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Dance your PhD

A Weizmann Institute of Science researcher is one of four winners of the international “Dance your PhD” contest

human amygdala and cortex

The price we pay for our advanced brains may be a greater tendency to disorders


A unique neural circuit in the cortex controls how internal states affect our ability to learn from outside experience

Bat Brains Forgo Rhythm when Encoding Space

The finding reveals a new mechanism for orchestrating neuronal activity

mouse fetus and placenta

Researchers discover the molecule that “programs” a tendency to develop an eating disorder 

Lighting up the reward center: Light-sensitive proteins are inserted into specific brain cells. Blue: dopamine-producing cells in the reward system in the ventral tegmental area. Red: cells carrying the inserted protein in a mouse brain. Yellow: Overlap between cells that are carrying the optogenetic protein and those that are dopamine-producing. Image obtained by confocal microscope in the lab of Prof. Tali Kimchi

Blocking dopamine receptors in male mouse brains dampened their preference for females

Bats use social maps

A new study on bats reveals the cells that link our social connections to our internal spatial maps 

the smell of fear: skydivers

Odors that carry social cues seem to affect volunteers on the autism spectrum differently 

probability maps infotaxis and sociotaxis

A new model of collective behavior reveals how individuals contribute most efficiently

(Bottom row, l-r) Prof. Ido Amit, Prof. Michal Schwartz and Dr. Hadas Keren-Shaul. (Top row, l-r) Dr. Assaf Weiner, Orit Matcovitch-Natan and Amit Spinrad

A newly discovered immune cell type may lead to a future treatment for Alzheimer's disease
