Complexity & Simplicity
Using the tools of dynamical systems theory, Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar studies systems that evolve over time, plying mathematics to gain new insights into our complex world
A Trail of Innovation
Scientific innovation sometimes follows a winding and surprising path
Missing: Antimatter
Prof. Yosef Nir, Dean of the Weizmann Institute’s Faculty of Physics, looks at the picture of matter in the universe and sees that “something” simply isn’t there.
Snap Shots
The basic knowledge gleaned from these studies could form the basis for powerful future technologies.
Magnetic Attraction
Frydman’s invention allows scientists around the world to investigate a variety of molecules in their natural environment and in real time – tracking such dynamic changes as the folding of a protein molecule.
Designer Drugs
This antibody might be used to create a new drug against metastatic cancer and autoimmune diseases.
The Dialogue of Life
In his investigations of the hepatitis B virus, which dwells in liver cells for years, Shaul managed to decipher the molecular dialogue conducted between the virus and the cell to agree upon coexistence
Molecular Rapid Transit
Research using yeast can generate important insights into the development of human diseases and their potential treatments
Brain Pump
Prof. Vivian Teichberg of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department has developed a new method for removing dangerous surplus glutamate created in the brain following trauma or stroke
Growth Factor
Prof. Yosef Yarden of the Weizmann Institute’s Biological Regulation Department studies various stages of the cancerous process, and insights arising from his research offer great hope to physicians and patients alike
Wave Theory
Prof. Bat-Sheva Eylon, Head of the Weizmann Institute’s Science Teaching Department, seeks to provide Israeli youth with the tools for succeeding in the age of knowledge