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Plant and Environmental Sciences

Peyote in bloom (Photo: Guy Yosef Keren)

Scientists tackle the thorny issue of securing a sustainable source of the psychedelic for drug development


Altered glucose digested by cancer cells helps reveal tumors’ hiding places

Photo: Ben Kelmer

Weizmann Institute of Science’s field experiments with wheat in the northern Negev symbolize hope and renewal after the October 7 attack – and...

Tree roots recruit beneficial bacteria during drought. Fluorescence and bright-field imaging reveals that during drought (left) a tree root is more densely colonized by two beneficial bacteria (green and red) than after irrigation (right)

A new study at the Weizmann Institute of Science reveals that bacteria can help trees survive water scarcity


Weizmann scientists revealed the step-by-step production of cannabinoids in a South African plant, pointing to new ways of manufacturing them for...

Heavy imbalance: The biomass of humans, livestock, pets and wild mammals (Illustration: Itai Raveh)

Wild land mammals weigh less than 10 percent of the combined weight of humans and are outweighed by cattle and other domesticated mammals by a...

Flint tools found at the Evron Quarry. Photo: Zane Stepka

Using advanced AI techniques, the researchers discover one of the earliest pieces of evidence for the use of fire

Cell Replacement by the Numbers

Mapping cellular turnover sheds light on the balance between renewal and stability in our bodies

The research setup included an intake at the top of the mast. The Tara research schooner, 2016

The discovery of microplastics in the air above the ocean reveals the spread of this hazardous pollution
