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Our nerves respond to a range of stimuli

Why does a background noise that stops and suddenly starts again get our attention?

(l-r) Prof. Dr. Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck Society, Prof. Daniel Zajfman, President of the Weizmann Institute with the signed agreement

The Weizmann Institute's Prof. Alon Chen will head the Lab

Writ Large – and Small

How does the brain encode movements that occur on many scales?

(l-r) Drs. Michael Yartsev and Nachum Ulanovsky

Recent graduate Dr. Michael Yartsev is winning awards for his research at the Weizmann...

The movements of mice dyed in different fluorescent colors are tracked in the darkened enclosure

Mice living together exhibited a social structure based on multiple-level interactions

Prof. Noam Sobel

Prof. Noam Sobel has been elected as Head of the Neurobiology Department. His appointment will come into effect from September 1, 2013

The day after effect of brain activation: The brain image at the back presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns before an fMRI-based neurofeedback training session. The front brain image presents spontaneous (resting state) patterns a day after the training session, illustrating the long-term trace of the training

Weizmann Institute scientists discover that spontaneously emerging brain activity patterns preserve traces of previous cognitive activity

mouse house

Weizmann Institute research into mouse social behavior finds signs of leadership and reveals “autistic” mouse society

Rats' whiskers

Rats' whiskers, and other sense organs, may process information even before it gets to the nearest nerve cell

Immunostaining of brain section in which the epithelial choroid plexus expresses TGF-β (green), hanging in the brain ventricle, the keyhole-like structure delineated by the ependymal lining (red). In the box, monocytes (green) entering via the choroidal vasculature. The composition reflects the immune-educative nature of the choroid plexus as a gatekeeper of the route to the injured parenchyma

Shifts in our immune system as we age might explain how older brains get “rusty”
