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Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

Biological Computer Diagnoses Cancer and Produces the Drug -- in a Test Tube
Weizmann Institute scientist’s vision: Microscopic computers will function inside living tissues, performing...
Prof. Shafrira Goldwasser
Prof. Shafrira Goldwasser of the Weizmann Institute's Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics has been awarded the...
Clockwise: Prof. Ehud Shapiro, Prof. Zvi Livneh, Dr. Tamar Paz-Elizur, Ph. D. student Yaakov Benenson and Dr. Rivka Adar. Guinness World Record

DNA is not only the "software" of the world's smallest computing device, it's also the fuel

Prof. Adi Shamir

Prof. Adi Shamir, a computer scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science, has been named a 2002 winner of the A.M. Turing...

Tiny Computing Machine Fueled by DNA
Fifty years after the discovery of the structure of DNA, a new use has been found for this celebrated molecule: fuel for...
Prof. David Harel, Prof. Irun Cohen, and Ph.D. student Na'aman Kam

A computer program designed for the aricraft industry is finding a new use in biology

illustration: Trillion Computers in one drop

Trillions of microscopic biological computers vigilantly patrolling your body in search of disease? Welcome to the brave new world of computer...

Prof. Tamar Flash
Prof. Tamar Flash uses mathematics and physics to understand how the brain controls motion...
Just Joking, Seriously

A failed chemistry experiment at age 10 turned Prof. Sergei Yakovenko toward mathematics

State of the Chart

Prof. David Harel, the new Dean of Mathematical Sciences, earned his Ph.D. from MIT in under two years
