Helpful Bacteria, Harmful Viruses

Drs. Adi Stern and Rotem Sorek, and Eran Mick


Despite their bad rap, bacteria can actually be quite helpful. In fact, there are about 10 times as many bacteria in the human gut as there are cells in the body, and evidence is mounting that these play a very important role in maintaining our health: They manufacture vitamins, aid in food digestion and “train” our immune system. The latter may be crucial for preventing allergies and autoimmune disease.

Outside the human intestine, bacteria are known to be attacked by viruses called phages, and these can sometimes kill large numbers of bacteria in a short time. The question is: Are the gut bacteria also susceptible to phage infection? And, if so, what viruses are involved and which bacteria do they attack? These questions have not received much attention until now; they were the focus of recent research by Dr. Rotem Sorek of the Molecular Genetics Department. The findings recently appeared in Genome Research.

To investigate the viral population of the gut, the researchers had use of a surprising “catalog”: pieces of viral DNA that are stored in the immune systems of bacteria. The apparatus, called CRISPR, defends bacteria against viruses. When a virus gets inside a bacterial cell, CRISPR steals a small bit of the virus’s DNA and stores it in the part of its own genome that is designed specifically for this immune function. The next time the same virus infects the cell, its immune system will use the stored viral DNA to identify and destroy the invader, something like the way that antibodies work in the human body. For the scientists, these sequences lined up in the bacterial immune systems could be read as a sort of historical record of the viruses that have attacked the various gut bacteria.
Electron micrograph of bacteriophages Image: Dr Graham Beards, Wikimedia Commons
The research team, including then postdoctoral fellow Dr. Adi Stern and undergraduate student Eran Mick, began with a large database of the DNA sequences of gut bacteria taken from 124 people in Europe. After developing a computational method that helped them identify the immune segments in the bacterial genome, the scientists found more than 50,000 of these immune sequences. On the basis of these sequences, they were able to identify hundreds of previously unknown viruses that infect gut bacteria.

Besides giving researchers the largest collection of information to date on phages in the human gut, the team’s findings have yielded new insights on the relationships between gut bacteria, the viruses that infect them and the humans who host them. For example, the scientists discovered that large groups of people share the same viruses, and about 80% of the viruses the team identified were found in more than one person. A comparison with samples from Americans and Japanese showed that they, too, shared the same strains. Considering the wide variety of viruses generally found in nature, this is a surprising finding; the scientists believe it may be tied to fact that the gut is a closed environment.

Another finding was that viruses are sometimes inserted into the bacterial DNA in their entirety. Sorek: “Phages occasionally contribute to the bacteria genes for antibiotic resistance. In return, the bacteria host the phages’ DNA and pass it from person to person. It’s a tradeoff that has evolved to benefit both sides.”

A comprehensive database of phages and the gut bacteria they infect may have implications for research on human health. For instance, if a certain bacterium is known to provide protection against allergies, one could check the effects of the virus that attacks that bacterium. “The ultimate goal,” says Sorek, “would be to create a vaccine against that virus, which would help the bacterium. In other words, aiding the bacterial immune system could indirectly boost the human immune system.”

The good, the bad and the bacterium

In biology, as in archaeology, digging down from one layer to the next can completely change our view of reality. Thus a move from one layer of cellular regulation – DNA – to the next – RNA – revealed a whole array of differences between two related strains of bacteria that had previously been hidden. In addition, the comparison of RNA sequences in the two strains of Listeria – one of which causes a type of food poisoning and the other is harmless – uncovered a previously unknown mechanism for regulating the activation of Listeria genes. The findings appeared in Molecular Systems Biology.
Electron micrograph of Listeria
Dr. Rotem Sorek and his group – Omri Wurtzel, Dr. Iris Karunker-Hazan and Sarit Edelheit – used advance sequencing techniques to map all of the RNA for the two strains, but they actually focused on the sequences that don’t encode proteins. Though the two strains are highly similar, genetically, the team discovered a group of about 80 RNA sequences that exist in the disease-causing version but not in its “peace-loving” cousin. Now the researchers plan to check whether these sequences are responsible for the aggressiveness of the first strain.

In addition, the scientists discovered a unique pairing system in which each member of an RNA pair puts the brakes on the other. The researchers think that this system, which regulates both the activation and the silencing of genes in one mechanism, may be common in bacteria.
Dr. Rotem Sorek's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Phyllis and Joseph Gurwin Fund for Scientific Advancement; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Robert Rees Applied Research Fund; and the Alhadeff Research Award. Dr. Sorek is the incumbent of the Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Career Development Chair in Perpetuity.



Electron micrograph of bacteriophages Image: Dr Graham Beards, Wikimedia Commons
Life Sciences

Living Microprocessor Tunes in to Feedback



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) – tiny strands of non-protein-coding RNAs – start off as long strands of precursor miRNAs. These long strands get chopped up by a special kind of machinery, the “Microprocessor” complex, to transform them into their shorter functional form. The resulting miRNAs bind to messenger RNA (mRNAs) molecules, inhibiting their protein production capacity and thus regulating the levels of hundreds of different proteins.

But the Microprocessor complex can also cut up other forms of RNA, such as mRNAs, which sometimes generate a transient structure that resembles the target site of miRNAs. Cleaving the wrong RNAs could prove disastrous for the organism.

In a paper recently published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Dr. Eran Hornstein, Prof. Naama Barkai and former Ph.D. students Drs. Omer Barad and Mati Mann of the Molecular Genetics Department focus on understanding how the Microprocessor machinery balances the interplay between efficiency and specificity in the production of miRNAs. “On the one hand, it should not be overly efficient, as this may come at the cost of also cleaving unwanted nonspecific RNA substrates. On the other hand, it should not be too ‘picky’ because exaggerated specificity comes with the risk of not sufficiently processing genuine miRNAs,” says Hornstein.

In an interdisciplinary project, the scientists used mathematical modeling to characterize the Microprocessor system and then tested their theories in cells. They predicted that the balance between efficiency and specificity would be maintained via a feedback loop in which the Microprocessor detects the amount of precursor miRNA available in the cell and alters its own production accordingly.

Checking this premise in mouse and human tissue, the researchers were able to show that the Microprocessor is indeed attuned to levels of precursor miRNA, upping its own production if the cell is inundated with precursor miRNA, or halting production in response to a decrease in the flow of precursors. This is achieved by the digestion of Dgcr8 mRNA, which structurally mimics miRNA. By keeping levels in line with precursor miRNAs, the Microprocessor thus reduces its chances of chopping off-target RNAs.

Since small RNAs are produced synthetically as possible new therapies for a number of diseases, this research may direct efforts to efficiently produce such therapies in the future. In addition, many other biological systems need to balance efficiency with specificity, and the team’s findings suggest that many may do so in a similar way.
Dr. Eran Hornstein’s research is supported by Dr. Sidney Brenner and Friends; the Carolito Stiftung; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Nathan, Shirley, Philip and Charlene Vener New Scientist Fund; the estate of Fannie Sherr; the estate of Lola Asseof; Maria Halphen, France; the Julius and Ray Charlestein Foundation; the Legacy Heritage Fund; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the David and Fela Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Institute for Stem Cell Research; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Celia Benattar Memorial Fund for Juvenile Diabetes; the Fraida Foundation; and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust. Dr. Hornstein is the incumbent of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair.

Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; Lorna Greenberg Scherzer, Canada; the Carolito Stiftung; the European Research Council; the estate of Hilda Jacoby-Schaerf; and the estate of John Hunter. Prof. Barkai is the incumbent of the Lorna Greenberg Scherzer Professorial Chair.

Life Sciences

Rewriting DNA to Understand What it Says



Our ability to “read” DNA has made tremendous progress in the past few decades, but the ability to understand and alter the genetic code, that is, to “rewrite” the DNA-encoded instructions, has lagged behind. A new Weizmann Institute study advances our understanding of the genetic code: It proposes a way of effectively introducing numerous carefully planned DNA segments into genomes of living cells and of testing the effects of these changes. The study is being reported in the June issues of Nature Biotechnology and Nature Genetics.
Until now, changing the DNA sequence has been a slow and labor-intensive process. It took several weeks to alter just one DNA region at a time; testing the effects of each of these changes took even longer. In the new study, Weizmann Institute scientists have developed a technology that makes it possible to simultaneously introduce tens of thousands of DNA regions into tens of thousands of living cells – each region in a separate cell – in a planned and systematic manner, and to measure the results of each such change with great precision and within a single experiment.

“This fast method will significantly advance our ability to understand the ‘language’ of DNA,” says research team leader Prof. Eran Segal, of the Weizmann Institute’s Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Molecular Cell Biology Departments. “Reading out a person’s entire genome is already a manageable task, but what exactly is written in that genome? After all, a genome looks like a lengthy string of letters whose meaning is for the most part obscure. Just deciphering the DNA letters is like trying to understand a foreign language by listening to it being spoken. Our method will help us identify DNA ‘words’ and understand their meaning.”

Understanding what’s written in the DNA might help us interpret, among other things, how genotypic differences among people generate observable differences among them, from the way we look to the way our cells function. Thus, for example, it might be possible to clarify which genetic differences are responsible for the development of various diseases in certain individuals. The Weizmann Institute technology can also lead to improved genetic therapies based on introducing new genes or improved regulatory sequences into cells in order to repair genetic defects.
The relationship between gene activity and the number of binding sites for regulatory proteins in the gene’s control region. The red-green scale shows gene activity levels (red is high). Grey bars show the maximal level of gene activity achieved by each type of regulatory protein


In the present study, the scientists investigated a vital aspect of the DNA language: How the control of gene expression is encoded in the DNA – that is, the instructions determining the level of activity of each gene in the genetic code. Since gene activity levels have crucial effects on cell function, this question, considered one of the central in molecular biology, has been studied for decades. The new technology has enabled the scientists to isolate and test the effects of various parameters on gene activity levels: For example, how a gene’s activity level is affected by the gene’s distance from its regulatory sequence. The researchers have managed to elucidate how various parameters define the regulatory “language” and to demonstrate how deliberate changes in the genetic sequence affect these parameters in a way that alters the level of a gene’s activity in a predictable manner.

The new method consists of four steps that combine existing technologies in an innovative manner. The steps are: creation of 50,000 different genetic sequences on DNA chips; massive insertion of these sequences into cells at the same time; sorting the cells with the help of a sorting machine that senses the expression levels of a “reporter” gene; and high-throughput parallel DNA sequencing.

Taking part in the study were Weizmann Institute’s graduate students Eilon Sharon, Tali Raveh-Sadka and Michal Levo, research assistant Dr. Yael Kalma and research associate Dr. Adina Weinberger, as well as Dr. Zohar Yakhini from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and Agilent Laboratories, Santa Clara, California.
rewriting DNA illustration

Prof. Eran Segal’s research is supported by the Cecil and Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust; the Carolito Stiftung; the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; and the European Research Council.


rewriting DNA illustration
Life Sciences

Production Overshoot



Prof. Yosef Yarden, Dr. Wolfgang Köstler, Amit Zeisel and Prof. Eytan Domany



One person’s trash, they say, is another’s treasure. For Amit Zeisel, a research student in the group of Prof. Eytan Domany of the Physics of Complex Systems Department, and Dr. Wolfgang Köstler, an M.D. conducting Ph.D. research in the lab of Prof. Yosef Yarden of the Biological Regulation Department, reluctance to throw out seemingly useless information led to a revision in our understanding of how certain RNAs are produced in the cell.
Ongoing collaboration between the labs of Domany and Yarden has been revealing the timing of the production of messenger RNA (mRNA), the strands that carry the protein-making instructions encoded in the genes out of the cell nucleus. After the cell receives a signal to activate a series of genes, the different mRNA levels begin to rise in what appear to be coordinated steps, some peaking within half an hour, others after one or two hours. These signals and the ensuing mRNA production are the first steps of nearly all cellular activity, and understanding the timing – which mRNAs are produced right away and which peak only several hours later – is helping researchers to understand some of the most basic processes in health and disease, for instance, how cancer develops.

The new finding arose out of some previous research between the labs involving apparent waste in the process of mRNA production. Starting with the pre-mRNA – an exact transcript of the gene code “written” in the DNA – short sequences called exons are snipped out and spliced together, while the pieces in between, called introns, are left out of the final mRNA strand. For their study, Zeisel and Köstler were using a research tool that enables them to track those pieces – individual exons and introns – over time.
Each row represents one of 400 genes induced by an EGF signal. Red denotes high expression levels. The expression profiles reveal that pre-mRNA expression does not always match that of the mRNA. Genes marked by green exhibit production overshoot

The two were looking at variations in the exon splicing to see if certain versions might be tied to the timing of mRNA production.

Most researchers simply discount the introns; after all, it is only the exons that go into the final instruction list. Even though their study only involved exons, Zeisel and Köstler hit upon the idea that the intron information might come in handy and left some of it in the data sets. That is when the researchers noticed something surprising: The shape, height and timing of the production peaks they were seeing – which belonged to pre-mRNAs – looked quite different from those of the corresponding mRNAs.

The team realized that because introns are excluded from the mRNA, the accidental discovery presented a novel way of measuring pre-mRNA dynamics on a genome-wide level. The findings implied that pre-mRNA is produced on a different schedule than mRNA and not, as scientists had assumed, at the same rate. To check this idea, they conducted a carefully designed experiment using both introns and exons. Their results showed that in a number of cases, pre-mRNA levels spiked quickly – rising to a much higher level than the mRNA peaks that appeared later on – and fell off just as quickly.

Afterward, the team took their insight to other Institute research groups to see if the same pattern is found in different cell types and in different situations. And indeed, in the immune cells researched in the group of Prof. Steffen Jung as well as in the embryonic stem cells in the lab of Dr. Yoav Soen, certain RNAs exhibited patterns that were similar to those Yarden, Domany and their students had seen in their original experiment.
The scientists termed these early, high and narrow pre-mRNA peaks “production overshoot.” “We begin observing these cells as they receive a signal that initiates a particular chain of events,” explains Domany. If these cells suddenly need large amounts of a certain protein, a fast jumpstart in pre-mRNA production might get things moving.” He compares it to merging from a slow on-ramp into fast-moving freeway traffic: Instead of adjusting his foot on the gas to the level needed for cruising at the higher speed, a driver will put the pedal to the metal for a minute to get up to speed and then ease off again.
Pre-mRNA (red) and mRNA (blue) levels measured over several hours for a single gene show pre-mRNA production overshoot. The inferred time-dependent pre-mRNA production (green) and mRNA degradation (gold) profiles are also shown
In addition to challenging some previous assumptions about the steps in the process that leads to protein production, Domany points out that having a second “known” about this multi-step cellular activity can enable researchers to deduce other unknowns. For instance, if one knows the temporal profiles of both pre-mRNA and mRNA, one can calculate both the pre-mRNA production rate and the mRNA degradation rate. In fact, this finding is helping to paint a detailed picture of mRNA regulation. In that picture, pre-mRNA overproduction and the carefully timed degradation of the mRNA strand work together as a sort of combination gas-and-brake mechanism, adjusting its levels over time. Now, the team is adding an investigation of protein levels to their research, in hopes of obtaining a fuller picture of the entire procedure – from the instant the pre-mRNA is copied off the gene to the rolling of the proteins off the production line. And, they say, they have learned a valuable lesson: Don’t be surprised to find paradigm-changing information sitting right under your nose – in the discard pile.

Prof. Eytan Domany’s research is supported by the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell, which he heads; the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research - Weizmann Institute of Science Exchange Program; the Leir Charitable Foundations; and Mordechai Segal, Israel. Prof. Domany is the incumbent of the Henry J. Leir Professorial Chair.
Prof. Yosef Yarden’s research is supported by the European Research Council; the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; the Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Center, which he heads; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the Steven and Beverly Rubenstein Charitable Foundation, Inc.; Julie Charbonneau, Canada; and the Marvin Tanner Laboratory for Research on Cancer. Prof. Yarden is the incumbent of the Harold and Zelda Goldenberg Professorial Chair in Molecular Cell Biology.

Prof. Yosef Yarden, Dr. Wolfgang Köstler, Amit Zeisel and Prof. Eytan Domany
Life Sciences

Potential for Renewal


Standing: (l-r) Yoach Rais, Leehee Weinberger, Drs. Abed Mansour, Noa Novershtern and Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna, Sergey Viukov, Itay Maza and Mirie Zerbib. Sitting: (l-r) Dr. Ariel Pribluda, Vladislav Krupalnik, Gilad Beck, Ohad Gafni and Shay Geula













The potential of embryonic stem cells is almost unimaginably huge. From one undifferentiated cell, an entire organism composed of diverse and widely varied tissues and organs is created. Now, scientists are looking to expand the potential of these cells: As medical tools, they might be used to restore injured cells and tissues, and help to treat such genetic conditions as autoimmune diseases and degenerative nervous system disorders. “The main hurdle that stands in the way of medical embryonic stem cell application today is getting the stem cells to differentiate properly. We still don’t know how to reproduce that process efficiently, precisely and in quantity,” says Dr. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna, who recently joined the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department. In his new Institute lab, he and his research team will try to answer basic questions on the mechanics of stem cell differentiation and development, in hopes of advancing the use of stem cells in medicine. 

Embryonic stem cells are completely undifferentiated – that is, they have the potential to become any cell type. During embryonic development, they go through a series of developmental stages, and these are strictly regulated such that each decision on the way is perfectly timed and executed; mistakes in the process can spell disaster. For scientists, these cells are a research treasure, enabling them to reproduce entire developmental processes in a lab dish. Hanna grows them in various conditions, using genetic engineering and other methods to address the basic questions: How do embryonic stem cells preserve their potential to develop? How is regulation – complex, yet finely tuned – carried out during differentiation? How is the fateful decision – to differentiate or not to differentiate – reached? And what can experiments carried out in a lab dish tell us about the development of an embryo, especially a human embryo?

Colony of mouse embryonic stem cells, stained blue and green

Sending cells back in time

Another area of stem cell research that interests Hanna is a recent breakthrough: Several years ago, scientists demonstrated that mature, adult skin cells could be “sent back in time,” to return to their embryonic stem cell state. Surprisingly, this reprogramming was accomplished with the insertion of only four genes into the adult cell genome. Creating stem cells from adult cells solves various ethical problems inherent in using embryonic stem cells from human eggs or embryos. But there could be other advantages, as well. Patients with certain diseases could be treated with their own cells, avoiding the need for matching donors. Cells taken from a person with a genetic disease could be reprogrammed into stem cells; genetic engineering techniques would then be used to repair the genetic cause of the disease, and the renovated stem cells directed to undergo the required differentiation before being reimplanted in the patient.  
In his postdoctoral research, Hanna and his lab partners were the first to prove the feasibility of this method, showing it could cure sickle cell anemia in mice. In another investigation – into why reprogramming is successful in only a small percentage of adult cells – he found a number of “main switches” all of which must be turned on for the process to complete itself. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in transforming a cell from one type to another, Hanna plans to uncover the exact functions of these switches and find out why they are so important. Another approach, says Hanna, will be to investigate how an egg can easily do what scientists struggle to achieve: In the lab, it can reprogram adult cells to generate perfect embryonic stem cells.

In addition to the goal of unraveling the basic mechanisms of differentiation and development, and his longer-term aims in the field of regenerative medicine, Hanna says that stem cell research can supply new, sorely needed tools for research into human gene-based diseases, among them Type 1 diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. These diseases involve degeneration of the cells, making them hard to study. But Hanna plans to create stem cells from the adult cells of patients. He can then apply such genetic engineering methods as inserting or removing genes, or adding markers to create useful models for researching these diseases – hopefully opening up new pathways to developing treatments.  
Green-stained embryonic stem cell colony surrounded by differntiated neurons (red)

Award winning researcher


Dr. Jacob Hanna was born and raised in Rama, in the Galilee, into a family of doctors: His grandfather, father and three sisters are doctors. In keeping with the family tradition, he studied medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but found he was attracted to research, preferring hours in the lab to treating patients. “My uncle, a scientist who heads a pharmaceutical firm, was my influence and inspiration. This uncle was behind the development of the first antibody approved for the treatment of lymphoma.” In 2007, Hanna completed a combined MD/PhD program, magna cum laude. His postdoctoral research was carried out with Prof. Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research there won him a number of awards; among them, in 2010 he was named one of the 35 innovators under 35 by Technology Review. In 2011, he joined the Molecular Genetics faculty of the Weizmann Institute.

Hanna lives in Tel Aviv. Most of his free time is spent on his favorite hobby – scientific research. But in addition, he manages a Tel Aviv bar together with three good friends.         
Dr. Jacob Hanna's research is supported by the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, France/Israel; and the European Research Council.


Colony of mouse embryonic stem cells, stained blue and green
Life Sciences

The Price of a Sophisticated Immune System


Drs. Rotem Sorek and Adi Stern. Bacteria's Achilles heel


Can a bacterium get rheumatoid arthritis? Not quite, but new research at the Weizmann Institute of Science shows that bacteria can suffer from a type of autoimmune disease – one in which their immune system mistakenly attacks their own cells, just as it does in human autoimmune diseases. In the case of the bacterium, such disease can kill it or leave its immune system crippled.

In autoimmune disease, the immune system that clears the body of harmful invaders seems to get confused, identifying the body’s own proteins as foreign and attacking them. Nonetheless, the immune system is a necessity, even in bacteria: Viruses that infect and kill bacteria are abundant; without an immune system, bacteria would have become extinct. In the past, scientists had assumed that bacteria had only the crudest of immune systems to aid them in fighting viral infection – one that is set in the genes and passed on unchanged to further generations. Only recently was it discovered that many bacteria have a second, more sophisticated kind of immune system, known as an adaptive immune system because it can learn to fight a virus it has never encountered before.

“In fact,” says Dr. Rotem Sorek of the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, “the bacterial immune system seems to have an advantage over the human version of adaptive immunity, because it not only stores information on previous bouts of infection, as in humans, but also passes the immunity on to daughter cells in its genes. As opposed to human infants, whose adaptive immune system is more or less a blank slate at birth, new bacteria benefit from the experience of the parents’ illnesses.”

The bacterial adaptive immune system is much simpler than of its counterpart in humans, but the principle is similar: Identify certain molecular patterns of the invader and then generate antibodies that attack anything with a matching pattern. The bacteria accomplish this using a genetic system known by the acronym CRISPR. During the first encounter with an invading virus, CRISPR captures snippets of viral DNA and holds them in so-called “immunity cassettes” in the bacterial genome. In subsequent infections, the CRISPR system uses these cassettes to produce small RNA molecules that act as antibodies, binding to the viral genetic material and blocking the viruses from replicating. These DNA samples are kept “on file,” and new immunity cassettes are added in anticipation of future threats.

To understand the bacterial immune system, Dr. Adi Stern, a postdoctoral fellow in Sorek’s group, together with Sorek, analyzed existing data on thousands of CRISPR immune cassettes. What they saw took them by surprise: Every once in a while a bit of the bacterium’s own DNA, rather than that of a virus, showed up as an immunity cassette. After further analysis, they realized that capturing self-DNA in the immune cassette that was supposed to hold viral DNA was a mistake that had drastic consequences for the bacterium: Its own DNA came under autoimmune attack. “To survive,” says Sorek, “the bacteria ended up shutting down their adaptive immune systems. Their only other option was to die. We really didn’t expect to find this kind of disease – one we think of as affecting only higher animals – in bacteria.”

Sorek: “Clearly, there’s a cost to having a sophisticated immune system. Only about half of all bacteria have adaptive immune systems; we think the risk of autoimmune disease might be too high for some. This twist gives us a new perspective on the tangled evolution of infection and immunity: Viruses evolve rapidly to evade the adaptive immune system, which races to keep up. In this fierce competition, it becomes harder and harder to distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘other,’ and mistakes may be the natural consequence.”

“Our goal now,” adds Sorek, "is to understand how we might induce this autoimmunity in bacteria. If we manage to inflict autoimmunity on disease-causing bacteria, we will make them more vulnerable and help our bodies to clear them more easily. Ironically, we plan to use the defense mechanism of bacteria as a weapon against them. This opens an exciting window on the development of new antibiotics.”
Dr. Rotem Soreks research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Phyllis and Joseph Gurwin Fund for Scientific Advancement; and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Dr. Sorek is the incumbent of the Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Career Development Chair in Perpetuity.
Drs. Rotem Sorek and Adi Stern. Bacteria's Achilles heel
Life Sciences

Bio-Hep-B vaccine

Prof. Yosef Shaul
Prof. Yosef Shaul studies the processes by which viruses interact with cells. In particular, he has been able to define the molecular mechanisms employed by the hepatitis B virus.


Bio-Hep-B, a vaccine for hepatitis B based on Prof. Shaul's research, is produced by Biotechnology General and marketed in Israel; registrations in other countries are under way. Hepatitis B affects an estimated 150 million people in Africa and Asia.
Prof. Yosef Shaul
Life Sciences

Genetically Engineered Human SOD

Prof. Yoram Groner
Prof. Yoram Groner has led pioneering studies of chromosome 21. An extra copy of this chromosome causes Down syndrome. One of the genes on this chromosome carries the code for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, or SOD. Groner was the first to clone the human SOD gene and to produce a genetically engineered bacterium containing it.


Genetically engineered human SOD, manufactured based on Groner’s research, is now undergoing clinical trials. The goal: to prevent lung damage common in premature infants. The compound is produced by Biotechnology General in Kiryat Weizmann.
Prof. Yoram Groner
Life Sciences

Beta interferon drug for Multiple Sclerosis

Prof. Michel Revel
Prof. Michel Revel spent more than 30 years studying interferons, which play a key role in the immune system. In the late 1970s, he isolated the interferon-beta gene and designed several methods for producing the interferon-beta protein.


Beta interferon, a drug that alleviates certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis, is produced on the basis of Revel’s research. It is manufactured by InterPharm Laboratories Ltd. in Kiryat Weizmann under the name Rebif®.
Prof. Michel Revel
Life Sciences

How do Tiny RNA Molecules Call the Shots?




A pancreas containing two populations of cells. The red cells synthesize microRNAs while the green ones don’t. Image from the lab of Dr. Eran Hornstein




Until recently, RNA was known only as a long, single-stranded polymer of genetic material that shuttles the information encoded in the DNA across the nuclear membrane to the ribosomes, where it is translated into protein. Proteins, on the other hand, were thought to regulate all of the cell’s functions, including the gene-to-protein transition known collectively as gene expression. So the finding that short sequences of RNA block some RNA messengers – directly regulating gene expression – was not only surprising, it opened up whole new scientific fields. Since that discovery, scientists have found that these unconventional RNAs come in different shapes and sizes – the double-stranded small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for instance, or the tiny bits of single-stranded RNA that fold over on themselves known as microRNAs. This repertoire is still expanding, and siRNAs have since proven to be useful scientific tools, enabling researchers to precisely control the expression of a wide range of genes.

Yet much of small RNA activity is still mysterious and, according to scientists in the Faculty of Biochemistry, there are more surprises in store. For instance, Prof. Yuval Eshed is finding that even long-standing assumptions about how these RNAs are produced may need revision. His discovery of unique components in their biosynthesis pathway implies that not all siRNAs are created equal, and he now plans to find out what sets them apart. Dr. Eran Hornstein believes that microRNAs may be a missing factor in a number of baffling diseases. For example, he and his lab team created a mouse model of the degenerative motor neuron disease ALS by inactivating RNA pathways, and he is now identifying a set of microRNAs that maintains proper motor neuron function.

(l-r) Prof. Yuval Eshed and Dr. Eran Hornstein


Prof. Yuval Eshed is the incumbent of the Jacques Mimran Professorial Chair.

Dr. Eran Hornstein’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Center for Health Sciences funded by the Dwek Family Biomedical Research Fund and the Maria and Bernhard Zondek Hormone Research Fund; the Women’s Health Research Center funded by the Bennett-Pritzker Endowment Fund, the Marvelle Koffler Program for Breast Cancer Research, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Women’s Health Research Endowment, and the Oprah Winfrey Biomedical Research Fund; the Carolito Stiftung; the Fraida Foundation; the Legacy Heritage Fund; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; the estate of Florence Blau; and Charlene Vener, Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Hornstein is the incumbent of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair.

A pancreas containing two populations of cells. The red cells synthesize microRNAs while the green ones don’t. Image from the lab of Dr. Eran Hornstein
Life Sciences
