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Creativity Emerges from Spontaneous Neural Activity

Creative ideas are linked to resting fluctuations that begin as a kind of noise

Day 3 of the fMRI experiment

Subject's brains in an fMRI experiment showed the preferred pattern after three days

Avital Hahamy and Prof. Rafi Malach

How do our bodies synchronize our two halves – hands and brain?

Some brains are idiosyncratic

A new Weizmann Institute study reveals the idiosyncratic brain patterns of autism

Writ Large – and Small

How does the brain encode movements that occur on many scales?

The day after effect of brain activation: The brain image at the back presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns before an fMRI-based neurofeedback training session. The front brain image presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns a day after the training session, illustrating the long-term trace of the training

Weizmann Institute scientists discover that spontaneously emerging brain activity patterns preserve traces of previous cognitive activity

money on the brain illustration

Mildly stressful situations can affect our perceptions in the same way as life-threatening ones

As compared to the control brain (top), the autistic brain (bottom) shows weaker inter-hemispheric synchronization in several areas, particularly the superior temporal gyrus (light blue) and the inferior frontal gyrus (red)
A new biological marker for autism may enable early diagnosis

Weizmann Institute scientists track brain activity as false memories are formed

As compared to the control brain (top), the autistic brain (bottom) shows weaker inter-hemispheric synchronization in several areas, particularly the superior temporal gyrus (light blue) and the inferior frontal gyrus (red)

The finding, by Weizmann Institute scientists, could lead to the development of tools for early diagnosis
