A Matter of Taste



De gustibus non est disputandum, as the saying goes, emphasizes the futility of arguing over personal taste. An Institute team headed by Prof. Doron Lancet of the Molecular Genetics Department has found why this is true. In our genome, around 1,000 genes code for the nose's odor-detecting receptors (responsible for our sense of smell and a great part of flavor perception). Of these, more than half have become totally inactive in humans, a fact that has been known for years. In a surprising discovery, published in Nature Genetics, the team showed that at least 50 genes are "optional"-  they can be active in some individuals and inactive in others. This high level of genetic variation accounts for the differences in our sense of taste and smell. The study also shows that the obliteration level of odor-detecting receptors varies among different ethnic groups. The findings could lead to fundamental changes in the cosmetics and foodstuff industries, which might be able to tailor their products to the tastes of their customers.


Prof. Lancet's research was supported by the Jean-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Avraham and Judy Goldwasser Fund; the Philip M. Klutznick Research Fund; and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. He is the incumbent of the Ralph and Lois Silver Professorial Chair in Human Genomics.

Life Sciences

Newly Uncovered Genes


Melanoma, Colon Cancer

Scientists at the Weizmann Institute have identified a gene involved in the progression of human melanoma and colon cancer. The new marker for these killer diseases has important implications because it could eventually lead to the screening of large populations and early diagnosis. The gene, called Nr-CAM, was found by by the team of Prof. Avri Ben-Ze’ev of the Molecular Cell Biology Department. It is highly expressed in human melanoma cells and colon cancer tissue. Further research will be done to learn more about the gene’s role in the development of these cancers.
Prof. Avri Ben-Ze’ev is the incumbent of the Samuel Lunenfeld-Reuben Kunin Chair of Genetics. His research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Yad Abraham Center for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy; and the late Maria Zondek.

Anemia (Type CDA-1)

A combined effort by scientists at the Schneider Children’s Medical Center and the Weizmann Institute of Science has led to the discovery of a gene responsible for congenital dyserythropoietic anemia-1 (CDA-1), found mainly in Bedouin families.
The findings could lead to effective detection and eventually to treatment of the disease. In addition, understanding the role of this gene’s protein product could provide important clues to other types of anemia as well as to the general mechanisms of blood cell formation. Leading the Weizmann team was Prof. Doron Lancet of the Molecular Genetics Department. Prof. Hannah Tamary headed the Schneider team.
Prof. Doron Lancet is the incumbent of the Ralph and Lois Silver Professorial Chair in Human Genomics. His research is supported by the Jean-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Avraham and Judy Goldwasser Fund; and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation.
Life Sciences

Heart Gene Hunt


Avidan, Olender and Ben-Asher. Single base change












When Leilah* began showing the dreaded symptoms at age 8, her parents quickly turned to the medical community for help. Having earlier lost two children to this mysterious disease, they recognized its signs. She was diagnosed with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PVT) a fatal heart condition. Primarily affecting young children, PVT is characterized by a fast and irregular heartbeat, seizures, and in certain cases, sudden death - particularly following physical exertion or emotional stress.

The child's family belongs to a Bedouin community in the north of Israel thought to be the descendants of three brothers who settled in the Galilee over 200 years ago. The nature of the disease and the common Bedouin custom of familial intermarriage alerted researchers to possible genetic involvement.

Hypothesizing that one of the original brothers had harbored a genetic mutation, doctoral student Hadas Lahat of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, Sheba Medical Center visited the community and tested the families. It appeared she was on the right track. In seven families alone, thirteen children were identified as having PVT and treated. Nine untreated children in these families had earlier died from this condition.

The Sheba team succeeded in pinpointing a region in human chromosome 1 that most likely gave rise to the disease when mutated, and showed that the defective gene was recessive. However the suspect area encompassed over 100 genes, making it nearly impossible to identify the exact gene responsible for PVT. At the time the Human Genome Project was far from complete and information was available for only half of the 100 suspect genes. Lahat and her advisers, Prof. Michael Eldar, Chief of the Heart Institute at the Sheba Medical Center, and Dr. Elon Pras of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, decided to contact the Weizmann Institute of Science for help.

At the Institute, Drs. Nili Avidan, Edna Ben-Asher, and Tsviya Olender, and Prof. Doron Lancet of the Department of Molecular Genetics initially had little success. Indeed, after screening a dozen of the more seemingly biologically relevant genes, the team was quite discouraged. Then, having systematically screened every genome database update, Dr. Olender suddenly came across a perfect candidate gene, Calsequesrin 2 (CASQ2), previously not known to belong to this genomic region. This protein appeared a likely candidate because it serves as a calcium ion reservoir in heart muscle cells. Since it binds, holds, and releases calcium ions, the CASQ2 protein could possibly play a vital role in the contraction and relaxation of heart muscles. A second clue came from an unexpected source. Only four months earlier a different research team had found that a mutation in another gene, known as RYR2, also causes a form of PVT. Importantly, RYR2 takes part in the same cellular pathway as CASQ2.

The Weizmann Institute team soon found that the children suffering from PVT had a mutation in their CASQ2 gene and were able to pinpoint how things had gone wrong in those that had died. They discovered that the mutation was surprisingly small - characterized by only a single base change, from G to C, in one of the DNA's nucleotides, which changes the amino acid coded, from aspartic acid to histidine.

But how can a single amino acid change have such a devastating outcome? The CASQ2 protein carries a very strong negative charge, thus binding a large number of positively charged calcium ions and releasing them when necessary (thereby triggering the muscle contractions through which the heart pumps blood throughout the body). Unfortunately, in the mutated CASQ2 protein, the overall negative charge is smaller, given that the single base change replaces the aspartic acid - which is negatively charged - with the positively charged histidine. This most likely damages the protein's ability to attract calcium ions, leading to heart failure.

'Our finding is expected to improve the screening for and treatment of this fatal disease, as well as opening a window to a better understanding of other heart conditions,' says Dr. Avidan, who champions the mutation discovery effort in the Weizmann team. 'We believe that mutations in this and other biochemically related genes may lie behind a number of as yet largely unsolved heart disorders.'

Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the successful collaboration between the Sheba Medical Center and the Weizmann Institute illustrates how cracking a genetic riddle may save lives. Every solved puzzle sheds light on the role genes play in health and disease, and on the potentially immense future contribution of genetically based drugs.

The research performed at the Weizmann Institute of Science was funded by the Crown Human Genome Center. Other scientists collaborating in this study are Etgar Levy-Nissenbaum and Dr. Boleslaw Goldman of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, Sheba Medical Center, and Drs. Asad Khoury and Avraham Lorber of the Rambam Medical Center.

Recessive Inheritance


Both parents carry a normal gene R and a faulty gene r. The parents (Rr genotype, are unaffected carriers, because having one R copy assures health. One quarter of the offspring, who happen to receive a faulty gene from both parents (rr) will have a disease, while the rest will be unaffected.

Dominant Inheritance

An affected parent (genotype Dd) has a single faulty dominant gene (D), which overpowers its normal counterpart (d). When mating with an unaffected parent (dd), half of their offspring will have the disease (Dd) and the other half will be unaffected (dd).

The Human Genome - Facts & Figures

- An estimated 40,000 genes are dispersed through 23 chromosome pairs.

- It is impossible to see the 23 chromosome pairs with the unaided eye, yet this set contains roughly 3.1 billion base pairs - an amount of data roughly equivalent to 200 telephone directories, each 500 pages long.

- Only 3 percent of the genome code for proteins, the rest (sometimes termed 'junk DNA') might serve other, as yet unclear, functions.

- The human genome differs from Chimp DNA by only 1.5% and shares about a third of its genes with Drosophila melanogaster - the common fruit fly. One fly gene with a human counterpart is p53, a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in over 50 percent of all cancer patients.

- The Human Genome Project is a technology triumph. New robots put to work in the last two years have increased the sequencing rate tenfold, enabling the sequencing of the entire human genome in one year.

Prof. Lancet holds the Ralph and Lois Silver Professorial Chair in Human Genomics. His research is supported by the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Henri and Francoise Glasberg Foundation; the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation; the Kalman and Ida Wolens Foundation; and Mr. Avraham Goldwasser, Israel.

Left to right: Drs. Nili Avidan, Tzviya Olender and Edna Ben-Asher.
Life Sciences

Gone (gene) Fishing


Prof. Jacqui Beckmann, population goldmine


Born and raised in Belgium but pretty much a globetrotter ever since, Prof. Jacqui Beckmann has spent nearly 30 of his 50+ years hunting for genes. The former Associate Director of the French National Genotyping Center, and a leading molecular geneticist, Beckmann's gene sleuthing has included mapping the genes that cause limb girdle muscular dystrophy, kidney disease, mature onset diabetes, and hypertension.


With a rough blueprint of the genes encoding the human body made available by the Human Genome Project, and a flood of findings about what happens when things go wrong in genes, pharmaceutical companies are rushing to develop new medical treatments and technologies. The proposed scenarios vary, including a routine test by your family doctor showing your potential 'future health ID' coupled with suggestions of how to skirt unlucky genetic cards through diet, medication, or even gene therapy. Across the board, however, scientists and physicians agree that within a few decades the growing insights into what makes us tick, genetically speaking, will change the face of medicine.


'It's becoming increasingly clear that virtually all diseases have a genetic component,' says Beckmann, who recently joined the Institute's Crown Human Genome Center. 'Genes play a decisive role in Tay-Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, whereas they are only contributing factors in heart disease or diabetes. But even infectious diseases, like AIDS or the common flu, have a genetic element, influencing one's susceptibility to the disease and/or response to it.'


This growing understanding will have a widespread influence on future medical trends. Having uncovered a genetic deficiency leading to, for instance, kidney disease will help us develop new means of targeting the root cause. The next, more dramatic step is that of personalized medicine.


Future therapies will address the fact that we all experience disease differently. A by-product will be that today's 'common disease' will be regarded as a cluster of 'minor diseases.' Diabetes will not be diabetes per se, it will be subdivided into its various categories, with each patient treated according to his or her specific pathology and genetic make-up.


One of the research areas that Beckmann plans to pursue here at the Institute is population genetics. 'Israel is a genetic goldmine,' he explains. 'Its population is highly diverse but also highly homogeneous within each ethnicity. This homogeneous 'back-drop' offers ideal conditions for zeroing in on mutated, disease-causing genes - those responsible not only for common Jewish genetic disorders but also leading diseases worldwide. These include cancer as well as cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, which are often multifactoral.


Beckmann: 'Research efforts have undergone a major shift in their inherent paradigm - away from the classical laboratory structure of a research team working around hypothesis-driven topics and toward highly automated throughput production. Conceived and polished to an art during the Human Genome Project, the strategy is first to get large amounts of data and then decide how to proceed. In this respect Israel can't hope to compete with genetic research giants such as the United States, Germany, and France; but it does have a head start when it comes to applying this new approach, thanks to its unique population structure.'

Prof. Jacqui Beckmann, gene hunter
Life Sciences

Life-Yielding Deaths


Prof. Adi Kimchi: Initiating cell suicide


In almost every movie plot you'll find "good guys" and "bad guys." In our bodies, cancer-related genes can be similarly divided into two such groups - cancer suppressors and cancer promoters. A few years ago Prof. Adi Kimchi of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Genetics Department uncovered a group of suicide genes that may suppress cancer. In a paper published recently in Nature Cell Biology with graduate student Tal Raveh, she showed that one of these genes - DAP-kinase - plays an important role in a critical cancer-protecting "junction."


Various tumor suppressor genes, including the group of genes discovered by Kimchi, operate by activating a genetic "suicide program" embedded in every cell in the body. When this program is activated, a living cell commits suicide. This phenomenon of self-destruction is called apoptosis - Greek for the falling of leaves. Impaired apoptosis leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation, which can result in tumor formation.


Knockout Genes

Kimchi and her team focused on the biochemical communications network governing apoptosis. In their attempts to identify "hidden" genes that carry out important functions in this network, they developed a new approach, which enables, for the first time, efficient "gene hunting" in mammalian cells. Their method, called TKO (technical knockout) is based on a series of processes involving genetic engineering that randomly disable various genes in cells. When a gene belonging to the "suicide program" network is disabled, that cell, which normally would have committed suicide, is "saved." By observing how "shutting down" a particular gene affects its cell, one can draw conclusions about this gene's role and identity. In this manner scientists can isolate a single gene out of 30,000.


In the past few years, Kimchi and her team have successfully used this method to discover five genes, called DAP (death associated proteins), that are connected to the death-inducing processes in cells. Their development of the TKO method and identification of the DAP genes have received international recognition and won Kimchi several awards, including the prestigious Milstein Prize.


Cancer-Blocking Gene

Recently, the scientists showed that DAP-kinase is responsible for destroying cells that have begun converting into a cancerous state. This is in fact a mechanism for "purging" tissues of cells containing early-stage cancerous abnormalities, such as certain oncogenes (cancer-causing genes). It turns out that the DAP-kinase mode of action includes activating another well-known tumor suppressor gene, p53, along with activating additional factors connected to the cell skeleton. In other words, DAP-kinase is the "trigger" that activates the p53 gene and leads to the destruction of oncogene-containing cells.


A malfunction of DAP-kinase disrupts the suicide program, allowing a cancerous growth to develop. The study's results are supported by the recent detection of DAP-kinase abnormalities in patients with cancers of the lung, breast, head, and neck, as well as in type B cell lymphoma. By improving the mapping of the biochemical "suicide command" chain in cells, the team's findings may aid the development of new cancer drugs.

Prof. Adi Kimchi
Life Sciences

Chipping Away at the Gene Code

Expression of thousands of genes on a single chip
Newly arrived at the Weizmann Institute of Science: DNA chips -- built of the stuff that genes (and research dreams) are made of. Offering greatly improved means for probing the molecular roots of disease and examining fundamental questions in the life sciences, DNA chips are a key addition to the research "toolbox" of Israeli scientists.

The recently inaugurated DNA Chips Unit will serve as a nationwide resource for Israeli scientists and physicians. The unit is operated by the Institute's Crown Human Genome Center, headed by Prof. Doron Lancet, and the Department of Biological Services, headed by Prof. Menachem Rubinstein.

Pioneered by a California-based company called Affymetrix, DNA chips represent a striking interplay between computer science and biology. They look like the integrated circuits found inside a personal computer, but instead of containing tiny semiconductors, the thumbnail-sized glass chips are imprinted with thousands of bits of DNA. These fragments serve as probes, indicating the presence and activity of specific genes within the tissue sample, while operating at a fraction of the time and cost previously required.

"In contrast to former, single-gene evaluations achieved through a lengthy experimental procedure, DNA chips can monitor the expression (meaning the protein production) of thousands of genes at a time," explains Dr. Shirley Horn-Saban, who heads the DNA Chips Unit. They also offer a greatly enhanced method for detecting genetic mutations linked to disease onset, such as the p53 gene, mutated in nearly half of all cancer patients. "The powerful diagnostic capabilities offered by DNA chips will strongly influence medical practice, shifting the emphasis from detection and treatment to disease prevention," says Horn-Saban. Improved treatments may follow, since the technology makes it possible to comprehensively monitor the cell's response to treatment. Indeed, the expanded "perspective" offered by DNA chips should prove vital to changing the focus of genetic research from single gene functions to probing entire cells or tissues, adds Horn-Saban.

The Weizmann Unit is currently working in close collaboration with the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Department at the Sheba Medical Center to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancers prevalent in children, including neuroblastoma and leukemia. Additionally, the unit has put the chips to work on a variety of projects aimed at better understanding the genes involved in embryology and in cancer and other genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome. The Institute has recently purchased a complementary technology, called DNA spotting, which enables scientists to create custom-made DNA chips tailored to their specific research needs.

Bioinformatics Highways

Using DNA chips to obtain information about biological systems is only the first step. "The information delivered by the chips is so complex that effective interpretation requires elaborate data analysis and organization," explains Horn-Saban. Researchers at the Institute hope to address this challenge through computer and web-based technologies. They are working to link DNA results to GeneCards, an on-line database and software tool developed at the Institute that provides fast and convenient access to updated genetic information. Once a gene is identified from the DNA chip printout, the novel bioinformatics interface will provide a direct link to relevant information, including the proteins it encodes, cellular functions, diseases caused by its mutations, and other web sites. Another project, led by Dr. Naama Barkai of the Institute's Molecular Genetics Department, is aimed at using mathematics to interpret the function of highly complex gene expression patterns.

So -- the cast and backdrop are set: gene fragments in the thousands, mathematical tools, and bioinformatics highways revolving around a thumbnail-sized platform. These new technologies should dramatically fast-forward the unraveling of how genes influence the way we walk, talk, think, and succumb to disease.

Dr. Shirley Horn-Saban. Heading the Gene Chip Unit

Dr. Shirley Horn-Saban
Life Sciences

Genome Races

Cartoonist Michel Kishka drew Prof. Yoram Groner and his mice

Time was when highly trained and motivated teams, often urged on by patriotic fervor, would set out to explore vast geographical unknowns. Mount Everest, the Poles, and the moon were checked off one by one. The human genome project, say many, is this legacy's high-tech equivalent -- biology's moon landing.

Fittingly perhaps, while the scenery and dimensions have changed, the rush to uncover the genetic blueprint of humanity was shaped by competition. Despite the extraordinary cooperation marking the decade of work by thousands of researchers across the globe, efforts were also fueled by rivalry, with the privately owned Celera Genomics pitted against the international, publicly funded Human Genome Project, as well as the latter's individual chromosome sequencing teams, all racing to become number one.

Nobody could catch 22. It ran ahead of the pack marking the first human chromosome to be sequenced, with 21 hot on its heels. Then, on June 26, the match ended in a draw, as researchers at the public consortium and Celera jointly announced that they had completed a rough draft of the entire human genome.

With its 3.1 billion base pairs neatly laid out in cookbook fashion, what can we, its bearers, come to expect? New therapies or diagnostic tests warning of a predisposition to disease coupled with preventive measures? Enhanced prevention of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, which currently affects up to one in 700 newborns?

With time, these scenarios will most likely mature to varying degrees. However, as scientists are quick to point out, it will probably be decades before the full benefits are realized. The players have been introduced, but now, in order to follow and direct the plot, we have to understand how a gene interacts with its fellow genes to form and maintain the human body, what goes wrong in disease, and what role environmental factors play * in other words, the actual gene dance.

Here's an in-depth look at one of the contributions made by Weizmann Institute scientists to the international Human Genome Project.

21 Down & Counting

Chromosome 21 is now fully sequenced. Having crossed the finish line following a genetic research trek spanning four continents and more than 20 years, the international consortium charged with decoding 21's wares has surprising news: in contrast to previous estimates, the human genome may contain only 40,000 genes. That's only roughly twice the amount found in Drosophila melanogaster -- the common fruit fly.

Though checking in as the smallest of all human chromosomes, 21 has more than delivered. Recently appearing in Nature, its decoded sequence suggests that we may have to revise our basic understanding of ourselves -- specifically, the unique design principles underlying the human genome that set us apart from other organisms despite considerable genetic overlap.

Likewise, while the chromosome was found to contain only 225 genes -- just one-fourth the estimate based on its size -- these genes are among the most intriguing to researchers. They hold the key to further understanding Down syndrome and the other leading genetic disorders that are often part of its package. Besides mental retardation, Down syndrome patients are much more prone to develop acute myeloid leukemia and diabetes, frequently exhibit congenital heart disease and immune deficiencies, and are often diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease by the time they are 35. And the chromosome's unraveling began right here, in Rehovot's Weizmann Institute of Science, over 20 years ago.

"The most common culprits behind genetic diseases are mutated genes unable to perform their protein production jobs. Yet in Down syndrome, the genes are perfectly normal; they are simply overexpressed," says Prof. Yoram Groner of the Institute's Molecular Genetics Department. According to Groner, scientists had known since 1959 that Down syndrome is primarily caused by the inheritance of three rather than two copies of chromosome 21. However, little had been done to probe the molecular origins of the disease. Which is why, equipped with the rudimentary gene isolation and cloning techniques available in the early 1980s, Groner and his departmental team set out to examine how an extra copy of otherwise normal genes can produce the patchwork of abnormalities manifest in Down syndrome.

Candidate Genes Raise Eyebrows

The SOD1 gene, encoding an enzyme that protects the cell from naturally occurring toxic oxygen radicals, turned out to be a central player. Groner's team zeroed in on SOD1, becoming the first to clone a chromosome 21 gene. When this human gene was introduced into a colony of mouse cells, it triggered a leading symptom of Alzheimer's disease, significantly reducing the cells' ability to bind neurotransmitters -- the chemical messages vital to neural communication. Later, transgenic mice containing the SOD1 gene exhibited muscle weakness caused by deterioration of the neuromuscular junction, another symptom common to Down syndrome patients. "The muscle defect was particularly intriguing because many Down syndrome patients have abnormally large tongues, and the tongue is largely a muscle," says Groner.


Examining tongue muscle from patients who underwent cosmetic surgery, Groner's team, working with Dr. Rena Yarom of Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital, found that the defect in mice and in Down syndrome patients was identical. These findings led Groner to suggest that Down syndrome and its common tag-along diseases might actually be caused by select "candidate genes." When overexpressed, these genes send the cells' machinery off track, causing an overproduction of proteins that subsequently impairs organ development and function. "The candidate gene concept raised quite a few eyebrows at the time, since the idea that specific genes could have such far-reaching effects presented a considerable psychological barrier," says Groner.

Genes and Humans Play Ball

Teamwork, on both a gene-to-gene and human-to-human level, also entered the equation. Groner's team showed that imbalanced SOD1 levels expose the cell to oxidative stress, which enhances its vulnerability to other chromosome 21 genes, when these are overexpressed. Take APP for instance. This gene encodes a protein shown to drown neuronal cells in plaque, causing the neuronal degeneration found in Alzheimer's. Then, in chain reaction style, another gene, called BACE-2, enhances APP breakdown, further increasing the neuronal damage.

According to Groner, the gene teamwork was mirrored by strong cooperation between members of the Chromosome 21 Consortium. BACE-2, for example, was discovered by the Spanish team. However, here too, as in the genome project, human nature intervened. "The consortium operated by dividing the chromosomal sequencing among different teams, much like sections on a road map," says Groner. As when building a tunnel, the teams had to plan their route and course of action with great care to ensure that they would meet up." The different culture and mentality of the Japanese and German teams, who were allocated neighboring genome sections, apparently caused some planning difficulties. "Unfortunately, this meant bad news for us," he adds, smiling, "since we were involved in sequencing a gene that sits right in the middle of this junction, which is believed to cause leukemia."

Old Genes Learn New Tricks

One of the most striking findings is that chromosome 21 contains only 225 genes, far less than expected. This led the consortium to suggest that the entire human genome may contain only 40,000 genes -- roughly double the amount of a fly or an earthworm. Potentially chair-squirming numbers -- after all, although we can't fly, we're still somewhat more complex.

A possible explanation is that nature employs an ingenious recycling strategy. "Why invent new genes, when the old ones have a proven track record?" Groner points out. "Mounting evidence suggests that instead of requiring a linear increase in gene numbers along the evolutionary path, nature primarily invents new functions for old players, rearranging their combined cross-talk to increase organism complexity."

Down syndrome genome has an extra chromosome

Prof. Yoram Groner in his lab, as seen by cartoonist Michel Kishka
Life Sciences

To Find Cures for Cancer

Prof. Leo Sachs. From Germany by way of Cambridge


When asked to predict future trends in cancer research, Prof. Leo Sachs responds resolutely: "Futurology in science has not been very successful. If I knew what would be important in five years time, I would do it now!"

With nearly 50 years of research behind him and still going strong, Sachs, a member of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Genetics Department, has made fundamental contributions to the fields of hematology, developmental biology, and cancer research, paving the way to clinical treatments applied worldwide.

To find cures for cancer has topped the medical wish list throughout most of the twentieth century. Over one hundred forms of cancer exist, and though induced by diverse factors, all result in changes to the DNA. Now, when some researchers claim that the deciphered human genome may lead to an imminent cure for cancer, Sachs's perspective on this battle is unique -- he's been on the scene since even before the DNA double helix was discovered, back in 1953.

He had actually envisioned things quite differently. Born in Leipzig, Germany, his family moved to England in 1933 following Hitler's rise to power. "My original dream was to help establish a kibbutz in Palestine. I even spent two years as a farm laborer, milking cows," says Sachs. But apparently it wasn't in the cards. The doors to Palestine were virtually closed by the British, so Sachs began studying agricultural botany at the University of Wales, became fascinated along the way by genetics and development, and ended up completing a Ph.D. in genetics at Cambridge University.

He moved to Israel in 1952, where he began to contribute to the fledgling country in the way he knew best -- as a geneticist at the Weizmann Institute. "I wanted to study animal and human genetics, but there were no animals," Sachs recalls. "Nor for that matter, was there a building to work in. The cornerstone for the experimental biology building had just been laid." Given a bench in one of the chemistry departments, Sachs started working on a theory that human amniotic fluid, which bathes the baby in the womb, contains fetal cells that provide information about the fetus. His research proved him right, showing that these cells can be used to determine the baby's gender and other important genetic properties. Sachs's research formed the basis for amniocentesis, the widely used prenatal diagnosis of human diseases.

What's Gone Right, Not Wrong

Eventually, Sachs secured his own laboratory and a supply of mice and began working on a question that would anchor his research throughout. "The question was, what controls normal development and what happens when development goes wrong? Why does the machinery in cancer cells run amok, causing abnormal proliferation? I was convinced at the time, as I am now, that in order to understand 'what's gone wrong' (in cancer), one must first understand 'what's gone right' -- in other words, normal cellular processes," Sachs explains.

Focusing on blood stem cells, a small group of bone marrow cells that produce some 200 billion new blood cells every day, Sachs ended up designing the first cell culture system able to grow, clone, and induce the development of different types of normal blood cells. The year was 1963. Using this process, he subsequently discovered and identified a family of proteins that plays a key role in controlling normal blood cell development. Later named colony stimulating factors (CSF) and interleukins, one of these CSF proteins is now used worldwide in a variety of clinical procedures. These include boosting the production of infection-fighting white blood cells in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, and improving the success of bone marrow and peripheral blood cell transplants.

Sachs also demonstrated, for the first time, that malignancy can be reversed. He showed that the proteins he had identified, and some other compounds, set leukemic cells back on the right track -- inducing them to differentiate into normal-behaving mature cells. This approach, using retinoic acid combined with chemotherapy, is now standard procedure in treating human promyelocytic leukemia, and it has greatly increased survival rates.

Why do cancer cells outlive normal cells? This is another question currently being explored by Sachs. All cells contain a built-in suicide mechanism, known as apoptosis, which is vital for eliminating damaged or surplus cells. However, many cancer cells contain mutations in the key suicide-regulating genes, causing them to live longer. "By 'switching off' these mutated genes and other external factors we may be able to induce cancerous cells to self-destruct," says Sachs.

Not Why, But How

The research questions have not changed over time, Sachs emphasizes, only the methodologies. "In the past we were able to view the various types of chromosomal abnormalities, but today we can also zoom in and examine the actual interaction between genes. By uncovering the genes involved and how they are expressed in their environment -- in other words, what the neighborhood is like -- we can essentially eavesdrop on 'communication lines' and target weak links. For instance, one approach is to target communication between tumors and new blood vessels that support them. New diagnostic techniques will also improve our ability to determine the therapy likely to be most effective in treating a patient's specific pathologies."

And what about gene therapy -- replacing defective genes with normal counterparts? Sachs believes it may be quite some time before this approach becomes clinically feasible. "But who knows," he says, leaning back on his fifty years of scientific experience. "Remember, the most interesting things in science are the unexpected and unpredictable!"
Prof. Leo Sachs
Life Sciences

Protein Teamwork Do or Die



Woody Allen once said, "It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens!"

Perhaps he was unaware of it, but if we're lucky, we all actually "die" a little every day. A growing body of scientific evidence is proving what philosophers and artists have preached for millennia -- that a healthful life is dependent on, driven forward, by death.

Cells contain built-in suicide mechanisms. Known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death, this process is vital to normal embryonic development and tissue maintenance. It is the body's means of ridding itself of damaged or surplus cells.

Apoptosis failure can be deadly. Cell mutation occurs regularly due to environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation and chemical toxins, as well as natural cell processes. If left unchecked, the damaged cells continue to proliferate, often leading to life-threatening diseases, such as cancer.

Prof. Yosef Shaul of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Genetics Department has deciphered part of the cellular events underlying this pivotal defense mechanism. Published in Nature, his findings provide important insights into cancer pathologies and their potential cures.

"The emergency pathway is designed to reverse or mitigate mutation-induced damage," explains Shaul. "It's an intricate check-and-balance system controlled by a tightly orchestrated team of genes and their respective proteins. Interacting within a rigid, cascading 'If, Then, Else' environment characteristic of computer programming, the proteins initially attempt to repair the DNA. But if unsuccessful, they command the cell to self-destruct. In the third and worst-case scenario, both DNA repair and apoptosis fail, and disease usually ensues.

Who are these protein players and, most importantly, how do they interact? This is what Shaul and colleagues, Prof. Moshe Oren and Drs. Reuven Agami and Giovanni Blandino, set out to understand.

They began with c-Abl -- a major regulator of cell growth that, when mutated, can act as an oncogene, a gene that causes cancer. For instance, more than 90 percent of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia have a unique abnormality known as the Philadelphia chromosome, characterized by c-Abl mutations. Shaul decided to examine why c-Abl breakdown results in cancer. Specifically, what is its role in safeguarding the cell?

The Weizmann Institute team found that irradiation-induced DNA damage activates c-Abl, which subsequently recruits p73, another key regulating protein. If earlier attempts at cell repair fail, the interplay between these proteins leads to cell death. "The likelihood of tumor formation increases significantly if the function of either protein is flawed," Shaul explains. "Likewise, most cancer therapies depend on this cell repair mechanism. The object of chemotherapy and radiation is to activate the protein teamwork that causes damaged, cancerous cells to self-destruct."

Being able to pin down the precise point of damage along the pathway leading to DNA repair, cell death, or tumor formation could enhance future cancer therapies. Understanding the origin of disease in each patient may prove vital to determining the most effective form of therapy, tailored to individual pathologies.
Life Sciences

The First Genetic Word


Prof. Edward Trifonov. On the trail of the genetic code

Prof. Edward Trifonov is a detective -- but you won't find him at the scene of any crime. Trifonov, a member of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department, is a molecular geneticist and in his latest "case" he appears to have discovered the very first genetic sequence -- the first "word" in the genetic code of all living matter.
"We are all full of sequences," says Trifonov. "Life itself began as sequences. The original idea was that if some features of those ancient sequences remain in our genes today, perhaps we could track them down."
To reconstruct this molecular evolution, Trifonov turned not to the laboratory but to advanced mathematical and statistical analysis. He and a German colleague, Dr. Thomas Bettecken, first studied the nucleotide triplets that make up the genetic code in DNA and RNA. Could they find out which were the most ancient of the nucleotide triplets in our past? They soon realized that the occurrence of triplets led by the letter G (each nucleotide is signified by a letter) was frequent both in older patterns and in the patterns of modern genes. "You'd expect that in natural sequences a quarter of the cases would begin with G, while actually a third of all triplets start with G. This was a very strong lead to their original state," Trifonov explains.
Continuing to analyze the data, the team came to the conclusion that the triplet GCT is the most common and also the most expandable triplet. Therefore, it is the most likely candidate to be the earliest. "We realized that as soon as you give the triplet a chance to copy itself, it not only makes copies but makes them longer. GCT races to expand itself," Trifonov explains.
The researchers understood right away, however, that you could not produce a protein with just one repeating triplet. "That would be too monotonous: It wouldn't lead to life." But what if the triplet started to mutate? "Altogether, this would lead to ten triplets," says Trifonov. "And then we made a bold speculation that these ten triplets were the first coding triplets ever formed."
Trifonov and Bettecken then followed their next lead, this time aiming to unearth the list of the most ancient primordial amino acids, the building blocks of life. The team's first list of candidates had to meet the criterion of being amino acids that have a simple chemical structure. Then, recruiting one more criterion, Trifonov and Bettecken were able to reconstruct a list of the seven presumably earliest amino acids. All of them turned out to be encoded by the triplets derived from the starting GCT. In addition, the amino acid that corresponds to this generic triplet was also on the list.
The next step involved applying several more amino acid criteria. In this step, Trifonov estimated the chronological order in which the amino acids had appeared on life's stage, by averaging the orders suggested by the criteria.
Trifonov studied electrical engineering at Moscow Physical Technical Institute. In 1976, Trifonov and his family emigrated to Israel after only one year as refuseniks, this despite the fact that he had worked at the Moscow Atomic Energy Institute (albeit in a nonsecret biological division). "The Israeli Security Service thought at first that I was a spy," Trifonov recalls with a smile. And, although somewhat shy about the coverage his research has garnered, this Sherlock Holmes has finally caught his elusive evolutionary "culprit."


Life Sciences
