Weakness into Strength

Magnetic resonance image of a rat’s brain subjected to a partial stroke in the right hemisphere (black square); the left hemisphere remained intact (green square)
The living brain teems with small molecules: These are metabolites that, among other things, transmit neuronal messages, supply energy and synthesize membranes. But when it comes to monitoring the workings of the living brain, the prime noninvasive methods available for this purpose – magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and related magnetic resonance technologies – provide information only about the water in which these vital molecules are dissolved, not about the metabolites themselves. As reported recently in Nature Communications, Weizmann Institute researchers, in collaboration with scientists from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Florida, have now devised a sophisticated magnetic resonance technique for directly monitoring metabolites.
MRI technologies enable the imaging of living tissue by placing it inside a static magnetic field and exciting the tissue’s atoms with a weak electromagnetic wave in the radiofrequency range. This excitation causes the atoms to oscillate, and magnetic resonance equipment measures the oscillation frequencies for the various atoms.  MRI is normally employed to monitor hydrogen, ubiquitous in all living tissue and a main component of water. But the availability of metabolites is about 10,000 times lower than that of water – their magnetic resonance signals are drowned out by the water when standard MRI is applied.
In a new study performed on rats, researchers successfully applied advanced magnetic resonance methods to measure several brain metabolites whose levels are known to be altered by stroke. The findings, obtained immediately after the rats underwent a stroke as well as during their recovery, matched patterns known from such invasive studies as the sampling of brain fluids. Furthermore, the research revealed the microarchitecture of brain structures housing the metabolites in healthy brains and in the areas affected by stroke. These microscopic structures were significantly distorted after the stroke, evidently due to swelling and lack of oxygen.
Graphs of magnetic resonance spectra illustrate how the levels of metabolites in the brain’s hemisphere affected by stroke (black) were altered compared with those in the healthy hemisphere (green)


A key factor that made the study possible was the use of an extremely strong magnet of 21 tesla, presently available only for research on rodents; this far exceeds the sensitivity of current clinical MRI systems, which operate at 3 tesla. Another crucial factor was the magnetic resonance approach itself: The scientists performed the scanning using a new sequence of radiofrequency pulses that excited the metabolites’ hydrogen atoms but left the water’s hydrogen practically undisturbed. Thus they were able to observe the weak signals emitted by the metabolites while avoiding the much stronger signal emitted by the water. In addition, the method allowed the scientists to exploit the fact that with this selective excitation, metabolites revert from the excited state to equilibrium much faster than does water’s hydrogen, which also facilitated signal collection. The study was performed by Prof. Lucio Frydman and Drs. Noam Shemesh and Jean-Nicolas Dumez of the Weizmann Institute’s Chemical Physics Department, and Prof. Samuel Grant, Dr. Jens Rosenberg and Jose Muniz of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, where the 21 tesla system is housed.

This research opens up new possibilities for studying the living brain by monitoring its metabolites. Such monitoring may in the future be developed into a safe, noninvasive method for diagnosing stroke, as well as for detecting early signs of various brain disorders in which metabolite levels are altered, among them Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Prof. Lucio Frydman's research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Institute for Magnetic Resonance Research, which he heads; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Adelis Foundation; the Mary Ralph Designated Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund; Gary and Katy Leff, Calabasas, CA; Paul and Tina Gardner, Austin, TX; and the European Research Council.
Magnetic resonance image of a rat’s brain subjected to a partial stroke in the right hemisphere (black square); the left hemisphere remained intact (green square)

Completing the Metabolite Picture



Prof. Lucio Frydman
When you run, your body is undergoing all sorts of metabolic changes: A slew of substances produced from head to toe increase circulation and breathing rates, cause muscles to take up and burn sugars, open the pores in the skin and induce fatigue. Yet the changes that can presently be measured during exercise – for example, one’s heart rate – are few. If the levels of these substances could be tracked as they are released and go to work, a much more complete picture of an individual’s metabolic processes could be obtained. Since metabolic malfunctions are involved in many diseases – from circulatory and cardiac diseases to diabetes and many cancers – such a method could be a highly useful diagnostic tool to understand health and disease. Prof. Lucio Frydman and his coworkers in the Chemical Physics Department recently developed a new method based on MRI scanning that can find these substances (metabolites) and track their levels in real time – for instance, as muscles are stimulated.

This method is related to widely used functional MRI technologies such as those used in brain research, but it entails a significant departure from them. Standard MRI, explains Frydman, relies on basic physical properties of the nuclei of the water molecules in the body. At the heart of an MRI exam is the scanner’s strong magnet, which polarizes the water’s protons. These nuclei behave as tiny compass needles aligning with the MRI magnet, enabling the subsequent detection of their collective “nuclear symphony.” Yet at room temperatures, only around one in 100,000 water molecules is actually aligned – or polarized – by the scanner, while the rest basically stay “silent” throughout the “symphony.”  This tiny proportion of polarized protons is adequate for reporting on water, since it is present in very high concentrations in tissues. But it cannot capture the low concentrations of metabolites as they are produced in real time – that is, when tissues or organs become involved in a particular task.
Running muscles may be predominantly fast- or slow-twitch
The new method that Frydman, together with Drs. Avigdor Leftin and Tangi Roussel in his lab, developed, is based on a technique that they and others have been working on over the past several years, called nuclear hyperpolarization. Using new physics-based concepts and experiments to transform a natural alignment of only one in 100,000 molecules into that of around one in every five molecules, hyperpolarization creates a phenomenal increase in the “symphony’s volume.”
The method involves taking the wanted metabolite, cooling it to near absolute zero – a temperature at which magnetism is strongest – and using free electrons to further align the compass-like nuclei of interest. Combined, these procedures lead to intense metabolic signals, but under conditions that are incompatible with MRI investigations in living organisms. To get around this incompatibility, the hyperpolarization procedure is carried out in a special device positioned right next to the MRI scanner. When the substance to be analyzed has been sufficiently magnetized, the compound is rapidly heated to room temperature and injected into the organism. The nuclei retain their alignment long enough to produce a single, but highly intense, image in the MRI.   

Though involved, the method could lead to a highly sensitive tool for detecting the functional MRI response of individual metabolites. To demonstrate, the team focused on muscle stimulation. The skeletal muscles – those you use to run, for example – can be broadly divided into two classes, depending on whether they are rich in fast-twitch or slow-twitch fibers. Fast-twitch muscles – the kind that help you sprint – produce lactate as a byproduct; while slow-twitch muscles – the kind your body uses for endurance running – make much less of this metabolite. Athletes who excel at either short races or marathons often have more of one kind of muscle fiber than the other.
As the muscular stimulus is changed, hyperpolarized functional MRI reveals how injected pyruvate is metabolized by the exercising leg into varying levels of lactate
To image the rate of lactate production, Frydman and his coworkers focused on pyruvate: a harmless tracer that the body would naturally use – particularly under certain exercise conditions – to create lactate. Using nuclear hyperpolarization together with custom-made MRI sequences that could collect multiple rapid, simultaneous images of individual metabolites in the muscles, they followed the processes taking place in the exercising thigh of a living mouse. The hyperpolarized tracer was injected via the mouse’s tail and, as the rate of exertion changed (controlled by mild electrical stimulation), the researchers looked at the signature of the pyruvate tracer, which was metabolized into lactate and other byproducts. Sure enough, the team identified peaks associated with lactate production as the muscles were stimulated; the imaging techniques revealed more rapid rates of lactate production in the fast-twitch than in the slow-twitch fibers.

This study, which appeared in PLoS ONE, is a clear demonstration that the combination of advanced hyperpolarization methods and customized magnetic resonance techniques can extend the technology far beyond today’s functional MRI, to one based on metabolic signatures. This technique might open many doors to diagnosis, enabling clinicians or researchers, for example, to observe what happens in the body after glucose enters the bloodstream, how a tumor takes in nutrients or what happens to our bodies when we are frightened.
Prof. Lucio Frydman’s research is supported by the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Institute for Magnetic Resonance Research, which he heads; the Adelis Foundation; the Mary Ralph Designated Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund; Gary and Katy Leff, Calabasas, CA; Paul and Tina Gardner, Austin TX; and the European Research Council.



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Type your text here

Running muscles may be predominantly fast- or slow-twitch

Stark Contrast



Prof. Michael Elbaum and Dr. Sharon Grayer Wolf
“At first sight, it's a mix of methods that couldn't possibly work together, and yet we have found it to work very well,” says Prof. Michael Elbaum of the Weizmann Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department. Together with Dr. Sharon Grayer Wolf of Weizmann and their colleague Dr. Lothar Houben from the Ernst Ruska Center in Juelich, Germany, the team has developed a new approach to imaging biological samples in three dimensions using an electron microscope.
An electron microscope is a powerful tool able to image specimens at extraordinarily high magnification and resolution, allowing scientists to see cells, molecules and sometimes even atoms. But the microscope’s harsh environment – high vacuum and merciless bombardment with electrons – is hard on biological specimens, damaging and distorting their delicate structures. Added to this, the sample must scatter electrons – without absorbing their energy – in order to form a high-contrast image. Because biological samples are not very good at scattering electrons, a classic approach is to stain organic structures with atoms of heavy metals. This enhances contrast in the images, but the preparations can cause additional harm to the already-delicate specimen. A newer method involves the ultra-rapid cooling of biological specimens. The cooling is so fast that the surrounding water instantly solidifies into “glass” without crystallizing and so preserves proteins and cells in true-to-life form. This protects them against the vacuum, but the problem of weak scattering remains an issue. In addition, in 3D tomography, the samples need to be imaged from many angles, which can exacerbate the problem.
Conventional imaging methods that illuminate the entire sample area all at once are plagued by haze because of random scattering. If the sample is thick, a special filter is required, which can throw away 90% or more of the already-weak imaging signal. The team found that by configuring the transmission electron microscope (TEM) to scan the sample point by point – a method that is standard in materials science but not in biology – the haziness could be neutralized without losing signal. “It's a bit like searching at night,” says Elbaum.  “Due to the way that electrons interact with matter, unstained biological specimens are always ‘foggy.' When it's clear, a floodlamp is fine, but in a fog it's better to search with a focused flashlight.” The TEM detectors were also adjusted so as to collect their signals at unusually low angles. This aspect of the new method – recording the weakly scattered electrons at sufficiently low angles – is not at all standard.
The scientists were able to “hack” the available hardware to meet their needs, and the results were striking: The unconventional configuration revealed images with superb contrast. Such an outcome had previously been considered so unlikely that this experimental setup had not until now been attempted. The scanning beam method allows the use of samples two to three times thicker than had previously been possible.
Sub-cellular structures of the common soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens are visible in greater detail using the new STEM technique (left) than by traditional TEM-based cryo-tomography (right) Scalebars = 200 nm
Indeed, to test this newly adapted method, the team imaged such “gigantic” (for a conventional TEM) specimens as whole bacterial cells, as well as human tissue culture cells. The improvements surprised even the scientists: High-contrast, good quality three-dimensional images were being produced that were much better and clearer than those obtained by the traditional TEM method.
This new technique, recently published in Nature Methods, should broaden the applicability and accessibility of transmission electron microscopes for biological research. Wolf: “To extract the best results from three-dimensional TEM imaging of ultra-rapidly cooled specimens, very expensive equipment is required. In comparison, the hardware for STEM capability is a simple add-on to an existing modern TEM, which offers a path into the field for many researchers.” The scientists plan to improve upon this method even further, including designing new tools to optimize the data collection.
Elbaum: “The multidisciplinary nature of the Weizmann Institute has frequently been instrumental in the pursuit of unconventional ideas and technology, and the Electron Microscopy Unit, supported by the Moskowitz Center for Nano and Bio Nano Imaging, is really a case in point. Few places in the world would enable such close encounters of scientists with different areas of expertise, let alone give them the freedom to focus together on a risky project. At Weizmann it was entirely natural.”


Prof.  Michael Elbaum’s research is supported by the Irving and Cherna Moskowitz Center for Nano and Bio Nano Imaging, which he heads; the Louis and Fannie Tolz Collaborative Research Project; and Sharon Zuckerman, Canada.

Prof. Michael Elbaum and Dr. Sharon Grayer Wolf

Synchronized Speeds on the Straightaway

Imagine a 20-lane highway with no road signs, speed limits or white lines. The result, needless to say, would be chaos, with drivers constantly swerving, speeding up or slowing down to adjust to the changing flow. But a group at the Weizmann Institute recently looked at a similarly chaotic system and found a surprising underlying order that helps determine the movement on a tiny, busy “road.” Their findings, which recently appeared in Nature Physics, may help reveal hidden patterns in many kinds of complex chaotic systems, as well as providing new insight into the properties of flow for those working in the burgeoning field of microfluidics.


Itamar Shani and Prof. Roy Bar-Ziv
In such systems as traffic, long-range interactions become important – that is, they are the result of all the individual players interacting with one another. Whether they are powered by car engines, liquid flow or the force of gravity, systems with long-range forces tend to be unpredictable and hard to characterize. Several years ago, Prof. Roy Bar-Ziv of the Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department, together with former graduate student Dr. Tsevi Beatus and theoretical physicist Prof. Tsvi Tlusty, developed a setup for observing what happens to particles in a traffic-like system with many elements.

Their trick was to make their system two-dimensional: They began with a very thin conduit – so thin that microscopic drops of water were flattened into “pancakes” by the top and bottom of the channel. Individual drops were carried along in a stream of oil, but as they were held back by the friction created by the top and bottom of the conduit, the drops moved much more slowly than the friction-resistant oil. Having this simplified, two-dimensional system enabled them to observe and measure things that would be impossibly complex in a three-dimensional arrangement.



In the original system water drops “marched” in single file; in the present study, the passage was widened to enable two-dimensional “traffic” patterns. The channel was half a millimeter in width and a few centimeters long; the drops just fit the height of the channel – around 10 microns (one one-hundredth of a millimeter) – so they could move freely in two dimensions between the channel’s side-walls. Research student Itamar Shani in Bar-Ziv’s lab watched through a microscope and on computer recordings as the tiny drops, pushed by the oil, flowed in streams as chaotic as those of the hypothetical unmarked superhighway on a Monday morning. And yet, as the researchers discovered, there was an underlying pattern – one that revealed a new type of long-range order between particles in a non-equilibrium system. Essentially, their findings show how each of the seemingly independent actors in the scenario is, in fact, influenced by every other actor.
The order is in the velocities of the drops. This became apparent when the team used sophisticated software they had developed to instantaneously capture the velocities of many drops at once. Mapping them out and color-coding them according to relative speed – faster than average or slower than average – revealed an arrangement in which groups of drops were coordinating their velocities in a way that was unusually persistent.
droplet flow
An ensemble of droplets. Lines drawn from the center of each droplet are proportional to its velocity relative to the mean. Top: Red - fast droplets. Blue - slow droplets. Bottom: Yellow – upward moving. Purple – downward moving. The rectangular frames highlight the angles along which the colors are typically uniform or mixed, corresponding to positive and negative correlations


Correlations of droplet velocities (projection of velocities along x-direction) plotted against a pair of droplets' spatial separation in the x and y direction. Red stands for positive values signifying joint motion; blue stands for negative values signifying opposing motion



















The drops’ collective action begins with the friction differential: If the oil were to flow alone, only the friction with the channel’s top, bottom and sides would affect its velocity. But when moving oil meets the friction-bound drops, some of the forward momentum transfers to the drops. Each time this happens, a bump appears in the velocity field in the channel; each distortion in the field then affects the movement of every other drop, to a greater or lesser extent.

To understand the phenomenon further, Bar-Ziv and Shani, along with Beatus* and Tlusty,* looked at how pairs of drops affect each other’s velocities. Taking large numbers of drop pairs, they looked for correlations between the measurements of their spatial separation and their relative velocities. Indeed, the resulting graph showed neat correlations – both positive and negative – depending on the drops’ relative positions. Positive and negative, in this case, meant how closely the drops moved in tandem; so, for example, positive correlations – pairs showing joint motion – were found between droplets lined up either perpendicular or parallel to the flow. The perpendicular drops were faster, while parallel ones were slower. Negative correlations – pairs with other types of motion, including those moving toward or away from each other, or rotating around each other – tended to be farther off the axes, along the diagonals. 

Prof. Tsvi Tlusty
The team then turned to an elegant model based on previous work by the group, in which the water drops create patterns of flow that are similar to the invisible lines of force around everyday magnets: These are dipoles. In other words, the distorted flow diverges and converges from two opposite points on the drops. Like the two sides of a magnet, the poles in the current around each drop have push or pull effects on other drops in the stream. The team again looked at pairs – this time theoretically – and calculated the mutual effects of only two dipole drops positioned at different angles to each other.

This “two-body” solution fit some of the observed correlations, but not all – in particular, not the negative ones. The scientists found that the mutual interaction in their model fell off too quickly with distance. They then realized that the reason the velocities were correlated was because they “felt” similar surroundings – due to their interactions with all the other droplets – rather than being an example of simple causation due to mutual interaction. Rather than try to work out the impact of every drop on every other drop, they added to the two-body model a third body that represented all the other drops – another dipole drop that interfered, from various directions, with the relations between the pairs. Now, with a mere three bodies, the team's theoretical model could describe – using simple mathematics and the positions of three drops – so-called “first principles,” the new long-range order that emerged from the chaotic flow.
Velocity fluctuations of two test droplets typically have parallel or opposite directions due to their interactions with a third droplet (green), depending on the angle between the pair


These findings may be relevant to any number of chaotic systems with long-range interactions. They may be especially useful to those designing microsystems based on the flow of particles in various fluids.

Bar-Ziv:  “This research is unique in the study of many-body systems with long-range forces, in that it presents a neat solution, with mathematical simplicity.” Questions the team intends to ask in future research include: What happens when changes are introduced into the system? And, can the underlying principle they discovered be applied to mapping chaos and turbulence?  

*Dr. Tsevi Beatus is currently at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; Prof. Tsvi Tlusty is at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey.  


Prof. Roy Bar Ziv’s research is supported by the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research.








In the original system water drops “marched” in single file; in the present study, the passage was widened to enable two-dimensional “traffic” patterns. The channel was half a millimeter in width and a few centimeters long; the drops just fit the height of the channel – around 10 microns (one one-¬hundredth of a millimeter) – so they could move freely in two dimensions between the channel’s side-walls.  Research student Itamar Shani in Bar-Ziv’s lab watched through a microscope and on computer recordings as the tiny drops, pushed by the oil, flowed in streams as chaotic as those of the hypothetical unmarked superhighway on a Monday morning. And yet, as the researchers discovered, there was an underlying pattern – one that revealed a new type of long-range order between particles in a non-equilibrium system. Essentially, their findings show how each of the seemingly independent actors in the scenario is, in fact, influenced by every other actor.
The order is in the velocities of the drops. This became apparent when the team used sophisticated software they had developed to instantaneously capture the velocities of many drops at once. Mapping them out and color-coding them according to relative speed – faster than average or slower than average – revealed an arrangement in which groups of drops were coordinating their velocities in a way that was unusually persistent.
Correlations of droplet velocities (projection of velocities along x-direction) plotted against a pair of droplets' spatial separation in the x and y direction. Red stands for positive values signifying joint motion; blue stands for negative values signifying opposing motion

Weizmann Institute Scientists Observe Quantum Effects in Cold Chemistry



At very low temperatures, close to absolute zero, chemical reactions may proceed at a much higher rate than classical chemistry says they should – because in this extreme chill, quantum effects enter the picture. A Weizmann Institute team has now confirmed this experimentally; their results would not only provide insight into processes in the intriguing quantum world in which particles act as waves, it might explain how chemical reactions occur in the vast frigid regions of interstellar space.

Long-standing predictions are that quantum effects should allow the formation of a transient bond – one that will force colliding atoms and molecules to orbit each other, instead of separating after the collision. Such a state would be very important, as orbiting atoms and molecules could have multiple chances to interact chemically. In this theory, a reaction that would seem to have a very low probability of occurring would proceed very rapidly at certain energies.

Dr. Ed Narevicius and his team in the Institute’s Chemical Physics Department managed, for the first time, to experimentally confirm this elusive process in a reaction they performed at chilling temperatures of just a fraction of a degree above the absolute zero – 0.01 K. Their results appeared in Science on Friday.
 “The problem,” says Narevicius, “is that in classical chemistry, we think of reactions in terms of colliding billiard balls held together by springs on the molecular level. In the classical picture, reaction barriers block those billiard balls from approaching one another, whereas in the quantum physics world, reaction barriers can be penetrated by particles, as these acquire wave-like qualities at ultra-low temperatures.“

The quest to observe quantum effects in chemical reactions started over half a century ago with pioneering experiments by Dudley Herschbach and Yuan T. Lee, who later received a Nobel Prize for their work. They succeeded in observing chemical reactions at unprecedented resolution by colliding two low-temperature, supersonic beams. However, the collisions took place at relative speeds that were much too high to resolve many quantum effects: When two fast beams collide, the relative velocity sets the collision temperature at above 100 K, much too warm for quantum effects to play a significant role. Over the years, researchers had used various ingenious techniques, including changing the angle of the beams and slowing them down to a near-halt. These managed to bring the temperatures down to around 5 K – close, but still a miss for those seeking to observe chemical reactions in quantum conditions.

The innovation that Narevicius and his team, including Alon B. Henson, Sasha Gersten, Yuval Shagam and Julia Narevicius, introduced was to merge the beams rather than collide them. One beam was produced in a straight line, and the second beam was bent using a magnetic device until it was parallel with the first. Even though the beams were racing at high-speed, the relative speed of the particles in relation to the others was zero. Thus a much lower collision temperature of only 0.01 K could be achieved. One beam contained helium atoms in an excited state, the other either argon atoms or hydrogen molecules. In the ensuing chemical reaction, the argon or hydrogen molecules became ionized – releasing electrons.

To see if quantum phenomena were in play, the researchers looked at reaction rates – a measure of how fast a reaction proceeds – at different collision energies. At high collision energies, classical effects dominated and the reaction rates slowed down gradually as the temperature dropped. But below about 3 K, the reaction rate in the merged beams suddenly took on peaks and valleys. This is a sign that a quantum phenomenon known as scattering resonances due to tunneling was occurring in the reactions. At low energies, particles started behaving as waves: Those waves that were able to tunnel through the potential barrier interfered constructively with the reflected waves upon collision. This creates a standing wave that corresponds to particles trapped in orbits around one another. Such interference occurs at particular energies and is marked by a dramatic increase in reaction rates.

Narevicius: “Our experiment is the first proof that the reaction rate can change dramatically in the cold reaction regime. Beyond the surprising results, we have shown that such measurements can serve as an ultrasensitive probe for reaction dynamics. Our observations already prove that our understanding of even the simplest ionization reaction is far from complete; it requires a thorough rethinking and the construction of better theoretical models. We expect that our method will be used to solve many puzzles in reactions that are especially relevant to interstellar chemistry, which generally occurs at ultra-low temperatures.”
Dr. Edvardas Narevicius is the incumbent of the Ernst and Kaethe Ascher Career Development Chair.
The experimental system: two supersonic valves followed by two skimmers. The blue beam passes through a curved magnetic quadrupole guide, and the merged beam (purple) enters a quadrupole mass spectrometer. B is a front view of the quadrupole guide


The experimental system: two supersonic valves followed by two skimmers. The blue beam passes through a curved magnetic quadrupole guide, and the merged beam (purple) enters a quadrupole mass spectrometer. B is a front view of the quadrupole guide

Spin Doctors



spinning illustration
If you set a bunch of toy tops spinning closely together, they will collide and stop spinning after a while. But according to the laws of physics, if there are many tops all spinning extremely rapidly and all in exactly the same way, something else might happen first: They could enter into a collective circular movement about a central point. Setting up this scenario with actual toy tops would be impractical, but new Weizmann Institute research suggests that it is quite feasible for molecules in a gas. Circulating molecular flow – a gas vortex – could have a number of uses in biomedical technology and nanoscience.

Rotating tops are said to have angular momentum, a measure of their tendency to continue spinning. Several years ago, Profs. Ilya Averbukh and Yehiam Prior and their teams in the Chemical Physics Department (Faculty of Chemistry) proposed that the angular momentum of molecules could be controlled and manipulated by very short laser pulses. In Prior’s lab, lasers that flash in femtosecond pulses – a millionth of a billionth of a second long – are used to get groups of molecules all spinning in the same direction.

Uri Steinitz, a student in Averbukh's group, wondered what happens afterward, as the spinning progresses. Do the molecules collide like tops, and how would this affect the spins? Physics tells us that angular momentum is always conserved. When molecules that are initially spinning more or less in tandem bump into one another, their rotation slows down, and the directions of their rotational axes become random. However, the total angular momentum should be maintained somewhere within the system. The question was: where?
Profs. Ilya Averbukh and Yehiam Prior
To find the answer, Steinitz, Prior and Averbukh considered a dense gas in which all of the molecules are spinning in the same direction, and calculated (using computer simulations) what happens when the molecules collide repeatedly.

The researchers found that after a certain number of collisions, the angular momentum of the individual molecules was lost, but it reappeared on a larger scale: The molecules in the gas system began to rotate together in a vortex around a central point. This vortex could be millions of times larger than the size of a single, spinning molecule, and it could theoretically reach rates of tens or even hundreds of thousands of revolutions a second. While the angular momentum eventually diffuses within the larger system, repeated spikes of the laser pulses could keep the gas stirred up indefinitely.

These results, says Steinitz, demonstrate a principle normally seen in much larger systems. Atmospheric cyclones, for instance, start out as much smaller eddies that collide and scale up to create large, well-formed vortices. On a practical level, molecular vortices might be useful for manipulating all sorts of particles. For example, as the vortex continues to spin, its momentum drags nearby molecules into its wake. Thus one could use the method to move delicate small particles – for instance biological molecules that are harmed by direct laser manipulation – without actually touching them. In addition, microfluidic devices used in biomedical and pharmaceutical research and industry, which today are operated by tiny channels and gates, could be designed to work efficiently with laser-controlled molecular vortices.

Prof. Ilya Averbukh is the incumbent of the Patricia Elman Bildner Professorial Chair of Solid State Chemistry.

Prof. Yehiam Prior’s research is supported by the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research, which he heads; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Carolito Stiftung; the Willner Family Leadership Institute for the Weizmann Institute of Science; and Mr. Luis Stuhlberger, Mexico. Prof. Prior is the incumbent of the Sherman Professorial Chair of Physical Chemistry.

spinning illustration

Israel Prize to Prof. David Milstein


Prof. David Milstein recieves the Israel Prize. In the recieving line (from third from left): Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar, President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin and Chief Justice Asher Grunis



On Israel Independence Day, the Institute’s Prof. David Milstein received the 2012 Israel Prize for chemistry and physics. The Israel Prize is the country’s highest honor.
Interactions between metal atoms and organic molecules are at the heart of Milstein’s work, and he is a leader in the field of organo-metallic chemistry. Based on principles he discovered, including new ways to selectively activate chemical bonds, he developed novel catalysts that are environmentally friendly: They work with low energy input and mild conditions, emit no pollutants and do not require the addition of harsh chemicals.

In 2007, Science magazine cited as one of ten “breakthroughs of the year” his group’s development of a ruthenium-based catalyst to convert starting compounds, called amines and alcohols, directly into another class of widely useful compounds, called amides, which play crucial roles in chemistry and biology. This catalyst, called the “Milstein catalyst,” is used today in labs around the world. Two of Milstein’s catalysts are now being marketed worldwide by Strem Chemicals, Inc. and a major multinational corporation has shown strong interest in a third.

In other recent work, Milstein has not only demonstrated greener ways of producing vital organic compounds but has also developed new chemical reactions for sustainable energy. For instance, in 2009, he devised a two-step sequence that uses sunlight to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, and releases no chemical waste. Crucial to the process is a completely new way of generating an oxygen (O2) molecule.

Yet another new reaction process developed in Milstein’s lab may, in the future, lead to practical methods for turning waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into fuel. New versions of the organic-metal catalysts were used to create methanol from CO2. The chemical reaction is both green and mild, and fuel production based on this method could recycle greenhouse gasses in the process. In the latest research to come out of his lab, yet another new ruthenium-based catalyst was used to produce primary amines – compounds that are widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. These compounds are generally produced at high pressures and temperatures, and generate a fair amount of waste; but the new method works at low temperatures and pressures, and yields are selective for the desired compound with no waste.

Milstein studied under Prof. Jochanan Blum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, receiving his Ph.D. in 1976. His postdoctoral research was conducted at the University of Iowa and Colorado State University, where he invented, together with his adviser John K. Stille, the Stille reaction, which is widely used for the generation of carbon-carbon bonds. He then went on to work in the Central Research and Development Department at DuPont Co. (Wilmington, USA). Milstein joined the Weizmann Institute faculty in 1987. In 1996, he was appointed Head of the Organic Chemistry Department, a position he held for three consecutive terms. In 2000, he founded the Kimmel Center for Molecular Design, and he continues to head this Center today.

Prof. David Milstein’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Molecular Design, which he heads; the Bernice and Peter Cohn Catalysis Research Fund; and the European Research Council. Prof. Milstein is the incumbent of the Israel Matz Professorial Chair of Organic Chemistry.

Prof. David Milstein recieves the Israel Prize. In the recieving line (from third from left): Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar, President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin and Chief Justice Asher Grunis

Excitement That Shows



Chemistry is a messy business. Complex chemical reactions typically involve numerous steps and often generate toxic waste. Transforming one chemical substance into another usually demands mixing different materials, supplying energy, adding catalysts. But chemists have a dream: One day, they hope to run chemical reactions simply by directing a laser beam at a target molecule, selectively breaking a few chemical bonds to obtain the desired product.

To the dismay of alchemists and others, this method won’t turn lead into gold (rather than breaking chemical bonds, such a change would require altering the atomic nucleus, which cannot be accomplished with lasers), but it can have a host of other advantages: Laser control can render chemical reactions effective, clean and cheap. For example, certain drugs currently produced by complex organic chemistry processes requiring several dozen transformations might in the future be obtained by considerably simpler and quicker methods.

Prof. David Tannor of the Weizmann Institute’s Chemical Physics Department, who has studied laser control of chemical reactions for more than a quarter of a century, believes the method may lead to future commercial applications. His optimism stems from the fast pace of research in leading labs around the world, including his own. Recently, Tannor and graduate student David Avisar accomplished a major feat: They developed a systematic theoretical method for reconstructing the geometrical changes occurring in a molecule after it shifts into an “excited,” high-energy state as a result of exposure to radiation. Molecules in this state emit light at characteristic times and wavelengths. As reported in Physical Review Letters, the scientists have analyzed this light in order to trace, in retrospect, what happened in the molecule during excitation. “What we’ve done is equivalent to reconstructing the cow by looking at the hamburger,” says Tannor.
Prof. David Tannor. Laser control
When molecules become excited, they undergo a variety of changes: They might be stretched or twisted, and some of their chemical bonds might be broken. The Weizmann Institute reconstruction, performed by a sequence of mathematical transformations, reveals the exact sequence of events that take place in a two-atom molecule of lithium from the time it gets excited until it falls apart. The scientists are now planning to perform similar reconstructions with larger molecules made up of three or more atoms.

Such reconstruction can be a boon to laser-control chemistry because it provides crucial information about the changes induced in molecular structure by light, which in turn can make it possible to manipulate chemical bonds on demand. If the scientists know which bonds are weakened or broken following the excitation by light, they can make the process more efficient and selective with the help of specially designed laser pulses. In addition, the new understanding of excited molecules can advance the study of matter in the atmosphere and stratosphere, where a wide variety of molecules exposed to solar radiation exist in an excited state.

Beware of Traps

One major stumbling block to achieving laser control of chemical reactions is efficiency. If, say, the control is only 50 % efficient – that is, if only half of the product obtained in the reaction is the desired substance – the method will be of limited use. The goal is to reach an optimal efficiency, as close as possible to 100%.

Until recently, scientists believed that, theoretically, these high efficiencies were virtually guaranteed, provided one was persistent enough: Keep improving the precision of laser control and ultimately you will reach the optimal level. But in a study recently published in Physical Review Letters, Prof. David Tannor and research associate Dr. Alexander N. Pechen have shown this assumption to be false. It turns out that in certain cases, the improvement hits a dead end: What looks like a steady increase for a while, ultimately peaks at a level that falls far below 100 %. In such cases, the initial progress leads to a “trap”: Since no further improvement is possible, the scientist has no choice but to abandon the entire process and begin all over again from a different starting point.

The bad news is that these newly discovered traps make optimal efficiency more difficult to reach. The good news is that knowing about them can help scientists avoid them – for example, by applying strict criteria to the starting parameters in the improvement process.
Prof. David Tannor is the incumbent of the Hermann Mayer Professorial Chair.

Better Bonds with Water


(l-r) Standing: Dr. Haim Weissman, Dr. Boris Rybtchinski, Elisha Krieg. Sitting: Dr. Eyal Shimoni and Elijah Shirman. Flexible bonds

Chemistry based on molecular interactions in water could yield novel materials that stand up to pressure but are much more adaptive than those created with traditional methods. Dr. Boris Rybtchinski and his team in the Institute’s Organic Chemistry Department (Faculty of Chemistry) recently applied this original approach to produce a unique nanoparticle filter that not only simplifies the size-sorting process but also comes apart for cleaning and is recyclable. Their findings appeared in Nature Nanotechnology.
Almost all functional materials produced today are held together by strong, irreversible bonds known as covalent bonds. These bonds are what make such materials as polymers strong, but under normal circumstances they lack the ability to change, making them difficult to recycle or even dispose properly. In contrast, so-called supramolecular systems are held together by noncovalent interactions. Supramolecular systems are easily self-assembled and are adaptive – they can be self-healing, for instance – so they are easy to fabricate and recycle. Until now, however, what these systems gained in flexibility, they lost in strength.
Rybtchinski and his team, including Ph.D. students Elisha Krieg and Elijah Shirman, and staff scientists Drs. Haim Weissman and Eyal Shimoni, have been looking at a noncovalent attachment between molecules known as hydrophobic bonding. Hydrophobic molecules are “water-hating”: When placed in water they bond together, something like coalescing oil droplets. An analysis of the chemical forces reveals that hydrophobic bonds could be relatively strong yet adaptive, not to mention environmentally friendly and cost-efficient. But are these bonds sturdy enough for producing useful new materials that can compete with the existing covalent ones?
Supramolecular systems are good candidates for such specialized applications as nanoparticle filters. Existing filters – made to retrieve particles just a few billionths of a meter across – are expensive and difficult to use, and they tend to clog and break. A recyclable filter – one whose bonds break and reform – could overcome these problems.
The researchers created molecules with a large hydrophobic component and poured a water solution of them onto standard, inexpensive filter material with very large pores. Instead of running through the filter, the molecules bonded into a sponge-like three-dimensional network filled with even, nanometer-sized spaces.
The network turned out to be an excellent nanoparticle filter. When the scientists passed a solution containing gold nanoparticles through the nanoscale network, only those smaller than five nanometers (a critical size for many applications) progressed beyond the supramolecular membrane. To retrieve the nanoparticles and reuse the filter, the team simply dissolved the filter’s hydrophobic bonds with common alcohol. Repeating the process over and over, they found that the filter network could be easily dissolved and reconstituted for further rounds of sorting – without any loss of performance or efficiency.
Next the scientists wanted to see if their network could be even more specific in sorting the particles. This time they created a slightly thicker 3-D structure. After pouring the nanoparticle solution through, they inspected the network under the Institute’s electron microscope. As anticipated, the smaller particles had penetrated farther into the material while the larger ones were caught closer to the surface, and these could easily be separated according to size – enabling very precise sorting.
Rybtchinski believes that, with a few adjustments, recyclable filtering networks could eventually present a more efficient, greener alternative to some of the particle-sorting methods used today. The methodology may also be promising for separating such biomolecules as proteins and DNA. “This method could be quite cost-efficient and easy to use. There is practically no waste involved. Best of all, we have demonstrated a completely new application for non-covalent bonds: We’ve shown they can be robust and at the same time easily reversible, enabling novel noncovalent materials that are more versatile and environmentally friendly than their covalent counterparts.”
Yeda, the Institute’s technology transfer arm, has filed for a patent for the noncovalent membranes.
Dr. Boris Rybtchinski’s research is supported by the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; and Yossie Hollander, Israel. Dr. Rybtchinski is the incumbent of the Abraham and Jennie Fialkow Career Development Chair.  

(l-r) Standing: Dr. Haim Weissman, Dr. Boris Rybtchinski, Elisha Krieg. Sitting: Dr. Eyal Shimoni and Elijah Shirman. Flexible bonds

Weizmann Institute Scientists Show: Quantum Systems Could Flout Physics Law


Scientists in the Weizmann Institute’s Faculty of Chemistry, together with colleagues in Germany, have made a startling prediction: Simply 'taking the temperature' of certain quantum systems at frequent intervals might cause them to disobey a hard and fast rule of thermodynamics.


Thermodynamics tell us that the interaction between a large heat source (a heat bath) and an ensemble of much smaller systems must bring them – at least on average – progressively closer to thermal equilibrium. Now Prof. Gershon Kurizki, Dr. Noam Erez and doctoral student Goren Gordon of the Chemical Physics Department, in collaboration with Dr. Mathias Nest of Potsdam University, Germany, have shown that ensembles of quantum systems in thermal contact with a heat bath could present a drastic departure from this allegedly universal trend, a prediction they recently reported in Nature.


With complete disregard for this physical rule, the ensemble may, remarkably, heat up even when it is hotter than the bath or cool down when it is colder. The scientists showed that if the energy of these systems is measured repeatedly, both systems and bath will undergo temperature increase or decrease, and this change depends only on the rate of measurement – not on the actual results of these measurements.


How can these effects of quantum measurements be explained? As opposed to classical measurement, which may be completely nonintrusive, measuring quantum systems decouples them from their heat bath. This decoupling, followed by recoupling of the two when measurement ceases, introduces energy (at the expense of the measuring apparatus) into the systems and the bath alike, and thus heats them up. When this happens over a very short time interval, the systems cannot be discriminated from the bath.


For longer time intervals, the systems and bath start exchanging energy as coupled oscillators (analogous to connected springs). This energy exchange will cause the quantum systems to lose energy to the bath, thus lowering the temperature of the ensembles. Depending on whether the measurements are repeated at short or long intervals, it should be possible to heat up or cool down the systems.


The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.


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