Double Trouble

Chromosome pairs: Does doubling them help or hurt? Image: Wikimedia commons
When we are under heavy stress, our reactions can sometimes be excessive, even if we know our actions carry a price. Once we have the time to stop and reflect, we are likely to come up with a more moderate solution. When a cell is exposed to harsh stress, it can also engage in a radical response involving the wholesale doubling of chromosomes. This mechanism is quick and effective, but it also comes at a heavy price for the cell. Recent Weizmann Institute research on yeast shows that stressed cells can behave like people: Given time, they are likely to adopt a different coping mechanism that is more specific, carries a lower cost and is more effective in the long run.

The change in chromosome numbers called aneuploidy has been well studied. In general, it results from an error taking place during cell division; when that mistake turns out to be to the cell’s advantage, it can be passed on to future generations. This “fast and dirty” response to environmental stress boosts the expression of most of the genes in the duplicated chromosome – including those that help the cell cope with stress. But there is also a great deal of waste: Cells must expend extra energy and resources on the extra genes, and so they develop more slowly and exhibit imbalances in their protein production schedules. In humans, aneuploidy in developing embryos can lead to miscarriages or, in the case of chromosome 21, to Down syndrome. Many tumor cells also have irregular numbers of chromosomes.

So is a non-standard number of chromosomes a “Dr. Jekyll” that helps cells survive stress or a “Mr. Hyde” that destroys them? This question, known as the aneuploidy paradox, is the subject of a long-standing scientific controversy.
(l-r) Dr. Orna Dahan, Avihu Yona and Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel
To approach the question, Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel and his team in the Molecular Genetics Department, including Avihu Yona and Dr. Orna Dahan, created an evolutionary process in the lab: For over a year, they grew baker’s yeast cells and followed their progress over thousands of generations. Though a year may seem a long time to watch yeast grow, it is a quick flash compared to the millions it takes for an organism to evolve in nature. The controlled experiment enabled the team to speed things up enough to observe the process of evolution instead of just viewing the end results. As the cells were exposed to heat or acidity – stress factors that acted as means of “natural” selection – the yeast adapted to survive. Every few generations, the researchers checked the genomes of their yeast, hoping to pinpoint the changes that contributed to their adaptation to the harsh conditions.

The results showed that the yeast adapted to heat by adding another copy of a certain chromosome. Growth in acidic conditions led to the doubling of a different chromosome. Clearly, the extra chromosomes were helping the yeast cells to improve their coping abilities in the face of the various stress factors. When the scientists tested cells with artificially inserted extra chromosomes and then exposed them to stress, these fared as well as the yeast that had evolved to do so in the lab.

But the scientists did not stop there: They continued to follow the evolution of the yeast cells as they kept growing and dividing. This persistence led the team to a surprising discovery: As time passed, the extra chromosome tended to disappear. In its place, new mechanisms arose that took longer to develop but were more focused and carried a lower cost to the cell. In particular, the expression of the genes for dealing with the stress remained as high as it had been with the extra chromosome. “The quick solution is not optimal, but in sudden, overwhelming stress conditions, it is worthwhile to the cell to pay the price,” says Pilpel. “When there is time to adapt, the cell will exchange that solution for another that is more precise.”

The research team demonstrated this principle by applying “gradual evolution” – worsening the yeast’s conditions slowly rather than all at once. Now, there was no aneuploidy, apparently because the yeast cells could take their time to adapt. In other words, says Pilpel, “The outcome depends on the pace of the evolutionary regime.”

The scientists believe that their findings may be relevant to understanding cancer, especially the ways in which cancer cells rid themselves of genetic mechanisms that suppress unchecked growth. For example, a cancer cell with a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene might double the damaged chromosome and then usurp the intact one, thus removing the “brakes” holding back cell division. Also, understanding how the coping ability of a cell is affected by extreme versus gradual environmental challenges might help doctors and biomedical researchers plan chemotherapy protocols in a way that will not encourage cancer cells to develop resistance.  
Prof.  Yitzhak Pilpel's research is supported by the Sharon Zuckerman Laboratory for Research in Systems Biology; the Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and Humanities; and the European Research Council. Prof. Pilpel is the incumbent of the Ben May Professorial Chair.

Chromosome pairs: Does doubling them help or hurt? Image: Wikimedia commons
Life Sciences

When the Network is Defective



Sculpture: Igor Mitoraj
About one in 4000 babies is born with DiGeorge syndrome, a congenital condition that causes various abnormalities, most often in the face and heart. This syndrome usually arises from the deletion of a small portion of chromosome 22, but strangely enough, the symptoms and severity vary greatly among individuals.  Facial defects can range from cleft palate or difficulty in eating or speaking, to mild muscle weakness on one side of the mouth; and heart defects can include deformities in the wall separating the chambers or misplaced aorta. Prof. Eldad Tzahor and research student Itamar Harel of the Institute’s Biological Regulation Department recently solved a piece of this puzzle by investigating the genetic network underlying this syndrome. Their findings appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Tzahor studies the developmental connection between the face and the heart. He has shown that at a certain stage in the early embryo, the cells that will give rise to parts of the heart as well as those that will form various facial muscles both originate in a common progenitor population in the mesoderm, an embryonic tissue that forms the heart, muscle, blood and skeleton. “It’s as though they all attend the same first grade class together,” says Tzahor, “and then move on to separate classrooms and different educational tracks.”
What genes are important for proper heart and head muscle development? Is more than one gene involved and, if so, how do they function together? Tzahor and Harel focused on transcription factors – proteins that bind to DNA and control the transcription (the first step in converting genetic information to proteins) of other genes. An initial screen for the factors that are active in these early mesoderm cells turned up some that were already associated with the development of these cells, as well as a new one called Lhx2. This transcription factor was known to be involved in other areas of development – including eyes, blood cells and hair follicles – but it had never been seen to play a role in heart or muscle development.


(l-r) Prof. Eldad Tzahor and Itamar Harel
Next, the researchers looked for the effects of these transcription factors in living organisms. In some of their mice, each of the main transcription factors they had identified was individually knocked out. But they also managed to create several “double knockout mice,” in which two of the genes were inactivated. When just one gene was knocked out, the team observed various DiGeorge-like deformities in the heart and facial muscles – some mild and some more severe. But when two were knocked out at the same time, the embryonic cells failed to “graduate to second grade,” and specific muscles and heart structures did not form.

Combining these results with other experimental approaches, Tzahor and Harel were able to create a general model of the interactions between the various transcription factors. This model suggests that the actions of any one gene may be less vital than the workings of the transcription factor network as a whole. It appears that several of the genes regulate one another, either by direct action or indirectly, through other factors. The upshot, according to Tzahor, is that at least some of the slack might be transferred to other transcription factors, making the network relatively robust: “If one of the nodes is missing, it may still be able to function with only relatively minor defects,” he says. Nonetheless, because this network is involved in the construction and fine-tuning of the heart and facial structures, the loss of one transcription factor might result in too little (or too much) transcription of other genes further down the line and “slip-ups” in the orchestration of the final design.
Sculpture: Igor Mitoraj
In addition to revealing the network of interactions that directs heart and face development, the findings can help medical researchers understand how the various facial and cardiac defects link up in DiGeorge syndrome. In some cases, for instance, a mild deformity in the facial muscles could be tied to a more serious heart defect, and a better understanding of the connection has clinical implications.

Harel stresses that the picture is still incomplete. A small subset of people with the symptoms of DiGeorge syndrome does not carry the chromosomal deletion. This has led the researchers to believe that in humans, other genes beyond this segment of chromosome 22 are involved in the process; the regulatory network revealed in the mouse model also hints at this probability. Searching for such genes in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) is under way: Researchers are comparing the genomes of healthy people with those of the group who do not have the deletion but suffer from the syndrome, to identify genetic variants that might be involved.

This work was conducted together with Drs. Roi Avraham and Ariel Rinon of the Institute’s Biological Regulation Department, and Dr. Julius (Teddy) Hegesh of the Chaim Sheba Medical Center; as well as researchers from the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, Canada; Oregon State University; the Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK; Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel; the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai; and Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville.

Prof. Eldad Tzahor's research is supported by the Adelis Foundation; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; the European Research Council; the estate of Fannie Sherr; and the estate of Jack Gitlitz.
Sculpture: Igor Mitoraj
Life Sciences

The Gene Control Hierarchy

Dr. Ido Amit
About 90% of the mutations that cause disease occur in short regulatory segments of the genome that sit next to the genes and determine whether a particular gene will be turned on, where and how strongly.
A research team led by Dr. Ido Amit of the Weizmann Institute Immunology Department, together with scientists from the Broad Institute in Massachusetts, including Manuel Garber, Nir Yosef and Aviv Regev, and Nir Friedman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, developed an advanced, automated system for mapping these sites, and then used it to uncover important principles of how these regulatory elements function. This system enabled a small team of researchers to produce results that rival the efforts of huge scientific consortiums, in a relatively short period of time.

Among other things, their study, which appeared recently in Molecular Cell, revealed that the actions of these regulatory factors can be neatly classified into three levels in a sort of regulatory hierarchy. In the bottom tier are those factors that create the rough divisions into main cell types by directing cell differentiation. These factors are the “basic identity” guides that can, on their own, determine whether a cell will have the characteristics of a muscle cell, a nerve cell, etc. On the second tier are the regulatory factors that determine a cell’s sub-identity, which they do by controlling the strength of a gene’s expression. These factors are in charge of producing closely-related sub-types, for instance, muscle fibers that are either smooth or striated, or closely-related immune cells. Regulatory factors in the third tier are even more specialized: They only affect the expression of certain genes that are called into action in response to signals from outside the cell: bacterial invasion, hormones, hunger pangs, etc.

Amit: “The new method for mapping the gene’s regulatory plan may open new vistas for investigating all sorts of biological processes, including the system failures that occur in disease.”
Dr. Ido Amit's research is supported by the Abramson Family Center for Young Scientists; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; Sam Revusky, Canada; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; Drs. Herbert and Esther Hecht, Beverly Hills, CA; the estate of Ernst and Anni Deutsch; and the estate of Irwin Mandel.

Dr. Ido Amit
Life Sciences

Immune Cells’ Flexible Choices



Dr. Nir Friedman
One of the mechanisms used by the immune system to cope with the huge variety of possible threats from viruses, bacteria and cancerous cells is to randomly combine DNA segments for the production of receptors on lymphocytes – a type of white blood cell. The number of possible receptors is almost inconceivably large – a one followed by 15 zeroes. Yet some receptors are produced at a higher rate than mere chance would dictate. New research at the Weizmann Institute can help explain how the immune system maintains its complexity while giving preference to certain receptors.

The research team headed by Dr. Nir Friedman, including postdoctoral fellows Drs. Wilfred Ndifon and Hilah Gal, together with Prof. Ruth Arnon and Dr. Rina Aharoni, all of the Immunology Department, looked at the DNA sequences in T lymphocytes for the receptors that identify disease agents. The genetic sequences encoding these receptors are each composed of three random DNA segments – something like the random lineups in a slot machine. Each of those segments is taken from a different area of the lymphocyte cell genome, and each area has a full “menu” of segments to choose from. To assemble the sequence, the DNA strand folds, bringing a segment from the first area close to those in the second and third areas. The sequence is then cut and pasted together and the excess bits of DNA in between discarded, thus creating a new and unique genetic sequence for the receptors in each lymphocyte cell.

In a study that appeared recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the team used a system they developed, based on advanced high-throughput sequencing techniques, to investigate the genetic sequences of an entire array of lymphocyte receptors in mice. With this “panoramic view,” the researchers were able to assess how widespread each receptor was and even to suggest a reason for their uneven distribution. It appears that the secret is in the pieces of DNA that eventually get discarded: Both the length of these segments and their flexibility – a function of the protein “packaging” that gives them their shape – determine how likely it is that two distant segments will meet.

The researchers then looked at small groups of individuals – up to five – to see if they could find common lymphocyte receptor sequences among them. Surprisingly, the team discovered that a group of five was more likely to all share a common sequence than were smaller sub-groups. That may seem like saying there is a higher chance of winning at the slot machine five times in a row than just twice.  But the scientists can explain: The common sequences may be situated in the genome in such a way that they are more likely to be integrated into the receptor sequences. These may have been selected by evolution for their ability to fight common disease agents or prevent autoimmune disease.

Prof. Ruth Arnon's research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Dr. Nir Friedman's research is supported by the Victor Pastor Fund for Cellular Disease Research; the Abraham and Sonia Rochlin Foundation; the Adelis Foundation; the Norman E. Alexander Family Foundation; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; the Crown Endowment Fund for Immunological Research; the estate of John Hunter; and the estate of Suzy Knoll. Dr. Friedman is the incumbent of the Pauline Recanati Career Development Chair.




Dr. Nir Friedman
Life Sciences

Uncovering the Genome’s Regulatory Code



Since the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, all our genes – around 20,000 in total – have been identified. But much is still unknown – for instance where and when each is active. Next to each gene sits a short DNA segment, and the activity of this regulatory segment determines whether the gene will be turned on, where and how strongly. These short regulatory segments are as – if not more – important than the genes, themselves. Indeed, 90% of the mutations that cause disease occur in these regulatory areas. They are responsible for the proper development of tissues and organs, determining, for instance, that eye cells – and only eye cells – contain light receptors, while only pancreatic cells function to produce insulin. Clearly, a deeper understanding of this regulatory system – its mechanisms and possibilities for malfunction – may lead to advances in biomedical research, especially in developing targeted therapies for individual patients.

In spite of their importance, the “regulatory code” is not well understood. To address this problem, a research team led by Dr. Ido Amit of the Weizmann Institute Immunology Department, together with scientists from the Broad Institute in Massachusetts, including Manuel Garber, Nir Yosef and Aviv Regev, and Nir Friedman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, developed an advanced, automated system for mapping these sites, and then used this system to uncover important principles how these regulatory elements function. Among other things, their study, which appeared in Molecular Cell, revealed a hierarchical structure for the regulatory code. By mapping a large number of regulatory factors, the team succeeded in revealing an overall plan for gene regulation as well as the intimate details of the mechanisms involved in the immune response.

“We are seeing a race to map the regulatory code and uncover its ties to disease and human variation that is reminiscent of the race to sequence the human genome,” says Amit. “But until now, participants have faced a serious hurdle: The process used for the past 30 years to map regulatory elements has been complicated, complex and labor-intensive, requiring huge scientific consortiums. With the new method, just a handful of researchers were able to conduct a study on a similar scale to the mega-team ones, and in a fraction of the time.”
Regulatory factor hierarchy: The highest level (top) determines a cell’s basic identity; the second (middle) shapes its properties; the third (bottom) activates genes according to changing conditions
Their highly efficient, automated method enabled Amit and his team to measure a large number of regulatory proteins and their binding sites in parallel. They exposed immune cells to bacteria – setting the stage for gene activation – and then traced the actions of several dozen different regulatory proteins known to play a role in the immune response over four points in time. Not only were the researchers able to identify the binding locations of each and the genes they activate, but the levels of activation and the mechanisms employed.

One of their more significant findings was that the actions of these regulatory factors can be neatly classified into three levels in a sort of regulatory hierarchy. In the bottom tier are those factors that create the rough divisions into main cell types by directing cell differentiation. These factors are the “basic identity” guides that can, on their own, determine whether a cell will have the characteristics of a muscle cell, a nerve cell, etc. On the second tier are the regulatory factors that determine a cell’s sub-identity, which they do by controlling the strength of a gene’s expression. These factors are in charge of producing closely-related sub-types, for instance, muscle fibers that are either smooth or striated, or closely-related immune cells. Regulatory factors in the third tier are even more specialized: They only affect the expression of certain genes that are called into action in response to signals from outside the cell – bacterial invaders, hormones, hunger pangs, etc.

The hope is that understanding the ins and outs of the regulatory code will help researchers to understand and predict how diseases arise and progress due to malfunctions in regulatory mechanisms. In the future, understanding the regulatory program may lead to advances in rehabilitative medicine. Regulatory mechanisms could be used to redirect the differentiation of a patient’s cells, which could then be reimplanted, thus avoiding the problems inherent in using donor cells.

Amit: “The new method for mapping the gene’s regulatory plan may open new vistas for investigating all sorts of biological processes, including the system failures that occur in disease.”

Dr. Ido Amit’s research is supported by the Abramson Family Center for Young Scientists; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; Sam Revusky, Canada; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; Drs. Herbert and Esther Hecht, Beverly Hills, CA; the estate of Ernst and Anni Deutsch; and the estate of Irwin Mandel.
Regulatory factor hierarchy: The highest level (top) determines a cell’s basic identity; the second (middle) shapes its properties; the third (bottom) activates genes according to changing conditions
Life Sciences

Back to the Future


(l-r) Drs. Jacob Hanna and Noa Novershtern, Ohad Gafni and Dr. Abed Mansour



Time travel is still science fiction. But several years ago, Japanese scientists managed to send human cells back in time, to a very early stage of development. They took adult cells that were differentiated – at the end of their developmental road – and turned them into stem cells. These stem cells were nearly identical to embryonic stem cells – cells that have not yet “specialized,” and thus have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. The technique for creating these so-called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) consisted of reprogramming them by inserting just four genes into the cell. Ideally, iPSCs could be used to treat a range of diseases, while bypassing the ethical and technical issues involved in using embryonic stem cells from fertilized eggs. But that promise is unmet, at this point, in part because the success rate of the reprogramming is still too low.

“The reprogramming process is basically a black box,” says Dr. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna of the Molecular Genetics Department. “We insert four genes into the cell, wait two weeks, and if all goes well we get stem cells. But we still don’t know exactly what is happening inside those cells.” A study recently conducted by Hanna and his research team has shed some light on that black box. Their findings, which appeared in Nature, reveal the function of a key enzyme that helps activate the iPSC genetic program.

To understand how adult cells can become stem cells, one must understand what makes one cell different from another: Certain combinations of genes in each cell are expressed while others are silenced. Patterns of gene expression and silencing, in turn, depend on the way that the genetic material is packaged: Exposed genes can be expressed while those that are tightly packed away don’t get used in that particular cell. The effect of the reprogramming is to change that packaging. Some of the genes that were previously exposed get packed away, while others are removed from their packaging so they can be expressed.

How do those packaging changes occur? To find out, the research team, including Drs. Noa Novershtern and Abed Mansour, and Ohad Gafni, created cells with random mutations and inserted the four reprogramming genes into them. They then looked for those cells in which the reprogramming process did not succeed, on the assumption that the mutations would tell them which genes in the cell are essential for reprogramming. In this way, they discovered an enzyme whose activities are crucial for genetic repackaging. Utx, as the enzyme is called, is activated by the reprogramming genes, and it works together with them to expose hundreds of genes that get expressed in the embryonic cell program. In adult cells, these genes are normally so well packaged that they are completely and totally silenced.
Embryonic stem cells (marked in green fluorescent protein) that should become sex cells, in which the gene encoding Utx is not present. Each column shows a gene needed for sex cell development (top row – marked in red, purple and orange). After 12 days (bottom row) the expression of the four genes has stopped and, rather than develop into sperm or ova, the stem cells die


Of course, Utx is not just waiting around the cell for a scientist to come along and produce iPSCs. To reveal its natural function, the scientists created genetically engineered mice that do not produce the enzyme. They were surprised to find that these mice were sterile. Probing further, they discovered the reason: Utx appears to be necessary for producing sex cells – sperm or eggs – in the developing embryo. On second thought, says Hanna, the finding is not all that surprising, because this process also involves a sort of developmental turning back of the clock: “To become sex cells, certain embryonic cells at a certain stage of development – after they have already begun to differentiate – need to ‘regress’ and go back to a stem cell state. The genetic program of such sex cells is very similar to that of the reprogrammed stem cells: In both cases, it is the Utx enzyme that paves the way for this regression. For this reason, our findings may have relevance for research on fertility and the search for infertility treatments.”

Understanding the details of cell reprogramming and identifying where things can go wrong may enable researchers to improve the reprogramming success rate – thus advancing the use of iPSC technology for biomedical and research applications. As an added bonus, it should advance our understanding of developmental processes. Hanna: “We succeeded in locating an important crossroads in embryonic development – that in which sex cells are created. Changes in the embryo – especially in the early stages of development – are quite difficult to investigate as they are rapid and dramatic, leaving researchers a very small window of opportunity for observation. We hope to use the insight we have gained to open more of those windows.”
Dr. Jacob Hanna’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, France/Israel; the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; Erica A. Drake and Robert Drake; and the European Research Council.




Embryonic stem cells (marked in green fluorescent protein) that should become sex cells, in which the gene encoding Utx is not present. Each column shows a gene needed for sex cell development (top row – marked in red, purple and orange). After 12 days (bottom row) the expression of the four genes has stopped and, rather than develop into sperm or ova, the stem cells die
Life Sciences

Switches for Stem Cells

(l-r) Prof. Eytan Domany, Dr. Jacob Hanna, Rita Versterman, Gilad Fuchs and Prof. Moshe Oren
Stem cells hold great promise for the medicine of the future, but they can also be a cause of disease. When these self-renewing, unspecialized cells fail to differentiate into diverse cell types, they can start dividing uncontrollably, leading to cancer. A Weizmann Institute-led study, published in Molecular Cell, reveals a potential molecular mechanism behind this link.

The scientists managed to uncover the details of a step in the process of DNA “repackaging” that takes place during embryonic stem cell differentiation. It turns out that for the cells to differentiate properly, certain pieces of the packaging of their DNA must be labeled by a molecular tag called ubiquitin. The researchers identified two switches: An enzyme called RNF20 enhances the tagging, whereas a second enzyme, USP44, does the opposite, shutting it down. They found that both these switches must operate properly for the differentiation process to proceed efficiently. When the scientists interfered with the tagging – either by disabling the “ON” switch RNF20, or by deregulating the activity of the “OFF” switch USP44 – the stem cells failed to differentiate.
These experiments might explain the significance of molecular defects identified in a number of cancers, for example, the abnormally low levels of RNF20 in certain breast and prostate cancers, and the excess of USP44 in certain leukemias. 
Stem cells (alkaline phosphatase staining) from the lab of Dr. Jacob Hanna
This research was led by Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, with Prof. Eytan Domany of the Physics of Complex Systems Department and Dr. Jacob Hanna of the Molecular Genetics Department. The team included Weizmann Institute’s Gilad Fuchs, Efrat Shema, Rita Vesterman, Eran Kotler, Sylvia Wilder, Lior Golomb, Ariel Pribluda and Ester Feldmesser, as well as Zohar Wolchinsky of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Feng Zhang and Xiaochun Yu of the University of Michigan in the US, Mahmood Haj-Yahya and Ashraf Brik of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and Daniel Aberdam of the Technion and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis in France.
Prof. Eytan Domany’s research is supported by the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell, which he heads; the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research - Weizmann Institute of Science Exchange Program; the Leir Charitable Foundations; and Mordechai Segal, Israel. Prof. Domany is the incumbent of the Henry J. Leir Professorial Chair.
Dr. Jacob Hanna’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, France/Israel; the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; Erica A. Drake and Robert Drake; and the European Research Council.

Prof. Moshe Oren’s research is supported by the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; the Robert Bosch Foundation; the estate of Harold Z. Novak; and the European Research Council. Prof. Oren is the incumbent of the Andre Lwoff Professorial Chair in Molecular Biology.
Stem cells (alkaline phosphatase staining) from the lab of Dr. Jacob Hanna
Life Sciences

Adapting on the Fly

Inherited expression levels of the resistance gene (green) and the native gene (red), shown in the stomachs of unchallenged larva (left), challenged larva (center) and unchallenged larval offspring of challenged larvae, eight generations later (right)


The survival of a species depends in large part on the organisms’ ability to adapt to stressful environmental challenges – for instance, changes in temperature, variations in food supply or pollution. Such adaptations develop over evolutionary timescales as a result of repeated exposures to the environment. But what about rare or extreme events, in which there is not enough time to evolve an adaptive response?

Evidence suggests that certain changes in development can be inherited through so-called epigenetic mechanisms – influences on gene regulation that do not involve a change in the host genome and therefore would not require evolutionary timescales. Do such epigenetic changes – ones that result from short-term environmental pressures – persist across multiple generations? This question, says Dr. Yoav Soen of the Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department, is rarely addressed.
Dr. Yoav Soen
Soen, together with Ph.D. student Shay Stern and Dr. Yael Fridmann Sirkis of the Biological Chemistry Department, and Dr. Erez Braun of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, devised a strategy to investigate these issues. To model exposure to an unforeseen environmental challenge, they exposed developing fruit flies to arbitrarily determined patterns of harmful stress across the flies’ tissues, supplementing their food with a toxic drug not normally encountered by flies. The researchers engineered these flies to have a resistance (‘antidote’) gene that was controlled by particular choices of developmental promoters. (Promoters are pieces of DNA that regulate the activation of specific genes.) Because these promoters had not evolved to deal with the drug, there was no effective program already in place for coping with the challenge. Thus the scientists could test how the flies’ systems would handle the situation and whether this could influence the development of their offspring.

The results, recently published in Cell Reports, show that the survival of flies equipped with the resistance gene depended on how well the promoter controlled that gene (up to 100% survival for one of the promoters). The scientists were also able to uncover part of the mechanism leading to the flies’ survival: Exposure to the toxin repressed a group of genes called Polycomb, whose job is to prevent developmental promoters from being activated in the “wrong” tissues. This repression of the Polycomb system “unlocked” its hold on the promoters, which were then activated outside of their usual tissues. This, in turn, modified the development of the organism. Part of this response was indeed inherited by the fruit flies' offspring, who displayed similar developmental changes even though they were not exposed to the toxic drug. Unlike evolutionary changes, however, these epigenetic modifications were not stable; successive offspring reverted to the species’ original developmental characteristics after several generations.
An adult fly that was challenged during development (left) compared with an unchallenged fly (right)


Further experiments – in which different types of stressors are applied to different stages of development – would be needed to determine the scope and extent of this type of heritable epigenetic change. If the environment can induce epigenetic changes that are stable enough, this might enable diversification, thus influencing the evolution of gene regulation.
Dr. Yoav Soen’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Dr. Soen is the incumbent of the Daniel E. Koshland Sr. Career Development Chair.
Inherited expression levels of the resistance gene (green) and the native gene (red), shown in the stomachs of unchallenged larva (left), challenged larva (center) and unchallenged larval offspring of challenged larvae, eight generations later (right)
Life Sciences

A Cellular Microprocessor Keeps Its Cool



Dr. Eran Hornstein
Microprocessors – at least in the cell – are complexes that chop active, non-protein-coding strands called microRNAs (miRNA) out of longer, inactive precursor miRNA strands. These functional miRNAs regulate protein production by inhibiting the capacity of the RNAs that do code for proteins.

Dr. Eran Hornstein, Prof. Naama Barkai and former Ph.D. students Drs. Omer Barad and Mati Mann of the Molecular Genetics Department asked how the Microprocessor complex manages to cut the right precursor miRNA strands and avoid cutting other forms of RNA that may present similar structures to those targeted by the chopping machinery. In research that appeared in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, they used both mathematical modeling and experiments in cells to show how the Microprocessor machinery balances the interplay between efficiency and specificity in the production of miRNAs.
“On the one hand, it should not be overly specific, as this may come at the cost of also cleaving unwanted nonspecific RNA substrates. On the other hand, it should not be too ‘picky’ because of the risk that this will result in insufficient efficiency at processing genuine miRNAs,” says Hornstein.

They predicted that the balance between efficiency and specificity would be maintained via a feedback loop in which the Microprocessor detects the amount of precursor miRNA available in the cell and alters its own production accordingly. After checking in mouse and human tissue, they found that the Microprocessor is indeed attuned to levels of precursor miRNA, upping its own production if the cell is inundated with precursor miRNA, or halting production in response to a decrease in the flow of precursors.
Since small RNAs are produced synthetically as possible new therapies for a number of diseases, this research may direct efforts toward efficiently producing such therapies in the future. In addition, many other biological systems need to balance efficiency with specificity, and the team’s findings suggest that many may do so in a similar way.
Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Azrieli Institute for Systems Biology, which she heads; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; Lorna Greenberg Scherzer, Canada; the Carolito Stiftung; the European Research Council; the estate of Hilda Jacoby-Schaerf; and the estate of John Hunter. Prof. Barkai is the incumbent of the Lorna Greenberg Scherzer Professorial Chair.
Dr. Eran Hornstein’s research is supported by Dr. Sidney Brenner and Friends; the Carolito Stiftung; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Nathan, Shirley, Philip and Charlene Vener New Scientist Fund; the estate of Fannie Sherr; the estate of Lola Asseof; Maria Halphen, France; the Julius and Ray Charlestein Foundation; the Legacy Heritage Fund; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the David and Fela Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Institute for Stem Cell Research; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Celia Benattar Memorial Fund for Juvenile Diabetes; the Fraida Foundation; and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust. Dr. Hornstein is the incumbent of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair.
Life Sciences

Judging DNA by Its Cover



Stem cells hold great promise for the medicine of the future, but they can also be a cause of disease. When these self-renewing, unspecialized cells fail to differentiate into diverse cell types, they can start dividing uncontrollably, leading to cancer. Already several decades ago, Weizmann Institute scientists were among the first to demonstrate the link between cancer and the faulty differentiation of stem cells. Now a new Weizmann Institute-led study, published in Molecular Cell, reveals a potential molecular mechanism behind this link.

The scientists managed to uncover the details of a step in the process of DNA “repackaging” that takes place during embryonic stem cell differentiation. It turns out that for the cells to differentiate properly, certain pieces of the packaging of their DNA must be labeled by a molecular tag called ubiquitin. Such tagging is required for turning on a group of particularly long genes, which enable the stem cell to differentiate. The researchers identified two switches: An enzyme called RNF20 enhances the tagging, whereas a second enzyme, USP44, does the opposite, shutting it down. Furthermore, it appears that both these switches must operate properly for the differentiation process to proceed efficiently. When the scientists interfered with the tagging – either by disabling the “ON” switch RNF20, or by deregulating the activity of the “OFF” switch USP44 – the stem cells failed to differentiate.

These experiments might explain the significance of molecular defects identified in a number of cancers, for example, the abnormally low levels of RNF20 in certain breast and prostate cancers and the excess of USP44 in certain leukemias. Notably, faulty differentiation of stem cells is often a hallmark of the more aggressive forms of cancer. This research was led by Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, with Prof. Eytan Domany of the Physics of Complex Systems Department and Dr. Jacob Hanna of the Molecular Genetics Department. The team included Weizmann Institute’s Gilad Fuchs, Efrat Shema, Rita Vesterman, Eran Kotler, Sylvia Wilder, Lior Golomb, Ariel Pribluda and Ester Feldmesser, as well as Zohar Wolchinsky of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology; Feng Zhang and Xiaochun Yu of the University of Michigan in the US; Mahmood Haj-Yahya and Ashraf Brik of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and Daniel Aberdam of the Technion and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis in France.

This study belongs to a relatively new direction in cancer research: Rather than focusing on the genes involved, it highlights the role of epigenetics – that is, processes that do not modify the gene code, itself, but affect the way its information is interpreted within the cell. Understanding the epigenetic roots of cancer will advance the search for effective therapies for this disease.
Prof. Eytan Domany’s research is supported by the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell, which he heads; the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research - Weizmann Institute of Science Exchange Program; the Leir Charitable Foundations; and Mordechai Segal, Israel. Prof. Domany is the incumbent of the Henry J. Leir Professorial Chair.

Dr. Jacob Hanna’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, France/Israel; the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; Erica A. Drake and Robert Drake; and the European Research Council.
Prof. Moshe Oren’s research is supported by the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; the Robert Bosch Foundation; the estate of Harold Z. Novak; and the European Research Council. Prof. Oren is the incumbent of the Andre Lwoff Professorial Chair in Molecular Biology.
Life Sciences
