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Leo Sachs

Prof. Leo Sachs
Prof. Leo Sachs was the first to use cells from the amniotic fluid surrounding the human fetus for...
 Prof. Leo Sachs
In the 1960s, Prof. Leo Sachs developed the first ever procedure to grow, clone and induce the development of different types of...
Prof. Leo Sachs
Prof. Leo Sachs was the first to show that cancer cells – in tissue cultures and in living organisms...
Laying the cornerstone for the Weizmann Institute of Science. In the center: Dr. Chaim Weizmann

1936: "It has long been the ambition of chemists to harness the sun as a direct source of energy."

Prof. Leo Sachs

Nearly fifty years of research have taught Prof. Leo Sachs to expect the unexpected

A Cancer Pioneer

Prof. Leo Sachs' research has formed the basis of amniocentisis, led to a...

 Prof. Leo Sachs
When Prof. Leo Sachs was young, he dreamed of founding a kibbutz in Israel and even spent two years as a...
Prof. Leo Sachs
REHOVOT, Israel -- March 18, 1997 -- Prof. Leo Sachs of the Weizmann Institute of Science has been awarded...
 Prof. Leo Sachs
REHOVOT, Israel -- October 17, 1996 -- Prof. Leo Sachs of the Weizmann Institute of Science has been named this year s recipient of...