Science Feature Articles</p>

Crossing the Divide

Dr. Sima Lev. Separation protein


From life's very beginning, when the ovum starts dividing into two primal cells, our existence depends on cell reproduction. In adults, billions of cells divide every day to replace cells that wear out or to meet a sudden demand. Yet the most critical moment, when the mother cell divides into two new daughter cells, remains a mystery.

The different stages of cell division -  a process so orderly as to appear almost choreographed -  have long been known. While tremendous advances in cell biology and genetics over the past few years have shed light on this process, its underlying molecular machinery is still not fully understood. The final step of this elegant performance, the separation into two cells, is called cytokinesis. Recently, Dr. Sima Lev of the Weizmann Institute of Science's Neurobiology Department discovered that a protein called Nir2 is essential for normal cytokinesis in human cells.

As a postdoctoral researcher at New York University, Lev discovered a protein called Pyk2, which plays an important role in cell signaling. Looking for proteins that interact with Pyk2, she discovered a protein family consisting of three members, which she called the "Nir"family. She then isolated the genes responsible for producing the proteins.

Highly conserved throughout evolution, the Nirs are found in fish, worms, flies, and mammals. Lev decided to dedicate her work todetermining the Nir proteins'function in the body. "No one in the world was working on the Nirs,"she says, "and I strongly believed that they had an important cellular function."

Upon her return to the Weizmann Institute, Lev spent nearly three years evaluating many possible roles for the protein, with team members Vladimir Litvak, Donghua Tian, and Shari Carmon. The breakthrough came with their identification of a particular fragment of Nir2, consisting of 219 amino acids out of the protein's full 1,244. When they expressed this fragment in human cells, it had adramatic effect on their shape and caused severe defects in cytokinesis. The cells failed to separate, forming long bridges between asymmetrical daughter cells. The fragment, Lev concluded, was inhibiting cytokinesis in some way, but its precise role remained obscure.

In a pinch

The scientists looked closely at dividing cells to determine exactly where the Nir2 protein was located during the process. They found that during normal cytokinesis Nir2 is present at the "cleavage furrow,"the pinched area of the cell at which the break into two daughter cells will eventually take place. But it's not alone. Beside it is an enzyme called Rho-GTPase, which plays a long-established role in cytokinesis. What, Lev wondered, was Nir2 doing there?

She found that Nir2's protein fragment is able to inhibit the activity of the Rho enzyme. She therefore designated it "Rid"(Rho inhibitory domain). It was already known that inactivation of the Rho enzyme is necessary for the final separation into two daughter cells, but it was not known what triggered Rho to move into an inactive state. Lev contends that Nir2 essentially subcontracts Rid to inhibit the activity of Rho when appropriate. If she is right, Nir2 -  by hosting Rid -  is vital for breaking the contractile ring between two daughter cells and thus is essential for successful cytokinesis.

The physical evidence supports Lev's assertion. When she cut off the end of Nir2 containing Rid, she saw that cytokinesis was severely impaired. The cells struggled to divide and eventually gave up, resulting in unseparated cells with multiple nuclei. The absence of Rid apparently short-circuited the cells'ability to separate.

Lev's findings shed new light on the Nir proteins as well as on the process of cytokinesis. But many open questions remain regarding the clinical implications of her results. It is well known that cytokinesis plays a critical role in animal development, and that defects in this stage of cell division can lead to instability of the genome, a phenomenon associated with cancer. In addition, recent experiments have shown that mouse embryos which lack the Nir2 protein do not survive. Thus her findings may provide insights into the necessity of this protein for normal embryonic development. "The challenge now,"says Lev, "is to translate these results into practical medicine."

Cells lacking the separation protein


Dr. Lev's research is supported by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Baltor, Bensalem, PA; Minna James Heineman Stiftung, Germany; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Institute for Brain Research; and the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences. She holds the Helena Rubinstein Career Development Chair.


Daughter cells struggling in vain to break apart
Life Sciences

Letters to the Genetic Editor

Profs. Ruth and Joseph Sperling. Stop and cut signs


Editors are a ruthless breed. They take a text the writer worked hard to produce, then heartlessly cut and paste, sometimes taking out entire paragraphs. All this is done for "editorial reasons"that no one can quite define. But the truth is, the editors are not to blame. They are simply following rules similar to those found in the most fundamental processes of nature, such as the transfer of genetic information from the cell's nucleus to other parts of the cell, where it is put to use.

For many years, biologists believed such information was meticulously preserved. With time, however, it became clear that on its way from the genes to the ribosome (the cellular structure that reads the information and uses it to manufacture proteins) the genetic text undergoes comprehensive editing. An understanding of this "editorial process"may help to clarify the factors involved in the development of various genetic diseases.

In the early 1960s, scientists believed that protein manufacture began when the closely intertwined double strands of DNA in the cell's nucleus unfurled, leading to the production of a new single strand (messenger RNA), which contained a "photocopy"of the genetic code. This strand traveled from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cell, which then read the code and created proteins.
While this chain of events is true for bacteria, the picture is much more complicated in higher organisms. The American scientist Phillip Sharp and his British counterpart Richard Roberts discovered the existence of intermediate processes that resemble the way texts are edited and proofread before appearing in print. They found that the messenger RNA molecule was not a faithful copy of the DNA from which it was derived. There is a "pre-messenger" RNA molecule that indeed copies the DNA precisely, but some of its parts are cut out. The remaining parts come together and cling to one another, creating a "new genetic order," the messenger RNA molecule.

It later became clear that the removed parts, called introns -  those tossed to the "cutting room floor"-  carry no information for building proteins. The remaining parts, called exons, are the ones that, by connecting to one another, create the "real" genetic sequence that encodes the information needed to build the protein. Sharp and Roberts were awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work.

End quote

But how can nature tell apart the exons, which contain the genetic information, from the introns, which carry irrelevant text? A once prevalent view was that each intron begins with a sequence of eight genetic letters, a command saying "end quote"or simply, "cut here!  "Later, however, it became clear that many such commands -  the same eight letters in the same order -  appear inside the introns themselves as well. In other words, the genetic "cut!" command also appears in many places where a cut would cause the creation of a defective, potentially toxic, protein. How then does nature distinguish between the "cut! "commands that must be executed and the "cut!" commands that should be ignored?

This is where Prof. Joseph Sperling of the Weizmann Institute of Science's Organic Chemistry Department and his wife and colleague Prof. Ruth Sperling of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Genetics Department enter the picture. Together with their teams, the Sperlings discovered that the undesirable "cut!" command is preceded by one of three three-letter genetic sequences: TAA, TAG, or TGA. These sequences function as genetic "stop signs." The scientists propose that the appearance of one of these stop signs, together with an eight-letter "end-of-quote" sequence, cancels the cut command. The scientists tested their hypothesis in a computer model using 446 human genes and found that in the vast majority of cases (98%) one of the stop signs appears before the eight-letter end-of-quote sign in places where cutting would lead to the production of toxic proteins.

In a series of experiments conducted to test this discovery in human tissue culture, the scientists placed one of the stop signs in various locations in the genetic code before a natural end-of-quote sequence. By so doing, they prevented the cutting that would have normally taken place. In a complementary series of experiments, they managed to perform the opposite process: They removed the natural stop sign, causing cuts to occur in places where they would not normally have taken place. Their findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The research team included postdoctoral fellow Dr. Binghui Li and graduate students Chaim Wachtel and Elana Miriami of the Hebrew University and graduate student Galit Yahalom of the Weizmann Institute.

Until now, most scientists believed that systems capable of deciding where to begin reading a strip of genetic information (such as the ribosome) existed only outside the nucleus. The Sperlings'findings, however, suggest that this kind of discretion (called the recognition of a "reading frame") takes place inside the nucleus as well. They have shown that the decision where to cut and paste introns and exons in pre-messenger RNA relies on an earlier choice regarding where the reading process begins. These unexpected findings are becoming the focus of numerous new studies in this field.

Finding the "stop" sign

Prof. Joseph Sperling's research is supported by Ms. Lois Zoller, Chicago, IL; Ms. Ruth Simon, Wilmette, IL; the Oscar and Emma Getz Trust, Chicago, IL; the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Center for Structural Biology; and the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly. He holds the Hilda Pomeraniec Chair of Organic Chemistry.

Life Sciences

Cancer Fights Back

Prof. Gideon Berke. Mounting the attack


It's war. And it's not just "out there,"but inside our bodies, where a fleet of immune agents is constantly on the lookout for rogue invaders -  viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Over the past few decades, as scientists have tirelessly traced the micro-trenches of our body's battle zones, scoring increasingly promising victories in the form of antibiotics, vaccines, and even the anti-AIDS-virus cocktail, hopes have risen that one day we may also succeed intargeting foes from within, such as cancerous tumors.

"One of the most compelling questions is why the body is unable to mount an effective attack against its aberrant cells," says veteran immunologist Prof. Gideon Berke of the Weizmann Institute of Science. "The puzzle is that the immune system actually starts by generating a potentially promising response -  namely, killer cells that can seek out and destroy a tumor. Yet within a short time these cells all but disappear while the tumor marches on."

Berke specializes in white blood cells known as cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs), ingenious killer cells present in nearly every organ. Lining his office walls are volumes of publications dating back to the late 1960s, when he was a graduate student working with Haim Ginzburg. They were the first to discover the in vitro generation of killer cells and to analyze specific details of their killing activity. The 70s, 80s, and early 90s found him and scores of scientists worldwide striving to determine the T-cell's molecular mode of action in greater detail.

These efforts led to the surprising, and perhaps frustrating, finding that in parallel to the T-cells'attack on them, cancer cells are able to mount a counterattack. Furthermore, they use the very same weapon employed by T-cells -  a mechanism first proposed by Berke and others back in the early 90s (see box). The key is a lethal interaction between a molecule called FasL, present on the attacking cell, and a death receptor on the target cell named Fas. Upon activation the Fas receptor triggers a built-in cell suicide mechanism known asapoptosis.

The discovery that tumor cells, like T-cells, also use FasL in self-defense stirred immense excitement. "It was surprising, clever, elegant,"says Berke. But then conflicting evidence started to emerge, including the finding of tumors that did not express FasL and the fact that there was often no difference between the fates of patients expressing FasL and those who did not.

T-cell fratricide

Berke and his colleagues have now shed light on this puzzle using in vivo-induced killer cells. In a study recently published in Immunology, the team, including graduate student Jie-Hui Li and Dr. Dalia Rosen, together with Prof. Paul Sondel of the University of Wisconsin, here on sabbatical at the time, confirmed that both tumors and killer T-cells are endowed with FasL and Fas receptors. Each "camp"is able to kill the other, yet tumors seem to have the upper hand. They can also cause T-cells to turn on one another, killing other cancer-fighting T-cells as well as innocent bystanders (see diagram).

These insights into cell death induced by tumor/immune skirmishes are already influencing clinical oncology. One new approach aims atdetermining a patient's prognosis or optimal treatment based on the presence or absence of FasL and Fas in cancerous cells. In related research, Berke is developing a test to determine tumor sensitivity to existing cancer drugs, relying on afluorescent dye that labels cells undergoing cell death following exposure to a drug. The test has so far proven successful in gauging the susceptibility of breast and colon cancer tissue to different drugs.

T-cell death scenarios


Raining winning ideas

Looking out the window of his bus en route to a meeting in Cambridge, many years ago, Berke was suddenly struck with an idea that would later become a leading thread in his scientific thinking. "It was a rainy September day,"he recalls, "and the fields were a gloomy yellow."Having grown up in Israel, Berke was used to dust-colored summer fields hungry for rain, but it seemed highly curious in England, where it was raining cats and dogs. "The idea suddenly came to me that there must be a genetic programming that makes plants die even when they have sufficient nutrients and water,"says Berke. "They die because they are supposed to."

In 1991, this idea of an in-built cell-death mechanism led Berke to propose a new theory of how killer T-cells target their foes, challenging the then-prevalent hypothesis championed by Pierre Henkart of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Henkart had suggested that T-cells kill by releasing substances that perforate the target cell membrane. These perforations then enable certain enzymes to penetrate the target cell, causing DNA fragmentation and apoptosis.

The trouble was that Berke and electron microscopy expert Dr. Dalia Rosen, working with certain killer cells, couldn't find any evidence supporting either the presence of these enzymes or the formation of membrane lesions. Concluding that an alternative pathway must exist, they proposed that killer cells function by activating built-in receptors in the target cell, which in turn trigger the cell's demise. This theory later proved right on the mark when researchers in France and Japan discovered the cell's FasL / Fas apparatus.

Tumor tactics

Masters of deceit, cancer cells employ a variety of schemes to outwit the immune system. These include:

·          Counterattack: The tumor fights back, suppressing the immune response.

·           Camouflage: Variants of the tumor are created, lacking the features that would mark them for destruction.

·          Sidestepping: The tumor deflects the immune attack by producing anti-apoptotic proteins that neutralize the immune cells'weaponry.

Prof. Berke holds the Isaac and Elsa Bourla Chair in Cancer Research.
Prof. Gideon Berke.
Life Sciences

DNA Trafficking


Dr. Ziv Reich. Gene smuggling




Though one thousand warrior-filled ships were sent to the ancient city of Troy, the city's layout and impregnable walls saved it from conquest. The turning point, as related in Homer's Iliad, was the famous scheme devised by a shrewd Greek strategist.

The task of gene therapists is no less challenging. Armed with beneficial genes, the tools for the potential recovery of ailing patients, gene therapists must navigate them to the appropriate cells within a ten-trillion-cell body. The scientists then have to pass two barriers: They must smuggle the genes first into these cells, and then into the cell's inner sanctum, the nucleus, which houses the genetic material. Having tackled the first barrier, scientists are now pondering how to overcome the second. The nucleus's "walls"are lined with "sentries"that keep a watchful eye out for anything peculiar. 

At first, viruses seemed well suited to the task because that is exactly what they have been doing for billions of years - penetrating the walls of the cell nuclei to maintain and propagate their genetic material. By replacing the harmful parts of their genetic material with genes intended to help treat a disease, scientists had hoped to use engineered viruses as delivery vehicles.  

However, this method proved problematic: The viruses were sometimes toxic, induced immune and inflammatory responses, and even turned off healthy genes, including genes that suppress tumor growth. And as if that weren't enough, these engineered viruses sometimes underwent mutations that equipped them with additional damaging properties.

As a result, scientists began to experiment with synthetic systems, which are safer than viruses and provide better control. But while scientists could sneak DNA into the cell using these methods, they were usually unable to effectively transport DNA into the nucleus. Past attempts succeeded only in slipping an "unreadable,"and therefore ineffective, form of DNA into the nucleus. (DNA contains genes, which must be "read"to produce the proteins they encode.) And even those attempts were too costly to render gene therapy practicable.

This is where Dr. Ziv Reich of the Weizmann Institute's Biological Chemistry Department and his team came in. They crafted a method for smuggling DNA through the walls of the nucleus under the very noses of the cell's guardians. The method bears an uncanny resemblance to the Trojan horse.

Finding a camouflage

There are two main routes into the nucleus. Molecules less than 8-9 nanometers (one nanometer is a billionth of a meter) in diameter can pass freely through its large pores. Larger molecules, however, must possess special "papers"-  called nuclear localization signals (NLSs) -  which DNA molecules, around 10 nanometers in diameter, don't carry.

To overcome this problem, Reich's team devised an approach in which DNA hitchhikes on a protein that does possess NLS. Reich modifies DNA to include specific binding sites for these proteins, which then transport the DNA into the nucleus, where it is "read."The bound proteins pose no obstacle to the reading process since their natural function is to bind to DNA inside the nucleus. Such modifications can be made readily, accurately, and inexpensively.

In addition, this study contains an unexpected twist. Since a variety of proteins in the cell possess NLS, Reich's group had to decide which family of proteins would play host to the hitchhiking DNA. "We chose the NFkB family,"says Reich, "because they bind strongly to DNA and are inducible, meaning that we can control their entry into the nucleus by sending special signals to the cell."

The NFkB family of proteins proved even more promising than anticipated. While Reich was studying their potential as DNA transportation vehicles, these proteins were discovered to play a central role in several autoimmune diseases, such as asthma and atherosclerosis, as well as in certain types of blood cancers -  especially Hodgkin's disease, a common lymphoma. Whereas NFkB proteins normally enter the nucleus only when an appropriate signal is received, in Hodgkin's cells, they continually shuttle back and forth between the diseased cell's nucleus and its cytoplasm.

This distinction, believes Adi Mesika, one of Reich's doctoral students, could be used to induce Hodgkin's cells to destroythemselves. DNA that contains instructions for self-destruction could infiltrate the nucleus, piggybacking on aberrant NFkB proteins. Since NFkB proteins would not enter the nucleus of healthy cells, onlydiseased cells would self-destruct. This ability to preferentially destroy Hodgkin's cells will soon be investigated in collaboration with physicians on cells obtained from patients diagnosed with this disease.

In parallel to the NFkB approach, another of Reich's students, Saroj Shekhawat, is looking for other proteins that can do the job. The aim, explains Shekhawat, is to find proteins that are specific to certain tissues or organs, or proteins that are active in disease, allowing the targeting of DNA to ailing cells. "We are also looking for proteins that will condense the DNA, making it smaller and therefore easier to import through the nucleus's channels,"he says.

If successful, Reich's special delivery service might be an important factor in developing future gene therapies.

Come into my cell


Dr. Reich's research is supported by the Levine Institute of Applied Science; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Kekst Family Center for Medical Genetics; the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis; the Molecular Imaging Corporation, Phoenix, AZ; Ms. Lois Rosen, Los Angeles, CA; and Teva Pharmaceuticals, Israel. He holds the Abraham and Jennie Fialkow Career Development Chair.



Dr. Ziv Reich.
Life Sciences

Pulling the Strings

Dr. Micha Berkooz. created by vibrations


You'd think physicists would be satisfied. It may have taken them several dozen years, but they did succeed in formulating the Standard Model -  the widely accepted and so far most substan- tiated theory on the structure of matter in the universe. This theory neatly divides particles into several "families,"affected by three forces.

Yet physicists are now striving to show that all forces in nature are different aspects of a single, basic component. If they succeed, they hope to have reconciled the Standard Model with another highly acclaimed theory -  Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which explains gravity. Currently these two landmark achievements don't get along too well.

Dr. Ofer Aharony
The proposed component underpinning all matter and gravity in the universe is called a "string."It's different from the particles described by the Standard Model. For starters, it's much smaller. In fact, a string compares to an atom in the same way that an atom compares to the entire solar system. Second, all the "regular"particles are usually viewed by physicists as points, lacking dimensions such as length, width, or depth. In contrast, a string is believed to have a dimension -  length. It is able to vibrate in different ways, creating a multitude of particles.

Most of these particles, however, can be revealed only under exceedingly high-energy conditions, such as those that existed in the first few moments after the Big Bang. Since it is unlikely that such conditions can be reproduced on Earth, all physicists working on string theory are, unsurprisingly, theoreticians -  like Dr. Ofer Aharony and Dr. Micha Berkooz, who recently joined the Weizmann Institute of Science's Particle Physics Department.

Aharony and Berkooz hope to prove that all particles making up the universe, including a sought-after particle underlying gravity (the graviton), are created by the vibration of strings as they move, unite, and separate. In other words, material reality is determined by the "music"played by these string elements.

In the beginning it seemed that string theory could hold true only in a universe possessing a whopping 26 dimensions. The number of dimensions then dropped to 10, and eventually the theory turned out to require 11 dimensions. (The number depends somewhat on one's definition of "dimension.") This leaves two options: It is either impossible to apply string theory to our four-dimensional universe (three spatial dimensions and one of time) or our universe may indeed consist of 11 dimensions, with seven of them beyond our perception.

Physicists working on string theory have shown that this second option is in fact conceivable as long as one is willing to accept that the extra sevendimensions exist in "folded"form next to the familiar four. According to their calculations, if these additional, folded dimensions are very small, their existence will not contradict the observed picture of material reality.

To understand what is meant by "folded dimensions,"think of an ant crawling along a pipe. When crawling in a straight line along the pipe, the ant is aware of one dimension -  length. If it were to crawl around the pipe's diameter, it would discover an additional dimension. But should the pipe's diameter be very small, much smaller than the ant itself, it would no longer be able to crawl around the pipe and, in effect, would not even be aware of its existence.

String theory physicists propose a picture of the world in which the remaining seven dimensions are so "folded"or "shrunken"that we are unable perceive them. In trying to present our four-dimensional world as a partial view of the string theory universe, scientists are examining how familiar phenomena would appear within the string theory framework.

One such phenomenon isholography, which can be relatively easily shown to occur near black holes and involves the compression of three-dimensional information into the two-dimensional surface of the black hole. Physicists have managed to explain this phenomenon in certain black holes using stringtheory. Aharony and Berkooz are studying additional problems within this system, including the information problem: Can radiation created near a black hole be used to reveal the nature of the matter swallowed up by the hole? For example, if we throw a chair into a black hole, will we be able to describe this chair on the basis of the radiation produced at the site?

Another phenomenon that may occur near black holes is described by the so-called "little string theory."Despite its friendly name, this theory is far more complex than the original string theory: It describes the joint behavior of numerous intertwined strings. Little string theory does not require the existence of a graviton. Aharony and Berkooz are examining whether the strong combination of several strings eliminates the need for this particle.

The "hottest"topic in their research, however, deals with the relationships among strings themselves. What is the relationship between two strings moving in parallel? According to the picture currently painted by string theorists, strings can join or separate after touching each other even for a split second, creating a tiny tunnel that connects them and immediately disappears. Aharony and Berkooz, together with Prof. Eva Silverstein of Stanford University, are now exploring the possibility of an entirely different, less tangible connection between strings, in which strings influence one another without physically converging. The aim, they explain, is to grasp the true nature of such "long-distance relationships."

Left: One string divides into two. Right: two strings unite







Dr. Berkooz holds the Recanati Family Career Development Chair in Energy Research.

Dr. Aharony holds the Joseph and Celia Reskin Career Development Chair.



Left: One sting divides into two. Right: two strings unite
Space & Physics

Ignoring the Siren Song

Dr. Idit Shachar. Inhibiting the autoimmune response


Detecting an intruder, the body sounds an alarm, alerting fighter cells to the site. How this intricate feat is pulled off -  with immune cells coursing through the body's circulatory system knowing exactly which "exit"to take into nearby affected tissues -  has mystified scientists for years (see previous page). Now researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have discovered that equally important lessons may be gleaned from cells that perform the exact opposite -  running away from trouble like the plague.

Dr. Idit Shachar of the Institute's Immunology Department and her Ph.D. student Liat Flaishon found that young B cells (a class of immune cells known as lymphocytes) veer away from distressed areas, in marked contrast to their adult counterparts. Shachar wondered what mechanism was protecting them from getting caught on the front lines at a young age, when they were ill-equipped to survive. And more importantly, she thought, could this mechanism possibly be used to remove adult immune cells from the battlefield when, as occasionally happens, the immune response goes awry, attacking the body itself?

Inappropriate immune responses occur when the body's call for help turns out to be a false alarm and, in the absence of an invader the mobilized lymphocytes end up attacking the host, or when lymphocytes overreact at the height of an attack. This kind of attack could cause problems ranging from mild inflammation to life-threatening diseases, including asthma, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes.

Shachar's team found that in contrast to adult lymphocytes, which have long been known to secrete high levels of a substance called interferon gamma, young B-cells secrete only minute levels of this substance. Small quantities of interferon gamma short-circuit the young B-cells' ability to reach the site of trouble.

After discerning this substance's exact mode of action, Shachar and her group, including Dr. Ian Topilski and Flaishon (who is also a physician), set out to determine whether interferon gamma could indeed be used to inhibit the combative action of adult immune cells. To do so, they created an asthma model using mice. Asthma, a very common inflammatory disease, is a particularly dangerous immunological overreaction, in which lymphocytes swarm the lymph nodes of the lungs, thickening the bronchial walls and making breathing difficult or impossible.

The results of the initial experiments were encouraging: Minute doses of interferon gamma dramatically reduced bronchial inflammation in asthmatic mice. Shachar now plans to administer interferon gamma to mice during late-stage asthmatic episodes to determine whether it can alleviate an acute crisis. Ultimately, she intends to apply the treatment to asthmatic humans -  an experiment for which Ichilov Hospital has recently given approval. Concurrently, she is running experiments using interferon gamma to suppress other types of inflammation and has achieved heartening preliminary results for colitis.

Veering away from distress


Dr. Shachar's research is supported by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Philip M. Klutznick Fund, Chicago, IL; the Weizmann Institute of Science - Yale Exchange Program; Mr. Mauricio Gerson, Mexico; and Mr. Udi Angel, Israel. She is the incumbent of the Trudy and Alvin Levine Career Development Chair.

Idit Shachar.
Life Sciences

Natural Selection in the Lab

Dr. Dan Tawfik. Evolution in the making


Closely watching over a complex soup consisting mainly of genes, Dr. Dan Tawfik adds a generous dose of oil. What emerges is a vast array of tiny suspended water droplets. It is in these droplets -  holding one gene each -  that he hopes to find answers to some of the most fundamental questions of life.

"What dictates natural selection and evolution?"asks Tawfik, of the Weizmann Institute's Biological Chemistry Department. "Take proteins, the basic building blocks of our body. In theory, there could exist 2050 variations of the shortest proteins we know of, not to mention the longer ones. If all possibilities were realized, the proteins would weigh more than our entire planet. How does nature choose a select few?"

The answers to these questions had been sought by scientists long before Tawfik came on the scene. Their research, however, was conducted with living cells, which posed many problems. Cells contain countless factors that could influence research results. In addition, the kinds of forces driving selection that can be tested in living cells are limited.

Tawfik, who studies enzymes (proteins that catalyze critical processes in the body), found an original solution: He constructed simplified cell models in which the only unknown is the selection process. His method, developed in collaboration with Dr. Andrew Griffiths of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, promises to revolutionize research in this field. It enables researchers to scrutinize many billions of samples in a single experiment, compared to a mere one thousand to a million using standard techniques.

The recipe

How is this done? Tawfik: First, decide what new traits your evolved enzyme should have. Then, for raw material, take an existing enzyme (without the desired traits). Make myriad copies of the gene behind the production of that enzyme, deliberately causing many mutations in the process. The logic behind this step is that at least one of the mutated genes will produce an enzyme with the desired traits. Add the supplies the genes would need to produce an enzyme and, mixing them with oil, create an emulsion (the droplets -  or simplified "artificial cells"-  each contain one gene and the essential supplies needed to produce an enzyme). Use a chemical process, also crafted by Tawfik, to ensure that the only genes surviving the emulsion are those that undergo mutations leading to the creation of the desired new enzyme. The others will be destroyed or washed away.

The next step is to see how the selected genes evolve. Choose the most efficient genes surviving the emulsion process and again make many copies of them, adding the supplies they need to produce an enzyme. Add oil, again producing an emulsion. Repeat the whole process of mutation and selection of the efficient genes. After many such cycles, highly evolved genes will emerge. These can direct the manufacture of fast, effective enzymes. The improvement in rate can be by a factor of many millions.

Evolution in takes

"Since this is a multistage process,"says Tawfik, "we can see evolution in the making, which is very important. Take two photos -  one of a baby and another of that person as an adult -  and you may not be able to tell that they are both the same person. However, if you have a series of pictures in between -  of the baby developing into a young boy and then into a young man -  you can link one to another and gain an understanding of how the outcome was reached."

Flexibility pays off

Some of Tawfik's findings point to a possible answer to the original question -  why certain proteins are chosen over others -  as it pertains to enzymes. It seems that nature may prefer enzymes that have the capacity to be jacks-of-all-trades.

Enzymes are known for their specificity -  they bind to specific materials to make a product. Tawfik found, however, that some enzymes can inadvertently perform other tasks. "The tasks may not be performed with great efficiency and might not even be apparent under normal conditions, but the fact that the capability exists and could, if needed, help the organism survive, makes these enzymes preferable and provides a vital springboard for the evolution of new enzymes."

In the years to come, Tawfik's method, which mimics the great driving force of evolution, might offer the opportunity to harness nature to yield a wide range of valuable new enzymes with important applications in chemistry, biotechnology, and medicine. And, equally captivating, it might also reveal the story of evolution, enhancing our understanding of how nature's expert machinery has evolved.

Emulsion for rapid gene analysis

Dr. Tawfik's research is supported by the Henry S. and Anne Reich Family Foundation, Washington, DC; the Estelle Funk Foundation, South El Monte, CA; Yad Hanadiv, Israel; the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; and the Dolfi and Lola Ebner Center for Biomedical Research. He holds the Elaine Blond Career Development Chair.


Emulsion for rapid gene analysis
Life Sciences

Looking for Trouble

Dr. Ronen Alon. Simulating blood flow


It looks like Monday morning rush hour viewed from high above. Hundreds of tiny dots are scurrying down the screen while a parallel fleet heads north. Every once in a while, one of these bright spots stops in its tracks, turns left or right, and subsequently disappears from view.

It's not a traffic update, but an image captured by a system that simulates blood vessel functioning. This type of video footage is increasingly shedding new light on the traffic-law-like mechanisms governing immune cell behavior. Developed by a team headed by Dr. Ronen Alon of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department, this modeling system is made up of cells coupled with sophisticated imaging and data processing machinery.

"By building blood vessels from scratch outside the body, we essentially construct a highly controlled and selective environment for examining how key circulatory players interact," Ronen explains. "We're focusing our efforts on one of the most mysterious processes in immunology -  how immune cells squeeze through blood vessels on their way to fight infection."

Every minute, millions of white blood cells, the immune system's "soldiers, "leave the circulatory vessels to patrol body tissues, looking for signs of infection or injury. They respond to special "stop-sign"molecules displayed on blood vessel walls.

Unfortunately, this efficient system is exploited by cancerous cells, which also migrate through the blood, metastasizing in distant parts of the body. The cancer cells are able to identify and respond to the stop-sign molecules, gaining access to neighboring tissue. Identifying these signaling molecules and understanding how they function may therefore yield a powerful tool for controlling the immune system and blocking the spread of metastatic cancer cells.

In responding to a signal from infected tissue, a migrating immune cell first rolls to a halt and begins to flatten on the blood vessel wall. It must then squeeze through the layer of endothelial cells that make up that wall. Using their modeling system, Alon's team, which included graduate student Guy Cinamon and Dr. Vera Shinder of the Institute's Electron Microscopy Unit, has now revealed how stop-sign molecules, called chemokines, control this process.

Arriving from neighboring tissues, chemokines enter the circulatory system, where they display themselves on the vessel wall. Each chemokine flags down a different type of immune cell, using cell-specific "passwords" to recruit the cell best suited to the immune task at hand, similar to the way a traffic policeman would call in an ambulance, fire engine, or tow truck, according to need. The team's study, published in Nature Immunology, shows that chemokines also provide directions into the tissue, guiding the immune cell along its short migratory route, from the time it slows down and stops on the blood vessel wall until its point of exit.

To their surprise, however, the team discovered in subsequent experiments that the chemokine signal is not in itself enough for cell migration to occur. It turns out that even if the right chemical signals are present, the immune cells won't exit the blood vessel unless they sense certain mechanical factors inherent to blood flow.

This finding challenges the traditional perception of blood flow. While pausing on the vessel wall, immune cells are continuously exposed to blood flow, which threatens to carry them away from the exit site, much like a stone is swept along a riverbed. But this new study demonstrates, for the first time, that blood flow actually plays a vital role in helping them across vessel walls: When flow is absent in the model system, the immune cells remain "stuck"at the exit site for a short while, after which they return to the circulatory system.

These new insights into cell migration from the circulatory system may contribute to future therapies that fine-tune migration processes -  enhancing beneficial immune responses while blocking undesirable migration, such as that of cancerous cells. 

Dr. Alon's research is supported by the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of the Life Sciences, Switzerland. He holds the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.
Dr. Ronen Alon. Taking the right exit
Life Sciences

Veni, Vidi, Veto


Prof. Yair Reisner. Vetoing their own destruction

"You don't assign him murder cases. You just turn him loose," claimed promos for Dirty Harry, a popular film of the 1970s starring Clint Eastwood. This daredevil cop-hero may now have a cellular counterpart fighting disease -  a special type of cell that helps counter transplant rejection. When about to be attacked by another cell, this cell "draws" first and promptly destroys the attacker. Scientists refer to this cellular feat as "veto" activity because the cell has veto power over its own destruction.

Weizmann Institute researchers suggest that veto cells may have the ability to improve bone marrow transplantation, now performed mainly in leukemia patients, and make such treatment worthwhile for patients with non-lethal blood disorders. (In a bone marrow transplantation, stem cells from the donor's bone marrow are transplanted into that of the patient.) In the future, veto cells may also facilitate the transplantation of such organs as the heart, liver, and kidneys.

Until recently, doctors believed that for stem cell transplantations to succeed, a full match between the donor and recipient was necessary. Patients having no donor among their siblings must search the general population, but for roughly half of them a donor is found too late or not at all.

Over the past decade, Prof. Yair Reisner of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department, together with Prof. Massimo Martelli of Italy's Perugia University, has conducted research that has enabled transplants of partially matched stem cells in leukemia patients. Using this method, donor and recipient need be matched for only three of six immunological markers. Such a match is always present between parents and children, and there is a 75% chance of finding it among siblings. If the search includes the extended family, more than 95% of patients can find a donor.

Hundreds of patients throughout Europe have been treated using this approach, yielding significant success rates, according to the New England Journal of Medicine and other publications. These results indicate that mismatched transplants can be as effective as those in which donor and recipient are fully matched. Phase 1 studies are currently under way in major centers in the United States, and the European Bone Marrow Transplantation Society has recently launched a prospective study in more than 30 medical centers throughout Europe.

A key element of Reisner's approach is the use of extremely large doses of donor marrow, which literally overwhelm the recipient's rejection mechanism. The donor is treated with hormone injections that release a large number of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream, from where they are selectively removed. But how does bombarding the patient with a megadose of donor stem cells prevent transplant rejection? "Strength in numbers sounds simple enough," says Reisner. "Yet what are the underlying mechanisms?"

In two new studies, Reisner and his team members -  Dr. Esti Bachar-Lustig, Rita Krauthgamer, Judith Gan, and doctoral students Shlomit Reich-Zeliger and Hilit Gur -  provided insights into this riddle.  They showed that the key to success lies in stem cells endowed with potent veto activity, which are capable of protecting themselves against rejection by the body's immune system. When these cells sense that they are about to be attacked, they impose their veto by selectively killing off the attacking immune cells without harming the rest of the patient's immune system. The success of megadoses would thus result from veto cells being present in larger numbers.

It may be possible to harness this veto mechanism to make bone marrow transplantation less demanding on the body. Currently, to reduce the risk of transplant rejection, the patient's immune system is suppressed using large doses of drugs and radiation that in themselves can be lethal. Reisner has shown that the number of veto cells can be increased 80-fold, and he proposes using larger numbers of such cells in a transplant. This approach should allow doctors to use lower drug radiation levels prior to transplantation, which in turn should reduce the side effects and the risk of mortality associated with the procedure.

While bone marrow transplantation is still considered too risky for patients with non-lethal diseases such as thalassemia and sickle-cell anemia, Reisner's gentler transplantation procedure may be appropriate for these diseases. The veto mechanism could improve the success rate of organ transplants as well: Veto stem cells could be injected at the time of the transplant to serve as "bodyguards" that prevent rejection of the transplanted organ.

Prof. Reisner's research is supported by the Gabrielle Rich Leukemia Research Foundation, Switzerland; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the UBS Optimus Foundation, Switzerland; Mrs. Erica Drake, New York; the Ligue Nationale Francaise Contre Le Cancer, France; Mrs. Renee Companez, Australia; and Stanley A. Lewis, New York, NY. He holds the Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair in Immunology.
Prof. Yair Reisner. Cells on a hair trigger
Life Sciences

The Physics of Bargaining

Umansky, Heiblum, Chung and Mahalu. A third the price


We don't expect nature to negotiate. Yet Weizmann Institute scientists have shown recently that nature sometimes has a surprisingly opportunistic streak.

This phenomenon was revealed in an experiment examining the behavior of particles whose electric charge is one-third that of an electron. These particles were first observed several years ago by Prof. Moty Heiblum and members of his team at the Condensed Matter Physics Department.

Until recently, the accepted wisdom was that the charge of an electron, first measured some 80 years ago by American physicist Robert Millikan, was the smallest basic unit of electric charge. However, in 1982, American physicist Robert Laughlin explained certain electronic phenomena by proposing a theory based on the assumption that, under certain conditions, the electric current gives rise to "quasi"particles, each of which carries an electric charge smaller than the basic charge of a single electron (one-third, one-fifth, one-seventh, or even smaller, depending on the circumstances).

The first evidence that Laughlin's theory was correct was supplied some four years ago by the Weizmannscientists, who managed, for the first time, to measure an electric charge one-third that of a single electron. This evidence played an important role in the decision to grant Robert Laughlin, Horst Stoermer, and Daniel Tsui the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics. However, the properties of quasi particles remained a mystery, and Heiblum's team continued to pursue them.

In one series of experiments, the scientists examined how quasi particles act when they run into an obstacle. They discovered that when particles with one-third the charge of an electron arrive en masse at a tall barrier, they "join forces,"creating partnerships of three (that is, together forming a whole electron). Only then are they able to penetrate the obstacle and reach the other side. This cooperative effort has since become known as one of their basic properties.

However, in a more recent series of experiments, the scientists created a beam in which each quasi particle was separated from the others and thus arrived at the barrier alone. The scientists had predicted that the individual particles would be unable to penetrate the tall barrier, but much to their surprise it turned out that when a single particle ran into the obstacle, it was able to cross to the other side!

This event can be compared to bargaining at a toll booth. Imagine that a highway inspector charges all drivers who arrive en masse a toll of three dollars, but when a particular driver arrives alone with only one dollar, the inspector makes sure nobody is watching and agrees to let him pass through at one-third the price. "One would expect to encounter such a phenomenon, say, in the market, where people bargain over price,"says Heiblum, "but laws of nature are supposed to have more 'integrity.'They are expected to be 'unbiased'and consistent."Heiblum's team included graduatestudent Eyal Comforti, visiting scientist Dr. Yungchul Chung, Dr. Vladimir Umansky, and Dr. Diana Mahalu. The scientists are now searching for a theory to explain the hidden logic allowing nature to bend its own rules.

Prof. Heiblum's research is supported by the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Center for Submicron Research; Dan and Hermann Mayer, France; the Wolfson Family Foundation Charitable Trust; Mr. Hugo Ramniceanu, France; Mr. Uzi Zucker, New York, NY; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simpson, Delray Beach, FL; and Mr. Joe Gurwin, Kings Point, NY. He holds the Alex and Ida Sussman Chair in Submicron Electronics.
Dr. Vladimir Umansky, Prof. Moty Heiblum, Dr. Yungchul Chung, and Dr. Diana Mahalu. Negotiating skills
Space & Physics
