A Case of Mistaken Identity



Prof. Mark Safro. Proofreading equipment


Considering that all of the 100,000 or so different proteins in our bodies are made of chains constructed of thousands of linked amino acids, the error rate is quite low. Yet now and again, the wrong bit of material will make its way onto the assembly line in the protein factory – the ribosome – and end up in the polypeptide chain. Since the sequence of amino acids determines the shape of the folded protein, as well as its function, even one wrong link in the chain can spell disaster for some proteins.

Prof. Mark Safro and his colleagues Drs. Nina Moor and Liron Klipcan of the Structural Biology Department in the Faculty of Chemistry recently revealed how one of the most common substitutions can slip right by the molecular equipment that is meant to prevent mistakes. Their findings may be relevant to many disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Safro and his group investigate a central step in the complex protein manufacturing process – one that helps ensure the fidelity of the translation from instruction list to finished protein. This step involves an interaction between an adaptor RNA molecule called tRNA and an enzyme known as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. If the tRNA can be thought of as the “trucks” that carry the individual amino acids to the assembly line in the ribosome, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is the “loader” that puts the amino acids on the trucks. Each such loader is familiar with one amino acid, and this is the one it captures. But some synthetases have an added responsibility. Of the 20 amino acids from which all proteins are built, some of the building blocks are easily confused with one another, and the synthetases for these components have evolved an extra function, called “proofreading,” for double-checking the shipment before sending it on its way.

Levodopa in the active site of mitochondrial Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase. The lattice is the observed electron density corresponding to the L-Dopa
Such is the case with the amino acid tyrosine, which differs from a second amino acid, phenylalanine, only by the addition of two simple atoms – an OH group. To complicate matters, tyrosine can also be mistaken for a molecule that resembles an amino acid but has a totally different function. This molecule is levodopa, or L-Dopa, better known as the common treatment for Parkinson’s disease. L-Dopa resembles tyrosine because it is made in the body by adding yet another OH group to a tyrosine molecule. This small “quasi” amino acid is able to cross into the brain, where it is converted into dopamine – the neurotransmitter that is under-produced in Parkinson’s patients. But when L-Dopa is accidentally incorporated into a protein instead of tyrosine, that second OH group becomes a problem. This tiny addition is chemically active, and it can cause the proteins to clump together into aggregates that don’t break down easily.

Safro and his team realized that the question of L-Dopa inclusion was complicated by the fact that there are two types of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase – one in the cell’s cytoplasm and one in organelles called mitochondria, the cell’s power plants. When the researchers crystallized both types to reveal their structures, they found that the mitochondrial synthetase is a bare-bones, stripped-down version of its counterpart in the cell body. Among other things, it lacks the proofreading equipment.

Next, the team asked how capable either version is of recognizing L-Dopa and preventing it from getting into the protein chain. Using a variety of experimental methods – including a tour de force of crystallization in which they succeeded in capturing the 3-D structures of synthetase and L-Dopa acting together, as well as kinetic experiments – they showed how the mistake occurs. It appears, says Safro, that in this particular instance, the proofreading mechanism is not up to the task. The L-Dopa assumes the same orientation in the synthetase as tyrosine and thus, to the proofreader, it can look identical. While failure to recognize the false amino acid was seen in both versions, it was especially apparent in the stripped-down mitochondrial synthetases – which, unfortunately, have a greater impact on human health.

Mistakes in protein assembly are fairly rare; L-Dopa appears to be a somewhat unique case of mistaken amino acid identity. But it may also be a critical one: Protein aggregates like the ones caused by faulty L-Dopa inclusion are implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, and Safro believes that this “blind spot” in the proofreading machinery may be an important contributing factor.
Prof. Mark Safro is the incumbent of the Lee and William Abramowitz Professorial Chair of Macromolecular Biophysics.
Levodopa in the active site of mitochondrial Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase. The lattice is the observed electron density corresponding to the L-Dopa
Space & Physics

Molecular Release Valve

cellular steam release valve
The molecular machines that defend our body against infection don’t huff and puff, but some of them apparently operate on much the same principle as a steam engine. Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered a mechanism that controls inflammation in a way that resembles a steam-engine valve: Just when the inflammatory mechanism that protects cells against viruses reaches its peak of activity, the molecular “steam-release valve” intervenes, restoring the mechanism to its resting state, ready for re-activation. This finding might shed new light on such inflammatory disorders as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, and point the way to developing effective therapies.

How does the cellular “steam-release valve” work? The scientists have discovered that its crucial component is the enzyme called caspase-8. When the cell is invaded by a virus, caspase-8 joins a large molecular complex that forms in order to send out an inflammatory signal. However, this same signal, once triggered, makes sure that the inflammatory response will eventually be shut down. The mechanism can be likened to the peak of the steam cycle, when the valve opens, releasing steam and restoring the engine to its initial state. In the case of the cell, the inflammatory signal prompts caspase-8 to destroy a protein called RIP1 – a crucial signal amplifier – after RIP1 has reached a state in which it can produce maximal amplification. The inflammatory cycle is thus completed: The signaling mechanism, precisely after reaching its peak activity level, returns to its neutral state, ready to enter yet another inflammatory cycle should the viral attack on the cell continue.
Prof. David Wallach. Resetting the system
Until recently, caspase-8, discovered by study leader Prof. David Wallach of Weizmann’s Biological Chemistry Department some 15 years ago, was known to prevent inflammation in only one way – by causing damaged cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis. During this process, the contents of the dying cells are prevented from spreading around and triggering inflammation. The present study, reported recently in Immunity, has revealed an entirely new mechanism by which caspase-8 can control inflammation more directly. The research was performed in Wallach’s lab by Drs. Akhil Rajput, Andrew Kovalenko, Konstantin Bogdanov, Tae-Bong Kang, Jin-Chul Kim and Jianfang Du, together with Seung-Hoon Yang.

The study results might be relevant for various types of inflammation – not only those caused by viruses – and could thus provide important insights into inflammatory disorders. Since such disorders may occur when the inflammatory response fails to be shut down properly, it’s possible that caspase-8 malfunction and the resulting excessive activity of the RIP1 “signal amplifier” might be involved. And if this is indeed the case, a new treatment approach could aim at blocking RIP1, thereby fighting inflammation in a selective, precise manner.


Prof. David Wallach’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Prof. Wallach is the incumbent of the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Professorial Chair.

RIP1 system

cellular steam release valve
Life Sciences

The Lab Mice that Didn’t Get Fat



(l-r) Standing: Einat Levy, Dr. Liat Rousso Noori and Eynat Finkelshtein. Sitting: Prof. Hilla Knobler, Dr. Alon Chen, Prof. Ari Elson and Dr. Yael Kuperman. Sensitivity

As levels of obesity continue to rise around the world, real solutions to the problem are surprisingly hard to come by. This is partly because we still don’t understand all of the complexities of the metabolic cycles in which eating, hunger, physical activity and body weight are regulated. Weizmann Institute scientists have added another piece to the obesity puzzle, showing how and why a certain protein that is active in a small part of the brain contributes to weight gain.

Prof. Ari Elson and his team in the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department made the discovery when working with female mice that were genetically engineered to lack this protein, called protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTPe, for short). The scientists had originally intended to investigate osteoporosis, and they thus also removed the ovaries of these mice. Taking out ovaries typically causes mice to gain weight, to the point of obesity – so the scientists were surprised to find that the weight of the genetically engineered mice remained stable. Working with Dr. Alon Chen and his group in the Neurobiology Department and Prof. Hilla Knobler in the Metabolic Unit of Kaplan Medical Center, the researchers fed these mice a high-fat diet, yet the PTPe-deficient mice maintained their svelte figures; they burned more energy and had more stable glucose levels as well.

To find out how the lack of this protein could keep mice slim and healthy, the scientists looked at the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that takes in assorted stimuli, including a wide variety of hormones, and sends out messages of its own in the form of new hormones and nerve signals. The hypothalamus plays a vital role in regulating body mass – a complex balancing act that involves, among other things, controlling appetite and physical activity.

In the study, which recently appeared in Cell Metabolism, Elson and his team found that PTPe blocks the messages from a hormone called leptin – a key player in body mass regulation. They revealed exactly how it does this: PTPe response to the leptin signal in the hypothalamus inhibits certain molecules, which in turn dampens that signal.

Among its effects, leptin reduces appetite and increases physical activity. Paradoxically, obese people often have a surfeit of leptin circulating in their blood. This is because, while their bodies produce the hormone normally, their cells become resistant to its effects, and more leptin is then generated to compensate.

The new research shows that PTPe plays a role in this resistance. The scientists found that mice lacking the protein were highly sensitive to leptin; and they remained so despite aging, ovary removal or high-fat diets. This suggests that in obese humans with leptin insensitivity, inhibiting PTPe might, conceivably, help to reestablish the leptin response and thus help induce weight loss. This goal, however, requires further research to ensure that it acts in the same way in humans, with no dangerous side effects.

Elson: “Interestingly enough, the effect seems to be gender-specific. Compared with the female mice, male mice hardly benefited at all from the lack of PTPe. This finding could open up whole new lines of inquiry in obesity studies.”
Prof. Ari Elson's research is supported by the Ekard Research School of Biological Science, which he heads; the Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, which he heads; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Charitable Foundation; the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Prof. Elson is the incumbent of the Marshall and Renette Ezralow Professorial Chair.
Dr. Alon Chen's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund; Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil; Martine Turcotte, Canada; and Mark Besen and the Pratt Foundation, Australia. Dr. Chen is the incumbent of the Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair.

(l-r) Standing: Einat Levy, Dr. Liat Rousso Noori and Eynat Finkelshtein. Sitting: Prof. Hilla Knobler, Dr. Alon Chen, Prof. Ari Elson and Dr. Yael Kuperman. Sensitivity
Life Sciences

Social Networking, Molecular Style


Illustration: helping hand

When two people strike up a friendship, sometimes their spouses, children or even pets become friends too. In the case of Dr. Ami Navon and Prof. Zvulun Elazar, biologists and friends at the Weizmann Institute, their comradeship extends to the molecular pathways they study. They have recently discovered that two of them collaborate in case of need.
Navon studies the proteasome, the cell’s major “garbage disposal” system: This molecular complex destroys and recycles defective proteins – for example, ones that are not folded properly and therefore cannot perform their function in the body. Elazar investigates the lysosome, another recycling machine. The lysosome also carries out destructive tasks, but not as selectively as the proteasome: If a cell turns cancerous, the lysosome might destroy cellular compartments “in bulk” in order to induce the cell to commit suicide.
Navon decided to find out: Do these two destructive mechanisms interact? Answering this question is important because improper breakdown of proteins can be catastrophic for human health. For instance, faulty recycling of certain proteins might cause cystic fibrosis or such neurodegenerative diseases as Parkinson’s or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; on the other hand, excessive recycling is typical of multiple myeloma and autoimmune disorders.
To explore the relationship between the proteasome and the lysosome, Navon and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Edith Kario, both of the Biological Regulation Department, teamed up with the Biological Chemistry Department’s Elazar and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nira Amar. Their study results, reported in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, show that the proteasome and the lysosome can indeed lend each other a helping hand when necessary. When the proteasome fails to destroy a target protein, causing this protein to accumulate in the cell, the lysosome springs into action. Working with yeast, the scientists have revealed how this happens: A cellular process called autophagy attaches a “label” to the accumulated protein, thereby signaling to the lysosome that its help is needed; the molecular elements of autophagy then “escort” the accumulated protein to the lysosome, which destroys it effectively. Thus, when the main protein recycling machinery is out of order, a secondary recycling complex takes over.
These findings might in the future help in the development of new approaches for treating diseases involving faulty protein breakdown. In those tied to proteasome malfunction, for example, its activity might be enhanced with the help of the lysosome – just the kind of help one would expect from a good friend.


Prof. Zvulun Elazar’s research is supported by the Louis Brause Philanthropic Fund; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Prof. Elazar is the incumbent of the Harold L. Korda Professorial Chair of Biology.
Dr. Ami Navon is the incumbent of the Recanati Career Development Chair of Cancer Research in Perpetuity. 
Illustration: helping hand
Life Sciences

How to Build a Cellular Recycling Machine

(l-r) Prof. Zvulun Elazar, Tomer Shpilka and Hilla Weidberg. Construction details
Allowing broken furniture and appliances to accumulate can cause stress: If we fail to haul them away, our house at some point becomes unlivable. For the living cell, with its limited resources, it is critical not just to get rid of the old junk, but to recycle it for reuse. Fortunately, says Prof. Zvulun Elazar of the Biological Chemistry Department, researchers are now realizing the importance of a kind of cellular recycling activity known as autophagy (“self-eating” in Greek). This process is vital for everything from growth and development to cancer prevention; malfunctions in the autophagy equipment can contribute to Parkinson’s and Crohn’s, as well as a number of other diseases.

Autophagy comes into play when resources are scarce, recycling less crucial components to keep the cell’s main functions going; but it is also important for general maintenance. The components are broken down in a special compartment called the autophagosome, which is enclosed in a double membrane.

In the cell, not even the recycling equipment is left to gather dust: The autophagosome gets constructed anew each time as needed, on the spot. A unique membrane called a phagophore is assembled from bits and pieces of other membranes. As it elongates, the membrane takes on a cup-like shape that gradually extends around the cellular material slated for recycling until the compartment is sealed off completely from the rest of the cell. Elazar and research students Hilla Weidberg and Tomer Shpilka have been investigating the nuts and bolts of autophagosome assembly. In recent research published in the EMBO Journal and Developmental Cell, they revealed the actions of two proteins that fuse together the pieces of the autophagosome membrane.

The two proteins, known as LC3B and GATE-16 (the latter originally identified by Elazar’s group several years ago), share some characteristics with other cellular proteins – particularly ubiquitin, a small tag that the cell applies to certain proteins to label them. Even though LC3B and GATE-16 are similar in design to ubiquitin, they attach to lipids – the fatty molecules that constitute cellular membranes – rather than to proteins; and the bonds they form are unusually stable. Elazar and his team found that both of these proteins are necessary for constructing an autophagosome. When they blocked either one, the assembly process was incomplete.
Early stages of autophagosome formation

After latching on to the phagophore, small active sites on the proteins glue the membranes together. These membranes fuse into one double-walled structure as components continue to be added to the autophagosome wall. The researchers found that the active sites on LC3B and GATE-16 each use a different mode of action, possibly explaining why both are necessary. They think that one of the proteins contributes to the elongation of the phagophore while the other may also function as the “latch” that seals the membrane shut when it reaches the proper size.

“This is the first time,” says Elazar, “that this type of membrane fusion mechanism has been demonstrated in a mammalian cell. Our appreciation of the role that autophagy plays in nearly every biological process grows stronger the more we study it. That is why it is so important to understand exactly how the equipment works.” 
Prof. Zvulun Elazar's research is supported by the Louis Brause Philanthropic Fund; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Prof. Elazar is the incumbent of the Harold L. Korda Professorial Chair of Biology.

(l-r) Prof. Zvulun Elazar, Tomer Shpilka and Hilla Weidberg. Construction details
Life Sciences

Immune System Release Valve

The molecular machines that defend our body against infection don’t huff and puff, but some of them apparently operate on the same principle as a steam engine. Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered a mechanism that controls inflammation similarly to a steam-engine valve: Just when the inflammatory mechanism that protects cells against viruses reaches its peak of activity, the molecular “steam-release valve” interferes, restoring this mechanism to its resting state, ready for re-activation. This finding might shed new light on such inflammatory disorders as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, and point the way to developing effective therapies.
How does the cellular “steam-release valve” work? The scientists have discovered that its crucial component is the enzyme called caspase-8. When the cell is invaded by a virus, caspase-8 joins a large molecular complex that forms in order to send out an inflammatory signal. However, this same signal, once triggered, makes sure that the inflammatory response will eventually be shut down. The mechanism can be likened to the peak of the steam cycle when the valve opens, releasing steam and restoring the engine to its initial position. In the case of the cell, the inflammatory signal prompts caspase-8 to destroy a protein called RIP1 – a crucial signal amplifier – after RIP1 has reached a state in which it can produce maximal amplification. The inflammatory cycle is thus completed: The signaling mechanism, precisely after reaching its peak activity level, returns to its neutral state, ready to enter yet another inflammatory cycle in case the cell is still under viral attack.
Until recently, caspase-8, discovered by study leader Prof. David Wallach of Weizmann’s Biological Chemistry Department some 15 years ago, was known to prevent inflammation in only one way – by causing damaged cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis. In the course of this process, the contents of the dying cells are prevented from spreading around and triggering inflammation. The present study, reported recently in Immunity, reveals an entirely new mechanism by which caspase-8 can control inflammation more directly. The research was performed in Wallach’s lab by Dr. Akhil Rajput, Dr. Andrew Kovalenko, Dr. Konstantin Bogdanov, Seung-Hoon Yang, Dr. Tae-Bong Kang, Dr. Jin-Chul Kim and Dr. Jianfang Du.
The study results might be relevant for various types of inflammation – not only that caused by viruses – and can thus provide important insights into inflammatory disorders. Since such disorders may occur when the inflammatory response fails to be shut down properly, it’s possible that caspase-8 malfunction and the resulting excessive activity of the RIP1 “signal amplifier” might be involved.  And if this is indeed the case, a new treatment approach could aim at blocking RIP1, thereby fighting inflammation in a precise and selective manner.

Prof. David Wallach’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Prof. Wallach is the incumbent of the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Professorial Chair.

Life Sciences

Protein Contributes to Obesity

Weizmann Institute scientists have added another piece to the obesity puzzle, showing how and why a certain protein that is active in a small part of the brain contributes to weight gain. This research appeared today in Cell Metabolism.
Prof. Ari Elson and his team in the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department made the discovery when working with female mice that were genetically engineered to lack this protein, called protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTPe, for short). The scientists had originally intended to investigate osteoporosis, and thus, they also removed the ovaries of these mice. Taking out ovaries typically causes mice to gain weight to the point of obesity – so the scientists were surprised to find that the weight of the genetically-engineered mice remained stable. Working with Dr. Alon Chen and his group in the Neurobiology Department and Prof. Hilla Knobler, Head of the Unit of Metabolic Disease and Diabetes of Kaplan Medical Center, the researchers fed these mice a high-fat diet, yet the PTPe-deficient mice maintained their svelte figures; they burned more energy and had more stable glucose levels as well.
To find out how the lack of this protein could keep mice slim and healthy, the scientists looked at the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that takes in assorted stimuli, including a wide variety of hormones, and sends out messages of its own in the form of new hormones and nerve signals. The hypothalamus plays a vital role in regulating body mass – a complex balancing act that involves, among other things, controlling appetite and physical activity.
Elson and his team found that PTPe blocks the messages from a hormone called leptin – a key player in body mass regulation. They revealed exactly how it does this: PTPe responds to the leptin signal in the hypothalamus, inhibiting certain molecules, which in turn dampens that signal.
Among its actions, leptin reduces appetite and increases physical activity. Paradoxically, obese people often have a surfeit of leptin circulating in their blood. This is because, while their bodies produce the hormone normally, their cells become resistant to its effects, and more leptin is then generated to compensate.
The new research shows that PTPe plays a role in this resistance. The scientists found that the mice lacking the protein were highly sensitive to leptin; and they remained so despite aging, ovary removal or high-fat diets. This suggests that in obese humans with leptin insensitivity, inhibiting PTPe might, conceivably, help to reestablish the leptin response and help induce weight loss. This, however, requires further research to ensure that it acts in the same way in humans with no dangerous side-effects.
Elson: “Interestingly enough, the effect seems to be gender-specific. Male mice hardly benefitted at all from the lack of PTPe compared with the female mice. This finding could open up whole new lines of inquiry in obesity studies.”
Microscope images of normal fat cells in mice (left) and healthy fat cells in PTPe deficient mice (right)
Leptin receptor positive neuron in the mouse hypothalamus
Prof. Ari Elson’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung; the Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Charitable Foundation; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Prof. Elson heads the Ekard Research School of Biological Science; and the Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science. He is the incumbent of the Marshall and Renette Ezralow Professorial Chair.
Dr. Alon Chen’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund; the Mark Besen and the Pratt Foundation, Australia; Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil; and Martine Turcotte, Canada. Dr. Chen is the incumbent of the Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair.
Leptin receptor positive neuron in the mouse hypothalamus
Life Sciences

An Open- and Shut- Case

(l-r) Prof. Eitan Reuveny, Ayelet Cooper, Liora Guy-David and Dr. Adi Raveh. Gear shift
The hero, as heroes do, is relaxing with friends or enjoying a meal, when a mortal threat – a giant wave, a monster or a blood thirsty criminal – appears with no prior warning, compelling the hero to jump up and run for his life. As he does so, his heart must speed up its beat drastically within seconds, pumping extra blood to his muscles to ensure his safe escape. How can the heart “shift gears” so quickly, from beating at a leisurely pace to thumping frantically? The drama of sudden danger is familiar – not only to motion picture heroes – so this question is relevant to all of us.

In a new study published in the prestigious journal Cell, Weizmann Institute researchers revealed a previously unknown mechanism responsible for the rapid and accurate control of signals transmitted by the nerves to muscle cells, among them the signals governing the rate of heart muscle contraction. The study helps explain how signal transmission is regulated in the heart and brain with exquisite precision. It was conducted by Adi Raveh with Ayelet Cooper and Liora Guy-David in the laboratory of Prof. Eitan Reuveny of the Biological Chemistry Department.

To convey electric signals that transmit messages between nerve cells or from nerve cells to muscle cells, ion channels in the cell membrane – through which the cell’s electrical activity is generated – open up for a moment to allow the flow of charged ions into or out of the cell. In this particular case, the opening occurs when a neurotransmitter – a chemical messenger – binds to a receptor in the cell membrane, activating an intracellular molecule called the G protein. This protein then opens up the ion channel by altering its structure – an action akin to releasing a door latch, allowing the door to open.
To prepare the cell for receiving the next signal, it’s obvious that the ion channel must close again after a while. This indeed happens very soon if the neurotransmitter is short-lived: With no signal from the cell membrane, the G protein is deactivated, resulting in the closing of the “door latch.” But if the neurotransmitter is long-lived, the cell has an additional mechanism that makes sure the ion channel doesn’t stay open continuously. This mechanism involves an internal “controller,” an enzyme known as GRK, which cancels the G protein’s activity: GRK causes these receptors to be drawn inside the cell, which means that they no longer respond to the neurotransmitter and consequently no opening of the channel occurs.
One example of GRK controller activity has to do with such long-lived neurotransmitters as morphine and other opioids, commonly used as painkillers. When given as drugs, these neurotransmitters lose their effectiveness after a while because the GRK removes all the G-protein-linked receptors from the cell membranes, thereby preventing the generation of the signal for ion channel opening; these painkillers can then no longer exert their action. Thus a mechanism so vital to normal cellular communication becomes an impediment to therapy. For this reason, it is recommended that opioids not be given continuously for too long, to prevent the patient losing sensitivity to these drugs.
This control function of GRK – drawing the receptors into the cell – is a relatively lengthy process that can take hours. But what happens if the opening and closing of ion channels needs to be controlled much more quickly? To adjust the heartbeat to a sudden change in the environment, the neurotransmitter that slows down the heart rate must be instantly turned off, closing down the ion channel to make room for adrenalin action, which makes the heart beat faster. In fact, scientists have known for some time that the ion channel can indeed shut down very quickly, even in the presence of a long-lived neurotransmitter. What causes this rapid shutdown?


The Second Mechanism


In their new study, Weizmann Institutes scientists have found the answer. They discovered that the GRK controller can terminate the action of the G protein in a previously unknown manner – one that is much faster than the lengthy drawing of the receptor into the cell. It turns out that within seconds, the GRK can simply rush to the door-latch control mechanism and, rather than bothering to relocate receptors, simply remove the G protein itself. Once the G protein has been pushed away from the “door handle,” the ion channel closes down.
To reveal this mechanism, the Weizmann team conducted elaborate studies using nerve and heart muscle cells. These studies involved measuring electric currents passed through the cell membrane, tracing the movement of proteins by labeling them with fluorescent markers and selectively disrupting selected molecules by genetic manipulation in order to elucidate their function.
The newly discovered mechanism helps explain how electric signals in the body can be turned off rapidly and precisely. This new understanding sheds fresh light on the functioning of ion channels throughout the body but particularly in the heart and brain, where rapid signal regulation is crucial. Thus, in an instant, the GRK controller can turn off the slow, steady heartbeat signal to make way for the adrenalin signal, which immediately makes the heart beat faster. In this way, the body’s muscles are quickly provided with the massive supply of blood needed for intensive activity, such as running – ensuring that the hero faced with sudden danger will survive until the end of the film.

Prof. Eitan Reuveny's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the David and Fela Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; and the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research.
G Proteins and opiates
One example of GRK controller activity has to do with such long-lived neurotransmitters as morphine and other opioids, commonly used as painkillers. When given as drugs, these neurotransmitters lose their effectiveness after a while because the GRK removes all the G-protein-linked receptors from the cell membranes, thereby preventing the generation of the signal for ion channel opening; these painkillers can then no longer exert their action. Thus a mechanism so vital to normal cellular communication becomes an impediment to therapy. For this reason, it is recommended that opioids not be given continuously for too long, to prevent the patient losing sensitivity to these drugs.




(l-r) Prof. Eitan Reuveny, Ayelet Cooper, Liora Guy-David and Dr. Adi Raveh. Gear shift
Life Sciences

Take the Axon Train

A developing eye of the fruit fly (left) is connected by the optic stalk to the optic lobe in the fly’s brain
If the body of a nerve cell were a meter wide, some of its extensions, called axons, would stretch for dozens of miles. Yet signaling molecules, as well as other substances made in the body of the cell, are effectively transported along these axons.
Until now, such molecules were known to “ride” to the end of an axon along a rigid internal framework known as the cytoskeleton.
Weizmann Institute scientists have now demonstrated the existence of an entirely new means of transportation inside nerve cells. They showed that molecules can also travel in the cell’s endoplasmic reticulum – a large cellular compartment known to store or even manufacture various chemicals – that envelops the nucleus but also extends along the cytoskeleton to various parts of the cell. This discovery, recently published in PLoS Biology, emerged from research conducted by graduate student Shaul Yogev with Dr. Eyal Schejter in the laboratory of Prof. Ben-Zion Shilo of the Molecular Genetics Department.
The scientists focused on a signaling molecule that is crucial for communication between the eye and the brain in fruit fly larvae. They found that this signaling molecule, a type of epidermal growth factor, travels from the body of the nerve cell to the tip of the axon inside the endoplasmic reticulum. It is accompanied by two helpers: a “chaperone” that protects it from damage and an enzyme that clips the signaling molecule as it reaches the tip of the axon, so that it can leave the nerve cell.
The researchers then tried removing the clipping enzyme from the endoplasmic reticulum, preventing the release of the signaling molecule. They thus confirmed that the molecule’s regular route should indeed be through the reticulum and not through any other part of the cell.
Though the study was conducted in the fruit fly, its findings are thought to apply to mammals, including humans. Clarifying how signals are transported in nerve cells is crucial for understanding their functioning in health and disease.
Shaul Yogev and Dr. Eyal Schejter. A new way to travel














Prof. Ben- Zion Shilo's research is supported by the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; the Carolito Stiftung; la Fondation Raphael et Regina Levy; and the estate of Georg Galai. Prof. Shilo is the incumbent of the Hilda and Cecil Lewis Professorial Chair of Molecular Genetics.


A developing eye of the fruit fly (left) is connected by the optic stalk to the optic lobe in the fly’s brain
Life Sciences

Turning off Stress

Post-traumatic stress disorder can affect soldiers after combat or ordinary people who have undergone harrowing experiences. Of course, feelings of anxiety are normal and even desirable – they are part of what helps us survive in a world of real threats. But no less crucial is the return to normal – the slowing of the heartbeat and relaxation of tension – after the threat has passed. People who have a hard time “turning off” their stress response are candidates for post-traumatic stress syndrome, as well as anorexia, anxiety disorders and depression.
How does the body recover from responding to shock or acute stress? This question is at the heart of research conducted by Dr. Alon Chen of the Institute’s Neurobiology Department. The response to stress begins in the brain, and Chen concentrates on a family of proteins that play a prominent role in regulating this mechanism. One protein in the family – CRF – is known to initiate a chain of events that occurs when we cope with pressure, and scientists have hypothesized that other members of the family are involved in shutting down that chain. In research that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Chen and his team have now, for the first time, provided sound evidence that three family members known as urocortin 1, 2 and 3 – are responsible for turning off the stress response.
The research group, including Adi Neufeld Cohen, Dr. Michael Tsoory, Dmitriy Getselter, and Shosh Gil, created genetically engineered mice that don’t produce the three urocortin proteins. Before they were exposed to stress, these mice acted just like the control mice, showing no unusual anxiety. When the scientists stressed the mice, both groups reacted in the same way, showing clear signs of distress. Differences between the groups only appeared when they were checked 24 hours after the stressful episode: While the control mice had returned to their normal behavior, appearing to have recovered completely from the shock, the engineered mice were still showing the same levels of anxiety the scientists had observed immediately following their exposure to the stress.
Clearly, the urocortin proteins are crucial for returning to normal, but how, exactly, do they do this? To identify the mechanism for the proteins’ activity, Chen and his team tested both groups of mice for expression levels of a number of genes known to be involved in the stress response. They found that gene expression levels remained constant during and after stress in the engineered mice, whereas patterns of gene expression in the control mice had changed quite a bit 24 hours after the fact. In other words, without the urocortin system, the “return to normal” program couldn’t be activated.
Chen: “Our findings imply that the urocortin system plays a central role in regulating stress responses, and this may have implications for such diseases as anxiety disorders, depression and anorexia. The genetically engineered mice we created could be effective research models for these diseases.”

Dr. Alon Chen’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Irwin Green Alzheimer’s Research Fund; the Mark Besen and the Pratt Foundation, Australia; the Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil; and Martine Turcotte, Canada. Dr. Chen is the incumbent of the Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair.
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