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Jacob Hanna

Stem cell colony with cells in the process of differentiation; from the lab of Dr. Jacob Hanna

Before anything else, a stem cell must first put the brakes on its “stem-cell” program

Clusters of human embryonic stem cells that were differentiated to an early germ cell (PGC) state (colored cells). Each color reveals the expression of a different gene. (l-r) NANOS3, NANOG, OCT4 and, on the right, all three combined in a single image

A cell programming technique developed at the Weizmann Institute turns them into the earliest...

(l-r) Drs. Maya Schuldiner and Jacob Hanna
Two young scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Drs. Maya Schuldiner and Jacob Hanna, are among 40 world-leading...
Dr. Yaqub (Jacob) Hanna

Dr. Yaqub (Jacob) Hanna has been elected as a Member of the Israel Young Academy

New Stem Cells Go Back Further

Scientists isolate new human pluripotent stem cells capable of generating “humanized” mouse models containing human-derived tissues

Left column: Previous method for creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs); right column: iPSCs produced with the new method developed by Dr. Hanna. Top: Skin cells (red); center: iPSCs from skin cells (green); bottom: superimposed top and center images. Skin cells that have been reprogrammed into iPSCs appear light yellow. Only a small percentage of the cells on the left have been reprogrammed, in contrast with the high success rate seen with the new method on the right

Weizmann Institute scientists show that removing one protein from adult cells enables them to efficiently turn back the clock to a stem-cell-like...
