Protein Reporters Go on Location

Dr. Emmanuel Levy
Each cell in your body is an entire world: Hundreds of millions, or even billions, of protein molecules are crowded into its microscopic confines. Some have permanent “jobs” in particular locations in the cell while others move around. Some form parts of long-lasting structures while others are produced for particular tasks and degraded soon after. To get an overall picture of this world, we need to know the rules that underlie its “social structure.” For example: Are certain kinds of proteins more populous than others? Where do the various proteins “go to work”? Which other proteins do they meet up with – either casually or in longer-term partnerships?

Dr. Emmanuel Levy of the Structural Biology Department is working on clarifying the answers to these questions. To do so, he is using a technique he helped develop during his postdoctoral research in the lab of Prof. Stephen Michnick at the University of Montreal. Now, using this technique, Levy, together with Michnick, has observed the comings and goings of the proteins in some 4,000 strains of yeast cells. Their results paint a picture of the cell’s world in which “social networks” and chance meetings seem to play a much larger role than previously thought. The results of their study appeared recently in Cell Reports.

The new technique involves splitting a protein that is vital for the cell’s survival into two halves and attaching each half to another protein. One of those proteins is the reporter, the other the target. If the target protein approaches the reporter, the two halves of the split protein will reunite and the yeast strain will survive and grow. The more abundant the target protein is in the vicinity of the reporter, the healthier the growth of the yeast. The method is so good at measuring protein levels and their localization that the researchers obtained an accurate “census” of nearly all the proteins probed. This, says Levy, means that, for the first time, we can measure with great accuracy the protein concentration in a particular region of a living cell. Measuring local protein concentration is indeed hard-to-impossible to accomplish by other methods – for example, mass spectrometry, which involves killing the cell, or microscopy, which would be a very tedious undertaking on such a scale.

Reporters Illustration

“If we think of the campus of the Weizmann Institute as a cell and the people who work here as the proteins, the reporters we use can record how much time each individual spends in which building,” he says. Their findings show that proteins are highly varied in their habits. Indeed, the scientists were surprised at the wide range they measured: Unlike your average human workers, whose hours on the job don’t vary too much from one to the other, some proteins were thousands of times more industrious – that is, abundant – than others. “It’s as if some go to work for just a minute, while others spend a whole week straight in their workplace,” says Levy. The most abundant proteins were also likely to be seen outside of their regular workplace. Going back to the Weizmann Institute metaphor, a person who works in the cafeteria, if he is there for just a minute a week, will not make an impression. In contrast, someone who actually works in a chemistry lab but also spends a few hours a week in the cafeteria could create more personal ties with the serving staff. This has profound consequences for the incidence of protein interactions. An analysis of the data revealed that, in fact, the chances of any two proteins meeting were first and foremost a product of their numbers in the cell.

That, along with their other findings, raises some very basic questions about how the cell truly functions. Randomness – a basic principle of evolution – appears to be built into our cells’ constitution. Nature is an opportunistic tinkerer, Levy says, that is just as likely to repurpose a tool that’s at hand as to evolve a new one. So rather than working on the assumption that the world of the cell is a highly organized realm in which every protein has a place in the overall structure, this research implies that scientists might begin to view the world of the cell as a fuzzy, “social network” type of organization in which chance meetings around the cell may determine how it functions.

Setting up an Experimental Lab

Dr. Emmanuel Levy
Dr. Emmanuel Levy joined the Weizmann Institute in 2012, where he soon began setting up a robotic lab for proteome analysis. Here, hundreds of yeast colonies are grown on a single plate, and hundreds of plates can be incubated at once, their results photographed and analyzed by computer. He first started working experimentally with proteins in his postdoctoral research with Prof. Stephen Michnick at the University of Montreal; in his undergraduate and graduate studies in his native Paris, and then at Cambridge University, UK, Levy had focused on the theoretical side of proteins, studying their structure and their evolution.
Levy, whose previous experience in Israel had been a one-month vacation on a kibbutz, says he was persuaded to join the Institute after he had been invited to give a lecture to the department. “I chose to come here because it is the best place to do this type of science,” he says. He is married to Melanie, whom he met at Cambridge, and they are expecting their first child. Melanie is pursuing postdoctoral research in health law and bioethics. When he has spare time, Levy enjoys cooking and composing electronic music.   
Dr. Emmanuel Levy's research is supported by the  Henry Chanoch Krenter Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Genomics; the Louis and Fannie Tolz Collaborative Research Project; Anne-Marie Boucher, Canada; the Samuel and Helene Soref Foundation; and the estate of William Weingarten. Dr. Levy is the incumbent of the Recanati Career Development Chair of Cancer Research in Perpetuity.
Dr. Emmanuel Levy

A Fossil Comes to Life

 Hula painted frog. Image: Frank Glaw
The story started with a dead frog. This was no ordinary dead frog, however – it was a preserved specimen of the first species of amphibian ever to have been declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), back in 1996. After four decades of searching for the Hula painted frog – whose home range had been limited to the boggy Hula Valley of northern Israel – researchers decided the polka-dotted frog had probably been a victim of habitat loss from Israel’s extensive swamp-draining activities in the early to mid-20th century.

When, several years ago, Rebecca Biton and Dr. Rivka Rabinovich of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wanted to examine the Hula painted frog specimen that had been in their natural history collection since the 1950s, they turned to Dr. Vlad Brumfeld of the Weizmann Institute’s Chemical Research Support. Brumfeld’s lab has advanced micro CT equipment that was suitable for revealing the skeletal structure of the frog in minute detail.
In the meantime, Dr. Sarig Gafny of the Ruppin Academic Center at Michmoret and Yoram Malka, a park ranger for the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, had refused to believe reports of the Hula painted frog’s demise, and had continued to search for it. In 2011, they found their first living specimen of the supposedly extinct frog, and several more soon followed. A few of the frogs that had died a natural death more recently than the 1950s gave Biton, Brumfeld and their co-workers in Israel, France and Germany additional samples to complete analyzing the morphology of the frog’s skeleton, as well as to investigate the frog’s DNA.
Dr. Vlad Brumfeld
The researchers were in for a surprise: In examining the structure of the Hula painted frog skeletons – especially the structure of the head – along with the DNA, they realized that the frog had been wrongly classified when it was first observed by investigators in the 1940s. In fact, the frog is more closely related to fossil amphibians than to any living species. Rather than belonging to the genus of painted frogs Discoglossus, which includes species ranging from Spain to Morocco, it was the sole surviving member of another genus known as Latonia. Its last relatives in the Latonia genus died out around 15,000 years ago. These findings appeared in Nature Communications.
Since the Hula painted frog was declared extinct, dozens of amphibian species have officially gone extinct and hundreds more are endangered or feared to be extinct. Thus the discovery and identification of the Hula painted frog made it an instant icon – a symbol of hope in the face of the generally bleak outlook for many amphibians around the planet. Not only had it seemingly come back from extinction, but the Hula painted frog turned out to be a true living fossil.
3-D reconstruction of the frog's skull reveals its lineage. Image: Renaud Boistel and Vlad Brumfeld

Seeing skeletons

The X-ray microtomography machine in Dr. Vlad Brumfeld’s lab is state-of-the-art, enabling researchers to obtain detailed 3-D images of everything from animal skeletons to microscopic bacteria. The improvement over older models, says Brumfeld, lies in the addition of extra scintillators used to convert X-rays into visual information. These enable scientists to image a range of samples, each at the desired resolution. Recording images while rotating the sample in the chamber of the machine makes it possible to produce 3-D images of thick, opaque objects, thus revealing tiny details – down to just a few microns – not seen through other methods.

To obtain the detailed, 3-D image of the Hula painted frog skeleton, Brumfeld used a technique he had developed together with Gili Naveh, a research student in the group of Prof. Stephen Weiner of the Structural Biology Department. During long exposure to the X-rays inside the machinery, such delicate samples as biological specimens are generally submerged in liquid (usually ethanol or water), but such immersion significantly reduces the quality of the images. Naveh and Brumfeld developed a method of saturating the air surrounding the sample with vapor, thus preserving the specimens’ structure while leaving a clear path for the X-rays to penetrate.

The microtomography instrument in Brumfeld’s lab has been used by Institute scientists to reveal, among other things, the internal structure of developing bone, the microstructure of the soft tissue inside teeth, soil infiltration, tiny defects in diamonds, particles of minerals and silica in plant tissue, the shape of micromachinery tools and more.



 Hula painted frog. Image: Frank Glaw

Proof of Principle



Better known for their destructive feeding habits, cabbage looper moth (Trichoplusia ni) caterpillars are proving to be a useful new tool in the production of human protein.
Carboxylesterase 1
The ability to produce large quantities of specific human proteins is crucial for life sciences research, and it is at the heart of the biotechnology and biomedical industries. The most traditional and widely used protein expression methods are based on cell cultures: Human DNA is introduced into bacteria, yeast or animal cell lines, where it “hijacks” the cells’ protein-making machinery and tricks it into producing human protein instead.

Though effective, these methods can be very expensive and time-consuming. A new protein expression system using whole insect larvae offers a potential alternative, cost-effective method of producing large quantities of human proteins. Before such methods can be employed, however, one question must be answered: Are the proteins generated comparable in structure and function to those produced by the traditional techniques?
To find out, Drs. Tamara Otto and Douglas Cerasoli of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense and Dr. George Buchman of Chesapeake PERL Inc. turned to Dr. Harry Greenblatt and Prof. Joel L. Sussman of the Weizmann Institute’s Structural Biology Department (Faculty of Chemistry) to decipher the structure of the enzyme human carboxylesterase 1, produced using the new system. This enzyme, already well characterized using cell culture techniques, is expressed primarily in the liver and is thought to be responsible for the breakdown of drugs. With slight modifications to its design, it also holds promise as an antidote against insecticides and even nerve gas agents.

Using the state-of-the-art facilities at the Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC) at the Weizmann Institute, of which Sussman is Director, and combining various functional analysis, crystallization and data collection methods, Greenblatt was able to crystallize the human carboxylesterase 1 enzyme isolated from the larvae and confirm that its structure – and function – was identical to previous examples of this enzyme isolated from cultured insect cells.
cabbage looper caterpillar
This proof of principle study validates the use of whole insects as a new resource for producing human proteins. “Not only are these moth larvae easy to grow and manipulate,” says Greenblatt, “they are also cheaper than cell culture techniques and even produce a larger quantity of protein.”

Sussman: “So far, we have tested only the human carboxylesterase 1 enzyme; but if this new system proves to work for other proteins as well, it will provide an invaluable tool for researchers and industry, alike.”

A page on this study can be seen in Proteopedia at:
Prof. Joel Sussman’s research is supported by Yossie and Dana Hollander, Israel, the Samuel Aba and Sisel Klurman Foundation; the Bruce H. and Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation; and the Nalvyco Trust. Prof. Joel Sussman is the incumbent of the Morton and Gladys Pickman Professorial Chair in Structural Biology.
Cabbage looper caterpillar in its native habitiat. Image: David Cappaert, Michigan State University

European Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure Launching


The Weizmann Institute is One of Seven Instruct Core Centres

Major transformations in biomedical science are on the horizon with the establishment of the world-class Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure (Instruct) in support of European biomedical research.
The European Strategy Forum of Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is involved in establishing about 40 such infrastructures, seven of them in biomedical sciences. Instruct is one such biomedical project, whose aim is to provide pan-European user access to state-of-the-art equipment, technologies and manpower in cellular structural biology. This will allow Europe to maintain a competitive edge and play a leading role in this vital research area.
The Weizmann Institute of Science, together with Tel Aviv University, has been chosen as one of the seven Core Centres, joining prestigious institutions in the UK, Italy, France and Germany.
"Structural Biology is a scientific area in which Israeli scientists have been leading for many years, as evidenced by Weizmann Institute’s Prof. Ada Yonath, who won a Nobel Prize in 2009 for her pioneering work on solving the structure of ribosomes," says the Institute's Prof. Joel Sussman, Director of Israel's Instruct Core Centre.
Crucial to understanding how the living cell functions is knowledge of the three-dimensional structures of its proteins and nucleic acids, how these interact with one another, and their arrangement and dynamics within the cell. But no single discipline alone is able to decipher this. "In addition to the Weizmann Institute having developed world-class research programs in several of the disciplines relevant to Instruct, including electron microscopy, mass spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, NMR, bioinformatics and structural proteomics, the Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC) has played a synergistic role in integrating and coordinating all these various disciplines," says Sussman. The ISPC was established by scientists from the Weizmann Institute, with Sussman as its director, in order to increase the efficiency of protein structure determination.
Mirroring the philosophy of the ISPC, Instruct will merge the information obtained by the various structural biology methods and techniques in order to provide a dynamic picture of key cellular processes, both in vivo and in vitro, on all scales from individual macromolecules, through complexes and organelles to the whole cell. This knowledge will permit major advances in understanding and treating diseases.
"The cost of cutting-edge equipment in structural biology is beyond the financial means of most individual laboratories. Instruct will allow laboratories throughout Europe to gain ready access to the most advanced facilities, technologies and methodologies. Israeli scientists and their European counterparts will now have access to facilities they could only have dreamed of before," says Weizmann Institute’s Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Deputy Director of Israel's Instruct Core Centre, as well as of the ISPC. "We hope this core centre will stimulate new collaborative research projects between laboratories throughout Europe with the Weizmann Institute and with other Israeli institutions, and also attract more graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scientists from all over the world."
Instruct will formally be launched at a signing ceremony in Brussels on 23rd February, 2012, and Weizmann Institute Vice President Prof. Haim Garty, will be signing on behalf of the Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv University and the State of Israel.
More information can be found by visiting the Instruct Hub at

Prof. Joel Sussman's research is supported by Mr. and Mrs. Yossie Hollander, Israel; the S. & J. Lurje Memorial Foundation; the Jean and Jula Goldwurm Memorial Foundation; The Samuel Aba & Sisel Klurman Foundation; the Bruce H. and Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation; and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garoon, Glencoe, IL. Prof. Sussman is the incumbent of the Morton and Gladys Pickman Professorial Chair in Structural Biology.


Just Stiff Enough




(l-r) Dr. Benjamin Friedrich, Prof. Samuel Safran, Dr. Yair Shokef and Elon Langbeheim. Looking underneath


Stem cells, like Goldilocks, need a bed that’s “just right” before they can turn into muscle. Too soft, and they become nerve or brain cells; too hard, and they turn to bone. A recent collaboration between scientists in Israel, the US and Germany revealed how the cells “feel” the bed’s hardness and why just the right amount of give in the bed’s “springs” sets them on the path to becoming muscle.
Several years ago, Prof. Dennis E. Discher at the University of Pennsylvania made a surprising discovery: He could direct a stem cell’s fate in the lab simply by adjusting the stiffness of its underlying substrate. A cell sitting on a soft surface not only took on a different shape than a cell on a rigid one; it showed expression of different sets of genes. Prof. Sam Safran of the Weizmann Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department, in the Faculty of Chemistry, was intrigued by these results. He wanted to know what it is about stem cells that responds to such purely physical cues as substrate stiffness. Dr. Assaf Zemel, a former postdoctoral fellow in his group, now at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Safran proposed a theory for how the substrate controls the alignment of “stress fibers” within the cell. Discher and his group, including Andre Brown and Dr. Florian Rehfeldt, tested the model experimentally.
The stress fibers are thin but strong strands of the protein actin. These can form a sort of flexible “skeleton” in the cell body, where they are often organized into webs or parallel bundles, endowing the cell with a loosely solid structure, similar in texture to toothpaste. But actin fibers are more than just rigging: They are linked by another molecule called myosin, which hooks onto two parallel actin filaments and uses the energy of the cell to pull on them. This induces a contractile force in the cell. Such “active springs” can be found in many types of cells, where they give rise to an intrinsic tension in the structure; they are also related to the mechanism that enables our muscles to contract.

Actin-myosin stress fibers

Safran and Zemel reasoned that a living cell, which tends to spread on certain surfaces, attempts to pull itself back by activating its contractile stress fibers. The balance between these two opposing tendencies lies in the relative stiffness of the cell and the substrate. It eventually affects the amount of tension in the cell and the development of the stress fibers themselves. The more rigid the substrate – that is, the less give there is – the harder the fibers pull back. As the stress fibers feel more tension, the physical effort generates a request for reinforcements, and the cell creates additional fibers.
The model predicted that when the amount of give is just right, the stress fibers in the cell will line up in bundles more or less parallel to the long axis of the cell. The experiments, carried out by Discher’s group on synthetic substrates that mimicked the hardness of the different materials encountered by various differentiating stem cells, bore this out. A paper describing the theory and the experimental findings recently appeared in Nature Physics.
When the substrate is too soft, the contracting fibers can easily overcome the cell’s stretching. As such a cell is fairly relaxed, it produces relatively few stress fibers, and these pull in no particular direction. When the substrate is stiffer, however, the shape of the cell comes into play. The spread-out stem cell tends to be more oval than round, giving rise to fibers that are longer in one direction. Since longer strands feel more stress than shorter ones, the additional stress fibers develop mainly along the cell’s elongated axis. “And this,” says Safran, “is exactly the arrangement needed to make muscle. Our muscles contract because the fibers all pull together in the same direction.”
If the rigidity of the substrate increases more than this, the fibers become so tense that the cell’s shape and direction cease to be relevant, and new fibers form in every direction.
This physical effect might reach even deeper into the cell, says Safran. Current research in this area is looking into the possibility that the stress fibers pull on the walls of the cell nucleus. In other words, the shape of the nucleus itself may be determined by substrate stiffness, and this could influence which genes are expressed as the cell continues to develop. In related research, together with Discher and his group, Safran and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Benjamin Friedrich are looking closely at how substrate hardness affects the development of the orderly bands of stress fibers found in muscles.
For Safran, this research has had an immediate impact: The close collaboration between the different groups has led a Weizmann graduate, Dr. Amnon Buxboim, to conduct postdoctoral research on stem cell physics in Discher’s lab in Pennsylvania, in collaboration with Safran and Friedrich at Weizmann. Interactions with Zemel in Jerusalem and Rehfeldt, now in Gottingen, Germany, are also ongoing. In the future, the insights from this research might be applied in biomedical research and biotechnology to direct cell and tissue development.


Prof. Samuel Safran’s research is supported by the Carolito Stiftung. Prof. Safran is the incumbent of the Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Professorial Chair. 

(l-r) Dr. Benjamin Friedrich, Prof. Samuel Safran, Dr. Yair Shokef and Elon Langbeheim. Looking underneath

Sea urchin digging teeth are designed to stay sharp


Sea urchins dig themselves hiding holes in the limestone of the ocean floor using teeth that don’t go blunt. Weizmann Institute scientists have now revealed their secrets, which might give engineers insights into creating ever-sharp tools or mechanical parts.

The urchins dig holes to fit their globular bodies using their five teeth, which, like those of rodents, are ground down at the tip but continue to grow on the other end throughout the animals’ lives. The amazing part, however, is that the teeth, which need to be harder and stronger than the rocky limestone being dug out, are themselves made almost entirely of calcite – the same calcite that makes up much of the limestone. How is this possible? In a series of studies spanning more than a decade, Profs. Steve Weiner and Lia Addadi of Weizmann’s Structural Biology Department have discovered that the urchins’ secret lies in a combination of ingenious design strategies. The latest of these studies, conducted with postdoctoral fellow Yurong Ma and graduate student Yael Politi and in collaboration with Prof. Pupa Gilbert and Dr. Rebecca Metzler of the University of Wisconsin, Drs. Barbara Aichmayer, Oskar Paris and Peter Fratzl from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, and Dr. Anders Meibom from Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France, was reported recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA.

The scientists found that the sea urchins’ teeth contain crystals of magnesium calcite, which are smaller, harder and denser than those of pure calcite; they are concentrated at the grinding tip of the tooth, particularly in the tip’s center, where the most force is being exerted in the course of grinding. What holds these crystals at the center of the tip is a matrix of larger and softer calcite crystals. While in most such materials a matrix of hard fibers contains a softer filling, the reverse is true for the urchins’ tooth: a matrix of relatively soft calcite fibers holds the harder magnesium calcite crystals, which allows these crystals to spread over the entire surface of the tooth. The presence of magnesium calcite crystals acts like sand paper that helps to grind the rock down.

In the latest study, the researchers used X-ray photoelectron emission spectromicroscopy and other high-resolution imaging methods to uncover yet another amazing structural feature of sea urchin tooth design. They found that all the crystalline elements that make up the tooth are aligned in two different arrays, and that these arrays are ‘interdigitated,’ or interlocked like the fingers of folded hands, just at the tip of the tooth where most of the wear occurs. The scientists believe that interlocking produces a notched, serrated ridge resembling that of a carpenter’s file. This ridge is self-sharpening: as the tooth is being ground down, the crystalline layers break in such a way that the ridge always stays corrugated. 

Prof. Lia Addadi’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science; the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; and the Carolito Stiftung. Prof. Addadi is the incumbent of the Dorothy and Patrick Gorman Professorial Chair.
Prof. Stephen Weiner’s research is supported by the Kekst Family Center for Medical Genetics; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science; the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; and the estate of George Schwartzman. Prof. Weiner is the incumbent of the Dr. Walter and Dr. Trude Borchardt Professorial Chair in Structural Biology.

For the scientific paper, please see:
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.
Weizmann Institute news releases are posted on the World Wide Web at, and are also available at

Alive In The Dead Sea

Survival is difficult anywhere, so why set up house in the Dead Sea, of all places? Although the chances of staying alive in the world's saltiest body of water are almost nil, this is precisely where bacteria called Haloarcula marismortui have elected to settle down. Stranger still, these creatures are themselves filled with liquid that is even saltier than the Dead Sea. What then is the secret of survival in salt?

The answer lies, at least in part, in the properties of the bacteria's proteins, which are different in structure from those of organisms living in conditions of "normal" salinity. One such important structural difference," uncovered by Dr. Felix Frolow, Dr. Michal Harel and Prof. Joel Sussman of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department, and their colleagues, was reported in the May issue of Nature Structural Biology.

The scientists grew crystals of one of the bacteria's most abundant proteins, ferredoxin, and determined their exact molecular structure using X-ray crystallography. They discovered that the ferredoxin of Haloarcula marismortui has an extra appendage compared with the ferredoxin of bacteria and plants that are not so "fond" of salt.

This appendage, as well as the rest of the protein's surface, has a relatively strong negative electric charge and therefore attracts water molecules and ions with a positive electric charge. These, in turn, create an unusually dense "envelope," which appears to shield the protein against the hostile environment.

Understanding such protective mechanisms sheds light on the limits to which living organisms may go in adapting to extremely high salinity, temperature or pressure -- conditions that may present themselves on earth or at future human outposts in outer space."

Additional Information

Prof. Sussman's team conducted its study in collaboration with Dr. Moshe Mevarech of Tel Aviv University and Dr. Menachem Shoham of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio. Funding was provided by the U.S. Army Research Office.

The Weizmann Institute of Science is a major center of scientific research and graduate study located in Rehovot, Israel.

This Day in Science History: The discovery of viruses – “the filterable agents”(12/2/1892)

On 12/2/1892, the first evidence for the existence of viruses was presented: Dimitri Ivanovsky, a young Russian scientist, suggested before the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg the existence of a disease agent smaller than any known before. This revelation was the first step in a long series of observations and experiments that led to the discovery of viruses. 
Tobacco mosaic virus
Ivanovsky showed that a certain tobacco disease (the tobacco mosaic disease) was caused by a filterable infectious agent: he passed infected sap through what was then considered to be a bacteria-proof Chamberland filter made from unglazed porcelain. The Chamberland filter was a common instrument of bacteriological research in those days, assumed to hold back the majority of bacteria, thanks to its small pores. After inoculating the filtrate into healthy plants, Ivanovsky observed that the filtrate reproduced the disease. This filtration experiment, therefore, was the first step in the discovery of viruses. The term “filterable agents” was the name used to describe these organisms well before the term “viruses” was specifically applied to them.
Ever since, the field of virology research has dramatically grown, with viruses found and explored in almost every environment on earth – from the most notorious ones, such as the Influenza (flu), Ebola or HIV viruses, to the numerous unknown viruses that thrive in the soil, sea or inside our bodies.

At the Weizmann Institute of Science, several research groups explore the dynamics and survival mechanisms of viruses in various habitats. Here is a selection of such research:
Source: A Lustig and A J Levine (August 1992). "One hundred years of virology". J. Virol. 66 (8): 4629–31. PMC 241285. PMID 1629947.
Tobacco mosaic virus

Why Fish Scales Shine



Scanning electron microscope images of guanine plates from a silver spider. Arrow on top points to sandwich-like structure with amorphous guanine filling between two guanine crystals
How do fish get their shimmering, iridescent scales? It’s a question that has intrigued scientists for centuries. Robert Hooke first attempted to decipher the outer structure of the silvery insects called silverfish in the mid 17th century, and by the 1860s researchers had discovered the material responsible: guanine, later identified as one of the four nucleic acids that make up DNA.

Yet only with the advent of techniques for observing materials at really high resolution have scientists begun to understand how structures that don’t have color themselves can produce such colorful effects. Dr. Avital Levy-Lior, and Profs. Stephen Weiner and Lia Addadi of the Structural Biology Department in the Faculty of Chemistry, together with Dr. Eyal Shimoni of the Electron Microscopy Unit, recently applied some of the most advanced microscopy methods available to take yet another look at nanoscale guanine structures in fish scales, and also in spiders.

“Guanine forms crystals, and it alone of the nucleic acids is widely used outside of the DNA in all sorts of organisms – almost always for manipulating light. In addition to shiny skin and scales, it is sometimes found in the eyes of animals,” says Weiner.
Prof. Stephen Weiner, Dr. Avital Levy-Lior and Prof. Lia Addadi

When left to grow on their own, guanine crystals are thick and chunky. Indeed, several kinds of spider the team investigated, on the basis of information from Dr. Geoff Oxford of York University, UK, had this kind of guanine crystal in their tissues. But these spiders aren’t shiny silver – their color is matte white. By contrast, in both the fish scales and the silver spiders, the guanine crystals _ which are in the form of thin, flat plates _ reflect light strongly in one direction. When these plates are stacked one atop the other, the light reflecting back from the various layers interferes with the incoming light rays, causing the shimmering effect. Weiner: “The specialized cells in which the crystals form have to control their growth to get them to develop in the right direction, as well as to arrange them into stacks. They do this in a separate vesicle for each crystal.”

The researchers found that the crystal plates in fish and spiders are about the same size and thickness. But in addition to how well they reflect light, the spacing and orientation of the plates are what determine how shiny the final product will be. Both form stacks of plates: In fish scale structures, there are about 30 in a stack; while in spiders far fewer; they compensate for this by building sandwich-like structures in which a “filling” of uncrystallized guanine sits between pairs of plates. Together with Dr. Dan Oron and Osip Schwartz of the Physics of Complex Systems Department, the scientists calculated the expected reflectivity and concluded that fish and spiders achieve approximately the same levels of reflectivity.

Weiner: “Both structures seem to work equally well. But our findings suggest that fish and spiders may use somewhat different means of directing crystal growth. This implies that even though the two colors appear similar to the naked eye, they evolved separately. In fact, it’s likely that the use of guanine crystals evolved many times over in different species.”

Prof. Lia Addadi's research is supported by the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research. She is Head of the The Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Center. Prof.Addadi is the incumbent of the Dorothy and Patrick Gorman Professorial Chair.

Prof. Stephen Weiner's research is supported by the Ilse Katz Institute for Material Sciences and Magnetic Resonance Research; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science; the Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Charitable Foundation; and the estate of Hilda Jacoby-Schaerf. Prof. Weiner is the incumbent of the Dr. Walter and Dr. Trude Borchardt Professorial Chair in Structural Biology.



Scanning electron microscope images of guanine plates from a silver spider. Arrow on top points to sandwich-like structure with amorphous guanine filling between two guanine crystals

Large-Scale Invasion

 mimivirus with a star-shaped opening
Weizmann Institute scientists have revealed certain mechanisms by which a mimivirus – a virus so called because it was originally thought to mimic bacteria in various aspects of their behavior – invades amoeba cells.
The mimivirus, known, among other things, for its exceptional size – it is five to ten times larger than any other known virus – was discovered only in the late 20th century, as its extraordinary size made it impossible to identify it by regular means. It contains much more genetic material than regular viruses, a feature that forces the mimivirus to develop particularly efficient methods for introducing its viral DNA into the host cell and for inserting its genetic “parcel” into a protein “container” during the production of new viruses in the host cell.

Prof. Abraham Minsky and graduate students Nathan Zauberman and Yael Mutsafi of the Organic Chemistry Department, together with Drs. Eugenia Klein and Eyal Shimoni of Chemical Research Support, have now discovered the details of some of the methods used by this virus. The scientists have obtained, for the first time, three-dimensional pictures of the openings through which the viral genetic material is injected into the infected cell, and of the process by which this genetic material is inserted into the protein container.

The study of the mimivirus’s life cycle, from cellular infection to the production of new viruses, may yield valuable insights into the mechanisms of action of numerous other viruses, including those that cause human diseases. Such insights could enable scientists to interrupt the infection cycle, blocking viral diseases.

Prof. Abraham Minsky’s research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; the Irving and Cherna Moskowitz Center for Nano and Bio-Nano Imaging; and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust. Prof. Minsky is the incumbent of the Professor T. Reichstein Professorial Chair.
DNA invades the host cell through a star-shaped opening
