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Organic Chemistry

Left: Natural control mechanism blocks the enzyme's zinc active site. Right: Novel antibody works as effectively as the natural control mechanism
A synthetic molecule causes a useful immune response in mice
Scientist in the Service of Israel: The Life and Times of Ernst David Bergmann (1903-1975)

A new biography tells the extraordinary story of the Institute’s first scientific director

Left: Natural control mechanism blocks the enzyme's zinc active site. Right: Novel antibody works as effectively as the natural control mechanism

Institute scientist  “trick” the body into blocking an enzyme that abets disease processes

(l-r) Standing: Dr. Haim Weissman, Dr. Boris Rybtchinski, Elisha Krieg. Sitting: Dr. Eyal Shimoni and Elijah Shirman. Flexible bonds

“Water-hating” molecules that stick together can create changeable, environmentally-friendly materials.

Prof. David Milstein

Prof. David Milstein is the recipient of a Meitner Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Prof. David Milstein. Hydrogen in three easy steps
A new method for splitting water may lead to cleaner fuel in the future
DNA invades the host cell through a star-shaped opening
A giant virus must be efficient to get its DNA into the host cell
Dr. Boris Rybtchinski.

The future of solar energy might lie in light-absorbing paints

Amram Masad, Dr. Boris Perlmutter, Dr. Alexander Shif, Prof. Valeri Krongauz and Drs. Judith Ratner, Lev Pinkin and Dmitry Fridland. Bright future
Self-tinting glass has a bright future
A Better Water Test
Water is essential for life. Nevertheless, even small amounts of water in the wrong places – fuels, lubricants, or organic solvents...
