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Social behavior

Social Hierarchy: Even for Mice, It’s Complicated

Studying wild mice in near-natural conditions reveals different strategies used by females and males in forming social hierarchies

Down to the Synapse: Connecting Brain Circuits to Behavior

By flipping a single synaptic connection in a neural circuit, the researchers caused male worms to behave like females in response to a...


Oxytocin in a developing fish brain determines later social behavior  

social fish

Fish with two genes for a crucial protein are helping researchers understand its function in neurodevelopmental disorders

Midge swarm and star cluster

A new theory developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science and Stanford University uses a gravitational model to explain the collective...

Stress-coping molecule Urocortin-3 (green) and its receptor, CRFR2 (red),

Weizmann Institute scientists show how a molecule in the mouse’s brain regulates social behavior

Staff Scientist: Dr. Ehud Fonio

What can a physicist learn from ants? 

Longhorn crazy ants cooperating to transfer an item much too heavy for one to move alone.

A physics-based model can explain how ants cooperate in steering food to their nest