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Alternative Energy

Dr. Boris Rybtchinski.

The future of solar energy might lie in light-absorbing paints

(l-r) Iris Margalit, Dr. Ilit Cohen-Ofri, Dr. Joanna Grzyb, Dr. Dror Noy and Dr. Jebasinga Tennyson. Custom-built proteins

Dr. Dror Noy plans to apply lessons from living plants to create better fuels

Prof. Daniel Zajfman, President, Weizmann Institute of Science

Climate change, global resource management, energy use, pollution control: There is an enormous need for an array of innovative...

What We Are Doing About: Alternative Energy
Creating environmentally friendly fuel from trash might be the ultimate recycling feat
Going for Green
Institute scientists are advancing the search for better fuel
Illustration: multidisciplinary research towards sustainable energy
With new initiative, the Insitute is going full steam ahead in the global effort to create a greener future
Prof. Yitzhak Maron. Creating a hot, dense plasma

How does one harness a tiger to a shopping cart? Contain explosive energy in a bottle? And why do it?
