Stone-Age Use of Collagen Discovered
Collagen is one of the latest fads of today's cosmetics industry. Now research at the Weizmann Institute...
New Look at Ancient Puzzles

Archaeology is becoming a truly scientific discipline, thanks to cutting-edge chemical techniques

Ancient Ashes Throw New Light on Prehistoric Lifestyles
REHOVOT, Israel -- September 24, 1996 -- Prehistoric ashes can now be recognized and analyzed with...
Prehistoric Fires Spark a Scientific Leap Forward
By Miriam Bulwar David-Hay

REHOVOT, Israel -- Somewhere, back in the mists of time...