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Gideon Schreiber

SARS-CoV-2 infected cells

How SARS-CoV-2 jams an important cellular communications channel and what can be done to restore it

Illustration of SARS-CoV-2 attaching to an ACE2 receptor located on the host cell's membrane. Source: Shutterstock

Therapeutic approach developed by Weizmann Institute scientists could spell new hope in the battle against COVID-19 

Enzyme activity

A first-ever study of enzyme efficiency inside living cells reveals a surprising constraint on their activities

YEDA-XL-Protein GmbH Agreement

Combining two technologies makes a drug compound stronger and longer-lasting

how the IFN Antagonist Affects Type 1 IFN responses to pathogens

Virus-killing molecules may need all their skills, including inflammation, to fight HIV infection

 Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC) illustration

Israel’s leadership in structural biology leads to the establishment of an Instruct Core Centre

Prof. Gideon Schreiber

A new technique enables researchers to watch as proteins interact inside living cells

European Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure Launching
The Weizmann Institute is one of seven Instruct Core Centres
Three-dimensional structure of an enzyme, serum paraoxonase (PON1), which has been mutated in the lab of Prof. Dan Tawfik through directed evolution to endow the enzyme with new functions

From solving the structure of crystallized proteins to creating computer simulations of protein dynamics, Institute scientists...

The ISPC team: Standing (l-r) Dr. Harry Mark Greenblatt, Dr. Jaime Prilusky, Prof. Yigal Burstein, Prof. Israel Silman, Dr. Tamar Unger, Dr. Orly Dym, Dr. Yoav Peleg and Anat Kats. Middle (l-r) David Mualem, Anna Branzburg-Mualem, ISPC Head Prof. Joel L. Sussman, Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Meital Rubin-Yona and Ada Dantes. Front (l-r) Dr. Shira Albeck, Rani Bravdo, Reut Rotem-Bernehim, Moshe Ben David and Bracha Vakni.

The Israel Structural Proteomics Center deciphers over 40 proteins in five years
