Like a Forest Fire


Prof. Avraham Ben-Nun. selectively targettin the immune system

Autoimmune diseases can be likened to a sweeping forest fire in which the immune system attacks one of the body's proteins, mistaking it for an "enemy," and then proceeds to attack other proteins in the affected organ. This relatively recent insight into the "forest fire-like" development and progression of autoimmune diseases demonstrates the daunting challenge faced by researchers seeking to block their advance.

Why autoimmune diseases occur is still a mystery, but they appear to stem from the immune system's failure to distinguish between foreign, disease-causing agents and the body's own proteins. Juvenile diabetes, for instance, is caused when a protein essential for the proper functioning of insulin-producing cells is mistakenly attacked, while multiple sclerosis develops when the immune system erroneously attacks the myelin sheath around nerve fibers in the central nervous system.

One approach in the struggle against autoimmune diseases has been to weaken the entire immune system. However, this leaves the body extremely vulnerable, which is why scientists are anxious to find means to selectively target the immune system's faulty attacks against the body's proteins without affecting its ability to combat foreign invaders. To this end, Prof. Avraham Ben-Nun of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department has developed a new strategy for treating autoimmune diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis.

For years, scientists studying multiple sclerosis assumed that the immune system's attack on myelin focused on one of myelin's most abundant proteins, called myelin basic protein, or MBP. Further studies, showed, however, that the attack can also be directed against another myelin protein, called proteolipid protein, or PLP. And the list continued to grow. Several years ago, Ben-Nun and Dr. Nicole Kerlero de Rosbo showed that a third protein, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, or MOG, is also targeted; and recently Ben-Nun and his colleagues discovered two additional myelin proteins that draw the immune system's "fire" in multiple sclerosis.

These findings drove home the complexity of uncovering autoimmune disease processes. Further studies revealed that not only can a mistaken immune attack against any of these five proteins trigger multiple sclerosis, but the major proteins targeted can vary from patient to patient, and in a given patient at different stages of the disease. Just like a forest fire, the immune attack may initially target one protein but then spread to any or several of the other five proteins, sequentially or simultaneously, while often abandoning the original target.

It became clear that to selectively suppress harmful autoimmune responses without shutting down the entire immune system one would have to identify the specific proteins targeted in each patient at any given stage - a process requiring complex, expensive, and time-consuming tests. Ben-Nun set out to devise a therapy theoretically suitable for most patients - one that would selectively neutralize an autoimmune attack against any of the five proteins, regardless of which protein is attacked. For this purpose his team identified the main "draw-fire" regions on each of the five target proteins, using biological testing methods and computer modeling in collaboration with Dr. Miriam Eisenstein of the Weizmann Institute's Chemical Services Unit. Then, using genetic engineering, Ben-Nun with the assistance of Dr. Lydia Cohen, generated a synthetic gene in which all of these regions are encoded in a sequential molecular chain. This synthetic gene was subsequently introduced into bacteria, which then produced the novel "draw-fire regions" protein - a protein that does not exist in nature.

When administered under certain conditions, this genetically engineered protein was found to protect mice against multiple sclerosis-like disease whereas injection under other conditions led to disease onset. Ben-Nun and his colleagues also demonstrated that it is possible to vaccinate mice against the disease using the gene itself. When incorporated into mouse cells, this gene serves as a "data bank," allowing the cells to manufacture the "draw-fire regions" protein, thus eliminating the need for continuous protein administration. This strategy was employed by the Institute scientists to design synthetic genes coding for "draw-fire regions" proteins pertinent to immune-specific therapies for several autoimmune diseases: a protein called Y-MSP for potential treatment of multiple sclerosis, Y-DMP for juvenile diabetes, and Y-RAP for rheumatoid arthritis. Yeda Research & Development Co. has filed a patent application for this approach.

In current studies Ben-Nun and his colleagues are further developing their approach to produce genetically engineered "draw-fire regions" proteins modified to effectively suppress these autoimmune diseases without triggering other disease processes.

Other scientists participating in this study were Dr. Gregor Sappler and research students Itzhack Mendel, Ming-Chao Zhong, and Joel Kay, all of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department; Dr. Roni Milo, Neurology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center; Prof. Oded Abramsky, Neurology, Hadassah University Hospital; and Dr. Michael Hoffman and Prof. Israel Yust, Internal Medicine, Ichilov Medical Center.
Prof. Avraham Ben-Nun.
Life Sciences

It's in the Blood


Prof. Sara Fuchs andTal Ilani: Schizophrenia test


The biological basis of schizophrenia - a mental illness characterized by disturbances in emotional functioning, perception of reality, and thought processes - is still a mystery. Psychiatric and behavioral assessments have until now been the sole tools used for its diagnosis. However, a recent study by Prof. Sara Fuchs and graduate student Tal Ilani of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department suggests that schizophrenia could one day be diagnosed using a relatively simple blood test.

Research findings worldwide have suggested a possible connection between the illness and excessive activity of a neurotransmitter involved in communication between nerve cells in the brain. The activity of this chemical messenger, called dopamine, is dependent, among other factors, on the number of dopamine receptors on the surface of nerve cells. In fact, postmortem studies of the brains of schizophrenic patients, as well as PET scans of the brains of living patients, have indicated the existence of a disproportionately high number of these receptors. Unfortunately, however, it is impossible to assess with sufficient precision the number and location of dopamine receptors in the brains of living schizophrenics.

Fuchs and Ilani have proposed a way of skirting this problem. They suggest evaluating the presence of dopamine receptors on the surface of lymphocyte white blood cells as a potential diagnostic test for schizophrenia. To examine this possibility, the scientists compared blood samples taken from schizophrenic patients with blood samples from healthy individuals.

Since identifying dopamine receptors on the surface of white blood cells is extremely difficult, the scientists focused on an earlier stage in receptor formation. They zeroed in on the stage at which messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules cart the genetic information needed for making dopamine receptors from the cell nucleus to the ribosome - the small cellular "factory" where the receptors are manufactured.

Difference between healthy people and schizophrenics

A statistical analysis showed that the blood of schizophrenics contains, on average, 3.6 times more messenger RNA molecules encoding the production of specific dopamine receptors, called D3 (D3RmRNA) than that of healthy people. The high levels were observed in patients treated with a variety of drugs as well as in the control (medication-free) group. On the basis of these findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., the researchers suggest that blood tests determining the level of D3RmRNA in white blood cells may be used to diagnose schizophrenia.

The research team included Dr. Dorit Ben-Shachar of the Rambam Medical Center and the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; Drs. Rael D. Strous and Moshe Kotler of the Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center; and Drs. Marina Mazor and Ala Sheinkman of the Mental Health Center in Tirat Hacarmel, Haifa.

Prof. Sara Fuchs and graduate student Tal Ilani
Life Sciences

To the Marrow

Cells with the CXCR4 receptor reach the bone marrow









Dr. Tsvee Lapidot is in a race to the finish. This is not a race to win a trophy, but to find a means of saving lives otherwise lost when bone marrow transplants just don't take.
"We discovered that human stem cells are something like sailboats," Lapidot of the Immunology Department says of his work. "A sailboat will pick up the wind only if its sail is hoisted to a mast. Similarly, stem cells will migrate to the bone marrow only if they display on their surface a specific receptor that allows them to pick up the signals from marrow cells."
In bone marrow transplantation, a patient receives a transfusion of stem cells; ideally these migrate to the patient's bone marrow and start producing new, healthy blood. But many transplants fail. Why? Usually, too few stem cells make their way from the blood circulation into the recipient's bone marrow.
Lapidot's research team has revealed key elements of the mechanism responsible for migration of stem cells from circulating blood to the bone marrow. Furthermore, the scientists managed to dramatically increase the proportion of stem cells capable of migrating to the marrow.
"In the future, this approach might improve the success rate of human bone marrow transplantation," Lapidot says. He conducted this research with Drs. Amnon Peled, Isabelle Petit, Orit Kollet, Ofer Lider and Ronen Alon, together with Prof. Dov Zipori of the Molecular Cell Biology Department.
Bone marrow transplantation is a last-resort treatment that saves the lives of many patients with leukemia, other malignancies, and various blood disorders. In a transplantation, the patient's malignant or defective marrow is destroyed, and healthy stem cells are transfused intravenously into the blood circulation, in the hope that they will find their way to the patient's bones and create normal marrow. This marrow tissue daily produces hundreds of billions of red and white blood cells, the latter being those that protect the body from infections as part of the immune response. The Weizmann Institute scientists found that only human stem cells equipped with a certain type of receptor, called CXCR4, migrated from the circulation to the bone marrow of experimental mice. Aiding in this successful migration is a signaling molecule called SDF-1, which is released by bone marrow cells. To use another sailing metaphor, the signaling molecule is like a semaphore; it "attracts" human stem cells and guides them through the blood vessel walls into the marrow cavities.
The fact that only a small number of human stem cells display the CXCR4 receptor on their surface explains why so few stem cells are successfully transplanted. In the past, the low success rate was attributed to rapid stem cell differentiation. According to this theory, stem cells that entered the bone marrow cavity "disappeared" because, instead of proliferating, they quickly matured into the various types of blood cells. The new study, however, suggests that stem cells may also disappear because they lack the CXCR4 receptor and therefore fail to migrate to the recipient's marrow.
The researchers further demonstrated that the majority of human stem cells that do not express the CXCR4 receptor on their surface have the potential to do so. When, prior to transplantation, the stem cells were treated in a test tube with natural growth factors that stimulated them to express the CXCR4 receptor, they were converted into migrating cells capable of contributing to the daily production of blood. In the Weizmann study, use of this technique increased the number of successfully transplanted, functional human stem cells from 25 percent to more than 90 percent.
In the future, it may be possible to predict the success of a human bone marrow transplant by evaluating the highly variable proportion of the patient's stem cells that express the CXCR4 receptor. It may even be possible to preselect stem cells equipped with the CXCR4 receptor for transplantation purposes, or to pretreat the stem cells so that they all display the receptor.
Race to save lives
These measures should significantly increase the overall success rate of the procedure. Clinical testing of the method is currently under consideration.
This study could be conducted thanks to an experimental system developed by Lapidot and his colleagues, which overcomes a major difficulty in studying human stem cells: In a test tube, they quickly differentiate into mature blood cells and disappear. Lapidot's team developed a way of studying human stem cells by transplanting them into immunodeficient mice that lack the ability to reject foreign cells. This animal model thus serves as a powerful tool for research that may lead to improved therapies for human leukemias and other disorders.
The study was conducted in collaboration with researchers and physicians from the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot, the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv, and the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., the Weizmann Institute's technology transfer arm, has filed a patent application for the findings of Dr. Lapidot's team.
Life Sciences

A Matchless Achievement



Saving Lives: A bone marrow transplant in progress


Imagine the despair of leukemia patients who cannot find a matching bone marrow donor among relatives or in any of the computerized registries. A Weizmann Institute technique for using mismatched tissue may one day assure a donor for virtually every candidate for a bone marrow transplant and put an end to their agonizing search.

A bone marrow transplant is a last-ditch effort undertaken only after all other means of combating the leukemia have been tried. That's because it is inherently fraught with danger. Patients may die from the radiation or the chemotherapy used to kill off the cancer and to disarm their own immune system so that it doesn't attack the transplant. They may succumb to infections during the period after their immune system has been knocked out and before the new marrow takes root. In cases of partially matched marrow, there is the danger of graft-versus-host disease, in which the foreign white cells attack the patient's own tissue. Or the transplant may fail because residual white cells in the patients system simply overcome the transplanted ones before they can confer healthy immunity.

A potential solution to these life-threatening problems is emerging from the work of Prof. Yair Reisner of the Institute's Immunology Department. A decade ago, Reisner, then working at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and using a technique he developed with Weizmann Institute's Prof. Nathan Sharon, helped solve the problem of conferring immunity on 'bubble children.' These youngsters are born without immune systems and cannot survive outside the protective confines of large plastic bubbles. Before transplanting the bone marrow, Reisner first treated it with lectin, a soybean derivative. The lectin neutralized aggressive white cells in the donor marrow that can cause graft-versus-host disease. Once cleansed of these cells, marrow stem cells could be implanted in the young patients with no fear of rejection, since the children had no immune systems to act against the transplanted tissue. The donated stem cells proliferated, creating the immunity that had been lacking.

Recently, Reisner developed this technique further so that it can be applied to leukemia patients. First, donated stem cells are cleansed with the soybean lectin to erase the characteristics that are the source of trouble in mismatched tissue. This makes it possible to use marrow from non-matching donors. Then, the number of stem cells taken from the donor is greatly increased so that the sheer volume of implanted cells overwhelms any resistance mounted by residual white cells in the recipient.

To increase the quantity of stem cells, Reisner, working with Prof. Massimo Martelli of Italy's Perugia University, decided to try an approach used originally to isolate stem cells from cancer patients. It consists of treating the donor with hormone injections for a week prior to harvesting. This releases large numbers of stem cells into the bloodstream. In a procedure called leukapheresis, blood is then taken and passed through a machine that extracts the stem cells. The rest of the blood is then returned to the donor. The extracted stem cells are cleansed of white blood cells and readied for transplant.

Since 1993, some 100 patients have been treated in Perugia with the Institute-derived method. The current survival rate is almost 50 percent, similar to that obtained with perfectly matched transplants. The donor marrow comes from one of the patients relatives. Since the tissue need be only partially matched, a suitable donor can nearly always be found among family members. Several hospitals in Israel, Germany and the United States have begun to introduce the new method.

Reisner is now pursuing research to reduce the amount of radiation that bone marrow transplant candidates receive in preparation for the procedure, a factor that has limited its use to cancer patients. If successful, his research may make bone marrow transplants a viable treatment option for people with such disorders as thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia and Gaucher's disease. Reisner's work may also allow physicians to transplant organs and tissues other than bone marrow from mismatched donors.

Prof. Reisner will soon be appointed to the Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair in Immunology. This research was funded in part by Rowland Schaefer, Miami, Florida; the Pauline Fried Estate, Los Angeles, California; the Concern Foundation, Los Angeles, California; and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Research facilities: Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Diller, Los Angeles, California.
Life Sciences

A Cancer Pioneer


Prof. Leo Sachs

When Prof. Leo Sachs was young, he dreamed of founding a kibbutz in Israel and even spent two years as a farm laborer to prepare for pioneering on the land. Today, however, Prof. Sachs of the Institute's Molecular Genetics Department is renowned for pioneering of a very different nature.

One of the world's leading scientists in the areas of cell biology and cancer research, Sachs has made fundamental contributions to his field and paved the way for successful clinical treatments.

A recent recognition of his achievements came from Harvard Medical School, which presented him with its Warren Alpert Foundation Prize in April of this year. This is but the latest in a long list of prizes that have punctuated the illustrious career of the 6'8" researcher, who is quippingly said to be "head and shoulders" above many of his colleagues.

At the very beginning of his scientific career in Israel, Sachs had an idea that ultimately made it possible to diagnose human diseases in the womb. The year was 1952, and the German-born Sachs, who had been educated in England, had just moved to the new Jewish state where he was recruited by the Weizmann Institute. He started working on a theory that human amniotic fluid, which bathes the baby in the womb, contains fetal cells that can provide information about the fetus. His studies proved him right. He showed that cells in the fluid can be reliably used to tell the sex of the baby before birth and also reveal other important properties of the fetus. This groundbreaking research formed the basis for today's widely used prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis.

Sachs subsequently developed the first ever procedure to grow, clone and induce the development of different types of normal blood cells in a petri dish. Using this process he discovered and identified a family of proteins, among them colony-stimulating factors and some interleukins, that control blood cell production in its various stages.

One of the proteins that Sachs identified, the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, is now used clinically to boost the production of disease-fighting white blood cells in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or irradiation. The same protein was also found to help improve the success of bone marrow and blood cell transplants, as well as a number of other clinical procedures.

Sachs also asked the question: what changes in normal development result in leukemia, and can this process be reversed? He later demonstrated that the proteins he had initially discovered, and some other compounds, can induce certain leukemic cells to behave again like normal ones both in a petri dish and in the body. Until then, most scientists had believed that malignancy was irreversible.

Sachs is now studying the genetic changes which take place in leukemic cells, enabling them to live longer, and looking for ways to "switch off" these life-maintaining genes in the cancer cells so that they die like normal cells that the body no longer needs. This research could provide another new approach to cancer treatment.

Contemplating 45 years of work, Sach says: "There have been ups and downs. But overall I'm optimistic and believe that all problems have solutions. One has to be permanently curious and keep on trying."
Life Sciences

Cop 1 (Copaxone®): The Story of a Drug


Cop 1 (Copaxone®): now FDA approved

In December 1996, following nearly three decades of research, the multiple sclerosis drug copolymer-1 (Copaxone®) became one of the first Israeli medications to receive the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Prof. Ruth Arnon, the Institute's Vice President for International Scientific Relations, who, along with Weizmann Institute colleagues Prof. Michael Sela and Dr. Dvora Teitelbaum, originally synthesized and developed copolymer-1, recently documented the drug's dramatic history in the scientific journal Immunology Letters. Interface presents a chronology of the drug's development, along with excerpts from Prof. Arnon's personal account.

1968. Profs. Ruth Arnon and Michael Sela and Dr. Dvora Teitelbaum synthesize several molecules, known as copolymers, that mimic a component of myelin, the protective coating of nerves. Because this component is believed to trigger multiple sclerosis, the scientists hope that their molecules can help create an animal model for the study of MS. However, the copolymers fail to produce an MS-like disease in laboratory animals.

"Disappointment. Was our hypothesis wrong? Did the synthetic approach fail us in this case? Should we give up?"

1971. Despite the initial failure, the scientists persist in their study of the molecules' properties and stumble on a surprising finding: rather than causing MS symptoms, the copolymers actually block an MS-like disease.
"The results ... were overwhelming -- not one, but several of the synthetic copolymers showed high efficacy in suppressing the MS-like disease in animals! Already at that early stage, we realized that this might eventually lead to a therapeutic agent."

1972-74. Patent applications for copolymer-1, dubbed Cop 1, are submitted in Israel and several other countries. Meanwhile, the scientists show that while suppressing the symptoms of the MS-like animal disease, called EAE, Cop 1 does not depress the entire immune system indiscriminately. They also show that it works in several species of laboratory animals.
"The next logical step was to investigate whether Cop 1 was of any benefit to MS patients."
1977. The first clinical trial is conducted at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, in collaboration with Dr. Oded Abramsky, a former Ph.D. student of Arnon's, who at the time was Head of Neurology and then served as Dean of the Medical School at Hadassah. Four MS patients in the terminal stages of the disease receive Cop 1 and show no major side effects.
"This information paves the way for further clinical trials in less severely affected patients."
1978-81. The Weizmann Institute scientists embark on the formidable task of convincing clinicians to perform larger-scale clinical trials. Two physicians respond to their call: Dr. Helmut J. Bauer of the University of Gottingen, Germany, and Dr. Murray B. Bornstein of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
"I recall this time as the 'peddling period': I participated in almost any conference, large or small, that dealt with MS. I presented our experimental data ... and talked to anyone who was prepared to listen."
1980-85. Preliminary results both in Gottingen and in New York are encouraging, and Bornstein decided to extend the evaluation of Cop 1 to a rigorous double-blind study. Fifty patients are recruited for the study, a complicated process involving the interviewing of several hundred people.
"This trial lasted more than three years, and in the beginning the suspense was nervewracking. I used to call Dr. Bornstein at least once a month, to find out how it was going."
1987. The results of the double-blind trial are published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Cop 1 is found to reduce the number of attacks in patients with relapsing-remitting MS while having minimal side effects.
"The results of the pilot trial justified all the efforts of everyone involved in it."
1987. Cop 1 is licensed to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Israel. Commercial development of the drug is launched.
"A new era has begun."
1987. Meanwhile, the scientists continue to pursue research aimed at clarifying Cop 1's mechanism of action.
"Our studies provided a plausible theoretical basis for the drug's therapeutic effect."
1994. Weizmann Institute scientists are invited to the presentation of the results of an extensive trial conducted by Teva at 11 medical centers throughout the United States.
"It is difficult to describe in words the wonderful sensation of satisfaction and accomplishment which arises from the realization that our research has brought relief to somebody, be it only to a single individual."
June 14, 1995. The file on Cop 1 is submitted by Teva to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
"For Prof. Michael Sela and myself, together with our colleague Dr. Dvora Teitelbaum, this was a high point after over 27 years of persistent research effort, perseverance and tenacity of purpose... The promise is there and the hopes for success, and the desire to be able to help alleviate the suffering of MS patients worldwide, many of whom I learned to know, love and respect during our long years of research."
December 23, 1996. Copaxone® is approved by the FDA for use in patients with MS.
Life Sciences

Tuberculosis Bacteria May Protect Against Autoimmune Disease


Dr. Kerlero de Rosbo and Prof. Ben-Nun. Selective enhancement

Institute researchers have identified a bacteria-derived protein that protects animals from experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE), a disease closely resembling multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans.

This research provides a potential starting point for designing additional drugs for multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the destruction of myelin leads to muscle weakness and paralysis. Two medications for multiple sclerosis -- copolymer-1 and interferon-beta -- have already emerged from other Weizmann Institute laboratories.

This latest finding is an outgrowth of Institute studies into the unexpected effects of specific bacteria on experimental autoimmune diseases. Participating in this work, described in the Journal of Immunology, were Prof. Avraham Ben-Nun of the Department of Immunology, Australian visiting scientist Dr. Nicole Kerlero de Rosbo and graduate students Itzhak Mendel and Gregor Sappler.

It has long been know that when tuberculosis bacteria are injected into mice together with myelin basic protein -- a component of nerve tissue and a weak stimulator of an animal's immune system -- the bacteria cause the immune system to "overwork," and the mice develop full-blown nerve-damaging EAE. However, a 1992 study by Prof. Ben-Nun and departmental colleague Dr. Dan Lehman showed that under certain circumstances the very same bacteria produce the reverse effect and protect the mice from EAE. In the latest study, Ben-Nun and his team identified a specific bacterial protein that provides this protective activity.

In both EAE and multiple sclerosis, the body's immune system attacks scattered areas of the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation and also stripping nerve fibers of their insulating myelin sheaths, thus impairing their ability to conduct impulses. The Institute team found that the newly-discovered bacterial protein can provide effective protection because it selectively enhances the production of immune-system T cells without stimulating the production of the T cells that attack myelin.

Prof. Ben-Nun holds the Eugene and Marcia Applebaum Chair
Life Sciences

Compound to be Tested on AIDS Patients


Profs. Yehuda Mazur and Prof. David Lavie. Neutralizing viruses


Hypericin, a compound whose antiviral properties were first documented at the Institute, is now being tested on AIDS-afflicted patients at three American research hospitals.

In the early 1980's Prof. David Lavie of the Department of Organic Chemistry began to investigate whether Hypericum triquetrifolium, a plant that grows wild in Israel, possesses the same medicinal qualities as Hypericum perforatum, a plant popularly known as St. John's wort, which has long been used as an antidepressant. Lavie isolated one of the plant's active ingredients, hypericin, and found that it has antiviral activity.

Prof. Lavie's son, Dr. Gad Lavie, then working at New York University Medical Center, discovered that hypericin suppresses the action of two animal retroviruses. Test-tube experiments carried out in a joint Weizmann Institute -- New York University Medical Center study subsequently showed that hypericin is active against yet another retrovirus, the human AIDS virus HIV. A Weizmann Institute team headed by the senior Lavie and Prof. Yehuda Mazur, also of the Department of Organic Chemistry, proceeded to synthesize the active substance hypericin and to elucidate its chemical properties.

Laboratory tests of this material by the New York Blood Center recently achieved complete inactivation of over 100,000 HIV particles per milliliter of human blood -- a concentration around 100 times greater than that typically found in infected blood plasma. Investigations at this center have also begun on the use of hypericin to neutralize a wide range of other viruses and retroviruses present in stored human transfusion blood, and into ways of removing the hypericin once the blood has been made safe.

Clinical trials sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently examined the inherent safety of hypericin when given intravenously to HIV-infected patients. A 24-patient NIH-sponsored PhaseI/II trial of an oral form of the drug is now getting under way at NYU Medical Center/Bellevue Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore.

Hypericin for these studies is manufactured by VIMRx Pharmaceuticals of Stamford, Connecticut, under a license granted by Yeda Research & Development Co., which is responsible for the commercial applications of Weizmann research.

Prof. Mazur holds the Rebecca and Israel Sieff Chair of Organic Chemistry, and Prof. Lavie, the Israel Matz Chair of Organic Chemistry.
Hypericum triquetrifolium plant grows wild in Israel


Life Sciences

Mechanism of Blood Pressure Regulation Clarified


Prof. Garty and Dr. Asher. Sodium ion flow

A "dual action" control system that enables sodium channels to play a vital role in maintaining normal blood pressure has been discovered by Prof. Haim Garty, Dr. Carol Asher and co-workers at the Institute's Department of Membrane Research and Biophysics. Since abnormalities in this mechanism are a major cause of hypertension, the research may lead to more effective drugs for this disorder.

Salt -- in the form of sodium and chloride ions -- is transported into the blood through special channels located in the inner linings of the kidney, colon and urinary bladder. If too much salt enters the circulatory system, water follows in its wake, resulting in high blood pressure. Thus the body possesses a sophisticated mechanism for regulating the flow of sodium ion -- a task performed mainly by the steroid hormone aldosterone. Prof. Garty's group has now discovered a "dual action" process underlying aldosterone-sodium channel interaction.

The researchers injected frog oocytes, the germ cells contained in ovaries, with RNA isolated from toad tissue incubated in the presence of aldosterone. Short incubation periods doubled the channel activity without producing new channel RNA, whereas long incubation periods not only stepped up the activity in the existing channels but also triggered the manufacture of new ones. In a corroboratory study with Prof. Nathan Dascal of the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, RNA extracted from intestinal tissues of chickens that were fed a low-salt diet readily produced channels in frog oocytes, while no channel activity was detected in oocytes injected with RNA isolated from chickens given a high-salt diet. Both studies indicate that the enhancement of channel performance is controlled by a mechanism different from the one that induces the manufacture of new channels.

Certain anti-hypertensive drugs, such as diuretic amiloride, combat high blood pressure by blocking sodium transport through the channels. However, these drugs are not highly specific and produce side effects. Prof. Garty is now attempting to clone the sodium channel and identify its amiloride binding site -- key steps in the design of more potent and specific drugs to combat high blood pressure.
Keeping blood pressure even
Life Sciences

Hope for Early Diagnosis of Dread Autoimmune Disease

Prof. Mozes. specific site of attack
Weizmann Institute researchers have identified the specific elements of a muscle receptor protein attacked by the immune system in myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease in which communication between nerves and muscles breaks down. In this presently incurable illness, white blood cells attack the muscle receptor charged with detecting the nerve-signaling chemical acetylcholine, leading to muscle weakness that can strike any part of the body but most commonly affects the eyes, face, lips and tongue.

In a recently published study, Prof. Edna Mozes of the Chemical Immunology Department has shown that patients with MG have white blood cells that are selectively activated by two specific protein fragments of the human acetylcholine receptor. These peptides could provide the basis for an early screening test or serve as a starting point for the design of potential treatments for this disease.

Prof. Mozes's lab was one of the first to demonstrate the key role that immune system T lymphocytes play in autoimmune attack that causes MG. An autoimmune process is triggered when lymphocytes recognize and attack normal body tissues. Ordinarily, these T cells respond only to foreign invaders, namely peptides derived from bacteria and viruses. In the rare but in sometimes fatal malady, whose best-known victim was Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, it is the nerve-muscle junction that is assaulted.

Prof. Pecht. test for a disease

In a related study which may simplify the development of early screening tests for the disease, Prof. Mozes and Prof. Israel Pecht, of the same department, have designed a method to detect binding of these peptides to blood cells derived from either mice or MG patients. This approach, the first that enables laboratories to monitor the binding of peptides to live cells, could also help advance the development of tests and potential therapies for other autoimmune disorders, including juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Graves' disease.

These developments are an outgrowth of earlier studies by Prof. Sara Fuchs, also of the Department of Chemical Immunology, who was among the first researchers to demonstrate the involvement of the acetylcholine receptor in MG.

The method for detecting peptide binding to living cells has been patented by Yeda Research & Development Co., which is responsible for the commercial application of Weizmann Institute research.

Prof. Fuchs holds the Sir Ernst B. Chain Chair of Neuroimmunology; Prof. Mozes, the Heinrich G. Ritzel Chair of Immunology; and Prof. Pecht, the Jacque Mimran Chair of Chemical Immunology.
Life Sciences
