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Yohai Kaspi

artist's illustration: JUNO

Dr. Yohai Kaspi is part of the Juno Science team that hopes to answer some burning questions about the largest planet in the Solar System...

Illustration of Saturn

A new mathematical formula can reveal how fast a planet is rotating

Image from the Voyager II flyby of Neptune in August 1989 (NASA). In the middle is the Great Dark Spot, accompanied by bright, white clouds that undergo rapid changes in appearance. To the south of the Great Dark Spot is the bright feature that Voyager scientists nicknamed "Scooter." Still farther south is the feature called "Dark Spot 2," which has a bright core. As each feature moves eastward at a different velocity, they are rarely aligned this way. Wind velocities near the equator are westward, reaching

Weizmann Institute researchers and their colleagues set an upper limit for the thickness of...
