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Wild land mammals weigh less than 10 percent of the combined weight of humans and are outweighed by cattle and other domesticated mammals by a...
Researchers have produced the first global estimate of the combined weight of all land insects and related arthropods
Mapping cellular turnover sheds light on the balance between renewal and stability in our bodies
We are doubling the mass of the human-made, “anthropogenic” part of the world every twenty years and the curve is not flattening
Weizmann Institute scientists have organized the flood of coronavirus information in an orderly framework
A new census asks why the oceans have so little biomass compared to land, and shows how small marine producers pull their weight
Such bacteria may, in the future, contribute to new, carbon-efficient technologies
Prof. Ron Milo has been elected as a member of EMBO.
The principles of test-tube evolution may guide new biotechnology research
The study reveals, among other things, our impact on the Earth’s biosphere