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Cell differentiation


A preventive procedure, performed on healthy mice, improved their recovery from later-occurring cardiac injury, reshaping our knowledge of...

Stem cell cultures

Manipulating an enzyme might be key to culturing cells for transplantation or other treatments

stem state infographic

The path from stem cell to mature adult cell is not a one-way street

Left column: Previous method for creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs); right column: iPSCs produced with the new method developed by Dr. Hanna. Top: Skin cells (red); center: iPSCs from skin cells (green); bottom: superimposed top and center images. Skin cells that have been reprogrammed into iPSCs appear light yellow. Only a small percentage of the cells on the left have been reprogrammed, in contrast with the high success rate seen with the new method on the right

Weizmann Institute scientists show that removing one protein from adult cells enables them to efficiently turn back the clock to a stem-cell-like...

Dr. Lilach Gilboa. The nature of the niche

The ovaries of fruit fly larvae hold clues to basic principles of development, stem cells and cancer

(l-r) Elisha Nathan, Ariel Rinon, Libbat Tirosh and Dr. Eldad Tzahor. Heart and face
Heart and face muscles have a surprising common origin
Dr. Eldad Tzahor. Molecular crosstalk
A young cell’s neighbors help it decide what to be
Muscle-Bound Cells
For most of us, building up muscle comes from long hours at the gym. A recent study by Dr. Talila Volk of...