The Secrets of Hybrid Vigor


Yeast gene correlations reveal hybrid vigor secret



Hybrids fascinated Charles Darwin, supplying him with intriguing clues into the evolution of species. Now Weizmann Institute scientists are using hybrid organisms to investigate the genetic machinery of evolution.
Prof. Naama Barkai of the Molecular Genetics Department, Prof. Avraham Levy of the Plant Sciences Department, and research students Itay Tirosh and Sharon Reikhav focused on differences in gene expression between species.
In a study published in Science, the researchers found that hybrid yeast fit Darwin’s description of organisms that gain in crossbreeding – they grew faster than either parent yeast. One theory for hybrid vigor is based on the fact that two types of DNA sequences affecting gene expression can complement each other: sequences called “cis,” which are physically linked to the gene, and those called “trans,” located elsewhere in the genome. In certain crosses, a strong cis in a gene inherited from one parent might be combined with the strong trans of the gene inherited from the other parent, leading to extra gene expression. And that’s exactly what the researchers found: an especially high level of expression for certain genes.
The mechanisms for novel patterns of gene expression in hybrids may explain why they can be phenotypically different from either parent. Although hybrids are mostly sterile, several species do not rely solely on sexual reproduction, and genome hybridity is one way to rapidly gain new traits. Levy: “We are interested in applying the lessons from yeast to bread wheat, a species that contains different genomes merged into the same nucleus.”
Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Kahn Foundation; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Carolito Stiftung; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; the PW-Iris Foundation; and the PW-Jani. M Research Fund.
Prof. Avraham Levy is the incumbent of the Gilbert de Botton Professorial Chair of Plant Sciences.
Correlations between various “cis” and “trans” effects on gene expression, under different conditions. The correlations range from high (red) to low (blue)
Life Sciences

Built to Fold

Embedded in the genome is yet another code made up of two-letter signals that repeat themselves periodically.
Discovered in 2006 by Dr. Eran Segal of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department and his group, this code appears at intervals of 10 base pairs (the “letters” of the genetic code) in certain DNA sequences. It facilitates the bending of segments of about 150 base pairs into protein-DNA complexes called nucleosomes – neat, spherical beads strung on the DNA strand.
Two new studies by his group, which appeared recently in Nature and Nature Genetics, provide evidence that this code is universal, from yeast to humans, and that it helps to shape those organisms and streamline the process of gene expression. The group, including research students Noam Kaplan and Yair Field, along with Yaniv Lubling, carried out this research in collaboration with the groups of Jonathan Widom at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Jason Lieb at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Tim Hughes at the University of Toronto. “In the 2006 study, we worked with several hundred DNA sequences. Today, with new advances in technology, we can test something like 10 million,” says Segal.
In the second study, Segal and his team revisited previous Institute research from the group of Prof. Naama Barkai of the Molecular Genetics Department. They discovered that differences in gene expression are tied to changes in the placement of nucleosomes, which, in turn, might constitute a previously unidentified genetic mechanism for achieving change across evolution.
Dr. Eran Segal’s research is supported by the Chais Family Fellows Program for New Scientists; the Hana and Julius Rosen Fund; and the Cecil and Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust.
Life Sciences

Of Microbes and Men


Dr. Rotem Sorek. revealing natrual antibioticsDr. Rotem Sorek, who recently joined the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, believes humans have a great deal to learn from microbes: These microscopic creatures have inhabited our planet for twice as long as the more advanced organisms – fungi, plants and animals, including humans – and are exceptionally good at adapting themselves to new surroundings.

Sorek suggests that by revealing the microbes’ secrets, scientists can discover entirely new biological systems and learn to turn various microbial strategies to human advantage – vital research in light of the upsurge in antibiotic-resistant diseases.

One possible way of countering microbial drug resistance could rely on “natural antibiotics” – proteins naturally produced by bacteria in order to kill other microorganisms. During his postdoctoral studies at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California, Sorek invented an ingenious method for rapidly discovering hundreds of such killer proteins. By doing so, he turned an information gap – one previously considered a nuisance – into a research goldmine.

In order to decipher microbial genomes, scientists first break up their DNA into manageable segments. They then insert these segments into a strain of E. coli – a type of bacteria used as a standard research tool – in order to duplicate them; the different segments are then assembled to “read out” the full genome. Puzzlingly, this process always leaves gaps in the genome. Sorek, however, realized that the gaps occurred because certain DNA segments contain genes that could kill bacteria, and these genes destroyed the E. coli in which they were supposed to be duplicated. He designed a computational method to “read” the missing DNA segments and with them, the killer genes.

In his new lab, Sorek further develops and applies his method. In one project, he investigates a system that bacteria use to defend themselves against viruses. An improved understanding of this system could help devise effective means of protecting industrially beneficial bacteria, such as those in yogurt, against viral attack. Sorek also studies the possibility of reversing the activity of this bacterial "immune" system, causing harmful bacteria to self-destruct.

Sorek's research could lead to the design of more precise DNA chips for genetic studies, reveal how bacteria evolve and clarify how the activity of their genes is controlled – advances that, in turn, could enable researchers to manipulate bacterial genomes for the benefit of humans. 

Patent Success

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1975, Dr. Sorek pursued his undergraduate and graduate studies at Tel Aviv University. During this period he worked for five years at Compugen, Ltd., a leading Israeli biotechnical firm. After conducting postdoctoral research in the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, he joined the Weizmann Institute faculty as a senior scientist in 2008. He is a co-holder of nine patent applications and has received numerous honors, including the 2008 Sir Charles Clore Prize. His wife, Zohar, earned her Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute under the guidance of Prof. Jacob Anglister and now conducts postdoctoral research in his lab. The couple live in Rehovot with their four-year-old son Uri. Sorek’s hobbies include windsurfing and mountain biking.

Dr. Rotem Sorek's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; and the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize.
Dr. Rotem Sorek. Reading between the lines
Life Sciences

Crisis Management

Prof. Adi Kimchi and Noa Liberman. alternative protein translation


Desperate times require extreme measures. Cells that find themselves in desperate situations stop the continuous production of non-essential proteins and go on to an alternate “emergency footing,” in which only the “disaster response” proteins that the cell needs to face the immediate crisis are generated.

In a crisis, either the survival skills of the cell are shored up or, if the damage to the cell is so great as to be irreparable, a mechanism for committing cell suicide, called apoptosis, is turned on. Some of the proteins involved in either response – apoptosis or cell survival – carry a special tag called IRES that gives them access to an alternate mechanism for translating genetic information into proteins – one that’s separate from the cell’s normal translation machinery. In this way, the cell can still produce certain proteins – even in an extreme situation in which the normal mechanisms have shut down.

Scientists had assumed that the emergency footing and its attendant activation of the emergency response genes would be declared only in times of distress. But a study by Weizmann Institute scientists is challenging that assumption, showing that the emergency administration is also active during “peacetime,” working in parallel to the normal one. The team, headed by Prof. Adi Kimchi of the Molecular Genetics Department, reported some surprising results in an article that recently appeared in Molecular Cell: Two of the genes that play a role in the cell cycle and in cell survival are actively turned on by the emergency mechanism – in addition to the everyday mechanism – even when the cells are under no stress whatsoever.

A few years ago, Kimchi had isolated a gene called DAP5 that encodes a protein tied to the emergency regime. In another study, conducted with research student Sivan Henis-Korenblit, she found that the DAP5 protein binds to IRES tags and thus regulates the emergency gene translation system. For the present study, Kimchi and her students Noa Liberman and Lea Marash created cells that don’t produce DAP5. To their surprise, they found that their cells were suffering an unusually high suicide rate, even in non-stressful conditions. They were even more surprised to find that these deaths were taking place at a specific stage in the cell life cycle – during cell division. The scientists realized that DAP5 must function to avert the chain of events leading to cell death in healthy cells.

To investigate further, the research team scanned around 200 genes known to be involved in the cell cycle and in its programmed death mechanisms, seeking those that interact with DAP5, as well as changes occuring in other proteins when DAP5 is missing. They identified two genes – one that is known to be active during cell division and is important for cell survival at this stage, and another that is known to hinder apoptosis and also to play a role in cancer. These two genes carry the “identity tag” – the IRES – that allows them to use the emergency translation mechanism.

Finding the cells’ emergency response team and its overseer DAP5 working in times of peace and quiet raises a new set of questions for the researchers: Do the emergency regime and the regular, daily administration of the cell run things in parallel, or do they alternate? What do the cells gain by maintaining both types of management? Kimchi and her team plan to continue investigating this alternative system, specifically asking which genes are activated when, how various conditions affect the system and what logic underlies its existence.   

Prof. Adi Kimchi’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research. Prof. Kimchi is the incumbent of the Helena Rubinstein Professorial Chair in Cancer Research for Outstanding Women Scientists.


(l-r) Prof. Adi Kimchi and Noa Liberman. Working in parallel
Life Sciences

Good Migrations


Prof. Orly Reiner. Nerve Cells on the Move










One of the most fascinating aspects of embryonic development is the formation of the brain: Billions of newborn brain cells migrate to precise locations, where they begin sending out extensions and establishing connections – eventually creating the command and control apparatus that allows us to move, think and feel. Disruptions in these formative processes can lead to such disorders as schizophrenia, degenerative brain diseases and lissencephaly, or “smooth brain,” which causes severe mental retardation and premature death.

Prof. Orly Reiner of the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department searches for the genes responsible for brain development. She has recently focused on a gene called Par1, which makes an enzyme that regulates the shape and hardiness of nerve cell structures. In research reported in the Journal of Neuroscience, Reiner showed that the Par1 enzyme actively controls the migration of nerve cells in the course of embryonic development, and that its presence in the right amount is critical to the formation of normal brain structure.

In the first stage of the research, Dr. Tamar Sapir and students Sivan Sapoznik, Danit Finkelshtein and Anat Shmueli, and lab technician Talia Levy, working in Reiner’s lab, sought to check what happens when Par1 activity in the brain of the developing embryo is blocked. They injected short RNA molecules into the brains of embryonic mice that were designed to attach themselves to the Par1 gene and prevent it from making an active enzyme. In addition, the scientists equipped the cells with a gene manufacturing a fluorescent material that acts as a beacon, enabling them to track the cells’ migration.

The researchers discovered that blocking the Par1 gene delayed the migration of nerve cells. Whereas in the control mice these cells reached the outer layer of the cortex, in the mice that had their Par1 gene silenced, the nerve cells got “stuck” partway through their journey. The cells stopped short at a well-defined location – precisely the juncture at which they normally undergo structural changes.

Next, the scientists rescued the stuck nerve cells by introducing new copies of the Par1 gene using genetic engineering methods. The “rescue” worked only when the dose was precise: Excessive gene concentrations led to the creation of malformed, rounded cells that lacked the normal nerve cell extensions.

In an additional series of experiments, the researchers checked how exactly Par1 affects cell migration. Apparently, the gene regulates the stability of the cell’s supportive framework, the cytoskeleton. When Par1 is blocked, the cytoskeleton stiffens, making it difficult for the cell to move. In particular, the centrosome, the cytoskeleton’s central structure, which normally drives the cell forward, slows down and loses its precise sense of direction.

“Cell migration and structural changes are interconnected processes,” says Reiner. “Our findings indicate that Par1 links them together by exerting dual control – over the direction of the cell movement and the dynamics of the cell skeleton.” Reiner hopes that a deeper understanding of nerve cell migration will, in the future, help advance the treatment of diseases caused by faulty neurons. Such understanding, for example, could be crucial for developing therapies based on injecting healthy nerve cells into the sick brain and directing the cells precisely to the damaged area.   

Prof. Orly Reiner’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Kekst Family Center for Medical Genetics; the David and Fela Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; and the PW-Iris Foundation. Prof. Reiner is the incumbent of the Bernstein-Mason Chair of Neurochemistry.

Prof. Orly Reiner. In the right measure
Life Sciences

Taking Risks

Prof. Naama Barkai. Experiment in evolution
Every time a scientist embarks on a new experiment, he or she is taking a chance: The results are never known in advance, and all possibilities are open. Nature, in this sense, is a great laboratory; the forces of evolution are continually taking chances on their experiments with living organisms.
Cells can be thought of as basic subjects for evolution’s experiments: Changes in a tiny molecule here or there can have far-reaching, unpredictable consequences for the cell, and for the organism as a whole. Scientists, as well, have often adopted cells as their subject matter and, through their research, they are discovering how the rules governing experimentation in nature have evolved over the millennia.
Prof. Naama Barkai and her research team in the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, for example, have revealed a principle that evolution uses in designing experiments. The stakes are often high: A failed experiment in the cell can mean death for the organism, while a successful one can give the organism an edge in the survival game. In this light, it’s not too surprising that some genes have hardly been touched by evolution – they’ve been conserved from single-celled yeast through plants and worms right up to humans – while others have been changed many times over. Clearly, the conserved genes have some basic, universal function for life, and rearranging them for the sake of an experiment would have drastic consequences for the organism. But how does evolution “decide” which genes to conserve and which can be test cases for change? How are the genes that need to be conserved spared the constant fiddling that affects their neighbors in nature’s lab?
The scientists found that genes have evolved a sort of labeling system that can indicate the level of risk associated with making changes in the expression of a particular gene. The label is a short sequence of letters in the gene code, TATA, which is found in the promoter regions where the genes are activated. A gene that displays a TATA box in its promoter is more likely to have evolved its expression – a signal that it’s open to taking a risk on experimentation.
That risk, say the researchers, can be calculated very much like a financial “risk distribution law,” which is based on the cost of an error. If that cost is high, the investor will be less willing to take a risk, even if the chances of an error are low. Conversely, a low cost for an error, even if there’s a good chance one will be made, will make the investment – or the experiment – more attractive.
Evolution sometimes performs a more drastic experiment on living cells: The whole genome is doubled. In a second line of research, Barkai and her team compared two species of yeast. One of these species had undergone genome doubling millions of years ago, a feat that profoundly affected the yeast’s lifestyle: It gained the ability to grow and thrive without oxygen. To uncover the connection between such a change in gene expression and lifestyle, the scientists singled out and compared 50 genes that are involved in oxygen use in both yeast species. They discovered one gene segment – a bit that regulates the expression of the other oxygen-processing genes – that had changed in the course of the gene doubling. This small change, because it affected so many other genes, dramatically altered the oxygen requirements of the yeast.
The payoff for this natural experiment is open to interpretation: It probably allowed this type of yeast to expand into new environmental niches, giving it an advantage over its sister species in places where oxygen was scarce. In the future, changing environmental conditions might again favor one over the other, or they might support the survival of yet other species that are still to come out of the great, ongoing experiment called evolution.   
Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Carolito Stiftung; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; and the PW-Iris Foundation.

Innovation Prize

A sort of risk distribution law often seems to apply to the grant approval and funding processes in science. All too often, grants are given to research proposals that entail minimal risk: Even though the gains may be proportionately small, chances are the research will yield the expected results. In contrast, scientists engaging in research that is “high-risk, high-gain,” may not even be able to define the expected outcome of a particular line of research to the satisfaction of a grants committee, much less offer guaranteed results for the money.
Nonetheless, true leaps in science are more likely to come out of research that explores the truly unknown or attacks a question from a completely new angle, with few prior clues as to what that research will yield. To encourage scientists who undertake high-risk, high-gain research, the Weizmann Institute, together with the Kimmel family, have come up with a promising concept: Fund the exceptional scientist, rather than the specific research. To this end, they created the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation.
This past  November, Prof. Naama Barkai became the first recipient of this annual award. She receives one million dollars, spread over five years, to continue to research wherever her curiosity leads her.
Prof. Naama Barkai. Willing to experiment
Life Sciences

Found in Translation


Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel and Orna Man. synonymous codons

When translating from one language to another, a translator must often weigh synonyms: Will the meaning change if the word "convert" is used instead of "transform," or "influence" rather than "effect?" Translation takes place in the living cell as well, when the coded instructions copied from the genes are converted into proteins. The synonyms in this sort of translation, however, are to be found in the original content: Every amino acid – one of the "words" that are strung together to make a protein "sentence" – can be translated from one of several alternate DNA sequences that code for it.
The code for a single amino acid is a three-letter DNA sequence called a codon. There are 64 triplet combinations of the four letters in the gene code, but only 20 amino acids, so that a number of different codons encode for the same amino acid. Until now, scientists have largely assumed that mutations that exchange one of these synonymous codons for another – so-called silent mutations – would not have any effect on the organism, as the resulting protein is the same.
Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel of the Molecular Genetics Department and research student Orna Man, who also works under the guidance of Prof. Joel Sussman of the Structural Biology Department, thought that, like literary synonyms, the differences between these codons might be real, though subtle. In recent years, scientists have come to understand that differences in the gene code are only part of what separates one organism from the next. Much research into these differences has focused on the first stage of genetic activity, when a complex interplay of regulators controls which coded instructions for protein production will be copied, as well as when, where, and in what amounts. But Pilpel and Man thought that other factors might also come into play, and decided to investigate the codon sequences.
In research that recently appeared in Nature Genetics, the scientists showed that the choice of codon used to produce an amino acid does, indeed, influence the traits of the organism as a whole. Different codons, it seems, do their work more or less quickly, and with greater or lower efficiency.
What causes these differences? Pilpel and Man found that the reasons can be traced to a molecule called transfer RNA (tRNA). TRNAs are the work crew of protein construction: For each codon there is a corresponding tRNA molecule that "reads" the code during translation and lugs the proper amino acid over to the growing protein chain. But some tRNA molecules are more commonly available than others; it seems that the more common the tRNA for a particular codon, the faster and more efficient the translation process.
The researchers tested this idea in nine species of yeast, in which they identified 2,800 shared genes. Using their data on codons, they then calculated how efficiently these genes are translated into proteins in each species. Their findings showed that differences in codon sequence can add up to large variations in translation efficiency, and that these variations are tied to dissimilar traits in the different species. Thus, for instance, aerobic yeast cells – those that need oxygen to produce energy – were very efficient at translating the genes needed for utilizing oxygen, whereas anaerobic yeasts – those that don't use oxygen – preferred greater efficiency in other genes needed for their lifestyle. Pilpel: "Each lifestyle requires the expression of some genes to be elevated over others. These genes are probably more likely, through the forces of natural selection, to include the codons that are translated more efficiently."
Further research may show that exchanges of one synonymous codon for another may have widespread effects on function in living beings. In particular, silent mutations may play an as yet unexplored role in certain genetic diseases.
Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel's research is supported by the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Center for Molecular Genetics; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; the Ben May Charitable Trust; the Dr. Ernst Nathan Fund for Biomedical Research; the Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Endowed Biomedical Research fund; and Mr. Walter Strauss, Switzerland. Dr. Pilpel is the incumbent of the Aser Rothstein Career Development Chair of Genetic Diseases.
Charting the Bureaucracy
We depend on bureaucracy to keep our society functioning smoothly: Committees spring up to regulate the work of ministries, which in turn regulate departments and organizations, and so on. It turns out that the genome has also evolved a multi-level hierarchy for managing its activities. In the genome, this regulatory network has developed into a finely tuned, highly responsive mechanism for keeping the right genes turned on at the right time.
Gene regulation begins with the transcription factors – proteins that initiate the copying of the gene code for protein production onto the RNA. In later stages of regulation, the messenger RNA (mRNA) that ferries these instructions out of the nucleus to the cells' protein factories can be stopped, either en route or after protein production is under way. One agent of this "gene silencing" is microRNA – a short segment of non-coding RNA that identifies the target mRNA and blocks it or activates its destruction.
To get an idea of the regulatory network's "organizational chart," Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel, Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, their joint research student Reut Shalgi, and Daniel Lieber performed sophisticated computational analysis on data for interactions between thousands of genes and hundreds of micro-RNAs and transcription factors. The scientists investigated the network as a whole and also looked for smaller structures embedded within the larger network. These "motifs" – combinations of network elements that repeatedly appear together – contained some important clues as to how the organization functions.
One type of motif involved two microRNAs working in concert to silence a gene or set of genes. This, says Pilpel, may enable the cell to base its decisions on the input from two different sources.
In another type of motif, transcription factors paired up with microRNAs. The transcription factor-microRNA correlations they identified showed up again when they looked at levels of these molecules in specific tissues and organs, and they believe such motifs may have special significance in regulating embryonic development. "The tight coordination of gene activation with gene silencing might involve a sort of delay mechanism that shuts off protein production at a preset time after it's begun," says Shalgi.
This research has revealed a system in which proteins and microRNAs closely communicate and work together to keep the process of gene expression in tune. It may have special significance for studies in developmental biology, as well as for the investigation of diseases in which complexes of genes play a role.
Life Sciences

Zoning Code

(l-r) Yair Field and Dr. Eran Segal. Code for packaging


The most familiar image of DNA, the basic material of heredity, is that of two long strands of genetic “letters” strung together and twisted around each other in the famous double helix. But inside the cell nucleus, this double strand, which reaches over a meter in length when stretched out, is compressed into neat parcels. This DNA packaging is more than just a way of maintaining tidiness in the cell nucleus – it keeps much of our DNA locked away, preventing it from being easily copied.
The DNA strand is first packaged into “stackable” units called nucleosomes, each about 150 base pairs in length (base pairs being the “letters” that make up the genetic sequence), which are compressed into tiny spheres around proteins. The nucleosomes are strung, bead-like, along the entire chromosome, separated by free areas of about 20 base pairs. The precise location of the nucleosomes along the double strand plays an important role in the cell’s day-to-day function: Access to nucleosome-wrapped DNA is blocked for many proteins, including those responsible for some of life’s most basic processes. Among these excluded proteins are factors that initiate DNA replication, the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA and the repair of damaged DNA. In other words, the positioning of nucleosomes limits the genetic segments in which these processes can take place to the brief nucleosome-free areas.
What determines how and where a nucleosome will be positioned along the DNA sequence? Scientists have disagreed for years whether the placement of nucleosomes in live cells is controlled by the genetic sequence itself. In an article published recently in Nature, Dr. Eran Segal and research student Yair Field of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department of the Weizmann Institute proved that the DNA sequence indeed encodes “zoning” – that is, information on where to place nucleosomes. They managed, together with colleagues from Northwestern University in Illinois, to crack the genetic code that sets the rules for where on the DNA strand the nucleosomes will be situated. After they successfully characterized this code, they were able to accurately predict a large number of nucleosome positions in yeast cells, purely on the basis of the DNA sequence. 
Segal and his colleagues accomplished this by examining around 200 different nucleosome sites on the DNA and asking whether their sequences had anything in common. Mathematical analysis revealed similarities between the nucleosome-bound sequences and eventually uncovered a specific “code word.” This “code word” consists of a periodic signal that appears every 10 bases on the sequence. The regular repetition of this signal helps the DNA segment to bend sharply into the spherical shape required to form a nucleosome. To identify this nucleosome positioning code, the research team used probabilistic models to characterize the sequences bound by nucleosomes; they then developed a computer algorithm to predict the organization of nucleosomes along an entire chromosome.
The team’s findings provided insight into another mystery that has long puzzled molecular bio-logists: How do cells direct the proteins that regulate genetic processes to their intended sites on the DNA, rather than to the many similar, but functionally irrelevant sites along the genomic sequence? The short binding sites do not themselves contain enough information for these proteins to discern among them. The scientists showed that basic information on the functional relevance of a binding site is at least partially written into the nucleosome code: The intended sites are found in nucleosome-free segments, thereby allowing them to be accessed by the proteins. In contrast, spurious binding sites with identical structures that could potentially sidetrack these proteins are conveniently situated in segments that form nucleosomes, and are thus mostly inaccessible. 
Since the packaging proteins that form the core of the nucleosome are among the most highly conserved throughout evolution, the scientists believe that the genetic code they identified should be found in many organisms, including humans. Several diseases, among them cancer, are typically accompanied or caused by mutations in the DNA, and such mutational processes may be influenced by the relative accessibility of the DNA to various proteins and by the organization of the DNA in the cell nucleus. The scientists believe, therefore, that the nucleosome positioning code they discovered may significantly aid researchers in their attempts to understand the mechanisms underlying many diseases.  
For Segal, the fact that computational modeling methods were crucial to these findings may have major implications for further research: “Often, a model yields insights that, in hindsight, could have been obtained by simple statistical analysis. In this work, our modeling approach played a key role in the discovery. It was only after we devised and applied our algorithm that we were able to obtain the biological insights that led to making successful predictions and proving that genomes do indeed encode, at least in part, nucleosome positions.”    
Dr. Eran Segal’s research is supported by the Willner Family Leadership Institute for the Weizmann Institute  of Science; the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Charitable Fund; and the Estelle Funk Foundation.

 Illustration of the nucleosome-DNA interaction model: Specific base pairs (AA, TT or TA) are repeated every 10 base pairs, while another base pair, GC, is repeated separately, but at the same 10 base-pair periodicity in nucleosome-bound segments of DNA. (Turquoise and purple represent DNA; cental structure shows half the protein core of the nucleosome)



Chromatin (DNA plus packaging proteins) structure is increasingly condensed at every level of packaging, from the nucleosome (second row) up to the entire chromosome (bottom row)





(l-r) Yair Field and Dr. Eran Segal. Code for packaging
Life Sciences

Tolerance for Typos

Prof. Zvi Livneh and his team. Error-prone repair
A typo might change the whole meaning of an essay or, more likely, pass unnoticed. Add more typos, and chances are greater that the meaning will be skewed. In our cells, these “typos” are mutations – genetic mistakes in DNA, the material of heredity. If the instructions contained in the DNA become distorted through mutation, the result could be cancer. But the body can’t afford to consign every potentially cancerous cell to the bin. Just as readers might tolerate a few typos, as long as the meaning is clear, our bodies have evolved ways to ignore some mutations. In fact, scientists have begun to realize that mechanisms allowing some mutations to be carried over to the next generation of cells might be an effective strategy for preventing cancer. 
How does the body decide when and where to ignore mutations? The answer begins with the steps leading up to cell division. Before a cell can divide, it needs to make an extra copy of its DNA. An enzyme called DNA polymerase travels along one strand of the double-stranded molecule, reading each bit of genetic material and copying as it goes along, creating new DNA that will be passed on to the daughter cell. This enzyme can be a stickler for accuracy – if it runs into damage from radiation or exposure to harmful substances on the DNA strand, it can stop in its tracks, unable to continue copying. A stoppage of this sort spells death for the cell. A second type of DNA polymerase, however, can be called in to finish the job. This enzyme is more “careless” and can improvise when it hits a snag. “Error-prone DNA repair,” as it’s called, is based on a compromise: The cell lives, but at the price of allowing the genetic mutation to be carried over in cell division. 
To minimize the number of potentially harmful mutations, the body has no fewer than ten different “careless” enzymes. Although this may seem counterintuitive – more careless enzymes would seem to imply more mutations – each of these enzymes is tailored to deal with certain specific types of DNA damage. This specialization is what keeps the level of mutation, and thus the cancer risk, low. But the existence of this variety of specialist enzymes implies precise regulation of the system. The question is:  What keeps copying by careless enzymes under control, so as to prevent an unhealthy proliferation of mutations? 
Prof. Zvi Livneh and research student Sharon Avkin, along with research student Leanne Toube and Dr. Ziv Sevilya, all of the Biological Chemistry Department, Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department and two American colleagues, recently discovered a security mechanism that prevents just such proliferation. This mechanism allows the right enzyme to go to work – but only at the right time and only if it’s needed. The main components of the system are two proteins known as p53 and p21. One of the best-studied proteins around, p53 was even named “molecule of the year” by Science magazine a few years back, because of its starring role in reining in cancer processes in the cell. In the security mechanism, it seems to act as a sort of supervisor, keeping the careless enzymes in check. When the functioning of p53 or its sidekick, p21, was impaired in the team’s experiments, the activities of the careless enzymes tended to go into overdrive, and more mutations ensued.
The nuts and bolts of the mechanism include a sort of molecular clamp that holds the DNA polymerase onto the DNA strand and a small molecule called ubiquitin. When the copying enzyme encounters a problem, the ubiquitin attaches to the clamp. This small molecule, in turn, anchors one of the careless enzymes to the clamp. Meanwhile, p53 is alerted to the damage and causes p21 to be created. It is the p21 that facilitates the changeover from one to the other; it clears the stalled DNA polymerase out of the way and helps to fasten the ubiquitin in place so that the replacement enzyme can get to work. The scientists believe that by carrying out only “authorized” switches, these two molecules keep a tight rein on the number of error-prone repairs.  
Carelessness, in other words, may be tolerable, but only if it’s kept in check. With the judicious use of “careless” enzymes, the body maintains its balance – allowing cells to get on with their lives, while keeping mutations to a minimum.   
Prof. Zvi Livneh’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Dr. Josef Cohn Minerva Center for Biomembrane Research; the J & R Center for Scientific Research; the Levine Institute of Applied Science; and the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute.


Tolerance for Typos

(l-r) Sharon Avkin, Leanne Toube, Prof. Zvi Livneh and Dr. Ziv Sevilya. Healthy compromise
Life Sciences

Living Digitally


Dr. Uri Alon. Digital methods

Digital technology may well be the most significant advance of our time. But, as a team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute has shown, computers and DVD players have nothing on living cells, which have their own built-in digital systems.

Dr. Uri Alon, of the Molecular Cell Biology and Physics of Complex Systems Departments, along with team members Dr. Galit Lahav Shenhar, Nitzan Rosenfeld, Alex Sigal and Naama Geva-Zatorsky, discovered the phenomenon while investigating what is possibly the most researched protein ever - the tumor suppressor p53. Produced in the cell when DNA is damaged, p53 plays a role both in DNA repair and in a “self-destruct” command that switches on in the cell when damage is too great, preventing it from turning cancerous.

Probing the life cycle of this useful protein, the team saw, to their surprise, that p53 appears and disappears in regular, identical peaks, or pulses. This rhythmic pattern was completely at odds with previous findings suggesting that p53 is churned out in ever-increasing amounts as more damage is inflicted on the DNA. Each pulse recorded by the team involved the same amount of the protein and lasted for the same length of time (approximately five hours). When the amount of damage to DNA was increased, additional pulses ensued, but the size and duration of each remained stable. These pulses are like the tiny bits of information on a digital compact disk, which encodes sound using only two discrete possibilities: on or off. This is in contrast to analog-based technologies, which use the physical aspects of material to represent information, depicting it as changing continuously over time and space - similar to the grooves in a phonograph record, whose variations in depth generate ascending and descending tones.

“Digital technology has clear advantages over analog-based devices, in that it stands up well to a certain amount of noise and component imperfection, and is easier to manipulate. The cell may have evolved digital methods for similar reasons,” says Alon.

How did Alon and his team manage to observe this phenomenon, which literally thousands of others had missed? The answer lies in their non-conventional approach. Almost all previous studies of the dynamics of proteins like p53 have been done on material extracted from a large number of cells. Such studies give an average result over an entire cell population. In contrast, the Weizmann team decided to go after specific proteins in their natural setting, inside the walls of individual cells.

To accomplish this feat they applied a recent advance in genetic engineering, in which a segment of a jellyfish gene that encodes for bright fluorescent colors is inserted into the gene for the protein studied, thereby producing glowing protein molecules that can be easily distinguished under the microscope.

The p53 protein was colored with a cyan fluorescing marker, and MDM2 - another protein, responsible for dismantling p53 - was marked with yellow.

“The time-lapse sequence looked like a traffic light, with lights shining cyan, then yellow, then cyan. There was no mistaking that we were seeing something out of the ordinary,” says Alon.

Alon and his group plan to continue researching p53 and MDM2 in single cells, as they believe that the method may provide answers to some long-standing questions, such as how p53 mediates the switch from repair to suicide mode. Their findings are also important for others studying protein dynamics: “If we found one digital system, it’s likely there are others. We showed there are some phenomena that can be seen only by looking inside individual living cells,” says Alon.


Nights in the lab


Dr. Galit Lahav Shenhar, who created and led this project, was in charge of collecting the data using the fluorescence microscope. Because the cellular processes studied are relatively slow, the research required repeated 16-hour vigils, with cell photos taken every 15 minutes. “At that time, the system had to be refocused for each frame.

My lab partners were very supportive,” says Lahav. “Even my boyfriend (now husband), who is not a biologist, learned to work the microscope so I could get a few hours rest in the afternoon and come back to work until two or three in the morning. It was monotonous work, but the excitement of what we had discovered spurred me on. We might have thought our method was flawed, since the results were so unexpected, but Uri taught us to trust what we see, not what we expect to see.” The team now has a fully automated microscope, developed by Prof. Zvi Kam of the Molecular Cell Biology Department and computer scientist Yuvalal Liron, making the new generation of experiments much easier to perform.

Dr. Alon’s research is supported by the Charpak-Vered Visiting Fellowship, Canada; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Yad Abraham Research Center for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy; the Estate of Ernst and Anni Deutsch, Lichtenstein; the Leon and Gina Fromer Philanthropic Fund; the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.; the James and Ilene Nathan Charitable Directed Fund; the Harry M. Ringel Memorial Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Segal, Israel .


Dr. Uri Alon. Cell circuits
Life Sciences
