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Brain research


Weizmann Institute scientists have developed an online platform to help detect early signs of COVID-19

human amygdala and cortex

The price we pay for our advanced brains may be a greater tendency to disorders


The cells that keep blood vessels in the pituitary permeable to hormones may hold the key to future drug delivery

Bat Brains Forgo Rhythm when Encoding Space

The finding reveals a new mechanism for orchestrating neuronal activity

timestamp for the brain

Patterns of nerve cell activity act as a "timestamp" in our brain

Red and green dots reveal a region in the brain that that is very dense with synapses. A special fluorescent protein allows Dr. Ofer Yizhar and his group to record the activity of the synapses

Targeting axons uncovers the brain's distance communications 

Avital Hahamy and Prof. Rafi Malach

How do our bodies synchronize our two halves – hands and brain?

(l-r) Drs. Michael Yartsev and Nachum Ulanovsky

Recent graduate Dr. Michael Yartsev is winning awards for his research at the Weizmann...

The day after effect of brain activation: The brain image at the back presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns before an fMRI-based neurofeedback training session. The front brain image presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns a day after the training session, illustrating the long-term trace of the training

Weizmann Institute scientists discover that spontaneously emerging brain activity patterns preserve traces of previous cognitive activity
