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Yohai Kaspi

Illustration showing the unmanned spacecraft JUICE in the vicinity of Jupiter (center). On the right: the moons Callisto and Europa; on the left: Ganymede and Io (yellow), Jupiter’s volcanically active moon that is not included in the mission’s core program (Courtesy of the ESA)

The Ultra Stable Oscillator, designed for an experiment led by Weizmann Institute scientists, is at the forefront of ESA’s JUICE mission to...


Why do Earth’s hemispheres look equally bright when viewed from space? Weizmann Institute scientists offer a solution to this 50-year-old mystery...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Measured in Depth for the First Time

Weizmann Institute of Science researchers, together with their NASA collaborators, shed new light on Jupiter, revealing a surprising...

Prof. Yohai Kaspi

Prof. Yohai Kaspi has been appointed Chair of the Postdoctoral Program at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Super cyclones swirling around Jupiter's poles

Weizmann Institute scientists reveal how gigantic cyclones remain stable at both of Jupiter’s poles

Neptune and Triton

An incredibly accurate clock planned by the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Israeli Space Agency and an Israeli company could be on its way to...

Cassini image of Saturn

As Cassini reached its final act, Weizmann Institute of Science researchers took part in the last phase of the 20-year mission

Jupiter_Juno image. NASA

“Jupiter’s atmosphere is many times greater than anything we have seen before” 

Google Earth map displaying storm tracks in the North Atlantic region

Weizmann Institute of Science research uncovers the internal mechanisms driving storms toward the poles

The south pole of Jupiter is seen from an altitude of 32,000 miles (52,000 kilometers) in this enhanced color mosaic of images from NASA's JunoCam. Cyclones up to 600 miles wide (1,000 km) are visible. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Betsy Asher Hall/Gervasio Robles SCOTT BOLTON – 3

Weizmann Institute scientists are leading one of the main experiments on NASA’s Juno space mission, aimed at learning how deep the planet's jet...
