Science Without Frontiers: A Light on Tomorrow's Technology

Future computers and other devices will probably use light instead of electrical currents to store and transmit information, thus increasing their capacity and speed. A group of Weizmann Institute scientists is working on a technique that may raise the storage capacity of devices that can hold optical signals, such as compact disks, by up to 50,000 times.

Conducting the project are Prof. Yehiam Prior, Dr. Gad Haase and Dr. Ilya Averbukh of the Chemical Physics Department and Prof. Avi Shanzer of the Organic Chemistry Department. Prior specializes in lasers and optics, Haase in scanning probe microscopy, Averbukh in energy transfer theory, and Shanzer in synthesizing "designer" molecules.

"We want to make optical signal storage possible and practical," says Prior, "and we need this mixture of specialties to succeed."

The scientists plan to achieve their goal by combining existing microscopy techniques for observing atoms with ways of manipulating energy transfer between molecules. Current microscopy methods use a sharp tip to observe atom-sized features on a surface. But while such methods can see (or "read") more or less well, they cannot alter the surface (or "write") reliably and cannot use optical signals directly.

The Institute scientists are developing a technique that aims to achieve, for the first time, practical "nanoreading" as well as "nanowriting" -- so called because they involve seeing and manipulating on the nano-scale, the scale of a billionth of a meter. They are studying several approaches in which they will use light to produce interactions between the tip and the molecules on the surface underneath. Sending the information as a series of light pulses while the tip scans the surface line by line would have the effect of "writing," or storing the information. Similarly, a scanning tip would enable this information to be "read" as a sequence of light pulses.

"This achievement will open a world of possibilities for the electronic devices both of today and of tomorrow," says Prior.

Centers of Excellence: Laser Chemistry


The Israel Science Foundation has recently initiated the establishment of Centers of Excellence at the country's leading academic institutions. The goal of this program -- to provide recognition and support for the work of outstanding groups of local scientists engaged in research at the highest international level. Ten Centers have been created to date, six of them headed by Weizmann Institute professors. Interface describes the activities of three Weizmann-led Centers of Excellence


Prof. Moshe Shapiro. Coherent control

A radically new approach to controlling chemical reactions, based on the use of laser light, is under study at the Center of Excellence headed by Weizmann Institute Prof. Moshe Shapiro.

Known as coherent control, the approach was pioneered by Weizmann Institute Prof. Shapiro and University of Toronto Prof. Paul Brumer over a decade ago. These days, this laser method is arousing great interest -- in large part because of its potential applications for industrial chemistry, paving the way for the more efficient manufacture of a variety of products, from pharmaceutical drugs to superfast optical switches.

The desire to use laser beams to break chemical bonds between molecules is not new. But previous attempts largely failed to meet the challenge of breaking a single bond without affecting others.

Coherent control, the Shapiro-Brumer approach, has addressed the problem by using a laser beam to excite the wavelike aspects of molecules. Inside the molecules, as in a stormy sea, two waves that meet crest to crest will produce an even bigger, deeper wave. Conversely, when the waves meet crest to trough, they extinguish each other. Shapiro and Brumer exploited these effects in order to direct chemical reactions so as to break specific molecular bonds, thereby producing the desired reaction products.

In an experiment reported earlier this year in the scientific literature, Shapiro, Brumer and their colleagues at the Weizmann Institute and University of Toronto demonstrated for the first time that it is also possible to use laser light to control the quantity of materials produced in a chemical reaction. By varying the wavelengths of the laser beams, they were able to increase the yield of one product produced in the reaction, while decreasing that of another.

Shapiro cautions, however, that there are numerous obstacles to overcome before coherent control can be used for large-scale industrial technology. But if these limitations are overcome the technique could, for instance, revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry by providing a fast and efficient method for producing righthanded or lefthanded forms of compound. Like our hands, molecules often exist in two mirror forms, or enantiomers, one of which is biologically active and the other either inactive or harmful. Today pharmaceutical companies expend considerable time and money to produce the correct form of these molecules for drugs.

Coherent control may also lead to novel technologies, such as improved optical switches for semiconductor devices that are many times faster than existing ones, as well as lasers that emit supershort bursts of light that are a tenth the length of ones now in use.

This new Center of Excellence includes four research groups, two of them at the Weizmann Institute -- one headed by Shapiro and the other by Prof. David Tannor, another pioneer of coherent control who recently joined the Institute from the University of Notre Dame. The other two teams are led by scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Shapiro and Tannor are members of the Chemical Physics Department .

An Interview with Prof. Itamar Procaccia


Prof. Itamar Procaccia, Dean of chemistry

Q: We began primarily as an institute of chemistry because that was Chaim Weizmann's field, but emphasis on this field seems to have declined over the years. What is the situation today?

A: Chemistry, here and elsewhere is on the upswing and now plays a key role in every branch of science. For example, it is, to a large extent, the basis of the life sciences.

Q: What about the interaction on campus between chemists and people who do research in other disciplines?

A: It is extremely close. There is a great deal of collaboration, facilitated by the interdisciplinary character of the Institute. Moreover, nobody blinks an eye at the fact that we have people working with us in our laboratories who earned their degrees in fields like physics or biology.

Q: How about the Chemistry Faculty's contribution to improving the quality of life?

A: Our environmental research and our work on solar energy will improve the quality of life and, hopefully, help correct the layman's view that chemists, and the chemicals they produce, are primarily responsible for pollution. Chemicals can, of course, cause pollution, but they also have a key role to play in cleaning up the environment.

Q: Does the establishment of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research indicate that the Weizmann Institute is putting new emphasis on this sphere?

A: Absolutely. Not only its establishment, but also its rapid expansion. It started with just one professor, the late Prof. Mordekai Magaritz, and -- if present plans are realized -- will eventually have 12.

Q: Chemists are apt to need very expensive instruments which the Weizmann Institute can't afford. Doesn't this force at least some of them to carry out most of their research abroad?

A: Much to my regret, this is all too often the case because without modern instrumentation a scientist can't hold his won in an increasingly competitive field.

Q: What's so bad about chemists from the Institute working in overseas labs?

A: It means we are likely to lose credit for the achievements of our scientists. That was happening, for instance, in the case of Prof. Ada Yonath, whose work in structural biology is of the highest possible caliber. Now, fortunately, we have made it possible for her group to make most of their preliminary measurements here.

Q: How was the Institute able to provide Yonath's group with the equipment it required?

A: Through massive funding from the Kimmelman Center for new equipment and laboratories.

Q: But can you do the same thing for every research group on the campus?

A: Of course not. We have to decide on priorities, to put all our eggs in a limited number of baskets since we don't have enough for all our baskets.

Q: In your faculty, as in the Institute as a whole, there now seems to be more emphasis on applied research than there used to be. Is that a good thing?

A: This is a world-wide trend because of the decline in government funding for basic research. But the boundaries between pure and applied research have become so blurred that it probably makes more sense to talk about good, mediocre or bad research.

Q: How should the Institute relate to people who concentrate on applied research?

A: I think it should encourage them and, where justified, promote them. If we don't we'll lose wonderful scientists who could add to our prestige in many fields.

Q: How would you evaluate Israel's position in international science?

A: Much more prestigious than one would expect. It's amazing, for instance, to see how prominent a role Israeli scientists play at international conferences. Sometimes, when you see the impact of Israeli scientists, students and postdocs, you get the impression that Israel is the size of China. This is why overseas researchers visiting this country for the first time are often shocked by the country's small size.

In the final analysis, I think our standing in the world of science depends on us. We are certainly big enough in terms of intellect, ambition and commitment to make our mark in the international arena.

Q: Aren't you overlooking the special problems that we face in this country?

A: It's true that we have serious political troubles, that our salary scales are low by international standards and that, all too often, our government fails to commit itself to intellectual excellence. But I don't think these problems are insurmountable.

Q: Has the Institute itself attained prominence in various spheres of chemistry?

A: In the past we were very strong in fields like polymers, polyelectrolytes and catalysis, and at present we have superb groups, for example in structural biology and crystallography, materials and interfaces, and chemical physics.

Q: Haven't we also made a name for ourselves in research on chaos, your own field?

A: Yes. I think that it is fair to say that our work has been well received.

Q: Is chaos research simply in fashion, or is it really a key to our understanding of nature?

A: Both, I would say. It has been very fashionable in the last couple of decades, but it is also essential to understanding complex behavior in both space and time. For example, it helps us analyze the behavior of storms, the origins of the universe and various aspects of the social sciences -- including economics.

Q: If we achieve good relations with our Arab neighbors, is there room for cooperation with them where chemistry is concerned?

A: In some fields -- like exploiting solar energy and the resources of the Dead Sea -- there certainly is. But I don't think that there is much scope for cooperation where basic research is concerned. In that sphere our chemists and other scientists will, I would assume, still probably prefer to go on collaborating with their colleagues in Europe, North America and the Far East.

Q: What about technological and industrial collaboration with the Arabs?

A: That could and should take place. There is much to be gained, for instance, by linking our electricity and telecommunication networks, and by having our chemical industries work together.

Q: Finally is the Chemistry Faculty getting its fair share of Feinberg Graduate School students?

A: Absolutely. Moreover, those young scientists are among the best in the world. When they graduate, leading overseas laboratories are pleased to have them as post-docs.

Q: That is all very well, but what opportunities do they have afterwards, back in Israel?

A: Then they face the challenge of finding secure positions here in Israel.

Self-Tinting Coating for Plastic Lenses Developed


Kringayuz and his team. Better tinting material

Self-tinting eyeglasses with plastic lenses may soon be significantly improved thanks to a new material developed by Institute scientists. The material, a polymer that darkens when exposed to sun, can be used to create an ultrathin coating on plastic lenses.

Self-tinting spectacles have been around for a while (with up to 10 million pairs being sold annually in the U.S. alone). However, until recently, they could only be made of glass, while about 80 percent of people in industrial countries who wear prescription eyeglasses prefer lightweight plastic lenses.

Even though self-tinting plastic lenses have also become available of late, they are slow to change color and their effectiveness steadily weakens with time. In addition, once their tinting ability is lost, it cannot be restored.

These drawbacks stem from the fact that the photochromic material ? the active substance that changes color when exposed to light ? is dissolved into the plastic. The amount of the photochrome that can be incorporated into the lens in this manner is limited, and its tinting capacity is affected by the properties of the plastic.

Prof. Valeri Krongauz, who pioneered photochromic polymers 20 years ago, developed the new material together with Organic Chemistry Department colleagues Alexander Zelichenok, Frida Buchholtz, Dr. Shlomo Yitzchaik, Professor Emeritus Ernst Fischer and Dr. Judith Ratner. It has been shown to overcome these problems in laboratory tests.

This polymer contains high concentrations of a chemically bound photochromic substance. As a result, a layer only several microns thick has powerful tinting ability. The polymer darkens quickly when exposed to sunlight and immediately clears indoors.

A thin film of the photochromic polymer can be applied to the surface of any plastic lens, according to Prof. Krongauz. He said such film may eventually be easily removed or reapplied in an optometrist's office, such like certain scratch resistant layers are now restored.

A patent application for its production has been filed by the Yeda Research & Development Co., which is responsible for the commercial application of Weizmann research.

New Water Softener Provides Alternative to Ion Exchange


Prof. Kedem Ben-Dror. Soft water without salt

Novel water-softening equipment based on Institute technology is being manufactured by EcoSoft, a new company in the Kiryat Weizmann Industrial Park, adjacent to the campus. This equipment is designed to soften water without polluting underground aquifers with salt.

Established by Crecor B.V. of the Netherlands and Israeli paint manufacturer Tambour Ltd., EcoSoft will exploit the innovative "cake" filtration method for water softening developed by Weizmann Institute's Prof. Ora Kedem and EcoSoft's Jonathan Ben-Dror.

Many industries, laundries, hotels, municipal waterworks and private households soften their water by removing calcium salts in order to reduce the need for detergents and prevent the scaling of pipes and heating elements.

At present, the most commonly used method of removing calcium is ion exchange, in which the mineral is extracted in purifying columns that are regenerated for future use with the help of salty water. Yet this seemingly clean process leads to invisible pollution caused by the dumping of tons of sodium-rich effluent, which finds its way into the aquifers. Therefore, pressure has been mounting throughout the world to ban the ion-exchange method.

Ion exchange was introduced to replace the age-old method of lime softening, which consists of adding lime to hard water so as to cause precipitation of calcium carbonate. However, lime softening is hardly used today because it requires vast ponds to allow the precipitate to settle, takes about 24 hours and creates enormous pools of sludge.

The new cake filtration method is based on similar chemistry: caustic soda solution is added to hard water in order to induce the precipitation of calcium carbonate. However, the passage of the alkaline water -- supersaturated with calcium carbonate -- through a filter cake leads to complete precipitation within seconds. Rapid crystal growth and formation of new crystals produce a readily disposable, and even useful precipitate instead of sludge.

The installations required for cake filtration are only one-tenth the size of those needed for lime softening.

Cake filtration technology was patented by the Yeda Research & Development Co., which facilitates commercial exploitation of Institute research.

Prof. Ora Kedem of the Department of Membrane Research and Biophysics holds the M. Myer Cyker Chair of Membrane Research.

Cutting Custom-Designed Diamonds


Star of David diamond. Laser shapes

Improved methods developed by Institute Prof. Yehiam Prior for sawing diamonds with lasers may lead to the eventual automation of the entire industry and to routine production of unusually shaped, custom-designed diamonds. The advance overcomes a key obstacle that has until now prevented lasers from being employed more extensively in diamond processing.

Despite their speed and flexibility, lasers are today used only as a last resort on diamonds that cannot be sawed by conventional, mechanical means because of the larger percentage loss of the stone's weight. However, the improved methods developed by Prof. Prior of the Chemical Physics Department have reduced that loss by more than half, making laser sawing, in many cases, comparable to the mechanical process.

In addition to being extremely fast, lasers can be used to cut diamonds into virtually any shape, irrespective of the orientation of the stone's underlying crystalline structure. This allows the cutter to obtain the largest possible gem from a raw stone and to design unusual shapes, such as a Star of David. With mechanical sawing, the direction of sawing is limited by the natural crystal axes of the stone.

Prof. Prior is also collaborating with other Israeli researchers in a study that may ultimately lead to the development of a diamond-processing industry based totally on lasers and computer-aided design. The idea, he explains, is to make available the technology whereby a person can "computer design" a diamond and transfer this information to a laser that would cut and shape the raw stone.

Prof. Prior, whose research is funded by the Israel Diamond Institute, holds the Sherman Chair of Physical Chemistry.
