Gene Decoding Obeys Road Traffic Rules



One of life’s most basic processes – transcription of the genetic code – resembles road traffic, including traffic jams, accidents and a police force that controls the flow of vehicles. This surprising finding, reported recently by Weizmann Institute researchers in Nature Communications, might facilitate the development of a new generation of drugs for a variety of disorders.

Transcription indeed involves a step resembling the motion of a vehicle: Enzymes “ride” along gene “tracks,” creating molecules that will later be translated into the various proteins involved in the life of the cell. In the new study, a research team headed by Prof. Rivka Dikstein of the Biological Chemistry Department has found that just as on the road, maintaining a reasonable distance between the vehicles – that is, the transcribing enzymes – is the surest way to reach a destination safely. In addition to Dikstein, the team included Dr. Nadav Marbach-Bar, Amitai Ben-Noon, Shaked Ashkenazi, Ana Tamarkin-Ben Harush, Dr. Tali Avnit-Sagi and Prof. Michael Walker.

The scientists tracked the transcription of genes coding for tiny regulatory molecules called microRNAs. Working with human cells, they experimented with different rates of transcription: a high rate, in which the enzymes are launched in bursts, and a low one, in which the enzymes are launched individually, at greater intervals. The experiments yielded a paradoxical finding: When the transcription enzymes were launched in bursts, the amount of the resultant microRNA dropped; conversely, when the enzymes were launched at greater intervals, production of microRNA was more efficient.  

It turned out that when the enzymes were launched in bursts, one rapidly following the next, they ended up in a traffic jam: When the first enzyme paused at a “speed bump” – a molecular signal that creates a pause in transcription – the enzymes that followed crashed into it, falling off the gene. Naturally, such “traffic accidents” reduced the amount of resultant microRNA. In contrast, when the enzymes were launched one by one, they maintained a safe distance: Each had sufficient time to slow down at the “bump” and to succeed at creating a microRNA molecule. In other words, the lower rate of release of individual enzymes proved to be a more efficient method for creating microRNAs.

Because these findings shed new light on the manufacture of microRNAs, they might help in the design of drugs based on these molecules. Discovered as recently as in the 1990s, microRNAs hold great promise for serving as future therapeutics because they can help control gene expression – for example, blocking the activity of cancer-causing genes. This ability is particularly valuable when a molecular process needs to be manipulated at the deepest possible level, inside the cell nucleus.

In a more fundamental sense, the new study helps reveal how transcription is regulated. For example, the study has shown that in inflammation, when the body is threatened with invasion by a virus or bacterium, the release of anti-inflammatory microRNAs is temporarily suspended. The suspension occurs because inflammation increases the launch rate of transcription enzymes, creating traffic jams that reduce the production of the microRNA. This reduction, in turn, “buys time” for the inflammation, giving it a chance to perform its healing function before it is terminated by the microRNA.

Finally, this study helps explain an earlier finding in Dikstein’s lab: In longer genes, transcription enzymes tend to be launched at a low rate, that is, at great intervals. The longer the gene, the greater the risk that it has molecular “bumps” that can create traffic jams, derailing transcription. Therefore, transcription enzymes riding along such genes at a lower rate can do their job more efficiently than the enzymes launched in rapid bursts.
Prof. Rivka Dikstein's research is supported by the Pearl Welinsky Merlo Foundation Scientific Progress Research Fund; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; and the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine. Prof. Dikstein is the incumbent of the Ruth and Leonard Simon Professorial Chair of Cancer Research.
Prof. Michael Walker's research is supported by the Adelis Foundation; and the Falconhead Charitable Foundation, Inc. Prof. Walker is the incumbent of the Marvin Myer and Jenny Cyker Professorial Chair of Diabetes Research.



Space & Physics

Seeking Solvation


 (l-r) Profs. Irit Sagi and Martina Havenith at the opening ceremony for the launch of the Ruhr University Bochum’s Cluster of Excellence RESOLV

“Though water is one of life’s most essential, abundant and well-studied materials, the science behind its behavior and function is still poorly understood,” says Prof. Irit Sagi of the Weizmann Institute’s Biological Regulation Department. Sagi, a representative on the International Faculty Solvation Science, recently had the honor of opening the scientific section of the symposium marking the establishment of the new scientific discipline.

 “Solvation Science” is being launched under the auspices of a €28 million international consortium on water and spectroscopic science – the first of its kind – funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). At its core is Germany’s Ruhr University Bochum’s Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation – solvents as active units), coordinated by Prof. Martina Havenith. International Faculty Solvation Science is a network of top institutions in the US, Europe, Asia and Israel, and it includes many of the high-profile scientists in the field.
Though solvation – the dissolving of a chemical substance in a liquid environment – is not new, the discovery that water plays an active role in the process is quite recent. Solvation is central to many important biological and industrial activities. The latter include pollution prevention, energy efficiency and corrosion, so gaining a deep understanding of this fundamental process is necessary to explain biological functions as well as develop key technologies. RESOLV aims to conduct fundamental research across various disciplines – biology, chemistry, materials science, engineering and computational biology – all based on the new perspective in which such solvents as water are active participants with functional roles in solvation, rather than the passive medium in which biological and chemical processes take place.

The pioneering work of Sagi, who is leading RESOLV’s biological projects, has already helped make great strides in this direction. The innovative, time-lapse, X-ray-based methods developed in her lab, combined with terahertz spectroscopy, enabled Sagi and her team, in collaboration with Havenith and Prof. Gregg Fields of the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies in Florida, to reveal in atomic detail what happens when water molecules interact with an active enzyme. This led to the breakthrough discovery that water plays a vital role in the actions of the enzyme, actively helping it to recognize the target site on a second protein.

An understanding of the precise role water plays in the actions of different types of biological molecules can, among other things, help harness the properties of water for the design of drugs, including some that Sagi’s team is in the process of developing, as well as improving high-throughput drug screening technology.

Included in RESOLV’s strategies for promoting the exchange of knowledge, people and ideas among leading scientists at all levels of their scientific careers in the field of solvation science is the establishment of various fellowship and student exchange programs, workshops and young faculties, with an emphasis on advancing women.

Prof. Irit Sagi’s research is supported by the Spencer Charitable Fund; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Cynthia Adelson, Canada; Dr. Mireille Steinberg, Canada; and the Leonard and Carol Berall Post Doctoral Fellowship. Prof. Sagi is the incumbent of the Maurizio Pontecorvo Professorial Chair.
 (l-r) Profs. Irit Sagi and Martina Havenith at the opening ceremony for the launch of the Ruhr University Bochum’s Cluster of Excellence RESOLV
Space & Physics

Mutations Trump Invasion



Dr. Ron Diskin
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a sly invader: It goes straight to the very immune cells meant to protect against infection, slips inside through the cells’ outer defenses and hijacks the cells’ machinery to make copies of itself. To seek out and infect those immune cells, the virus uses three-part protein complexes: the HIV spikes that are strategically placed around its outer envelope. This protein complex has been very well studied, says Dr. Ron Diskin, who recently joined the Weizmann Institute’s Structural Biology Department, but, surprisingly, no one has yet managed to solve the crystal structure of the entire complex. That is because the complex is almost entirely covered in flexible sugar molecules that hinder structural studies. One of the first tasks that Diskin is setting himself in his Weizmann lab is to find a way to reveal the atomic structure of the spike complex.
In his postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology, Diskin studied another aspect of HIV infection: antibodies to the virus that naturally occur in some people. These are called broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs); some people whose bodies manage to produce bNAbs can be infected with HIV without developing the disease, AIDS. It is surprising that such antibodies exist at all: HIV is notorious for its ability to evade the immune system’s antiviral mechanisms. It does this, in part, by mutating rapidly, so that antibodies that are specific to one form may be useless against another. The bNAbs somehow manage to target conserved sites on the spike and remain effective against many different versions of the virus.
A model of bNAb showing the canonical antigen binding site in cyan and framework region mutations in magenta
In the research, which recently appeared in Cell, Diskin and his colleagues investigated what makes bNAbs unique. Their idea was to decipher the role of the various mutations that accumulate in bNAbs. In general, antibody production works a bit like fast evolution: Many different mutations are produced in germline antibodies, and these undergo natural selection so as to produce the ones that can best bind to an invading pathogen. In this way, as the immune system is exposed over time to a pathogen, it continues to hone its weaponry. The team was intrigued by the fact that, compared to the regular antibody repertoire, bNAbs carry a large number of mutations, including some surprising changes to the protein sequences in unexpected places on the antibody structures. Specifically, it was thought that these mutations mostly occur in variable regions that make contact with foreign invaders; but some of the mutations in bNAbs were in structural regions that give antibodies their shape and maintain their structural integrity.

To understand the role of these unusual mutations, the researchers reverse-engineered the antibodies, returning parts of them to a germline state and making comparisons. Diskin and his colleagues found that those changes gave the highly mutated bNAbs a clear advantage in fighting HIV. For example, a small mutation – a substitution of one amino acid for another – in a non-antigen-binding region reduced the structural stability of the antibody molecule, giving it a greater flexibility that the researchers think might enable it to conform to different virus shapes.
HIV: illustration from the National Institutes of Health
This research, says Diskin, is likely to have important implications for the design of HIV vaccines and vaccination strategies. But it has also revealed some vital principles of how these antibodies form. For instance, the researchers believe that just getting the right combination of so many different mutations should take at least several years, so even those people lucky enough to have bNAbs would develop them only a long time after they become infected. In addition, by refuting the scientific dogma and showing that useful mutations can occur far away from the main sites, the study has revealed new aspects of antibody production and function that may be relevant for other types of antibody and vaccine research.

Diskin is a crystallographer – that is, he reveals the structures of proteins by getting them to form crystals, bombarding them with X-ray radiation and creating a model of the structure based on the way the radiation scatters. In addition to revealing the HIV envelope protein complex structure in his Weizmann lab, he plans to investigate other proteins that interact with viruses, protein-protein interactions and the ways that individual proteins combine to form large protein complexes.  

Dr. Ron Diskin's research is supported by the Abramson Family Center for Young Scientists; and the Enoch Foundation.  Dr. Diskin is the incumbent of the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.

Space & Physics

Bringing Down Walls

Cellulose fibers in the plant cell wall magnified 50,000 times by an atomic force microscope
Plant biomass can be converted into green fuel using clean, sustainable technologies, but the major challenge involved in producing biofuels from biomass on a large scale is the high cost. Visualizing the minutest details of biomass conversion down to the atomic level can help optimize the process, according to a study performed by researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States.

The study, reported in Science, has confirmed the basic idea that one of the major obstacles to effective biomass conversion is lignin, the sturdy polymer that gives plants their strength. In fact, to facilitate the conversion of  the  polysaccharides – the complex sugar compounds in the plant cell wall – into the biofuel ethanol, the process usually starts with pretreatment in which the lignin gets mechanically chopped up or chemically destroyed. In the new study, the researchers devised innovative methods that for the first time made it possible to observe lignin destruction at the molecular and atomic resolution, using advanced laser microscopy. The images have revealed that lignin actually interferes with the ability of enzymes to digest polysaccharides. This understanding has enabled the scientists to define the parameters of an ideal pretreatment – one that focuses on removing the lignin without damaging the polysaccharides.
The team further compared two different methods for digesting the polysaccharides. One relied on individual enzymes derived from fungi; the other made use of cellulosomes – natural molecular complexes of several enzymes by means of which bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms degrade plant cellulose. The scientists discovered that the loose enzymes penetrated deeper inside plant cells than the cellulosomes, which acted mainly on the plant cell surface. This new understanding of the mechanisms involved in the deconstruction of cellulosic biomass may help scientists design more effective enzyme systems for bringing down plant cell walls.
Prof. Ed Bayer
Cellulosomes were discovered some three decades ago by Prof. Ed Bayer of the Weizmann Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department, together with his colleague Prof. Raphael Lamed of Tel Aviv University. In the current study, Bayer collaborated with researchers from the NREL, including Dr. Shi-You Ding, who had conducted postdoctoral research in Bayer’s laboratory in the late 1990s. Dr. Ding and Dr. Yu-San Liu of the NREL devised methods for visualizing the effects of different chemicals on the plant cell wall at an enormous range of resolutions, spanning a million-fold difference: from a millimeter to a nanometer (one millionth of a millimeter). Other members of the NREL team included Drs. Michael Himmel, Yining Zeng and John Baker.
The study’s findings can help researchers optimize biomass pretreatment and the activity of the enzymes used to degrade the biomass. Such improvements, in turn, could increase ethanol yields, lowering the cost of making biofuels.
A historic aside: The cellulosome in the study was derived from the microorganism Clostridium thermocellum, which belongs to the genus of bacteria historically linked to the Weizmann Institute and the State of Israel. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the Institute’s founder and first President of Israel, had used a bacterium of the same genus, Clostridium acetobutylicum, now often called the Weizmann organism, to produce acetone during World War I. Following in Dr. Weizmann’s footsteps, Weizmann Institute researchers have recently established yet another tie between past and present science: Genetic studies have demonstrated that Weizmann’s bacterium, somewhat surprisingly, produces a cellulosome of its own.
Prof. Ed Bayer’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; and the Brazilian Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Prof. Bayer is the incumbent of the Maynard I. and Elaine Wishner Professorial Chair of Bio-Organic Chemistry.
Bright-field light microscopy images of plant cell walls, stripped of lignin, degraded by cellulosomes


Cellulose fibers in the plant cell wall magnified 50,000 times by an atomic force microscope
Life Sciences

Two Tests Are Better Than One

One of the best ways to fight a disease is to find risk factors and learn how to identify them early on, before the disease can take hold. Even if the disease does develop, early treatment can improve chances for a cure. For instance, the steep drop in heart disease in recent decades can be attributed to the discovery of a major risk factor – high cholesterol – and its prevention. With cancer, in contrast, things are not so clear-cut. Nevertheless, many groups around the world are looking for the biological signs that can point to a heightened cancer risk.

Prof. Zvi Livneh and Dr. Tamar Paz-Elizur of the Biological Chemistry Department have made progress in identifying certain markers – tiny cellular “machines” whose function is to keep the genetic material in good working condition. These have their work cut out for them: The DNA in our cells gets injured thousands of times a day from radiation, the side effects of our metabolism and exposure to harmful substances. To prevent this disarray (mutations) in the DNA from developing into such diseases as cancer, the cell maintains a a large store of molecular machines to locate the damage in the genetic material and fix it.
 (l-r) Prof. Zvi Livneh, Drs. Tamar Paz-Elizur, Ziv Sevilya and Yael Leitner-Dagan, and Dalia Elinger
“Our working assumption,” says Livneh, “has been that small differences in the efficiency of those DNA repair mechanisms can affect individuals’ tendencies to get cancer. The combination of two factors – exposure to carcinogens and a lowered ability to repair DNA damage – will elevate the risk of developing the disease.”  

Around a decade ago, Livneh and Paz-Elizur proved this assumption by discovering a biological marker that signals a higher risk of lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and the most lethal: It is responsible for some 30% of cancer deaths. Yet, although the primary risk factor for lung cancer is smoking, “only” 10%-15% of heavy smokers develop the disease, while about 15% of those with lung cancer are not smokers. In other words, a majority of humans have the means to overcome the DNA damage from cigarette smoke (though other problems can still ensue), but a minority have something that increases their genetic sensitivity to smoke damage and thus are more likely to get cancer.
Livneh and Paz-Elizur developed a method to measure the activity of one repair machine – an enzyme called OGG1 – and discovered that unusually low levels of OGG1 activity increased the risk of lung cancer fivefold.
Lung cancer. Image: Lange 123 on Wikimedia commons
In the present study, Livneh, Paz-Elizur and Dr. Yael Leitner-Dagan set out to improve the accuracy of their predictions. They developed a method to measure the activities of a second repair machine, known as MPG. Like OGG1, MPG fixes oxidative damage, but unlike that enzyme, it deals with a broad range of injuries, among them those caused by chemotherapy. Together with Prof. Gad Rennert of the Technion and the Carmel Medical Center, and Dr. Ran Kramer of Rambam Medical Center, the scientists collected blood samples from 100 lung cancer patients and compared them, in a blinded test, with samples from 100 healthy people.

They found that there is, indeed, a correlation between MPG activity and the tendency to develop lung cancer, but this correlation was the opposite of what they expected: MPG was more active in the lung cancer patients. How could their results be explained? “There is a price to pay for the fact that MPG acts on a wide range of problems. It doesn’t always manage to cut out the injured bit,” says Livneh. “It can get ‘stuck’ to the DNA strand and block access for the repair machinery that is more specialized. So, high levels of this enzyme can be ‘too much of a good thing.’”

Using the activity levels of both enzymes to evaluate the lung cancer risk factor enabled them to better predict who would get the disease. The findings were recently published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The scientists hope their findings will not only result in a better test for lung cancer risk, but that they may aid in the development of ways to reduce the genetic sensitivity to carcinogen damage. For instance, a cocktail of drugs – one to raise OGG1 activity and another to lower that of MPG – could possibly restore the balance. Another avenue might be to find a common regulatory mechanism that controls the levels of both and adjust its function. Livneh and his team plan to check these possibilities using new equipment recently installed in the Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine at the Weizmann Institute.

Participating in the research were Dr. Ziv Sevilya and Dalia Elinger in Livneh’s group, and Mila Pinchev and Hedy Rennert in Rennert’s group. The statistical analyses were done by Prof. Laurence Freedman of the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research at Chaim Sheba Medical Center, and Prof. Edna Schechtman of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Prof. Zvi Livneh's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine, which he heads; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Dana and Yossie Hollander, Israel; and the estate of Alice Schwarz-Gardos. Prof. Livneh is the incumbent of the Maxwell Ellis Professorial Chair of Biomedical Research.


Lung cancer. Image: Lange 123 on Wikimedia commons
Space & Physics

Programmed Destruction



Stroke, heart attacks and numerous other common disorders result in a massive destruction of cells and tissues called necrosis. It’s a violent event: As each cell dies, its membrane ruptures, releasing substances that trigger inflammation, which in turn can cause more cellular necrosis. A new Weizmann Institute study may help develop targeted therapies for controlling the tissue destruction resulting from inflammation and necrosis.

The study, conducted in the laboratory of Prof. David Wallach of the Biological Chemistry Department, focused on a group of signaling enzymes, including caspase 8, which was discovered by Wallach nearly two decades ago. Earlier studies by scientists in the United States, China and Europe had shown that this group of proteins induces “programmed,” or deliberate, necrosis intended to kill off damaged or infected cells. This revelation had generated the hope that by blocking the induction of necrotic cell death by these proteins, it might be possible to prevent excessive tissue damage in various diseases.

But in the new study, reported in Immunity, Wallach’s team sounds a warning. The researchers have revealed that under conditions favoring inflammation – that is, in the presence of certain bacterial components or other irritants – the same group of signaling enzymes can trigger an entirely different process in certain cells. It can activate a previously unknown cascade of biochemical reactions that causes inflammation more directly, without inducing necrosis, by stimulating the production of hormone-like regulatory proteins called cytokines. The research, mainly based on experiments in transgenic mice lacking caspase 8 in certain immune cells, was spearheaded by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Tae-Bong Kang. Team members Seung-Hoon Yang, Dr. Beata Toth and Dr. Andrew Kovalenko made important contributions to the study.

These findings suggest that prior to developing targeted necrosis-controlling therapies, researchers need to learn more about the signals transmitted by caspase 8 and its molecular partners: Since this signaling can lead to several entirely different outcomes, the scientists need to determine when exactly it results directly in necrosis and when it does not. Clarifying this matter is of enormous importance: Tissue necrosis occurs in a variety of disorders affecting billions of people, from the above-mentioned stroke and heart attack to viral infections and alcoholism-related degeneration of the liver.

Prof. David Wallach’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; and Merck Serono. Prof. Wallach is the incumbent of the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Professorial Chair.

Space & Physics

A Genetic Device Performs DNA Diagnosis


Scientists hope that one day in the distant future, miniature, medically-savvy computers will roam our bodies, detecting early-stage diseases and treating them on the spot by releasing a suitable drug, without any outside help. To make this vision a reality, computers must be sufficiently small to fit into body cells. Moreover, they must be able to “talk” to various cellular systems. These challenges can be best addressed by creating computers based on biological molecules such as DNA or proteins. The idea is far from outrageous; after all, biological organisms are capable of receiving and processing information, and of responding accordingly, in a way that resembles a computer.

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have recently made an important step in this direction: They have succeeded in creating a genetic device that operates independently in bacterial cells. The device has been programmed to identify certain parameters and mount an appropriate response.

The device searches for transcription factors – proteins that control the expression of genes in the cell. A malfunction of these molecules can disrupt gene expression. In cancer cells, for example, the transcription factors regulating cell growth and division do not function properly, leading to increased cell division and the formation of a tumor. The device, composed of a DNA sequence inserted into a bacterium, performs a “roll call” of transcription factors. If the results match preprogrammed parameters, it responds by creating a protein that emits a green light – supplying a visible sign of a “positive” diagnosis. In follow-up research, the scientists – Prof. Ehud Shapiro and Dr. Tom Ran of the Biological Chemistry and Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Departments – plan to replace the light-emitting protein with one that will affect the cell’s fate, for example, a protein that can cause the cell to commit suicide. In this manner, the device will cause only “positively” diagnosed cells to self-destruct.

In the present study, published in Nature's Scientific Reports, the researchers first created a device that functioned like what is known in computing as a NOR logical gate: It was programmed to check for the presence of two transcription factors and respond by emitting a green light only if both were missing. When the scientists inserted the device into four types of genetically engineered bacteria – those making both transcription factors, those making none of the transcription factors, and two types making one of the transcription factors each – only the appropriate bacteria shone green. Next, the research team – which also included graduate students Yehonatan Douek and Lilach Milo – created more complex genetic devices, corresponding to additional logical gates.

Following the success of the study in bacterial cells, the researchers are planning to test ways of recruiting such bacteria as an efficient system to be conveniently inserted into the human body for medical purposes (which shouldn’t be a problem; recent research reveals there are already 10 times more bacterial cells in the human body than human cells). Yet another research goal is to operate a similar system inside human cells, which are much more complex than bacteria.
NOR logic gate. If two transcriptionfactors are missing, green light is emitted


Prof. Ehud Shapiro’s research is supported by the Paul Sparr Foundation; and the European Research Council. Prof. Shapiro is the incumbent of the Harry Weinrebe Professorial Chair of Computer Science and Biology.


NOR logic gate. If two transcriptionfactors are missing, green light is emitted
Space & Physics

Arms Race


The scientists’ rendering of the process by which a cell imports protons and ejects antibiotics

The H.G. Wells classic War of the Worlds tells of a fictional invasion of Earth by evil Martians. Just when the Earthlings are about to give in to the aliens’ superior strength, the Martians pick up and leave, defeated by the tiny bacteria and viruses they encounter on Earth. When that book was written, humanity, itself, was engaged in a desperate struggle against the world of disease-causing microorganisms, which were still a leading cause of death. The tide began to turn only with the discovery of such antibiotics as penicillin. But bacteria have not admitted defeat; they have been developing resistance to our weapons at a pace that threatens to bring back the battle in full force. Since the first use of antibiotics, humans and bacteria have been engaged in an arms race in which the other side finds ways to overcome nearly any antibiotic we can develop.  

One type of instrument of resistance employed by bacteria is membrane proteins that remove antibiotics from the cell. Such proteins are found in the outer walls of the bacterial cells, and they act something like vacuum cleaners, pulling harmful substances from the cells’ insides and ejecting them. They are called multidrug transporters, because each of these proteins is capable of removing a variety of antibiotics.

Like a vacuum cleaner, a transporter protein needs energy to work. That energy comes in the form of protons, which it can take in thanks to a gradient in the proton concentration across the cell membrane (with a higher proton concentration outside than in). Every time a transporter protein ejects an antibiotic molecule from the cell, it takes in one or more protons. Bringing in a proton involves binding it on the outside of the cell and releasing it on the inside; the mechanism for this binding and release has been a mystery.
(l-r) Osnat Tirosh, Nir Fluman and Prof. Eitan Bibi
Prof. Eitan Bibi and Ph.D. students Nir Fluman and Osnat Tirosh of the Biological Chemistry Department recently investigated this phenomenon. In two parallel studies on the MdfA transporter of the E. coli bacterium, they revealed the mechanism for binding a proton and the conditions necessary for its release. The scientists then continued their study using genetic engineering techniques to create mutated proteins with the ability to bind and release more than one proton when ejecting an antibiotic molecule.

Under a microscope, the cell membrane appears as a thick, nearly impenetrable wall of lipids (fat-like substances) with embedded proteins (like MdfA itself) that span it from the inside to the outside. The first study, which appeared in Molecular Cell, identified a site in the part of MdfA that is within the membrane – an acidic site (that is, it carries a negative charge) that binds the protons and releases them. This acidic site seems to act as a way station for protons passing between the membrane’s two sides. The research findings showed that this acidic site senses when an antibiotic is bound to the protein, releasing the proton into the cell when antibiotic binding takes place. In other words, getting rid of the antibiotic and taking in the proton are orchestrated actions. The mechanism works in the opposite direction as well, so that the binding of the proton causes the transporter protein to release its bound antibiotic to the outside of the cell. The scientists found that this phenomenon, known as competitive binding, is crucial for MdfA activity. But they were surprised to discover that the antibiotic and the proton bind at different locations in MdfA, with the information passed between the two binding sites. Processing this information causes the protein to undergo a structural change, and this, in turn, leads to the antibiotic’s ejection.  

This resistance mechanism works when the antibiotic molecules are exchanged for one proton, but does not help against certain substances that require the import of two protons. In the second study, Bibi and his students genetically engineered bacteria to be resistant to these substances, as well. That is, the transporters could transfer two protons instead of one. The researchers introduced genetic mutations into MdfA and found several that grant resistance. Interestingly, each of the mutated transporters had an additional acidic site created near the original proton-binding site.

This appearance of a second proton-binding site in the mutant transporters suggests that the proton-transfer mechanism might be modular: By adding a second acidic site in the appropriate location, the protein gained the ability to transfer two protons at once. These findings, which appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), shed new light on the potential ease with which bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance.

This research is especially important right now, as antibiotic resistance is growing and new discoveries in the field are slowing down. A deeper understanding of the proteins that remove antibiotics from the cell will aid humanity in its eternal arms race against disease-causing bacteria.
Prof. Eitan Bibi's research is supported by the Dr. Josef Cohn Minerva Center for Biomembrane Research, which he heads; the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation; the Willner Family Leadership Institute for the Weizmann Institute of Science; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; Rudolfine Steindling; the estate of Harold Z. Novak; the estate of Irwin Mandel; and the estate of Raymond Lapon.  Prof. Bibi is the incumbent of the Ruth and Jerome A. Siegel and Freda and Edward M. Siegel Professorial Chair.

(l-r) Osnat Tirosh, Nir Fluman and Prof. Eitan Bibi
Life Sciences

Living with Arsenic

 Prof. Dan Tawfik, Dr. Mikael Elias, Korina Goldin and Alon Wellner








Microorganisms living in environments that are naturally rich in the arsenic-based compound arsenate face a unique challenge: How to take up the phosphate compounds they need to live, while avoiding the toxic arsenate?

Chemically, arsenate is nearly indistinguishable from phosphate. “However,” says Prof. Dan Tawfik of the Biological Chemistry Department, “phosphate forms highly stable bonds in DNA and other key biological compounds, whereas bonds to arsenate are quickly broken. So how does a microorganism surrounded by arsenate distinguish between two molecules that are almost the same size and have identical shapes and ionic properties?”  

Tawfik, postdoctoral fellow Dr. Mikael Elias, Ph.D. student Alon Wellner and lab assistant Korina Goldin, in collaboration with Tobias Erb and Julia Vorholt of ETH Zurich, looked at a protein in bacteria that takes up phosphate. PBP (short for phosphate binding protein) sits near the bacteria’s outer membrane, where it latches onto phosphates and passes them on to pumps that transport them into the cell.
Bacteria in an arsenate-rich environment. Image: NASA
In research that recently appeared in Nature, the team compared the activity of several different PBPs – some, from bacteria such as E. coli that are sensitive to arsenate and others, such as those from an arsenic-rich environment that are tolerant of the chemical. While the PBPs in the ordinary bacterium were about 500 times more likely to bind phosphate than arsenate, in the arsenic-tolerant bacterium that factor jumped to around 5000. In other words, to cope with their toxic environment, the bacteria evolved a mechanism of extreme selectivity to ensure their supply of phosphate while keeping the arsenate out.

Elias then compared phosphate and arsenate binding by crystallizing PBPs along with one of the two compounds. But the initial comparison suggested that when arsenate bound to the protein, it did so in just the same way as phosphate. Elias suspected that the key might lie in a single, highly unusual bond between a hydrogen atom in the protein and the molecule.

To see the difference, the team had to stretch the limits of crystallization technology, getting the resolution to less than one angstrom – fine enough to identify individual hydrogen atoms and compare their bonds. Only then were they able to identify a single disparity: The angles of that unusual hydrogen bond were different. Inside a tight cavity within the PBP structure, phosphate binds at a “textbook angle,” according to Elias. The slightly larger arsenate molecule, on the other hand, gets pushed up against the hydrogen and bonds at an unnatural, distorted angle. That angle is likely to lead to repulsion between the molecule and other atoms in the cavity, preventing the PBP from passing arsenate into the cell’s interior.

Tawfik: “This first observation of a PBP discrimination mechanism is an exciting demonstration of the exquisite fine-tuning that enables proteins to distinguish between two nearly identical molecules.”
Prof. Dan Tawfik's research is supported by the Adelis Foundation; and the estate of Mark Scher. Prof. Tawfik is the incumbent of the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Professorial Chair.

 Prof. Dan Tawfik, Dr. Mikael Elias, Korina Goldin and Alon Wellner
Life Sciences

The Coupling Protein

At any given moment in the cell, all sorts of genes are being activated and proteins are getting churned out one after the other. One of the big shots directing this activity is the protein NF-kappaB – a sort of production overseer responsible for the activation of many of the genes that are crucial for the cell’s daily operations. In healthy cells, NF-kappaB activity is transient and gives its orders on the basis of need. But in chronic inflammation and certain types of cancer, it keeps on working long after the need has passed. When its activity becomes abnormally constant, it can lead to the spread of the cancer cells that cause malignancy and increase the resistance of these cancer cells to chemotherapy. For this reason, NF-kappaB and the pathways it activates are thought to be attractive targets for cancer treatments.
Prof. Rivka Dikstein


NF-kappaB activity affects tumors in several ways: It both represses planned cell death (apoptosis) and promotes cellular processes that lead to unregulated growth. Many scientists studying the protein focus on the initial stages of NF-kappaB activation, when it receives an external signal that sends it from the cell’s body into its nucleus. But Prof. Rivka Dikstein of the Biological Chemistry Department investigates the last step in the protein’s chain of activity: the expression of groups of genes. Around 100 genes are known, at this point, to be activated by NF-kappaB; these hold the instructions for producing, among other things, proteins that play a role in inflammation and cell growth.

Another group of genes activated by NF-kappaB produces a negative feedback mechanism whose function is to bring the protein’s activity to a halt. In earlier research, Dikstein showed how NF-kappaB-regulated genes become activated very rapidly in response to outside signals, especially those that threaten the cell’s survival. She is now investigating how NF-kappaB affects the transcription of the genes it oversees.

Transcription is the first crucial stage of gene expression. It can be broken down into several steps: initiation, elongation (the production of RNA molecules), processing and termination. Dikstein discovered that NF-kappaB is an important regulator of the elongation step. Here, it acts as a sort of foreman, rounding up a “crew” of workers to get the job done. When an entire crew makes a combined effort, the upshot is a significant increase in the number of RNA molecules ready for protein production.
Dikstein and research student Gil Diamant recently uncovered a previously unknown mechanism that suggested to them a possible explanation for the unrelenting NF-kappaB activity in chronic disease and cancer. The mechanism involves one of the elongation work crew, a protein called DSIF. They found that this protein is responsible for the coupling that occurs between the elongation stage and that of RNA processing, which takes place in tandem with elongation. Without this coupling, RNA cannot be processed, and protein production is stalled. Together with NF-kappaB, DSIF promotes the expression of the negative feedback genes that put the brakes on NF-kappaB activity. In cells depleted of DSIF protein, or in which its activity is perturbed, NF-kappaB activity becomes abnormally prolonged and the risk of developing NF-kappaB-associated diseases rises. The findings of the study recently appeared in Cell Reports.

The discovery of the DSIF mechanism could be good news in the war against cancer. Because NF-kappaB is entrusted with regulating so many biological processes, any attempt to interfere with it would spell disaster for the expression of many genes and thus cause any number of harmful side effects. DSIF, in contrast, has a much more limited effect on a smaller number of NF-kappaB-regulated genes, so treatments that affect its activities might be more selective, and undesirable side effects minimized.
Prof. Rivka Dikstein's research is supported by the Pearl Welinsky Merlo Foundation Scientific Progress Research Fund; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; and the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine. Prof. Dikstein is the incumbent of the Ruth and Leonard Simon Professorial Chair of Cancer Research.
Prof. Rivka Dikstein
Life Sciences
