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Gideon Schreiber

What We Are Doing About: Alternative Energy
Creating environmentally friendly fuel from trash might be the ultimate recycling feat
One Hundred Times Stronger
An engineered version of a natural drug molecule could be much better at fighting cancer
Top (l-r): Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Dana Reichmann, Noga Kozer, Ofer Rahat, Dr. Kay Gottschalk, Diego Jaitin. Middle: Renne Abramovich and Dr. Tal Peleg-Shulman. Bottom: Yossie Shaul and Yossie Kutner

The pioneering research by Schreiber and others will advance the development of algorithms targeting a better understanding of...

Dr. Gideon Schreiber.

A protein "matchmaker" can suggest genetic changes that make proteins more attractive to one another

It's a Perfect Protein Match
Searching for a soul mate, new friends, or just fresh contacts? Turns out that proteins have similar 'goals.' However, shaking off...
