By Its Shape

The ISPC team: Standing (l-r) Dr. Harry Mark Greenblatt, Dr. Jaime Prilusky, Prof. Yigal Burstein, Prof. Israel Silman, Dr. Tamar Unger, Dr. Orly Dym, Dr. Yoav Peleg and Anat Kats. Middle (l-r) David Mualem, Anna Branzburg-Mualem, ISPC Head Prof. Joel L. Sussman, Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Meital Rubin-Yona and Ada Dantes. Front (l-r) Dr. Shira Albeck, Rani Bravdo, Reut Rotem-Bernehim, Moshe Ben David and Bracha Vakni. No protein too tough

Can one ever tell what’s in a pitcher just by looking at its shape? In the field of structural proteomics – the study of protein structure – shape is the key to understanding a protein’s biological activities. “Solving the spatial structure of proteins gives scientists information on protein functions and properties that’s impossible to obtain in any other way. With this information, we can raise new scientific questions, design advanced experiments and point the way to more efficient drug design,” says Prof. Joel L. Sussman, Head of the Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC) at the Weizmann Institute.

Indeed, working in close collaboration with research scientists to advance the study of proteins and their functions in the body has been the hallmark of the ISPC since its inception five years ago. This approach, which pairs the protein-solving expertise of the ISPC team with scientific groups investigating the actions of specific proteins, was ahead of its time; it has since been adopted by a number of such proteomics centers around the world. The Israeli center, founded by Institute Profs. Sussman, Gideon Schreiber, Israel Silman and Yigal Burstein, is a central node in a European network of structural proteomics research centers. With support from Israel’s Ministry of Science, the Divadol Foundation and the EU, it offers its services to research scientists at the Weizmann Institute and other research institutes in Israel and around the globe, as well as to physicians and researchers in the biotechnology and biomedical industries.


“Thanks to the work of the ISPC team,” says Schreiber, “the Weizmann Institute is well in the lead of the enormous worldwide effort to unravel the mysteries of protein structure.” This team, including Drs. Orly Dym, Tamar Unger, Shira Albeck and Yoav Peleg, sees each project through from beginning to end – from laying out the initial research plan through the various stages of cloning the gene encoding the protein, isolating and purifying it, crystallizing it, determining the structure of the crystallized protein and, finally, creating a 3-D model of the protein structure. What makes the work challenging is that each protein has a unique “personality,” and creating just the right conditions to get it to turn into a crystal and reveal that personality often takes ingenuity and patience.

In addition to solving protein structures, the ISPC offers assistance and advice to students and research groups, and also produces a number of proteins for use in biochemical and biomedical research. Of the more than 100 proteins purified by the team in the past five years, and the 40 protein structures they have solved, several have recently appeared in various scientific publications:

The right concentration

enzyme for polyamine regulation

Polyamines are small molecules found in all living cells; they’re necessary for such fundamental cellular processes as the production of proteins and nucleic acids, fixing chromosome structure and regulating gene expression. Too low a level of polyamines inhibits cellular proliferation, while overly high levels can have a toxic effect. Cells contain a network of proteins whose concerted action keeps polyamine levels optimal. In a study that appeared in Protein Science, the ISPC team, together with Prof. Chaim Kahana of the Molecular Genetics Department, revealed details of the structure and working mechanisms of a key regulator that sets the rate for polyamine production.


Contact points


p120 for cell contact and motility

Prof. Alexander Bershadsky of the Molecular Cell Biology Department and his team research the activities of a protein, p120, that is involved in creating contact points between neighboring cells, and which appears to stimulate the formation of protrusions that enhance cell motility. The ISPC team succeeded in purifying p120 along with another protein, cortactin, involved in the assembly of the actin fibers that play a role in forming the protrusions. In research that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA, Bershadsky’s group used the purified proteins to show that p120 directly regulates cortactin activity, thus elucidating the role of this protein in cell motility.


Natural bug killers


toxic Bt protein

The bacterium Bacillus thuringinesis kills insects by destroying their cell membranes. In a collaborative effort, the ISPC team, together with Prof. Arieh Zaritsky and Shmulik Cohen of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, solved the 3-D structure of one of the bacterial proteins responsible for its lethal action. These findings suggested to them the poison’s mode of action, as well as an explanation for it high toxicity. The study, which appeared in the Journal of Molecular Biology, may help researchers develop new natural pesticides, as well as drugs to destroy cancer cells.  

Prof. Joel L. Sussman’s research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; Mr. and Mrs. Yossie Hollander, Israel; the Jean and Jula Goldwurm Memorial Foundation; the Bruce and Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation; Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Neuman, Mexico; Mr. Erwin Pearl, New York, NY; and the Nalvyco Trust. Prof. Sussman is the incumbent of the Morton and Gladys Pickman Professorial Chair in Structural Biology.
Prof. Gideon Schreiber’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; and Mr. and Mrs. Yossie Hollander, Israel.
Prof. Chaim Kahana’s research is supported by the Norman and Helen Asher Center for Brain Imaging; the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Center for Molecular Genetics; the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust. Prof. Kahana is the incumbent of the Jules J. Mallon Chair of Biochemistry.
Prof. Alexander Bershadsky’s research is supported by the PW-Iris Foundation. Prof. Bershadsky is the incumbent of the Joseph Moss Professorial Chair of Biomedical Research.
The ISPC team: Standing (l-r) Dr. Harry Mark Greenblatt, Dr. Jaime Prilusky, Prof. Yigal Burstein, Prof. Israel Silman, Dr. Tamar Unger, Dr. Orly Dym, Dr. Yoav Peleg and Anat Kats. Middle (l-r) David Mualem, Anna Branzburg-Mualem, ISPC Head Prof. Joel L. Sussman, Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Meital Rubin-Yona and Ada Dantes. Front (l-r) Dr. Shira Albeck, Rani Bravdo, Reut Rotem-Bernehim, Moshe Ben David and Bracha Vakni.

The Weak Link

MMP-9 structure reveals flexible link


When cancer cells metastasize or tissues become damaged through inflammation, it’s likely that enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved. This family of enzymes cuts through various bodily materials, including the tough collagen fibers that hold our tissues together.
One member of the family in particular – MMP-9 – is often produced by migrating cancer cells and in certain autoimmune diseases, and scientists have long believed that finding a way to inhibit its activities might be useful for treating these diseases. A team led by Prof. Irit Sagi of the Structural Biology Department in the Faculty of Chemistry has now employed an unconventional combination of techniques to reveal the structure of the entire MMP-9 protein. The team included Gabriel Rosenblum of the Structural Biology Department, Drs. Phillippe Van den Steen and Ghislain Opdenakker of the University of Leuven, Belgium, and Dr. Sidney Cohen of the Institute’s Chemical Research Support.
Their findings revealed a linker whose extreme flexibility and contortions “would impress even a swami yogi,” in the words of a scientific reviewer. The distinctive MMP-9 linker may turn out to be its Achilles’ heel: The team has already designed a molecule that binds directly to this domain to neutralize its activity, and Yeda, the business arm of the Weizmann Institute, has applied for a patent for this molecule.  
Prof. Irit Sagi’s research is supported by the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ambach, Boca Raton, FL; and the estate of David Turner. Prof. Sagi is the incumbent of the Maurizio Pontecorvo Professorial Chair.
Structural model of an MMP-9 enzyme

Living Force


Dr. Nir Gov. The shapes of cells

The number of “species” in the “genus” Scientist is diverse – ranging from biologists to geneticists, chemists to physicists, and everything in between – each adapted to his or her own particular niche. What would happen if two such species were to “crossbreed”? Once inconceivable, a viable and growing population of physicists engaging in biology research has arisen in the past few years. Says Dr. Nir Gov of the Institute’s Chemical Physics Department in the Faculty of Chemistry: “With scientific equipment becoming ever more powerful, biologists are beginning to face gridlock in the vast amount of data they’ve accrued. Some physicists have seen this as an invitation to help biologists understand phenomena on a more fundamental level and, in the process, discover new physical principles that are unique to active, living matter.”
One area that Gov and his research team have been actively studying is how cells get their variety of shapes. Hair cells in the ear, for example, grow finger-like protrusions on their outer surface, and these are organized into rows of graded length. These fingers (stereocilia) convert sound vibrations to electrical signals that are then relayed to the brain. Biologists can now describe in detail the different stages of ear cell formation in a developing embryo, from the initial “deaf” stages, when the nascent fingers start growing in a disorderly fashion, to the final, highly ordered structure. Peeling away the outer membrane of these fingers reveals a scaffold-type protein structure – the cytoskeleton – within the stereocilia, and this scaffolding is the driving force behind their formation. Yet biologists still do not know exactly how stereocilia development takes place. For this, another layer needs to be peeled away to reveal the “invisible forces” that are at play. Gov: “By ‘forces,’ we mean such things as tension, compression, friction, and kinetic and chemical energies – physical mechanisms that act on the objects in a given system. Putting these basic ingredients together in equations gives us mathematical models. We can then use our models to make quantitative predictions about how cellular formations arise and how they behave under various conditions – predictions which can then be tested experimentally.”


Hair cells in the ear

The model that Gov and his team have been building starts with ATP – the energy currency of the cell. ATP causes elements in the protein scaffold structure – a tight bundle of protein filaments – to dissociate from and re-associate with each other. When balanced by forces in the membrane, the cell’s outer shape remains roughly constant; but the forces exerted by the scaffold proteins also deform the membrane, giving rise to the growth of the finger-like protrusions. The researchers have calculated how these forces exerted on the membranes initiate the process, and a group of experimentalists has recently validated some of their predictions.
The same mathematical model has helped the biophysicists gain insights into other, similar systems. For example, another member of Gov’s team is working on brain cells, which grow branched spines for communicating with their neighbors. The basic process underlying their growth appears to be the same as that which initiates the formation of the ear cell fingers, and it  may apply, as well, to the finger-like protrusions of both immune cells and cancer cells that are essential to motility.  

Dr. Nir Gov is the incumbent of the Alvin and Gertrude Levine Career Development Chair.
Dr. Nir Gov. The physics of fingers, hair and spines

Step by Step

Sagi, Akabayov and Solomon. shape-shifting enzymes


Enzymes are shape-shifters – their intricate molecular structures take on a variety of different arrangements as they go about their work. The ability to trace in real time the dynamic changes an enzyme molecule's structure undergoes has been a holy grail of molecular biology – one that scientists thought would only be attained many years down the road. But reality has overtaken the predictions: Prof. Irit Sagi of the Structural Biology Department in the Chemistry Faculty and her research team have developed a method of recording an enzyme's movements down to the scale of single atoms, and this technique is now being used as a tool for designing new drugs.
The complex molecular machines known as enzymes are involved in nearly all the functions of our bodies. Changes in enzyme structure take place at dizzying speeds – tiny fractions of a second – and this dynamic action makes them extremely efficient. To understand how enzymes work, scientists generally use a variety of techniques, such as crystallization, to determine the three-dimensional structure of the resting molecule. Although much information is revealed in these studies, they often can't give scientists a satisfactory picture of the steps involved in shifting an enzyme's shape. Yet a precise understanding of each step in enzyme activity can be especially important to drug makers, who aim to create new drugs that can tightly focus on a target protein or prevent a single type of action from taking place.
The Weizmann team's method allows them to identify the movement of single atoms residing within the active site of an enzyme molecule. The scientists freeze the process at various stages and then apply cutting-edge techniques borrowed from the field of X-ray spectroscopy and structural chemical analysis to determine the configuration of the molecule at each of those stages
One of the enzymes tested by the team's method is an enzyme called TNF alpha convertase, which is suspected of involvement in many diseases, from multiple sclerosis to cancer. TNF alpha convertase is a protease – part of an enzyme family that cleaves other proteins and prepares them for specific actions. Among other functions, TNF alpha convertase cleaves a protein called PRO-TNF alpha, slicing through the part of its structure that attaches it to the inside of the cell wall. The released PRO-TNF is then free to act in the cell. These proteins perform some crucial functions, but if too many are released at once, problems can start to occur and diseases can develop. For this reason, scientists in labs around the world have pinpointed TNF alpha convertase as a target for drugs that will damp down PRO-TNF activity.
The only problem is that drugs that block TNF alpha convertase activity tend to have disastrous, sometimes even fatal, side effects. The reason for this is the familial resemblance between the structure of this enzyme and that of other protease family members. It turns out that these drugs are not overly discriminating about which protease they block, and they end up hindering some vital functions in the cell. Identifying the real-time structural and biophysical events taking place during enzyme action could therefore be a real boon to drug research.
At this point, Sagi and her team, together with Dr. Marcos Milla of Roche Palo Alto, LLC, in California, entered the picture. With the dynamic observation method they had developed, they succeeded in recording every change in the molecule at intervals of a few thousandths of a second. In the first stage of their research, they were able to put an end to a scientific debate that had gone on for years by pinpointing a specific response mechanism the enzyme employs.
Enzyme activity in stages
Next, they discovered that when the enzyme closes in on the protein that it's preparing to cleave, it begins to get "excited." As it makes contact with the surface of the protein, the dynamic structural transformations pick up their pace. This is especially evident in the electrons belonging to the lone zinc atom sitting squarely in the active site of the enzyme molecule. The changes they observed appear to be uniquely characteristic of TNF alpha convertase; if drugs could be designed to target this particular action, they might avoid affecting other proteases and thus prevent unwanted side effects. The results of this study appeared recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA.
This technique might be applied to a great many of the enzymes that are involved in various disease processes. The ability to observe enzyme activities in fine detail may turn out to be a powerful tool that could lead to new approaches in drug design and new drugs that are more efficient and less likely to cause side effects. Various pharmaceutical companies have already expressed interest in the Institute team's new technique.
Prof. Irit Sagi's research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ambach, Boca Raton, FL; and the estate of David Turner. Prof. Sagi is the incumbent of the Maurizio Pontecorvo Professorial Chair.
A(l-r) Prof. Irit Sagi, Barak Akabayov and Ariel Solomon.

Good Vibrations


inner ear membrane in high resolution


Modern hearing aids are a boon for a great many deaf people, but the quality of the sound they live with is still inferior to that of hearing people. It’s hard to fault the technology – the apparatus we’re born with for translating air vibrations into comprehensible sound is one of nature’s more complex examples of fine engineering. The first step to designing more efficient hearing aids, therefore, is to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that allow most of us to hear such a wide range of sounds, and distinguish among them.
Research by Dr. Itay Rousso of the Weizmann Institute’s Structural Biology Department, which recently appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), suggests that a crucial membrane in the inner ear helps to distinguish among different sound frequencies. This thin structure, called the tectorial membrane, communicates between two structures in the ear: the outer hair cells – which amplify sound in the form of mechanical vibrations – and the inner hair cells – which convert these mechanical vibrations to electrical signals and pass them on to the brain via the auditory nerve. Recent studies have shown that if certain genes for this membrane are missing or damaged, total deafness ensues.
Rousso and research student Rachel Gueta, together with researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, wanted to explore the mechanical properties of the tectorial membrane. Using an atomic force microscope, which probes surfaces with a fine microscopic needle, they tested the resistance of the gel-like membrane at various points to assess precisely how rigid or flexible it was. To their surprise, the scientists found that the level of rigidity varies significantly along the length of the membrane: One end of the membrane can be up to ten times more rigid than the other. 
These differences occur in the part of the membrane that is in direct contact with the outer hair cells. Observation under a scanning electron microscope revealed that this variation is due to changes in the way the protein fibers are arranged: At one end they form a flimsy, net-like structure that allows the membrane to be flexible; at the other, rigid end the fibers are densely and uniformly packed.
The more rigid the tectorial membrane, the higher the frequency at which it can vibrate. Thus the flexible end of the membrane, which can respond to low frequency vibrations, is close to the hair cells that transmit low frequencies, and the rigid end is near hair cells that transmit high frequencies. This spatial separation, say the scientists, should translate into the ability to distinguish between sounds of different frequencies.
The new understanding of the mechanics of hearing may assist in the development of better hearing aids. Rousso, meanwhile, plans to continue exploring how variations in membrane rigidity affect hearing. The highest frequency our ears can register is a thousand times higher than the lowest, and Rousso intends to test the membrane under different physiological conditions to further understand how it functions, as well as to possibly shed light on the causes of certain hearing problems.   
Dr. Itay Rousso’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science; the Jeans-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Estelle Funk Foundation; and the President’s Fund for Biomedical Research. Dr. Rousso is the incumbent of the Robert Edward and Roselyn Rich Manson Career Development Chair.
High resolution scanning electron microscope image of a tectorial membrane

To Catch a Thief

Dr. Deborah Fass. Stopping a retrovirus
Retroviruses are the ultimate sneak thieves of the microscopic world. The outer envelopes of these viruses, some of which cause AIDS or cancers such as leukemia, are spiked with protein assemblies that are specialized tools for breaking and entering. There’s no need to force windows or pick locks: The retrovirus' surface proteins simply cause the membrane of the virus to fuse with the cell's outer membrane. Once the two are fused, the genetic material at the heart of the retrovirus, RNA, makes itself at home in the cell, stealing the cell’s most basic equipment to make copies of itself.
Viral surface proteins, in turn, make attractive targets for drugs and vaccines – blocking them might stop infection before it can take place. Like detectives on the path of a criminal, scientists need information – mug shots, fingerprints, eyewitness reports – to help them capture their target. A team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry has now obtained a close-up, 3-D portrait of a large protein complex responsible for retroviral breaking and entering. Results of their work appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.
The retrovirus protein complex studied by the group recognizes and binds to specific sites on the cellular membrane and mediates the fusion process at the very onset of infection. However, the shape of this complex and the way it works had long evaded efforts at detection by various scientific groups. The difficulty was that crystallization, the leading method of preparing proteins for structure solving, does not work well with the elaborate, envelope-bound complexes, which tend to fall apart when removed from the virus membrane. Dr. Deborah Fass of the Weizmann Institute’s Structural Biology Department had managed to determine the structures of assorted parts of the complex in the past, but she needed a better understanding of how the complex works as a whole
To accomplish her goal, Fass and student Nathan Zauberman teamed up with scientists from Max Planck’s Molecular Structural Biology Department in Martinsried, Germany, to try an alternative method of getting an image of the complex. They turned to the electron microscope, a standard tool for observing larger structures such as cell sections. Viewing a single, relatively small protein complex pushed the limits of this technology, but the Max Planck group, expert at developing both the hardware and the software required for visualizing biological structures with electron microscopy, proved up to the task. The technique they used, known as cryo-electron tomography, involves quick-freezing the viruses in liquid ethane, capturing snapshots of them at various angles and then combining the snapshots to create three-dimensional pictures. From dozens of these digitized 3-D pictures of whole viruses, hundreds of protruding surface protein complexes could be cut out, aligned and averaged. Though the resulting image did not have quite as high a resolution as images obtained through crystallography, it allowed the scientists to get a complete and fairly detailed picture of this important protein complex all in one piece and in its natural setting. “After years of trying to imagine how the pieces fit together, suddenly we had the actual structure right in front of us. Some aspects of it looked familiar, but others were completely unanticipated,” says Fass.
The scientists were surprised to note that the shape of the complexes on retroviruses bore little resemblance to other known viral envelope protein structures such as those on flu viruses. They also saw strong evidence that the protein complex undergoes a radical change in the shape and arrangement of its component parts as it attaches to cells and initiates membrane fusion. Fass was able to see how a smaller protein piece she had previously isolated and analyzed by crystallization fit into the whole, giving her further clues as to how the virus locks onto the cell membrane.
The retrovirus used by Fass and the team is similar to that which causes leukemia in humans. They hope, with further research, to come to understand the conformational changes the envelope protein complex undergoes as it works, and to find ways to stop those changes from taking place, thus disabling a sneak thief’s main tool for breaking into cells.
Dr. Debora Fass’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; and the Leukemia Research Foundation. Dr. Fass is the incumbent of the Lilian and George Lyttle Career Development Chair.
Image of retovirus that causes leukemia


Reverse reproduction

The genetic material of retro-viruses such as HIV and the virus that causes leukemia is found in single strands of RNA, rather than in the double-stranded DNA that all living things employ to store genetic information. Unlike living cells, viruses cannot reproduce on their own, and thus they must “hijack” the machinery of a living cell to do so. For this purpose, the retrovirus carries with it a special enzyme, called reverse transcriptase. In normal transcription, RNA is formed from a DNA template, but reverse transcriptase turns this process around, lining up a DNA sequence to match the “letters” in the viral RNA. The “viral” DNA inserts itself into the host chromosome, where it remains to manufacture more retroviruses.
Dr. Deborah Fass. Protein portrait


Each day, your blood travels 19,000 km (12,000 miles) on the circulatory highway. Throughout its journey, a red blood cell (RBC) rides bumper to bumper, enduring dense, merging traffic as it transports its precious load of oxygen or carbon dioxide waste. Like an armored car, the tough blood cell must safeguard the hemoglobin at its center that could damage organs if spilled, yet it must be flexible enough to fold and squeeze into the tiny capillaries where it delivers its load. When RBCs are flawed or malfunctioning, serious, sometimes fatal, illnesses can result.
Dr. Nir Gov. Fluctuations mean flexibility
Dr. Nir Gov of the Chemical Physics Department approaches the puzzle of the red blood cell by studying the physics of its structure, building theoretical models that attempt to explain how this unique cell type’s construction makes it exceptionally well adapted to do its specialized work.
Recently, Gov added another, crucial piece to the puzzle. A normal RBC looks like a flattened oval depressed in the center. Helping the cell keep its shape is the cytoskeleton, resembling a springlike wire mesh attached to nodes in the cell's outer membrane. These connections create tension points that hold up the cell wall. It was previously thought that the cell's rigidity/flexibility could be calculated on the basis of the springy properties of the cytoskeleton, but the model developed from this formula wasn’t consistent with experimental results. Something was missing.
Working with Prof. Samuel Safran of the Materials and Interfaces Department, Gov found the key to the missing calculation when he took into account the properties of the connections at the nodes. He realized that the presence of ATP, a molecule that converts stored mechanical energy into kinetic motion in the cell, causes transient disassociations and re-associations between the cytoskeleton and the membrane nodes. As tension in the nodes is reduced, motion occurs in the outer membrane. Height fluctuations in the RBC membrane, originally thought to be a negligible effect of small changes in temperature, are instead the result of metabolic activity unique to the living system. This was a defining moment that for Gov highlighted the complexities of modeling dynamic living matter. He proceeded to develop a model linking the presence and concentration of ATP to its effects on cytoskeleton rigidity and, therefore, on RBC shape.
RBC models can illuminate important aspects of various diseases and immunities, and these may have vital  impacts on human health research. For example, excessive ATP results in cells that are too flexible, as is the case in some forms of anemia, so that ensuing collisions cause the vulnerable cytoskeleton to break down and the life-giving RBC functionality to be lost. When the ATP level is low, as occurs in some liver diseases, the node connections are too rigid, resulting in stiff, spiky shapes that do not travel smoothly and can block circulation. By modeling, for the first time, ATP’s role in determining the shape and rigidity of the RBC’s outer membrane, Gov has pointed to a completely unexplored avenue of treatment for a number of diseases.
In addition, accurate theoretical models might lead the way to creating viable artificial replacements for RBCs. Artificial blood cells could address several problems: rejection, infection and shortages, for example. Gov’s findings might provide a framework for further research in this direction.
Dr. Nir Gov’s research is supported by the Robert Rees Fund for Applied Research. Dr. Gov is the incumbent of the Alvin and Gertrude Levine Career Development Chair.
Dr. Nir Gov. Moving models

Antibiotics in Action

Prof. Ada Yonath. Killing them with a kiss


Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Germany's Max-Planck Society have discovered exactly how each of five antibiotic drugs bind to the bacterial ribosome - the cell's protein factory - shutting off protein production. Proteins are the cell's primary component and the basis of all enzymatic reactions; blocking their production kills the bacterium.

The research team headed by Prof. Ada Yonath of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department and the Max-Planck Research Units for Ribosomal Structure in Hamburg and Berlin has uncovered the exact mode of action of these drugs. Yonath had earlier revealed the detailed structure of the two subunits forming the ribosome, the first ever accomplishment of its kind, in a study described by the prestigious journal Science as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the year 2000. Elucidating the structure of the ribosome - a notoriously unstable, giant nucleoprotein complex - was a goal that had eluded scientists for years.

Armed with their extensive understanding of ribosomal structure, Yonath, Dr. Anat Bashan, and Ph.D. student Raz Zarivach decided to examine precisely how different antibiotics bind to the ribosome and shut off its protein production. To do so they treated bacteria with one of five different antibiotics and then created crystals that captured the individual complexes formed between each drug and the bacterial ribosome.

To examine these microscopic structures the scientists bombarded the crystals with high-intensity X-ray beams, analyzed how the rays diffracted, and then worked backward to decipher the crystal's exact structure - a technology known as X-ray crystallography. Using this method the researchers were able, for the first time, to view how the antibiotic drugs bind to a specific site of action on the ribosome, shutting off its machinery. These findings were recently reported in Nature.

A better understanding of the mode of action of antibiotic drugs may improve the treatment strategies of existing drugs and lead to the design of antibiotics that target bacterial agents at the ribosomal level.

The Max-Planck scientists collaborating in this study are Francois Franceschi, Joerg Harms, Ante Tocilj, Renate Albrecht, and Frank Schluenzen.

Prof. Yonath holds the Martin S. Kimmel Professorial Chair. Her research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomeolecular Structure and Assembly and the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Center for Structural Biology.
Prof. Ada Yonath.

Smoking Out a Decoy


Prof. Jacob Anglister.The smaller the object, the larger the equipment



The smaller an object, the larger the equipment needed to measure it. This rule of thumb comes to mind when looking up at the daunting nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machinery in Prof. Jacob Anglister's laboratory. A member of the Department of Structural Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Anglister uses NMR to probe how molecules in the cell interact. 'Numerous biological processes, including protein production, cellular division, and immune response, depend on two molecules recognizing and responding to each other,' Anglister explains. 'NMR enables us to study this key recognition aspect at the atomic level. For instance, we can capture a three-dimensional representation of the complex formed when two proteins meet.'

Examples of the protein one-on-ones that have grabbed Anglister's attention include what happens when antibodies, the immune system's 'infantry' soldiers, recognize and attack invading proteins; how scorpion neurotoxins bind to neuronal membranes; and how interferon alerts the body to use its antiviral and anticancer weapons. His team is currently focusing on antibodies against the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS.

During the initial stage of infection, a protein on the envelope of the HIV virus known as gp120 binds to two different immune cells - T-cells and macrophages. This bonding triggers conformational changes in gp120 that mediate the fusion between the virus and its target cells.

Hide and seek

Using NMR, Anglister has revealed the complex formed between the HIV virus and the body's immune cells, and honed in on a region in gp120, called the V3-loop. This loop plays a key role in binding the HIV virus to its target cells - indeed, the immune system generates antibodies whose sole function is to bind with the V3-loop, thus neutralizing the virus. The HIV virus, however, is able to overcome this defense strategy by rapidly mutating the V3-loop to escape detection. Another trick, used by what is perhaps the nastiest strain of this virus, is to hide the V3-loop until the very moment it is needed to bind the virus to its target, so that no immune antibodies will be produced.

A key puzzle to researchers is how the virus is able to use the V3-loop on its envelope to bind to target cells yet at the same time mutate this loop to escape detection. Having uncovered the detailed structure of the V3-loop, Anglister's team may now have a partial answer. In what appears to be an ingenious decoy approach, the DNA encoding the V3-loop consists of two primary types of sites - evolutionarily conserved sites (which suggests they are highly important for viral replication) and rapidly mutating sites that 'cover'/protect the conserved region from attack. Since the protein segments encoded for by the mutating regions are highly exposed on the virus envelope, they quickly draw the immune cells' fire. But because these regions mutate so quickly, the body is unable to mount an effective response. Furthermore, even when the immune cells succeed in generating antibodies against the conserved protein segments, the mutating regions obstruct their attack.

A peptide-based vaccine may offer a partial solution, as demonstrated by Institute Profs. Michael Sela and Ruth Arnon, who pioneered the application of synthetic vaccines. They showed that synthetic peptides could be used to generate a protective immune response against various pathogens. This approach may be especially beneficial in the case of HIV, as it can trigger an immune response against viral regions that, like the V3-loop, are generally hidden. A cocktail of peptides found in the protein sequences of major HIV strains may help researchers target this elusive virus.

Anglister's team is currently studying an antibody, isolated from an HIV patient by an American research group, which is capable of neutralizing various HIV viral strains that have undergone V3-loop mutations. 'Our aim is to use NMR to discover the secret of this antibody's success,' says Anglister. 'Such understanding may help in designing an optimal peptide-based HIV vaccine.'

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

NMR makes possible the study of protein molecules in solution. It can also provide information about dynamic processes in the body occurring at a rate of up to a millionth of a second.

Scientists had traditionally relied on X-ray crystallography to elucidate protein structures. However, when using crystallography one has first to create crystals of the protein in question - an often difficult process.

Additionally, crystallography cannot be performed on solutions, where biological molecules exhibit their activity. The first three-dimensional NMR structure of a protein was solved in 1985 by Kurt Wuthrich and his co-workers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.

In using NMR to probe the structure of protein molecules, a small amount of a solution containing the protein is placed in a magnetic field and an electro-magnetic current is applied at varying frequencies, thus selectively activating the nuclei in the atoms making up the protein molecule.

Since each nucleus -- say that of a carbon or hydrogen atom -- responds with its own unique spin, scientists can use sensitive recording equipment to detect the resultant magnetic fields. They then use this information to construct a three-dimensional picture of the entire protein molecule.

The first NMR application was developed back in the 1940s by Felix Bloch of Stanford University and Harvard's Edward Purcell, earning them the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics. Weizmann Institute scientists Shlomo Alexander and Shaul Meiboom built the world's second high-resolution NMR spectrometer in the 1950s. The system was used to pioneer the research of chemical reactions in equilibrium, and to explore the structure and behavior of molecules. Later Meiboom, Alexander, and other Institute scientists, using nuclear quadropolic resonance, developed a method of measuring the movement of molecules in crystals.


Prof. Anglister holds the Joseph and Ruth Owades Professorial Chair in Chemistry. His research is supported by the Burstein Family Foundation, the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H., the Nelfort Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Samy Cohn.

Prof. Jacob Anglister.

Here's Lookin' At You


Brittlestar is sensitive to changes in light


Sensing the growing shadow, it slithered away from its enemy, propelling itself with rapid, snakelike arm movements. Sounds like yet another episode in nature's daily drama of survival, but there's a puzzling catch - this creature doesn't have eyes.
Cousin to the sea urchin, sea cucumber, and starfish, the brittlestar is a marine invertebrate with five thin arms emanating from a disc like body, and no specialized eyes. How these sightless animals are able to detect shadows and hence flee danger has baffled investigators for years.
Weizmann Institute scientists, together with researchers at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey and the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles, now have an answer. Focusing on brittlestars of the species Ophiocoma wendtii, Profs. Lia Addadi and Steve Weiner of the Institute's Structural Biology Department discovered that these animals form crystal lenses in their skeletons. Recently reported in Nature, this unique 'visual' system is the first of its kind to be discovered in animals inhabiting the Earth today.
Addadi and Weiner had long been interested in the ways in which animals build their skeletons. Their research revealed that animals can produce different types of proteins, some of which control crystal formation.
The idea for the current study was born when they met Dr. Gordon Hendler of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Hendler brought to their attention one particular species of brittlestar that appears to be especially sensitive to changes in light, quickly escaping into dark crevices at the first sign of danger. It also changes its color from dark brown during the day to gray at night. Hendler suspected that the arrays of spherical crystal structures on the surace of its outer skeleton serve as lenses, transmitting light to the brittlestar's nervous system. His hypothesis was strengthened by the finding that these creatures have relatively extensive nerve networks. Moreover, the movement of pigmented cells between the crystal structures and the nerves appeared to alter the brittlestar's response to light.
Addadi and Weiner, together with their then graduate student Joanna Aizenberg, began to study the phenomenon. They discovered that each skeletal lens is actually a single calcite crystal. The crystal's optic axis is roughly perpendicular to the plane of the lens array, making it capable of transmitting light without the light being split in different directions. By analyzing the geometry of the lens they were able to pinpoint the expected focal point on the nerve bundles below. But is this light information really passed on as expected? In other words, do the lenses indeed guide and focus the light to effectively transmit it to the nervous system within?
This question remained unanswered for almost ten years, until the scientists found a way to examine the lenses using lithography, a semiconductor technology. The study was conducted at Bell Laboratories.
Aizenberg removed a calcite crystal array from the skeletal element of the brittlestar species Ophiocoma wendtii, placed it above a layer of photosensitive material, and exposed the system to light. She found that light had reached the photosensitive tissue in spots directly underneath the calcite crystals. By altering the distance between the lenses and the tissue, she found that the estimated focal distance of each lens - at which the lens concentrated the light by a factor of about 50 - coincided with the depth at which nerve bundles, which presumably serve as photoreceptors, are located in the brittlestar's body.
Like the human eye, then, the crystalline lenses and the pigmented cells in the skeleton of Ophiocoma wendtii act as 'corrective glasses,' filtering and focusing light on the phtoreceptors. But unlike man's ability to see in virtually only one direction, this complex visual system enables the brittlestar to detect approaching danger from any direction. The lenses also focus light at least 10 times better than any micro-lense manufactured today. Indeed, the unique brittlestar architecture is already giving rise to new ideas in materials science, such as the use of tiny lenses for various applications, including computers and telecommunication.
This is the first discovery of this type of visual system in animals, although Weiner notes that calcite crystals were used in the compound eyes of trilobites, marine animals now extinct, that inhabited the earth some 350 million years ago.
'The demonstrated use of calcite by brittlestars, both as an optical element and as a mechanical support, illustrates the remarkable ability of organisms, through the process of evolution, to optimize one material for several functions. It may also spark new ideas for future 'smart' materials,' say the scientists.
Prof. Lia Addadi holds the Dorothy and Patrick Gorman Professorial Chair. Her research is supported by the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.
Prof. Stephen Weiner holds the Dr. Walter and Dr. Trude Borchardt Professorial Chair in Stuctural Biology. His research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science; Mr. George Schwartzman of Sarasota, Florida; and the Angel Faivovich Foundation for Ecological Research.

Brittlestar is sensitive to changes in light
