Unfolding the Secret of Protein Folding


Prof. Amnon Horovitz and Dr. Gilad Haran. Molecular mentors


Having completed a working draft of the human genome, widely hailed as one of the most significant intellectual achievements of all time, one might think that those involved would head home for a well-earned vacation.

Far from it. They've rolled up their sleeves and are moving on with added speed. We now know how genes perform the cell's work, instructing it to string together different amino acids to create, say, a protein triggering blood clotting following injury, or a stomach enzyme to aid in food digestion. The next challenge is to better understand these gene products.

Proteins serve as the body's primary component and the basis of all enzymatic reactions, so the slightest change in their structure or function can lead to disease, even death. Being there -- in the right place, at the right time, and in the proper amount, is what the protein story is all about.

It's also about folding. The primary property influencing a protein's function is its 3-D structure. Consisting of one long chain, or several, the protein molecule is generally coiled or folded. Any damage to this structure can impair a protein's biological properties -- which is why, for instance, heat-wave temperatures of over 50o C can be life threatening.

But proteins are "born" unfolded. When first produced by the ribosomal factory (which implements genetically encoded instructions arriving from the cell nucleus), proteins emerge as straight, unfurled strings. They must fold into their correct form to become functional. How does the "young" protein know how to do this? Do "folding instructions" arrive with the genetic package, or do these tabula rasa proteins receive some help from nearby friends?

Back in the 1980s Drs. John Ellis and Costa Georgopoulos (then at the University of Warwick and the University of Utah, respectively) discovered that proteins, in fact, have molecular mentors. Dubbed "protein chaperones," they walk the newborn protein through its first folding steps and provide a safe environment in which to do so. Understanding these chaperones, themselves proteins, is the main interest of Prof. Amnon Horovitz of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department. Horovitz studies the GroEL protein found in E. coli bacteria -- a molecule containing two back-to-back rings, with a cavity at each end. Folding takes place within these cavities with the help of an additional protein called GroES, which serves as a "lid," covering the cavities' exits to prevent the newborn proteins from falling out while folding.

It turns out that the chaperone molecule has two basic states. Initially, newborn proteins can easily enter the chaperone and attach themselves to its cavity walls. At this point, the chaperone molecule undergoes a dramatic structural transformation. Its cavity walls reject the newborn proteins, heaving them into the center where they can fold safely.

Horovitz: "In the past, people believed that proteins folded into their characteristic structure to attain the lowest possible energy level, just as a ball placed on a mountaintop rolls to the bottom. In other words, existing in the folded as opposed to the unfolded state requires far less energy. But what if there is a series of mountains with valleys in between? The ball might reach a relatively high valley, where it will stay put unless 'freed' by an earthquake. From a protein's perspective, this 'earthquake' can be any of a number of environmental changes, such as temperature changes or the presence of a solvent. Both can cause protein misfolding, resulting in disease." For instance, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, popularly known as mad cow disease, is caused by misfolded proteins that are otherwise normal.

To discover how chaperones prevent protein misfolding, Prof. Horovitz is collaborating with Dr. Gilad Haran of the Chemical Physics Department. In standard experiments, billions of molecules are examined simultaneously; but Haran examines them one by one. This means that experimental results are not merely an average of different molecules, which might differ in their conformation or environment, but a representation of the full molecular variety of the process under examination.

To study the chaperone, Haran tags it with a fluorescent molecule that emits light when activated by a laser. When the chaperone protein shifts from one state to the other, it affects the fluorescent molecule's properties. In turn, a microscope equipped with sensitive light detectors picks up these changes, enabling the scientists to track the chaperone's transition cycles and obtain a better understanding of the folding processes it hosts.

But Horovitz and Haran want an even closer look. To obtain this, they plan to fasten two fluorescent molecules onto different sites of an unfolded protein. Since the wavelengths emitted by these molecules and the relative intensity of their emission are dependent on their distance from each other, the researchers believe that this approach may offer an intimate glimpse into the chaperone during protein folding.

Achieving a better understanding of how proteins fold is the next greatest challenge in what promises to be biology's century. The Human Genome Project was only the beginning -- there's still a great deal of unfurling ahead.

Ilustration of proteins: it's All about folding

Prof. Amnon Horovitz and Dr. Gilad Haran (left to right).

Ribosomal Revelations


Prof. Ada Yonath. Sucess at last

Leaning back in an office busy with mysterious images of rotating, luminescent molecules suspended in a jet-black vacuum, she laughingly recounts that her colleagues have at times called her a dreamer. Her goal, "to try to understand the principles of life from the inside by unraveling the detailed structure of ribosomes," has taken Prof. Ada Yonath of Weizmann's Structural Biology Department on a long uphill road strewn with technological and conceptual barriers.

Ribosomes are essential to life. Upon receiving genetically encoded instructions from the cell nucleus, the ribosomal factory churns out proteins - the body's primary component and the basis of all enzymatic reactions. Understanding protein biosynthesis is therefore the gateway to grasping life itself, and its darker side - the emergence of disease when production goes haywire.

This explains why ribosomes have been the target of biochemical, biophysical, and genetic studies. However, throughout nearly four decades of research, these pivotal biological units have resisted scientific attempts to reveal their functional design. To examine microscopic structures, scientists expose crystals of the material in question to high-intensity X-ray beams, a method known as X-ray crystallography. Yet the ribosome represents a daunting crystallographic challenge. Notoriously unstable, this giant protein complex also lacks the internal symmetry and repetitions that have eased the way to understanding the structure of other biological entities, such as viruses.

Indeed, back in the late 1970s when Yonath began her research, most scientists viewed her quest as a mission impossible. "Top teams around the world, such as those at UCLA and MIT in the United States and the Medical Research Council in England, had been trying to crystallize ribosomes since the 1960s - with no success. I thought, this is such a delightful group of "unsuccessful" people - they were all Nobel prizewinners - I would like to be among them," Yonath recalls, smiling.

And her determination paid off. In 1980, having tried over 25,000 conditions for growing ribosomal crystals, Yonath, who divides her time between Weizmann and the Max Planck Research Unit for Ribosomal Structure in Hamburg and Berlin, produced the first ribosomal crystal ever.

Now she has reached another scientific landmark: she has determined the structure of the small ribosomal subunit of the bacterium Thermus thermophilus at the highest resolution ever achieved. Her study recently appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

The uniqueness of Yonath's approach lies in phasing - designing heavy atoms as markers that stand out like flares in the ribosomal map due to their high electron density. These markers significantly enhance the ability to pinpoint functional units within the ribosome.

Ribosomes consist of two independent subunits of unequal size. Yonath set her sights on 30S, the smaller subunit. More specifically, she wanted to capture "snapshots" of 30S in its active form - during the precise moment that protein biosynthesis begins. To do this, her team introduced an analogue of messenger RNA - a molecular go-between arriving from the nucleus. "The messenger attaches itself to a specific site thereby opening the gate to protein biosynthesis, which is essentially kept under lock and key," Yonath explains. Once activated and bound, it was possible to catch the 30S subunit in the act, by flash freezing the crystals at cryo-temperature (-185C or -365F).

Yonath's findings are the result of almost twenty years of experimentation. Along the way, she became the first scientist to create ribosomal crystals that diffract to high resolution, around 3 angstrom (1A = 39.37-10 inches). "My belief in the possibility of obtaining these crystals was partially inspired by natural phenomena," she says. "In nature, stressful biological conditions trigger "packing" of ribosomes into condensed crystalline structures that help prevent ribosomal damage. It is this structure that enables bears to resume protein production in the spring, following hibernation. The same thing happens in fertilized chicken and lizard eggs when shock-cooled, and in the brain cells of people suffering from dementia." Ironically, Yonath's quest for durable crystals to explore protein biosynthesis, fundamental to life, eventually led to the shores of the Dead Sea. There, two hardy strains of thermophilic (heat-loving) and halophilic (salt-loving), bacteria proved ideal candidates. "After all, they've been around almost unchanged for five million years," she explains. Yonath also pioneered cryo-cystallography, today a standard research procedure in structural biology. This approach is based on exposing crystals to cryo-temperature during X-ray measurement to minimize their disintegration.

The goal of near-atomic resolution of ribosomal structures is closer than ever before, following Yonath's latest achievements. Her approach and procedures have been repeated by a growing contingent of international researchers - all racing to unravel the mystery of ribosomal functioning. Superior strategies for fighting the pathogenic protein biosynthesis characterizing cancer cells, and improved antibiotics that target bacterial agents at the ribosomal level might yet be among the legacies of these hard-won ribosomal revelations.

Prof. Ada Yonath holds the Martin S. Kimmel Chair. Her research is supported by the Helen and Milton Kimmelman Foundation, New York.


High resolution ribosome image





Prof. Ada Yonath.

Breaking the Bonds



 Dr. Gitay Kryger, Prof. Israel Silmam, and Prof. Joel Sussman. Filming radiation damage

Weizmann Institute researchers recently got more than they'd bargained for. While studying an enzyme pivotal to brain function and memory, they changed an experimental focus and ended up capturing the first-ever time-resolved "movie" demonstrating how molecules break apart when exposed to X-rays.

The team discovered that the "flash" they were using to study the chemical reaction of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme was essentially destroying their target. Since the reaction takes place within microseconds, the researchers had planned to record the process by taking an extremely rapid series of X-ray "snapshots." But upon close examination, they discovered that instead of capturing the enzymatic reaction, they had actually obtained the first-ever 3-D recording of how chemical bonds break apart when exposed to radiation.

"The observation was stunning," says Prof. Joel Sussman of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department. "The time-series movie looks like a simulated animation of chemical processes; but in fact it's the real thing - a direct experimental observation that has never been made before." Sussman conducted the research together with Drs. Gitay Kryger and Michal Harel of the Structural Biology Department and Prof. Israel Silman of the Neurobiology Department. Their findings were published in the January issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Subsequent studies revealed that, contrary to previous belief, radiation damage affects specific, weak parts of protein structures. These parts include the disulfide bonds that often bridge protein polypeptide chains, and carboxyl acids found at the "active site" where enzymatic reactions start. The scientists also found a cross-species similarity, suggesting a more general phenomenon; results were similar whether working with AChE crystals derived from torpedo fish, humans, the Drosophila fruit fly, or even an entirely different enzyme - the hen egg white lysozyme.

These findings have direct implications for improving the X-ray crystallography techniques used to study biological molecules. It's all about balance. While X-rays are key to viewing microscopic worlds, they also cause radiation damage, often destroying the experimental sample. The crystallographic community has traditionally walked a thin experimental line, increasing X-ray intensity to get more information, while cutting radiation damage through cryo-crystallography (data collection at extremely cold temperatures).
"One of the most important take-home lessons is that less intensive radiation may provide more accurate results," says Kryger. "The key is to avoid introducing inadvertent changes into experimental samples, such as those induced by radiation damage."

The ability to visualize at test-tube level the specific damage caused by radiation also offers an important tool for developing pharmacological measures to protect against high-dose radiation - a common cause of cancer and birth defects. Organisms are constantly exposed to radiation, whether from natural sources, such as sunlight and cosmic rays, or man-made sources. The Weizmann team and its European collaborators plan to examine the antiradiation potential of various substances that could be applied on a conventional basis or in an emergency such as that which followed the Chernobyl nuclear power plant failure.

"In science, it is quite common to find answers to one question when seeking answers to an entirely different one. While looking down one avenue we were essent- ially sidetracked into an alley, with perhaps even broader applications," says Kryger.

The Weizmann team worked in close collaboration with Martin Weik, Maria Raves, Piet Gros, and Jan Kroon - all from Holland's Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research at Utrecht, as well as with Raimond Ravelli and Sean McSweeney of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Outstation at Grenoble, France.

Prof. Israel Silman holds the Bernstein-Mason Chair of Neurochemistry. The research of Profs. Silman and Sussman is supported by the Charles Dana Foundation, New York.

Story of a broken molecule: acetylcholinesterase molecule Broken by x-rays

 Dr. Gitay Kryger, Prof. Israel Silmam, and Prof. Joel Sussman

Seeing the Light

Prof. Mordechai Sheves. microsecond shift
Scientists are just beginning to understand how plants use light for nourishment and people use light to see. Presently a team of researchers, among them Weizmann Institute scientists, have put into question what happens in the first millionth of a millionth of a second after light strikes a plant cell or our retina.
Until now it was thought that that the rotation of a molecule called retinal initiated a cascade of events leading to vision. However, Prof. Mordechai Sheves of the Weizmann Institute's Organic Chemistry Department, who succeeded in "locking" retinal so that it couldn't rotate, showed that the initial process of vision was not thereby prevented.
Both in animals and in plants, photons (particles of light) are converted into electric energy upon striking certain proteins and changing their structure. This complex process is not quite understood. The protein that absorbs light in plants is a green pigment called chlorophyll. In the human eye the proteins absorbing light are blue, green, and red pigments. At night, black and white images are formed using a single pigment called rhodopsin. The scientists studied the rhodospin protein, a version of which can be found in certain bacteria.
Retinal, a small molecule that is present in all retinal proteins, including rhodospin, was thought to be responsible for the first stage in the process of vision. A light beam striking retinal causes it to change structurally and to turn. This is one of the swiftest processes known in biochemistry, taking place in a minuscule period of time -- less than a tenth of a millionth of a millionth of a second. Until now the rotation of retinal, which is located in a small pocket found inside the proteins, was believed to trigger a structural change in the entire protein, causing the conversion of a photon to electric energy. Now scientists have proven that the process begins even before the rotation of retinal.
Sheves, collaborating with Profs. Michael Ottolenghi, Sandy Ruhman, and Aharon Lewis of the Hebrew University, exposed proteins containing the "locked" retinals (unable to turn) to very brief light flashes -- one-tenth of a millionth of a millionth of a second. The scientists were surprised to discover that a large number of the processes that occur in the natural system take place in the "locked" system as well. This finding has led to the conclusion that the rotation of retinal as a result of light detection is not the first stage in the sequence of processes that result in vision.

The retinal molecule. shape shifter

Using an atomic force microscope (AFM), the researchers discovered that the structure of the entire protein changed as a result of light absorption even when retinal was "locked." Sheves: "We began to monitor the changes in the retinal protein mere microseconds after the light had been detected by it, and we noticed that on detecting the light ? the protein changes its structure."

What, then, intiates the change in the protein? Researchers surmise that as a result of absorbing the light, retinal undergoes a change expressed in the dispersal of an electric charge along the molecule. This rapid change may induce additional changes in the charges of the proteins that surround retinal, and these cause a change in the structure of the entire protein. This, then, is -- probably -- the first stage of the process, and it occurs in less than a millionth of a millionth of a second, even before retinal turns.

Center of Excellence

Prof. Mordechai Sheves of the Weizmann Institute is collaborating with Prof. Michael Ottolenghi, Prof. Sandy Ruhman, and Prof. Aharon Lewis of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to uncover the molecular processes at the root of energy conversion in bacteriorhodopsin. The team has been declared a Center of Excellence of the National Science Foundation.

Survival of the Neatest

Prof. Avi Minsky. Imaging stress
How does DNA protect itself in conditions of acute starvation or environmental assault? Prof. Avi Minsky of the Weizmann Institute's Organic Chemistry Department has found that, in bacteria, DNA's answer is to "get organized."
During various conditions of stress, Minsky discovered, bacterial DNA becomes remarkably organized into a tightly packed crystalline structure, allowing the bacteria to better withstand environmental stress. "In natural environments, bacterial life alternates between short periods of feast and long periods of famine," says Minsky. "To survive, bacteria have evolved complex mechanisms that allow them to protect themselves during starvation and stress, as well as to resume growth very rapidly when conditions improve. The ordered DNA structure may represent the ultimate mode of protection."
The Weizmann team revealed further that the highly ordered structure is mediated by a protein called Dps, which strongly binds DNA, increasing its stability. The Dps protein, characterized by Prof. Roberto Kolter's group at Harvard Medical School with which Minsky collaborates, is present at high levels in stressed cells. Within this ordered and tightly packed DNA-Dps structure, the DNA is very effectively protected against various assaults.
The scientists used X-ray and electron microscopy techniques, which are currently being employed to uncover the molecular structure of the complex between the Dps protein and the DNA. Says Minsky: "We are currently investigating the actual signal that triggers the formation of the crystalline structure when the organism is subjected to starvation or stress, and the signal that causes its fast disappearance once stress is eliminated."
The Dps protein as viewed by electron microscopy
Other than providing important information on how DNA could be protected, the findings may one day contribute to the development of more general methods against bacterial diseases. In addition, if a link is found between the mechanisms allowing bacteria to survive under stress and those that render bacteria resistant against various chemical agents, chemotherapy could be efficiently used against pathological bacteria that have become resistant to other methods.
Minsky: "Order is generally considered to be incompatible with life. However, in living systems exposed to severe environmental assaults, ordered assemblies may confer an efficient means for wide-range protection. Indeed, ribosomes in brain cells of people suffering from dementia were found to form crystalline organizations. Moreover, DNA in sperm cells is highly ordered. We have now found this to be true in bacterial DNA as well and are trying to understand how general and significant the correlation is between order and survival."
Accordingly, the Weizmann team has recently begun to study the correlation between the organization of DNA and fertility in human sperm cells.

How the Nose Knows


a generalist model for smell

Whether sniffing flowers, freshly baked bread, or the fumes of a passing automobile, the human olfactory system is an amazing scent-sleuth, capable of distinguishing between millions of different smells. Now Weizmann Institute scientists have revealed one of the secrets behind this impressive ability.
To produce a response in the olfactory system, the molecules of a particular substance must penetrate the nose. There they encounter olfactory receptors -- specialized proteins protruding from the surface of nerve cells in the inner lining of the nose. When an odor molecule lands on a receptor, the nerve cell dispatches an electrical signal to the brain, which processes this information and identifies the smell.
Theoretically, one could imagine that for every odor molecule there might be a different receptor, determined by specific genes. However, even if there were only, say, 10,000 discernible smells, this would mean that fully one-tenth of humankind's hereditary code (comprising some 100,000 genes) would have to be dedicated to smell receptors -- obviously impossible. If, on the other hand, unique receptors do not exist for each individual smell, how does the olfactory system make sense of such a vast variety of odors?
Several years ago Prof. Doron Lancet of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Genetics Department proposed that olfactory receptors are "generalists"; they have the capacity to bind with several odor molecules. Conversely, each odor molecule can bind with a range of potential receptors. The intensity of the binding varies, depending on the quality of the fit. Thus a given odor molecule might bind to receptor A with great intensity, but to receptor B with only mild intensity, and so forth. The pattern of different bonds creates a unique "fingerprint" that the brain can understand as a particular smell. The signaling mechanism used by different receptors is the same; it is the brain that tells the signals apart by knowing which nerve cell it is coming from.
This model grew out of Lancet's hunch that the olfactory system might function in a way similar to the immune system, which also needs to recognize a vast array of molecules. To that end, the immune system produces a large set of antibodies capable of trapping a wide variety of invaders.
Now, Lancet and doctoral student Yitzhak Pilpel have provided new evidence on how the "generalist" model works at the structural level. They have also shown that the similarity between olfactory receptors and antibodies may go a lot further than Lancet originally proposed.
By analyzing the DNA sequences of 200 olfactory receptors -- out of the estimated total of 500-1,000 in the olfactory system -- the scientists were able to model the receptors' 3-D structure. The results indicate that all olfactory receptors -- made up of some 300 amino acids -- have a similar structure: they contain large, framework-like regions that are shared by all members of the enormous family of recognition devices. In these regions there is a small, well-defined section made up of about 20 amino acids, which vary greatly from one receptor to another. That is precisely the site where an odor molecule can fit like a key into a keyhole.
These results reveal the secret of smell in all its simplicity and elegance: the "keyhole" region can easily be altered to accommodate a vast array of new odors while the "framework" of the receptor remains largely unchanged. This structural picture is very similar to what has long been known about antibody molecules: they contain a small, highly variable region geared to recognize a multitude of foreign invaders. Pilpel and Lancet believe that in the receptors for odor molecules they have uncovered the long-sought equivalent of the antibodies' "hyper-variable" region.
Other than providing us with information about one of the five senses, the Institute model of olfactory receptors, if supported by further studies, may prove useful for the development of new fragrances and flavors, and perhaps also in the design of artificial smell sensors.

Science Without Frontiers: Down to the Bare Bone

We may marvel at revolutionary new materials used to build aircraft and space stations, but none of these is nearly as complex as some natural hardy substances, such as bone. In fact, despite several decades of research, a full understanding of bone structure still escapes scientists.

Now Weizmann Institute researchers have taken an important step toward clarifying bone structure. This interdisciplinary research is led by Prof. Daniel Wagner of the Materials and Interfaces Department, who specializes in man-made composite materials, and Prof. Steve Weiner of the Structural Biology Department, an expert in biological materials. They have developed a sophisticated mathematical model that makes it possible to predict the mechanical properties of bone with unprecedented accuracy.

"Sometimes you can only fully understand a biological substance when you know how it works on the mechanical level, and this is precisely why our collaboration with materials experts is invaluable," Weiner says.

The basic building blocks of bone are tiny collagen fibers mineralized with calcium phosphate crystals. These are organized into arrays, which, in turn, are usually further folded into higher-order structures. This complexity, coupled with the difficulty of studying such dense material under an electron microscope, makes bone structure exceedingly hard to figure out.

The Wagner-Weiner model consists of mathematical equations that explain how the bone's various components affect its mechanical function -- for example, how the shape, arrangement and alignment of the tiny fibers and crystals affect a bone's elasticity or its ability to withstand pressure applied in a certain direction. The model's greatest value lies in predicting correlations between structure and function that are difficult or impossible to measure experimentally.

The Weizmann Institute scientists hope the model may some day help reproduce the beneficial aspects of bone structure in man-made materials. They have also begun applying their model to studies ultimately aimed at improving treatments for osteoporosis.

Taking part in this research were Wagner's M.Sc. student Udi Akiva and Weiner's former Ph.D. student Dr. Vivi Ziv, as well as Ilana Sabanay and Talmon Arad, both of the Electron Microscopy Unit

From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Drug

Qian Ceng Ta. Prevents Alzheimer's
For centuries, Chinese doctors have been using a moss called Qian Ceng Ta, or Huperzia serrata, to treat a variety of ills, from swelling to schizophrenia. Now a Weizmann Institute study has shown how this ancient remedy can be used to develop a modern treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

According to one theory, memory loss and other cognitive deficits in Alzheimer patients result from degeneration of the nerve cells that release the message-carrying chemical, acetylcholine. The acetylcholine shortage that ensues is compounded by the action of AChE, the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the body. Two Alzheimer drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, tacrine (Cognex) and E2020 (Aricept), work by inhibiting AChE.

A Qian Ceng Ta extract has recently captured the attention of researchers and physicians in China and the West because it too inhibits this brain enzyme, although it differs markedly in chemical structure from both tacrine and E2020. The extract is currently under investigation in China and elsewhere as a possible Alzheimer drug.

What the new Weizmann Institute study has shown is precisely how a chemical purified from this extract, called Huperzine A (HupA), blocks the enzyme. Using a method known as X-ray crystallography, the scientists solved the 3-D structure of the complex formed by HupA and the enzyme and found a strikingly good fit between the two: HupA slides smoothly into the active site of AChE where acetylcholine is broken down, and latches onto this site via a very large number of subtle chemical links. This binding closes off the enzyme's "cutting" machinery and keeps acetylcholine out of danger.

"It is as if this natural substance were ingeniously designed to fit into the exact spot in AChE where it will do the most good," says crystallographer Prof. Joel Sussman, one of the authors of the study.

"The good fit also means that HupA could be a potent drug even when used in small quantities, so that the risk of side effects would be minimal," according to fellow author, neurochemist Prof. Israel Silman. In any case, these risks are relatively small because HupA is believed to have low toxicity.

The research was carried out by graduate student Mia Raves together with crystallographer Dr. Michal Harel and Profs. Sussman and Silman, all of the Weizmann Institute. It involved close collaboration with Prof. Alan Kozikowski, a medicinal chemist at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., who was the first to synthesize HupA in a test tube, and Dr. Yuan-Ping Pang, a chemist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, who had made theoretical predictions of the HupA-AChE interaction.

Israel Silman. New treatment      Joel Sussman. Finding the binding site


Sea Urchins May Inspire Development of Stronger Materials


Sea urchin. Crack resistant

A team of Weizmann Institute and Brookhaven National Laboratory chemists has discovered that the suprisingly strong flexible spines of sea urchins are made of a most unusual composite material. This research, published recently in Science, has given rise to novel concepts in material science that may eventually lead to the development of tougher, lightweight consumer items.

While it has been long known that an urchin spine is composed of a single crystal of calcite, the most common calcium-containing mineral, no one could explain why these crystals are so much more resistant to fracture than are calcite crystals from geologic formations or those grown in the laboratory. Prof. Lia Addadi, Prof. Stephen Weiner and Dr. Amir Berman of the Institute's Department of Structural Biology have now shown that this phenomenon is due, in part, to the entrapment of proteins within the crystal. In follow-up studies of these novel single-crystal composites by synchrotron X-ray radiation, this team -- together with Drs. Ake Kvick and Mitch Nelson of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and Prof. Leslie Leiserowitz of the Institute's Department of Materials and Interfaces -- discovered how the entrapped proteins act to prevent cracks from spreading through urchin calcite. They found that laboratory-grown calcite crystals obtained from solutions containing proteins extracted from urchin spines had rodlike protein molecules integrated into planes oblique to the crystal cleavage planes, which would interfere with fracture propagation.

Their observations might eventually lead to the development of new single crystal-polymer composites that could be used to make less brittle materials. Continuing stages of this research are being supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation.

Dr. Berman, Profs. Weiner and Addadi. Finding entrapped protein

