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Stephen Weiner

Sea urchin digging teeth are designed to stay sharp

Sea urchins dig themselves hiding holes in the limestone of the ocean floor using teeth that don’t...

(l-r) Profs. Stephen Weiner and Lia Addadi and Julia Mahamid. Like shell, like bone
Scientists reveal a fleeting stage of bone formation
 well-preserved ancient DNA in fossil bones

DNA preserved in fossil bones could reveal new insight into ancient worlds

Preserved in Crystal
A newly discovered source of DNA in fossil bones holds promise for unearthing the past
How the Sea Urchin Grows New Spines

A study revealing the secrets of a natural engineering marvel could help in the design of new materials

How the Sea Urchin Grows New Spines

A team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science has shown how sea urchins grow new spines.

Dr. Elisabetta Boaretto and Prof. Steve Weiner. Flint feats

Institute scientists "dig up the dirt" on early tools

Illustration: Biologists and miniaturized humans

Having devised nanomachines capable of manipulating single atoms and molecules and begun to apply these technofeats to modify...

From left to right: Michal Kaufman, Rivka Elbaum, Prof. Steve Weiner, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Dvory Namdar and Ilit Cohen-Ofri. Scientific excavations

A unique program aims to produce a new type of archaeologist

Brittlestar is sensitive to changes in light

Weizmann Institute scientists discover that the brittlestar, long thought to be sightless, is all eyes
