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Climate change


The institute will produce and purchase electricity generated from renewable energy sources

Uncrackable: Scorpions and Sponges Inspire Sustainable Design

A Weizmann Institute study of super-tough organisms reveals strategies for creating more sustainable, resilient human-made materials

Photo credit: NASA

How humans are affecting the Northern Hemisphere’s wind patterns

A cryo-scanning electron microscope image of a freeze-fractured chloroplast, cropped from the surrounding tissue, providing a view into the photosynthetic membranes and the protein complexes embedded within them

Will a better understanding of photosynthesis help us grow plants under artificial light?

Plastic Fantastic: Green, Strong and Edible

Weizmann Institute researchers have created a biodegradable composite material that might help battle the global plastic-waste crisis


New findings may improve flood warnings for millions living on the Indian subcontinent

Photo: Jonathan D. Muller

A new Weizmann Institute study shows that building solar farms in arid regions is a far more effective way to tackle the climate crisis than...

Tree roots recruit beneficial bacteria during drought. Fluorescence and bright-field imaging reveals that during drought (left) a tree root is more densely colonized by two beneficial bacteria (green and red) than after irrigation (right)

A new study at the Weizmann Institute of Science reveals that bacteria can help trees survive water scarcity

A band of clouds above the equator, created by the rise of air within the Hadley cell and responsible for heavy rainfall in this region

Why do parts of Earth become rainforests, whereas others turn into deserts? A new study exposes the far-reaching impact of human activity on a...

Heavy imbalance: The biomass of humans, livestock, pets and wild mammals (Illustration: Itai Raveh)

Wild land mammals weigh less than 10 percent of the combined weight of humans and are outweighed by cattle and other domesticated mammals by a...
